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Application Of Auxiliary Equipment In Special Teaching And Training Of Tennis In Vietnam Can Tho University

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分类号 密级 学校代码:10277 U D C 编号 学 号:1716111031 博士学位论文 辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学 训练中的运用 Application of auxiliary equipment in special teaching and training of Tennis in Vietnam Can Tho University 院系: 体育教育训练学院 专业: 体育训练学 姓名: 黎阮玉燕 指导教师: 张宏杰 教授 递交日期: 2021 年 12 月 学位授予单位: 上海体育学院 学位论文原创性声明 本人呈交的学位论文是在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研 究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其 他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究工作做出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中做了明确说明并表示谢意。 论文作者: 日期:2021 年 12 月 18 日 学位论文版权使用授权声明 本人完全了解中华人民共和国学位论文条例及上海体育学院有关 保留、使用学位论文的规定,学校有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部 门或其指定机构送交论文。学校图书馆有非赢利使用权,有权将学位 论文编入数据库进行检索。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 论文作者: 导师: 日期:2021 年 12 月 18 日 日期:2021 年 12 月 18 日 关于论文出版授权的声明 授权学校将本人的学位论文提交至清华大学“中国学术期刊(光 盘版)电子杂志社”进行电子和网络出版,并编入 CNKI 系列数据库, 传播本学位论文的全部或部分内容,同意按《中国优秀博硕士学位论 文全文数据库出版章程》享受相关权益。 论文级别:□硕士 专业、领域: √ 博士 论文题目:辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学训练中的运用 作者签名: 导师签名: 2021 年 12 月 18 日 辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学训练中的运用 摘 要 研究目的 (1)了解辅助器材在越南网球教学训练中的运用情况。 (2)通过教学训练实验来验证辅助器材对于提高芹苴大学男生网球专业学生 基本技术的有效性。 研究方法 科学的教学训练方法是提高网球运动竞技水平的重要途径。然而,由于受到教 练来源等多种因素的影响,越南网球运动的教学训练水平整体较低。为完善越南高 校网球专项教学训练体系,提高网球专项教学训练的理论和实践水平,研究首先应 用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、实验法等研究方法,调查研究越南高校 网球教学训练中辅助器材的使用情况;然后,研究基于专家问卷调查结果和辅助器 材的使用情况调查结果,设计了辅助器材的训练干预实验。运用实验法将 24 名具 有 年以上训练经历的芹苴大学网球专项学生被试随机分配到实验组和对照组;分 别在实验前、实验中(12 个月)和实验后(18 个月)对实验组和对照组被试网球 基本技术水平进行三次测试,并通过横向和纵向比较分析,探索网球教学训练中辅 助器材的运用对网球基本技术教学训练的影响。 研究结果 (1)实验组和对照组网球基本技术测试成绩表明实验前两组在击球测试和 ITN 测试成绩上无显著性差异。 (2)经过 12 个月和 18 个月训练之后与实验前相比,对照组基本技术水平显 著提升,但是,后期 18 个月的进步程度有所降低,这说明常规的教学方法虽然对 网球专项学生技术发展具有积极的影响力,但其增长率呈逐渐下降趋势。 (3)经过 12 个月和 18 个月的训练后,实验组取得较大的训练效果,所有测 试指标的结果均显著提升,具有一定的统计学意义。 (4)经过 12 个月和 18 个月的训练后与对照组相比,实验组使用辅助工具训练 后的专项基本技术水平进步程度更大,且其增长幅度显著大于对照组。 I 研究结论 (1)当前辅助器材在越南高校网球教学训练中的应用普遍较少,这可能是制 约越南网球教学训练水平的重要因素。 (2)越南芹苴大学网球专项学生的基本技术水平较低;经过训练干预,无论 是实验组还是对照组,被试的网球技术水平都得到普遍提高;但对照组被试的技术 水平增长有逐渐放缓的趋势,而在实验组中未发现该趋势。结果说明,使用辅助器 材能帮助教练员对网球专项学生的技术进行客观全面的诊断,进而可以更准确地提 出改进运动技术动作的方案。 (3)经过训练干预后,无论是在击球效果方面还是在基本技术准确性和规范 性方面,实验组被试都明显优于对照组被试,结果说明,运用的辅助器材的教学训 练方法明显优于常规教学训练方法。换言之,通过使用发球机,抛球训练机,正反 手练习器,测速器,步伐训练器,截击训练器等辅助器材不仅能有效提高网球专项 学生技术动作的灵活性和熟练程度,进而可以提高技术动作的准确性和稳定性。 关键词: 越南芹苴大学;网球基本技术;辅助器材;ITN 测试。 辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学训练中的运用 Abstract Research Purpose (1) Understand the use of auxiliary equipment in Vietnamese tennis teaching and training (2) Verify the effectiveness of auxiliary equipment in developing and improving the basic skills of male tennis majors in Can Tho University through teaching and training experiments Research methods Scientific teaching and training method is an important way to improve the competitive level of tennis However, due to the influence of subject and object factors, the overall level of tennis teaching and training in Vietnam is lower In order to improve the teaching and training system of tennis in universities in Vietnam and improve the theoretical and practical level of tennis teaching and training, the study first investigate the using of auxiliary training equipment in tennis teaching and training in universities in Vietnam Then, based on the using of auxiliary training equipment in universities, the study designed the auxiliary training equipment training intervention experiment Twenty-four students with more than two years of training experience were randomly assigned to the experimental group and control group Tennis auxiliary training equipment training intervention was designed based on the results of research mentioned above Before, during (12 months) and after (18 months) the experiment, the experimental group and the control group were measured for three times, and the influence of the use of auxiliary equipment in tennis teaching and training on the basic technology teaching and training was explored through cross-sectional and longitudinal comparative analysis Research Results (1) The test scores of basic tennis skills between the experimental group and the control group showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the batting test and ITN test scores (2) In comparison with the pre-practice phase, the basic technical level of the control group improved after 12 and 18 months of training This proved the effectiveness of the traditional teaching method in developing the techniques of students majoring in tennis; however, after 18 months, the development of these techniques tended to decline III 辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学训练中的运用 (3) Compared to the pre-practice phase, the basic technical level of the experimental group improved moderately the 12-month training and the 18-month training (4) After 12 and 18 months of training with the use of auxiliary equipment, the basic technical level of the experimental group enhanced markedly and even surpassed that of the control group Research Conclusion (1) At present, the application of auxiliary equipment in tennis teaching and training in Vietnamese universities is generally less, which restricts the improvement of teaching and training level (2) The basic technical levels of the tennis students at Can Tho University in Vietnam is relatively low; after training and intervention, both the experimental and the control groups have generally improved the subjects’ tennis technical level; however, the technical level of the control group has increased A descending trend, which was not found in the experimental group The results show that the use of auxiliary equipment can help coaches make an objective and comprehensive diagnosis the skills of tennis-specialized students, and thereby it is possible to propose more accurately the sports technique improvement actions (3) After the training intervention, the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in terms of polishing efficiency or in terms of accuracy and basic technical standards The results show that the teaching and training method using ancillary equipment is clearly better than the conventional teaching and training methods In other words, through the use of serving machines, tossing machines, forehand and backhand machines, tachometers, speed training equipment, passing drills and other ancillary equipment not only can effectively improve the flexibility and mastery of tennis technical movements of students but also improve the accuracy and stability of engineering operations Keywords: Vietnam Can tho university; tennis basic technique; auxiliary training equipment; ITN test IV 辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学训练中的运用 目 摘 录 要 I Abstract III 1.前言 1.1 选题依据 1.1.1 网球运动已在越南高校普遍开展,但竞技水平较低 1.1.2 越南高校网球训练方法需要创新 1.1.3 越南高校网球教学训练使用辅助器材的必要性 1.2 选题目的 1.3 选题意义 文献综述 2.1 网球运动项目特征 2.2 网球基本技术及其运动学研究 2.2.1 关于网球基本技术的研究 2.2.2 网球击球动作的运动学模式 16 2.3 现代网球技术教学训练的现状及运动员训练研究 18 2.3.1 现代网球技术教学训练的现状研究 18 2.3.2 现代网球运动员的训练研究 20 2.4 辅助器材的概念及其在网球基本技术教学训练中的运用 24 2.4.1 辅助器材的相关概念 24 2.4.2 辅助器材训练对网球运动初学者的影响 25 2.4.3 辅助器材的工具借鉴及其在教学实践中的运用 31 2.4.4 网球辅助器材在教学训练中的应用及效果 35 2.5 小结 38 研究对象和方法 39 3.1 研究对象 39 3.2 研究方法 39 3.2.1 文献资料法 39 V 辅助器材在越南芹苴大学网球专项教学训练中的运用 3.2.2 问卷调查法 39 3.2.3 实验法 40 3.2.4 数理统计法 51 研究结果与分析 52 4.1 研究结果 52 4.1.1 越南高校网球教学训练中辅助器材使用情况 52 4.1.2 实验前实验组和对照组基本技术比较 54 4.1.3 对照组实验前后的网球基本技术对比 55 4.1.4 实验组实验前后网球基本技术对比 60 4.1.5 实验组和对照组 12 个月和 18 个月训练干预后网球基本技术对比 65 4.2 讨论与分析 73 4.2.1 越南高校网球教学训练中辅助器材的使用情况 73 4.2.2 对照组纵向比较分析 73 4.2.3 实验组纵向比较分析 74 4.2.4 实验组和对照组横向比较分析 76 结论及建议 79 5.1 结论 79 5.2 建议 79 5.3 研究不足 79 附录 81 参考文献 125 致谢 130 VI ... in Vietnam and improve the theoretical and practical level of tennis teaching and training, the study first investigate the using of auxiliary training equipment in tennis teaching and training. .. influence of subject and object factors, the overall level of tennis teaching and training in Vietnam is lower In order to improve the teaching and training system of tennis in universities in. .. Understand the use of auxiliary equipment in Vietnamese tennis teaching and training (2) Verify the effectiveness of auxiliary equipment in developing and improving the basic skills of male tennis

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 16:03


