Race Options Some techniques and traditions are so closely entwined NPC bonded spellcaster of his sorcerer level – The with the particular cultural and physical attributes of bonded spellcaster enjoys the normal benefits gained a species that others cannot make use of them The by having a cat familiar except as described below following class options are only available to characters A familiar sorcerer gains his own Hit Dice, hit of the indicated race and class, except with GM points, attacks, saving throws, and skills as normal for a permission sorcerer (he does not use the rules for determining these Dreamlands Cats Dreamlands cats practice unusual martial traditions and can access magic normally only available to familiars The following archetype is available to any Dreamlands cat Familiar (Sorcerer Archetype) A cat makes a classic, iconic familiar to a spellcaster Dreamlands cats rarely take familiars for themselves; more frequently, a Dreamlands cat exercises the unique ability to become the familiar of an allied spellcaster This grants them benefits typically available to familiars that would otherwise not be attainable by player characters Bonded Spellcaster (Ex): The Dreamlands cat selects an allied shaman, sorcerer, witch, wizard, or other spellcaster who can accept a familiar and who agrees to take on the Dreamlands cat as her familiar Once this choice is made, the Dreamlands cat becomes a familiar sorcerer That bonded spellcaster cannot take feats or options to improve her familiar beyond the normal baseline abilities her class grants to familiars Typically, a Dreamlands cat selects another player character spellcaster to bond with in the same adventuring party With the GM's permission, a Dreamlands cat familiar sorcerer can gain an NPC bonded spellcaster as a cohort with the Leadership feat Alternatively, the GM might permit a Dreamlands cat sorcerer of at least 5th level to gain the Improved Familiar feat, but only to obtain a 80 values for a familiar) A familiar sorcerer’s Intelligence is determined normally and is not dependent upon or modified by his bonded spellcaster’s class level The familiar sorcerer gains the following abilities in place of those of a typical familiar Unlike most class features, these are gained as soon as either the familiar sorcerer or the bonded spellcaster is a high enough level Share Spells: At 1st level, the familiar sorcerer and his bonded spellcaster may share spells with each other in the same manner as a familiar and its master Empathic Link (Su): The familiar sorcerer and his bonded spellcaster gain this ability normally Deliver Touch Spells: If either the familiar sorcerer or the bonded spellcaster is at least 3rd level, the familiar sorcerer can deliver touch spells for the bonded spellcaster Evasion (Ex): If either the familiar sorcerer or the bonded spellcaster is at least 3rd level, the familiar sorcerer gains evasion as the rogue ability Natural Armor (Ex): If either the familiar sorcerer or the bonded spellcaster is at least 5th level, the familiar spellcaster's natural armor improves by It improves by another +1 at 13th level and 19th level Speak with Master (Ex): If either the familiar sorcerer or the bonded spellcaster is at least 5th level, they gain this ability normally Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Ex): If either the familiar sorcerer or the bonded spellcaster is at least 7th level, the familiar sorcerer can communicate with all cat-like creatures, including monsters that have feline