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Word Perfect - Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Hữu Hạnh - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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Unit 8 Stubborn / Determined Part 1 1 stubborn [''stʌbən] refusing to move, change your mind, co operate etc bướng bỉnh; ương ngạnh She’s so stubborn that once she''s made up her mind, She’ll never list[.]

Unit 8: Part Stubborn / Determined 1- stubborn ['stʌbən] refusing to move, change your mind, co-operate etc.: bướng bỉnh; ương ngạnh She’s so stubborn that once she's made up her mind, She’ll never listen to anything that you say 2- obstinate ['ɒbstənət] stubborn, in spite of attempts to persuade you to something else : ngoan cố There's no point in arguing with her - she's far- too obstinate to listen 3- pig-headed: stubborn and obstinate (often used when people are very angry and want to talk about someone who is stubborn) bướng bỉnh ngoan cố (thường dùng người ta tức giận muốn nói người bướng bỉnh) For goodness' sake, stop being so pig-headed! It's obvious we've taken the wrong road, so why are you insisting that we haven' t ? 4- awkward ['ɔ:kwəd] uncooperative; difficult to deal with: hợp tác; khó quan hệ I want him to change his plans, but he's being awkward 5- to persist [pə'sist] (with sth / in doing sth) to continue stubbornly to something, in spite of opposition or difficulty: cố chấp; kiên gan If you persist with this kind of behavior, I shall he forced to sack you Must you persist in phoning me? I've already told you I don't want to see you She persisted and eventually mastered the computer 6- persistent [pə'sistənt] continuing stubbornly to something, in spite of opposition or difficulty : kiên trì ; bền bỉ If he hadn't been so persistent, he wouldn't have got his money back 7- persistence [pə'sistəns] the action of persisting : tính bền bỉ ; kiên trì It was only after a great deal of persistence that got a satisfactory answer 8- to pester ['pestə] (s.o.) : to persist in asking or telling someone to something, in a way that is annoying : làm phiền ai(làm khó chịu quấy rầy đòi hỏi thường xuyên) - The kids have been pestering us to get a video for so long that we've finally agreed to buy one - I really don't like it when people come up to you in the street and pester you for money - Don't pester me now with your complaints! 9- to be set in your ways: to have a fixed routine and fixed ideas, which you refuse to change in any way: kiên thói quen/ thái độ; cố định không thay đổi When people get older, they tend to get set in their ways - eating at the same time every day, and so on Part 1- determined [di'tə:mind] (to sth): knowing exactly what you want to and refusing to let anything stop you: kiên quyết; (quyết tâm làm gì) She's a very determined woman and I'm sure her business will be a success I'm determined to finish this, however long it takes 2- determination [di,tə:mi'nei∫n] the quality of being determined: tính cương It takes a lot of determination to succeed in a competition business 3- single-minded determined in following only one aim: cương theo đuổi mục đích She's so single-minded about her career that she’s never considered marriage or children 4- to persevere [,pə:si'viə(r)] to continue to something with determination, in spite of difficulties: kiên trì ; bền gan She persevered and eventually became quite good at playing the violin 5- persevering [,pə:si'viəriη] continuing to something with determination, in spite of difficulties: kiên nhẫn ; bền chí She's a persevering student and should well 6- perseverance [,pə:si'viərənt] the quality of persevering : tính kiên trì; bền chí If it hadn't been for- the perseverance of one police office, the murderer would never have been found 7- to keep at (sth) to persevere with something : kiên trì (chuyện gì) I know maths is a difficult Subject, but if you keep at it, I'm sure you'll get to understand it 8- not to take no for an answer: to be determined not to allow someone to say no: kiên không cho trả lời không I've told him that I'm not interested, but he won't take no for an answer 9- to stick to (sth): to be determined in refusing to change (a decision, promise etc.) kiên không thay đổi(quyết định / lời hứa);bám lấy ; kiên trì That’s my decision and I'm sticking to it Exercises: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence 1- He’s not to 'make the same mistakes as before A obstinate B stubborn C determined D persevering 2- It’s no use trying to persuade him that he's wrong He's too to change his mind A stubborn B persistent C persevering D single-minded 3- Learning to drive can be difficult, but I'm sure that if you… you'll be able to it eventually A persevere B keep at C determine D stick to 4- Everybody wanted to go to the cinema except Anne, who had to be by saying she wanted to go to the theatre A single-minded B persistent C persevering D awkward 5- The sales assistant was very , and if I didn't like one dress, she would insist on me trying another A pig-headed B persistent C intent D single-minded 6- He's been her to go out with him for months A persisting B persevering C pestering D sticking to 7- She deserves her success because she's been very A persevering B awkward C pig-headed D set 8- Do as your father tells you, and don't be so ! A set in your ways B obstinate C determined D persevering 2- The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space Fill each blank in this way EXAMPLE: We had an interesting discussion about football DISCUSS I lost my temper because he was being so and was refusing to accept that he was wrong, despite all the evidence HEAD I was very impressed by his DETERMINE Her was finally rewarded when they agreed they had sent her the wrong bill PERSIST His success is due to hard work and PERSEVERE She's so t hat she won't let anything stand in the way of her ambition MIND 3- Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word I told him that I didn't want to go, but he wouldn't for an answer She stuck her promise to write to him every day He persisted doing it himself, even though it was quite clear that he wasn't capable of doing it properly When it comes to the kind of music he likes, he's very his ways Keep it! You've nearly finished The Government is persisting its plans to increase taxes, despite opposition Unit 7.1 ID 2B 3A 4B 5C 6B 7D 8B 9C 10A 7.2 self-conscious boast brag bossy modest self-confidence show off condescending/ patronising big-headed down to 10 confident 11 domineering 12 below / beneath 13 self-confident 14 down on 15 boasting bragging about 16 confidence ... finish this, however long it takes 2- determination [di,tə:mi'nei∫n] the quality of being determined: tính cương It takes a lot of determination to succeed in a competition business 3- single-minded... A persevering B awkward C pig-headed D set 8- Do as your father tells you, and don't be so ! A set in your ways B obstinate C determined D persevering 2- The word in capitals at the end of... 9C 10A 7.2 self-conscious boast brag bossy modest self-confidence show off condescending/ patronising big-headed down to 10 confident 11 domineering 12 below / beneath 13 self-confident 14 down

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 16:24
