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University of Central Arkansas PhD in Leadership (LEAD) 8308: Major Area Research (Qualifying Paper/Dissertation Proposal) Instructor: Office Office Hours Contact Information Cell: Office Phone: Email: Course Description (from the Graduate Bulletin): In LEAD 8308, the student prepares a manuscript-length paper reflecting original research on a significant topic related to the student's area of emphasis and the field of leadership studies The paper includes a preliminary review of the literature and a research design created by the student that can be used to conduct a study The topic will be selected by the student in agreement with the advisor Dissertations should demonstrate “sound research using appropriate methodology, conduct scholarly research that contributes to the body of knowledge in the discipline of leadership” (UCA, ADHE Approved Program Proposal, p 4) Upon completion, the paper will be presented to the advisor for approval Specifically in Interdisciplinary PhD in Leadership Studies, LEAD 8308 provides students credit course hours toward the dissertation proposal also known as the Qualifying Paper The instructor for LEAD 8308 will be the designated dissertation chair Course Logistics At least one semester before enrollment in the course, students should communicate with the dissertation chair and notify the LEAD Director A course will be created under the chair’s name for the appropriate semester The chair and student should communicate about and select committee members by the beginning of LEAD 8308 Throughout LEAD 8308, the chair and student will agree upon a work schedule and routine An attached CONTRACT is included in this syllabus Chairs and students are encouraged to develop learning objectives for the semester and should indicate so by completing the contract If students are unable to meet objectives, chairs can determine how to warrant a grade for the work produced Grades for this course fall under “continuous enrollment”, meaning that students earn a “NC” for earning no credit toward progress, “PR” for making progress, or “CR” for completing the course requirements (i.e., a complete dissertation proposal, a successful defense of the proposal, and a committee vote to approve the proposal.) Continuous discussion with the dissertation advisor should take place so progress toward the defendable qualifying paper can be achieved Some committee members may want to be an active reviewer throughout the process, so the student and chair should accommodate as needed Other members may want to wait for the defense draft The advisor must approve the dissertation proposal before the student may distribute copies to the committee members for defense After the dissertation advisor gives approval, the student will provide the defense draft to the dissertation committee members at least two weeks (10 working days) before the date of the defense It is the student’s responsibility to provide electronic and/or hard copies to all committee members This is a closed meeting, attended by the student and the committee only Scheduling of meeting space should be arranged through the LEAD office The Chair and student may provide location preferences Typically, the defenses last a couple of hours At the defense, the student should provide a 20-minute presentation about the proposed study After the presentation, the committee will pose questions and discuss recommendations for the direction and revisions of the proposed study Once questions and comments are exhausted, the student will be excused and a vote taken The vote may include: (a) pass as is, (b) pass with revisions for chair review, (c) pass with chair and partial committee review, or (d) revise with full committee review and re-scheduled defense If students are unable to complete the draft or receive approval from the committee, they must reenroll in LEAD 8308 (LEAD 8108, 8208) until they are able to so The course may be taken for varying credit for continuing semesters Copies of the approved proposal are to be distributed to the program director, the advisor/chair, and the student Other committee members may request a revised copy as well Any modifications to the proposal after the submission of the approved proposal require the approval of the student’s committee It is the student’s responsibility that the proposal/dissertation meets Graduate School guidelines found at http://uca.edu/graduateschool/thesisdissertation The committee must approve the proposal before IRB application and data collection Main points to remember: • Students select dissertation committee members and advisor/chair • In consultation with the advisor/chair, the student conceptualizes and composes the dissertation proposal • Once given approval from the advisor/chair, the student may contact other committee members, circulate hard and electronic copies, and arrange for a proposal defense • Qualifying papers/proposals must have committee approval before the class is completed • No IRB application can be processed or data collected until the proposal is approved by the committee Specifics about Dissertation Proposal: The dissertation proposal should include a draft of the first three chapters Proposal Components: Granted, no two proposals are alike Most committees expect to see components of the first three chapters and instruments Formatting according to the Graduate School dissertation guidelines is a wise move Although dedicated to qualitative dissertations, Bloomberg and Volpe (2012) provide excellent checklists and reminders about the dissertation In essence, all proposals are expected to contain the following components: Title Page—Follow Graduate School Guidelines Chapter One—Introduction Introduction Pertinent Literature leading to Problem Statement Theoretical Framework/Orienting Framework Purpose of the Study Research Questions/Hypotheses Overview of the Methodology Research Design Rationale and Significance Role of the Researcher 10 Researcher Assumptions 11 Definition of Terms (optional—but often very helpful) 12 Limitations and Delimitations of the study (optional) 13 Conclusion Chapter Two—Literature Review Introduction Review of Literature Conceptual Framework (both conceptual and empirical review) Conclusion Chapter Three—Methodology Introduction (noticing how each chapter has an introduction and conclusion?) Methodology and Approach Rationale for Methodology and approach Research Setting/Context Research Sample and Data Sources Data Collection Methods Data Analysis Methods Issues of Reliability/ Validity or Trustworthiness and Generalizability Limitations and Delimitations 10 Conclusion References Appendices (e.g., instruments, other protocols, important information) *Remember all figures, tables, and instruments taken from other publications must have original author consent before proposal defense Timeline: Students should strive to complete the proposal in one semester Students should keep in mind when grades are due for the semester and that committee members need two weeks (10 working days) to read the proposal before the student can defend (Fall/Spring semesters = 16 weeks, Summer semester = 13 weeks) Students may want to use the following grid as a template for planning their proposal/defense—and should so with their chair/advisor Date Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 10 Week 11 (End Objective Summer Semester) Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 (End Fall/Spring Semesters) The Contract and Grading Accordingly: I encourage the Chair and the student to craft a contract of sorts to identify what will be the semester’s objectives and deadlines for completing them If the student is unable to meet the objectives, then the Chair has the authority to award the appropriate grade If the student makes no-to little progress in completing these objectives, the Chair may award a grade of “NC” If the student makes some progress but does not have a successful proposal defense, the Chair may want to award a “PR” grade Only if the student complete a successful dissertation proposal defense and has secured committee approval may the grade of “CR” be awarded The contract could be as simple as— Student: Chair: Date: Objectives: This semester we, the chair and student, agree that the following objectives and due dates will be met Any breach of this contract may compromise the student’s grade in the class this semester For example, if the student makes no/to little progress in completing these objectives, the Chair may award a grade of “NC” If the student makes some progress but does not have a successful proposal defense, the Chair may want to award a “PR” grade Only if the student complete a successful dissertation proposal defense and has secured committee approval may the grade of “CR” be awarded Student’s Signature Chair’s Signature Tips from the Experienced: • Plan your semester backwards from your anticipated proposal date Find out when grades are due for the semester and make certain you have time to distribute, defend, and revise your proposal • Find a chair/co-chair with expertise in your methodology This can help with planning when collecting and analyzing data • It is helpful to have a full committee meeting early in the semester—BEFORE your proposal defense At this meeting, you can discuss what you hope to learn (working PoS) and how you hope to learn it (possible methodology/methods) • Plan your proposal date with your committee, i.e., check their schedules to make certain they are available on your anticipated proposal date Identify any conference or sabbatical absences • Schedule regular meetings with your chair/advisor to discuss progress on the proposal • Communicate with the LEAD office about scheduling a room for your proposal • The student is responsible for completing all required paperwork, i.e., Committee Appointment form and Plan of Study in Degree Works Graduate School policy is changing so be prepared Have forms ready for signatures—at the end of the successful defense, so you won’t have to round up members again • Keep in mind, your chair is only paid for one semester of QP and one semester of dissertation Other members are not paid for being on your committee The time and efforts of all committee members are valuable Work diligently so as not to drag out the process and wear down committee members Establish a routine and KEEP YOUR DEADLINES Don’t intrude upon others’ generosity Candidacy: Candidacy indicates that the student has completed all coursework of the PhD program and has received approval from the dissertation committee to enroll in dissertation hours When students successfully defend their dissertation proposals, they are then considered a LEAD “doctoral candidate.” Academic Policies Academic Integrity The University of Central Arkansas affirms its commitment to academic integrity and expects all members of the university community to accept shared responsibility for maintaining academic integrity Students in this course are subject to the provisions of the university’s Academic Integrity Policy, approved by the Board of Trustees as Board Policy No 709 on February 10, 2010, and published in the Student Handbook Penalties for academic misconduct in this course may include a failing grade on an assignment, a failing grade in the course, or any other courserelated sanction the instructor determines to be appropriate Continued enrollment in this course affirms a student’s acceptance of this university policy Special Assistance The University of Central Arkansas adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need an accommodation under this Act due to a disability, please contact the UCA Office of Disability Support Services at 450-3135 Please make the instructor aware of any learning differences, difficulties, or other special challenges in advance of the relevant assignment(s) so that he/she may assist you Title IX Disclosure If a student discloses an act of sexual harassment, discrimination, assault, or other sexual misconduct to a faculty member (as it relates to “student-on-student” or “employee-onstudent”), the faculty member cannot maintain complete confidentiality and is required to report the act and may be required to reveal the names of the parties involved Any allegations made by a student may or may not trigger an investigation Each situation differs, and the obligation to conduct an investigation will depend on the specific set of circumstances The determination to conduct an investigation will be made by the Title IX Coordinator For further information, please visit: https://uca.edu/titleix *Disclosure of sexual misconduct by a third party who is not a student and/or employee is also required if the misconduct occurs when the third party is a participant in a universitysponsored program, event, or activity

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 06:13
