Feats Assassin’s Creed Prerequisites Dex 17 or Int 17, Stealth 16 ranks Benefits Become invisible after hurting or killing a creature Call of Duty Wis 17 or Cha 17, Improved Initiative, Diplomacy ranks or Perception ranks Add your Wisdom or Charisma to your initiative and that of your allies Dark Soul Con 17, Diehard, Endurance, character level 9th Gain a contingent breath of life effect after hurting or killing a creature God of War Str 17 or Dex 17, base attack bonus +16 Reduce penalties to attack a creature repeatedly Guitar Hero Dex 17 or Cha 17, Perform (string instruments) ranks When unarmored and unencumbered, add half your ranks in Perform (string instruments) to your AC and touch AC Hero of Might and Magic Str 17, Int, Wis, or Cha 17, base attack bonus Add half your base attack bonus to your caster level when +13, ability to cast at least one 1st-level spell determining the strength of your spells Monster Hunter Str 17 or Int 17 Portal Int 17 or Cha 17, able to cast 8th-level spells Create ring gates as a standard action Rock Band Perform (any) ranks, bardic performance class feature You can maintain the performance of another bard with this feat as a swift, move, or standard action Sanctioned Detection Ability to use detect magic at least times per day You can expend your ability to use detect magic for a +10 insight bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks Street Fighter Str 17 or Dex 17, Catch Off-Guard or Improved Unarmed Strike Deal 1d4 extra damage with unarmed and improvised weapon attacks against flat-footed creatures Summon Fantasy Tactics Int 17 or Cha 17, ability to cast at least summon fantasy spell Gain a 50% chance that targets of your summon fantasy spells permanently believe they are real Summon Fantasy Tactics, Int 17 or Cha 17, ability to cast at least summon fantasy spell Gain an 80% chance that targets of your summon fantasy spells permanently believe they are real Tomb Raider Int 17 or Wis 17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) rank Substitute Knowledge (dungeoneering) for Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks Tower Weapon Training Str 15, proficiency with at least tower weapon You no longer take a –2 penalty to attacks with tower weapons and gain a weapon feature for a specific weapon Witcher Int 17, Craft (alchemy) ranks Increase the damage you deal with alchemical items Class Feats Channel Antimagic Prerequisites Revoke Magic revocation Benefits Expend daily uses of revoke magic to channel energy Extra Revoke Magic Revoke Magic revocation Revoke magic additional times each day Extra Talent At least level in a class with a talent class feature Gain a class talent for one class Focused Capacity 1st-level potentialist Increase the saving throw DC of your capacity damage by +1 Focused capacity, 7th-level potentialist Increase the saving throw DC of your capacity damage by +1 Smite magic user revocation Increase smite magic user damage by +1 Summon Fantasy Tactics, Advanced Focused Capacity, Greater Improved Smite Magic User Rock Band (Teamwork) Just keep the rhythm for me Prerequisites: Perform (any) ranks, bardic performance class feature Benefit: You can expend one round of your bardic performance as a swift, move, or standard action to maintain the bardic performance of an ally with this feat who can see and hear you 106 and who you can see and hear Count as size larger and gain bonuses when fighting larger creatures Sanctioned Detection You use detect magic for more practical or mundane purposes Prerequisite: Ability to use detect magic at least times per day Benefit: After concentrating for at least rounds on detect magic, you can focus the clarity granted by your spell as a swift action to heighten your awareness of other things This gives you a +10 insight bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks for one round and expends your ability to use detect magic for the next 24 hours