engagements, employees in companies can increase their happiness levels, thereby further increasing happiness in workplaces Researchers and Scholars of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) One goal of positive psychology is to create positive institutions (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000) A response to this vision of positive psychology is positive organizational scholarship (POS) (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003) The researchers and scholars of POS get ideas from positive psychology researchers, integrate those ideas, and suggest strategies for building positivity in organizations The present study is valuable for positive psychologists and the researchers of positive organizational scholarship (POS) because this study not only provides support to some existing ideas to develop positive institutions but also suggests new ideas that could be integrated into their strategies Therefore, the present study is valuable to the people in society, leaders, managers, and employees in organizations, and researchers and scholars of positive organizational scholarship Conclusion Everyone wants to be happy In current turbulent times, the demand for understanding happiness is higher than ever before Although debates on happiness have been going on for the past 2,500 years, a lack of a clear understanding of the phenomenon of happiness motivated this phenomenological research This study selected a population of sadhus who renounce all their material possessions and worldly desires and dedicate their life for the discovery of true happiness