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4-22-16 Superintendent Losquadro Announces Receipt of Over 1 Million In Funding for Traffic Safety Improvement Project (PDF)

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Superintendent Losquadro Announces Receipt of Over $1 Million In Funding for Traffic Safety Improvement Project on Stony Brook Road pos ted on /2 /2 :3 :0 P M Ca pti on: Judi th Grei ma n, Chi ef Deputy to the P resi dent & VP f or Gov ernment & Communi ty R el a ti ons, Stony B rook Uni v ersi ty ; B rookha v en Superi ntendent of Hi ghwa y s Da ni el P Losqua dro; Stony B rook Uni v ersi ty P resi dent Sa muel L Sta nl ey ; Sena tor John Fl a na ga n; a nd Assembl y ma n Stev e Engl ebri ght St ony Brook, NY – Brookhaven T own H ighway Superintendent D aniel P L os quadro and Supervis or E d Romaine, together with Stony Brook U nivers ity P res ident Samuel L Stanley, announc ed the ac c eptanc e of $ million in funding s ec ured by N ew Y ork State Senator J ohn Flanagan for a traffic s afety improvement projec t on Stony Brook Road I n addition, N ew Y ork State A s s emblyman Steve E nglebright s ec ured $ ,0 0 in grant funding T he projec t, whic h will s tretc h along Stony Brook Road from O xhead Road to D evelopment D rive in the hamlet of Stony Brook, is intended to improve bic yc le and pedes trian s afety, as well as ac c es s ibility to multimodal trans portation opportunities I n addition, it will reduc e the pres enc e of motorized forms of trans portation and c reate a more walkable, united c ommunity in the vic inity of Stony Brook U nivers ity I nc luded in this projec t is the c ons truc tion of a c ontinuous s idewalk along Stony Brook Road; the extens ion of exis ting bic yc le lanes and the ins tallation of new left turn lanes at the exis ting s ignalized inters ec tions ; ins tallation of a new traffic s ignal at D evelopment D rive; and, pedes trian s ignal upgrades , ornamental pedes trian- s c ale lighting, lands c aping and A D A - c ompliant handic ap ramps “I want to thank Senator Flanagan and A s s emblyman E nglebright for s ec uring the nec es s ary funding for us to make thes e c ritic al improvements for pedes trians , bic yc lis ts and motoris ts in the Stony Brook area,” s aid Superintendent L os quadro “T he addition of s idewalks and bic yc le lanes will provide an alternative, s afe means of trans portation for s tudents and res idents traveling to and from Stony Brook U nivers ity A s a graduate of Stony Brook U nivers ity, I take a lot of pers onal pride in moving this projec t forward.” “Safer roads are a great way to promote pedes trian traffic around Stony Brook U nivers ity," s aid Supervis or Romaine "T his is a perfec t example to prove how different levels of government c an work together to get things done I thank Senator Flanagan and A s s emblyman E nglebright for s ec uring the funding and their c ommitment to improving the quality of life in Brookhaven town." T he es timated total c os t of this projec t is $ million I n addition to the $ million in s tate funding—whic h c omes from the N ew Y ork State D ormitory A uthority, through its State and M unic ipal Fac ilities C apital P rogram (SA M )—and the $ ,0 0 s ec ured through the N Y S M ulti- M odal P rogram, the T own of Brookhaven H ighway D epartment i s c overing the remaining c os ts “I am proud to have worked with Stony Brook U nivers ity and the T own of Brookhaven to advanc e this important projec t that will improve s afety for s tudents and res idents alike,” s aid Senator Flanagan “C reating more walkable c ommunities is a move toward the future and I am happy to have c ontributed to s uc h a worthwhile projec t.” “I applaud the ongoing efforts of Superintendent L os quadro and P res ident Stanley to improve s afety on Stony Brook Road and am heartened to s ee this projec t c oming c los er to fruition,” s aid A s s emblyman E nglebright “T he s tate funding s ec ured by Senator Flanagan and mys elf will make a s afer road for walkers and bic yc lis ts by providing s idewalks , bic yc le lanes , s treet lighting and a new traffic s ignal with pedes trian upgrades " “Stony Brook U nivers ity educ ates more than ,0 0 s tudents and is Suffolk C ounty’s larges t s ingle- s ite employer s o pedes trian and traffic s afety is very important to everyone in our c ommunity,” s aid P res ident Stanley “O n behalf of everyone at the U nivers ity, I would like to expres s our gratitude to Senator Flanagan, Superintendent L os quadro and A s s emblyman E nglebright for making this projec t a reality." Daniel P Losquadro * Highway Superint endent 1 O ld T own Road • C oram • N Y 1 7 • P hone (6 ) - 0 • Fax (6 ) - ... Flanagan, Superintendent L os quadro and A s s emblyman E nglebright for making this projec t a reality." Daniel P Losquadro * Highway Superint endent 1 O ld T own Road • C oram • N Y 1 7 • P hone... s ingle- s ite employer s o pedes trian and traffic s afety is very important to everyone in our c ommunity,” s aid P res ident Stanley “O n behalf of everyone at the U nivers ity, I would like... lanes , s treet lighting and a new traffic s ignal with pedes trian upgrades " “Stony Brook U nivers ity educ ates more than ,0 0 s tudents and is Suffolk C ounty’s larges t s ingle- s ite employer

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 10:19
