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Synthesis and Pharmacological Actions of 5 Adenylmethylenediphos

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Loyola University Chicago Loyola eCommons Dissertations Theses and Dissertations 1959 Synthesis and Pharmacological Actions of 5' Adenylmethylenediphosphonate: An Analog of APT James Wendell Flesher Loyola University Chicago Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.luc.edu/luc_diss Part of the Medicine and Health Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Flesher, James Wendell, "Synthesis and Pharmacological Actions of 5' Adenylmethylenediphosphonate: An Analog of APT" (1959) Dissertations 568 https://ecommons.luc.edu/luc_diss/568 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Loyola eCommons It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons For more information, please contact ecommons@luc.edu This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Copyright © 1959 James Wendell Flesher SYiltHfSIS MID PHAJVtf\C£'JLOOlr.A.L J\!rflnm Ul~ S A':D~laU1l::TllfLFJJErIPHOOPH1)NA'i'E A}; AJ!,U.OO A1P bI' Jamoa ft'.~ll l"lHOOr A d1uel'tat1on Suta1 ttod to t,he Faoul ot the Ol'oouatG School of Loyola !jn1~ty in Partial Ful!'1.11l'llOnt th~ Requ.iJ!lIl!rn(!H'lt& for the Degree ot Decto!' of Ph1lo8opl~ ot The autbor was b!CIrn on June 24, 192$ in Chicago nUnois I wh;:%'e he had h1s prtu.ry and eecond.a.ry fttifueatlon He spent three years in t1" Anq L"ld Air ?oroe during World "'jar II Ue took M.e E'.S degree in 191&9 frClll Northftu1iern University From 19$0 to 19$1 he 'ffU • R• •arch technioian at U" Institute of t'adlobiology and 31opt4"51ctf, U%d.veralty hie ~-:rad1late or Chicago In 19>1, he began work at ! c:ry'ola, and wu awarded l'Wter of Soience deuee in June 19SL From 19$1 to 19S5 he wu a control and refining chemist for lever arothere 1955 C~ in the F;dible Fate and 0118 dlvi.ion Tn he bee rU8M'Cb teahniclan inc tbe DepartMnt of' Biological Cheal.try, Universit.y of 1111n!lu He 18 a mtmber of tr e Alllerican A.S8OC iatl em tar the Advaooe_nt of' SeilJl'lOe 111 ! wish to expreu ntf far help received t:lVer' 'fo 'Or Y If the appl'G01atl~ c~ ~t to a mltlber of individuals or tJ-J investigation for hi continu.ed i.nt.erest and encourage- ment as adviser, to Dr T C 1"fyen tor directing the eh$!dca.l 9t1.1'c1108, and to M!lherS of the fJepartMnt or ?ha'nlr.acology for valu.a'ble conoerning these st11diee, the author 15 deeply grateful 1" sU!!,r;_tit)Q8 • phosphatee • • • H:tpothuia tor the ~cb&n~ cf act.lon of adenoa1M der1vat1vee • • • • • • 'Abe l."'lP01"t.ancs of armlQg6 ot natural metaboliWe • • to~olo'l1 Analogs of nucleoside phoepbatos • It Bta~nt of the probleD D BackRl"OW'ld of the problem • " • • of adenoei!w Introduct.ion w t.llt' p~{)logy ) It ' It • " • • e • • 10 • 11 ae1rl anaJ.ogfJ of nucleoside pnOliJpnaW8 s l>hoepllOnic Properties oonpU"ed with phosphates \")i G !!etbod r>t appJ:"Oach A.?~ol~ 1cal mood t,.:, UW problem • • •• • 12 13 methods ~ure l."'eBp1rato1"1 eh~ ~)hO$'f:'honatos 1 and @loctroeardiograph1c ," ~th ""1\.016 e:t"'tecta • •• • • • • • • ) Striated l'!fw.H31o ef'fect ~., • •• • • 'I " Ih };r1cUtatlng ~b~ prep~t.ton • • • • • B Method of may for Hemk:tnase iitud1ea • • • • C Syntbet10 Pbosphon1a acid malog of Ii TP (tƠPe n} ã ã ?hoaphom.c acid analog of um l (type I) ) ChaNcttmation and datem1nnt1on of propert1f'4 2l 22 of ATP analog • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 III RESULTS J\ Pha.mAcologto 'i'he ~()1'" .3 rotJpOrlSfJ 1, erf~ot on th8 ~~1rat1on • • • 'i'he eiectrocardto"rAPh:1c ohlmp& in the cat • v '\ ?~ nrrect on 1so1n:l>~d rabbi t il&UFI1 'i1~ (ltt't'et on the tib1n11a anticus preparation • • Nictitating ~brano preparaGion • • • •• Inhibl t.inn of heXokinasll1 Y.'f\'Actton by analog • • • • • • •• s n 44 Sh 56 S8 C ,fynt hetic P~t1,on and Pl'tl'IXI!'t1es of S· adenyl'M8thylen.ed1phoa~te PN'pal'ation of urid1na S' tbylened1pb~bonate •• IV • • • Pbarmaeologto • • • • • • Synt.het1e • • • • • • • • • 'DISCUSS!ON OF lU:SUL1'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • •'" • 61 6It 61 •• 61 12 7S 77 Aj:':F1\NDrx • • • • • • • • • • • • • at A lJ v •• • • · • 10 • • II · • I II COKPARUFm >,F THE D9t~DIA'll: li)fRLSSJR AC7IVI'1'lES OF VJillIOUS aJRIJ"), rLRrlA'tIVf~; IN 1'if' CAT • • • • • " IN m:.oon P':{n;r;UR IN A CA'T AN1SS',('H!''!'IZID;: WI:m Nj,}U)U'rAr IHT11AVb nous n~JlJJ'rrl)N ;~}i' All' Aim S AJENILt 7::tYr1',llEfIFH,l)f'IiUNA m " " •• " FAI.1~ lUi'''l''~,:tl III IV v• VI 27 lJtCR'.IiSt: IN MJX1};; f-1i:f>SbtJID IN OATS A1ID DUOS AtiF 5·t'Hl~T!imD HI'£11 Nl:lWTAL I'Jt~(fR IUl'!tAVF!!!ij{, 1l4JhC'i'! INJF t1'UE Al.!E1i·!l3!Nt PHOSPIiAT1:S Am} Al'a,V::O • • • • 26 VAS~Ji:f;Htr,0S:'ll Ri:,f;·.OJ£; 'If' A!'1P AliJl{i; :Ja IN cmW.Uu\T.Fm lfi17l4 H£,:,un ~,"1I?rI11K1;'lf'if.)tau 1£ m L~ THE CAT " " 3h (I" 91P, If \1M, JiJ111'1: Aun !N OCMU!U,\'1!ON WITU l'"~·:,~t'«U~U'H(%Wit)NIC ACID, q uM, (it FYROP.!Fl')i"HAtl!; III 'llIE CAT " • • " • • • 35 V/~ot:t.Wm:SSRlSSOR Rl:5POlIm va~us Ttl!:: TJJG !~a::i' A,j''A''1J't Al'Ơ"' Alit AJiAl'J.'Xl ã ã • , , • , •• 2.S , ) Ot.JMPARJS01t ,J}" T"l£ KO'lliiCI (Hf' 'l1:lE AriALOO AIID ATP lIWORF; Al4L ,JU;"'u,R 'Hit INY~'RA~H(JUS llUEC'rION f)}'" A'.rn.Ofm& , 32 CJf'ri~ARI.EO~£lF ram POt.J:',t>r.Y f,.nr T'~ IiNALOl A1~ ~ ATP l'£f'onr: AIID AF1'Uf 'il~ IlffRAVIDUUS· !N~1ION OF mOOTI01iOS , • • • • , 31 s F.ESP1Jf l\'rn'RY ftJi!) 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f , 19)1 Dle Cb8l:lt:aehe Arch exp Path ~.t"" de: Phan., Jobn W11e, aI3d SODe Irlo • aottont' Jobu ftopldna h"_ "depressor18ct.en Subetanaft dee B1u 160 S19 1) Materials tor tJw pnparaUoa of the A'1'P anal._ :r!~!!I'lt"fb!!PE!!!Jh The ~ 01 Xoaolopott (l9S.J) I.tlacI to _tntat.n a SO a1 'be - ~ of tftetb¥l phoepbS.te Sev :l ackll\lou port1on of t.rietJ\7'l pboaphtte to ubla1_ dlpbospbonate to 'rhla Wft at whan tM apcmt.llneou 1"ef1 ~ 1no the 71e14 r4 te .l_~ '1i' _~p.bge!e !!If Nylen' method (19)0) of eater ~ JtOd1t1ec:l b.Y ret1wd ng " of tar vith J&l of water, S 1111 of ooncctn.t.e4 IEl ad 10 a1 of ,l.ao1al _tic &01d Pol I' amlQ"lc~ Prepared by the _tbod of Sehid.clt (lgJl) 2) Material8 tor the preptU"at.1on "or the UDP ana.log ",!£Mllver -b:\tmGd1Rlel!9!M1:! !b1a cOlJlpOUnCl wu lw 1,' prrepued _ deaor1be4 Wyle (1930>~t !ER.r2Pl11fi1M ~ Tb1a ~ wu prepart,d deecr1be4 tr IArfine and T1p8on (193b) It, I' ~~!1d1ne s:!A1ne ~t tofZ!!te :, lAW1ne and 't'tpaon (19lb)' if M!R:l'loda 2' a ~~ ~114Hl! ~ PrePM'8d after t.m.na 'H.pItoB (19.3b)' and 8, ,) ruritieation of obaraoter1.aatlon of rl:~.~' M!nZ~!t21maed1za mona~ -th11tme41phoaphonaw 'Were J"e'l!'!Oftd b.Y 'SO and nne milliliter of uter1a1 88 troatad w:!th em_ pnoiplt&te vas pun down and ~ aden7lmethflenedtpboepbate 'The ~ l7oPh111aed to dl'J1'MU YaCNllm eubl1matlon at dUeol, in water 5' rraoticne -of Sf -8Ofl- ~ formate va • portion of the ftI1!ldua1 II) lid wu th1e eolutton eonta.1n1ng )0 !II or bart acetate 1n a centrJ.hp tube "'_had wtt.h tbrM portic:mtl of vatel' !he It wu 4!uol'ntd 1n a Mln~ ot 0.1 n tel at SOC I oentrituced tree f'roft a u ~ ot wt,lub.le !'!lAter-tat, and rerprec1p1taW at pH bT addition ot 0.1 RaOH ~'b1s loRd waa uuhed WI th th'Ne portions ot vater, then tiona ot ~ ethanol, then with etheP, and dJto1ed tor 12 hove YieU If ma baJIt_ tmltate vu A portion YU trltur'4ted ~oved paper ehrcmatogra This n\h 1% ~\JM 'tJ1 th two por- OWl' ',os at 0.1 nltat the b,y centf'1tupt1on and the aupomataftt aam1Ded on ~~ produced lingle spot in &odl_ hJdro- 11ft phoepbate ($%)-1 .1 alooho1, rtt 0.81 · Anaq't1oal data~, 1nd1ca- ted OOMitlerebl oontaminatlon, probab~ td ttl barium -tl\Yl ~attJ Anal oalc • to!- Cll~/>12R~(~O)6: I, 1.9; P 10.5 H, 6.9, P 11.' Found Anal calc tt1r phofsphate-Pf total P ( _ below), 11) Foundt 1".15 t:1tmm m111111 ~ of solution ecntaining 0.53 mJ~ ot product, deteM.necl opt1oal denelV ~ts, (:tlooM the f'Ovu col.Ul\'4'l after l"'8II1O'fal ot the _- !!tent fonu.te) was adjuated w pH with 11 Iel (ca, 10 ~ and , tnated in • centrifuge tube "ith 1.0 g of b8i.nc requ1Nd) aoit.~.had i40r1te-A unt1l r I optScal defttd."" ~t.a a' 6':> on the eu.pernata Ind1cated that ,., 9O'J' of tlw J'lUC1eoUde del"1vatlft had adsorbed a total ot lao Itl of _ The}{ori te wu vubecl wi 1A tl'Ifte ~l to Oft IIn¥ pho8phm.o 1111 till _ttwl .~ Uld, ad the pl'DCJwt\ 11M \beD -lutld 1d\b • total 0' 100 111 ot 10$ W'J"lcl1ne 1ft )0$ etMnol 1ft etcht porUona _ _ ndtaced " \he ~SMd 101'1 , , .olaU.Dt11~ p., tU me bart ot a '!'be ethaol rw- to reaove h7 oop1o -1ta aol1d• • J'O.f- t10D (16).> d1aacl 1A tal of _tel> and preCipitated JOMlb1e w1 t.h at _ !be 0' PJ!"H1p1ta w:ebacl am\ ~1w4 1ft 0.1 N Hlp (ote) and a u ôtMpla-lƠ ã 111 a _11 _01IIIt ~ o.t 1_o1»14tt _ter181 eeni' r1.f'1.laM ott The a'fIPWftAtant ted witJt • few c!npI of ao1w ~_ • 6.s to tate and no :l eo ~ added unittl tbe pH adJ- 'h Pft01p1\ate , eolleoW c:enUlf\lcaUcm, vaahe4 w1tb , ~ 111fFl port4_ of atw, ponto_ of ethanol ($) and thea etbW 0.3 _ tor tit hot8 nei~,I18 (1$) AMl Calod r_ dft.ecl at ., Cu~O~s'3~("t0)6' 8, l~J It 8.2 ~, ~ ot tate Jrp'tlft ).OJ If, 1.' " 10.S !!!Il~J!I!l!!!\18 !'!~•• -tav'1 u.~ of thu _tiled oen~ tube 1$.t1J B, 0, lb.9, BMP1ea Atter preltai.11a17 ~1:a aold ad AMP bad uta:bl.iJlhed the weN trl'eeW 1n " vith _ 0.011 fJ\Il1Ur1o ac14 (SwlO ml) ott ro.s 10.) !h2'~b9!eI!' vUb 0, and v_heel wi tIl t.hree tntpeftIat.arJ\ and d • Wft S M1 d11w" to ~nB 15 111 and t.he ban_ ot water SO 111 in a whnttrio nl- -n oombinld t1Mk and ali- as quote taken tor t.be ~tit.lO of phoephate-pb.phor-ou.a andf total phoephOPOU8 or 'or t.b8 detenll.nation a.s _1 or SN aultvlo acid w pboaptlate-phoepncrolll, III ali.quot pl_ refluxed cwern1.gbt., them cooled and V_felTed a 2S al Tolw.t;rlc rlUk tor color deYel.opaenft , the deteftd.ut1on at t.okl-pbaepborot18, a ) al aliquot was tnatGd with 2.$ III of 1ft a dlpat.l_ tube tJte wat b011ed ott I and t.ba a total or tbr boun '1 or eix pOJ'\lona of 3~ 8&tDple At t.be nd bo1W ror or the 4tpeti_ acId cU.pned t lV'drapa peraa.de (two \bree dhpI eacb) addefl during thi_ period \0 \lOA sa auU'uric S III at OOllpl.e\e _ til" added and the ••batt 10 IdAUtell t.o bJ'drol7M pol;rpb_phatM pree_ and ton ooolM 8ncl vanatened to a 2S III '1'01'-'1'10 t1aek tor color deY.l Color 1fU &Welope4, t_ each of t.he abOM NUIp_ att.er the , ooed- of r18k and 3ubbarca u d.eaonbe4 by Hawk, " and SUBa8ftCIQ (191.7) The -.plea read ml a 8eobman DO peet.rophot.~er at 660 aJJ .' t.otal P ration wu thue :PI 0&104 Pboapbate-h £1 ,be pboapbata- by tbe ratio of tbe Wo ruct1 t.ot.&l P, 1.) Found 1.) reat tC' -labi1ephoepnoroue8 • Bari_ was remG9'H trOll a sarrple of the bariWl salt, by t.l'eatmeut w:lth dilute aulturlc acid and oent.rifugation, and the aupernatant we anal1Hd tor "lablle t:boephorouaW (phoephate-phoaphoroua 01 • 10 at- "u with N Hel at lOOo) b7 the ~ of Allen (1940) 11~ by th1a proced.m"th In _ in 10 pboapbate alternative pr.fK1un, , 111 al.:14uot ide.sal \0 that tak_ t phOlpbate-ph.pbcIJ'OU8 deteninat10ll tr••t ~ and t,otal-phosphoroua detend.nat1ona 10 phoapbate l1berate4 by tht proceduN !tt1!:o1z!18 With 111.0f! A S ag • ,18 of the bart_ ealt tnatecl with "7 cumtl"ttugat,1 h.S 111 of 0.02 If auU'ur10 _id &ad tt-A bari_ eultate nMlW_ O.S of 10 J odium l\Ydrarlde wu added \0 the clear s~ an4 \1' 801- !.an heated in a water bat,h at ~ t tw lloar'II, thea -utnJJ.Md with ooa.oentrated 001 aDd eDa1ned CD paper ebr.atopo_ (diad_ phoe- pbate (SJ)-1 .1 aloohol) apot id• •loal with that of lUP, It 0.72 peared t.ogether with • _.11_ spot IdentIcal wl'th that of _ _• • ~U,t.l- of '.&ow,AbeOl'baM:y Illda BIr1_ the ba1._ ••1t, With dl1ute eultu:l1.o acId Q aUquot wu dil\fted pbate (pH 1.0) ",0 10 111 with Is Ca.tt) WU _1 or aupla and ,.be co ~ naak A S fill and 111 '8l 1_ pboe- o.0Sb5 « pGr l1ter the mQlar oalcuu.ted trOl'l the equation 1'be "orb&ncy (M) of the sample at 260 anal1ttcal data, 8eL In a typical SO: id in a vohlMtJoio to gift a tiMl oonocmtnt1an of abeOl"banay 1Qda S.lD ItO.lJO t?ca naplM of bari_ aulfate cleMrndnaticm the 0.1_ p1'tlClpltated h'0lI a npeJ"ftl.tant and h.tnp ' " " diluted to ~ ap- and IN O.97S, the ooocontrat1on 18 the molecu1al" weich' o.OS16 sr- t.h1 • ,ari_nt the war abaorl:Nmcy lftda tound to be pw' 15.8 X trOll liter In »' The in molar absorDancy lndltx for AMP, ADP, and ATP 18 1$.1& • lal at pH 7.0 (r,J~ll and Book, 19$4) Neutralization suiv.lent and Rl vall.lel! Samplee of t.he bu'i_ a.lt III> treat.ed with • aUght o;ee at \ube and the barium eultate apUD d~" 0.4 (08 >-10 !'I aulf'U1'1.c acid in a oontr1tup 'Ute bari_ 8ultate bed with \bnte porti_ of ••ter, and the supemat.&ttt anti washing tltrned with 0.5' N bOR in 0.2 If Nail (total volume all a.n,., the method of ll~ (19S1) \Wing the tlt7at.ion apparatus de8cribed bySchnrta and., (l9S7) Il'l det.ona1Mtion 1.8) !I€ of bart_ aal,., required 0.0191.1 ot 0.li7 • ad b-_ • mloromet,g driven ayrinp, to t1tr'ate ODe 14 group \lV.t., neutr&li.at1on equivalent, 86b Aaalpl (.mao and or the tltratiOtl c indloated 1.S ( mdary Found 870 &ppaftnt pI ,.1_ of la.1 phoephaM) ~ , tr~ of potua1U11l h) Preparation SIlT tr1beMTl '.QH, deliver ItaCla ab_ • l.arae 41 uid a1de .inc to· ~,_ tbat • tAg cOllpla U' t -cl the etnngt,h of biMini, Wadi", t,n1cal tKtuivalGJl\ 0&104 tor coe A \ltratiOl'l oU!"t'e in 0.1 I 101 and in IeI~nt t d t.he & oarmot be oalculated trOll We date t the loa for tlle aulog 18 not kn.a at tntermed1at.es tor Mt~1'lened.1 pbo&phOMte, the ar,yn~li8 of IlOP a.l.,_ key 1nte:rmed1ate 1a toM ab fIIDt- the81., wu pntpanKl by 1'l:1nodebeMylat,10n III tetrabenITl MtJ:\f1eDed1pho1pGoaate oompouacl prepared by reaction or bensyl brora1de on tetru11 ".1- MZ ,11 , ~P!!l1 ~!l~~ A st1rN4 ~ of ~ ",leGadlpbcep!lOMte (loa 0.0166 U), 90 111 of dl"7 tbl~ aDd 1S 111 {11.6 i, 0.l21 V} of belllSYl bt'Clldd.e "U retl'" t rn "- atlY breed_ w tl1t~ ott ·and bed ,~~l til' With " ' - , a1 of the benaane nth u:p1l"at1.on, tbo dON' ott at 0.1 _ With batb ~l"@ture of et._ ad t.be et.l~ elution 1fU 1tfi ~l brOllf.dll 4lft1 The residual 011 1IP 1I\1.$bed -era1 t~ with d ~ olD1., theft with watf4t I then with ••tnrated odi_ chlortde t1 1l1' dried _or 'bie ••Uel, in and o1a\1., ~~~ 10eU auUate \0 a j.ll;y l.11N oUd SO III of benaeMj sa there 111&1 adde

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 12:21

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