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Revised call the 7th engaging with vietnam conference the 1st vietnam US higher education forum

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The 7th "Engaging with Vietnam - An Interdisciplinary Dialogue" Conference in combination with The First Vietnam-US Higher Education Forum www.engagingwithvietnam.net Organization partners: University of Hawaii at Manoa - USA Hanoi University of Business and Technology- Vietnam Portland State University - USA July 7-8, 2015 Hanoi, Vietnam This year the 7th Engaging with Vietnam Conference will join the U.S Mission and Vietnam partners in commemorating the past, present and future of relations between the two countries The conference will dedicate day one to the 1st Vietnam-US Higher Education Forum, which hopefully will be annual from now on You are invited to this exciting two-day event in Hanoi this July! Day 1: The 1st Vietnam-US Higher Education Forum Theme: The Internationalization of Higher Education: Policies and Practices Organizing Committee: Phan Le Ha (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Dang Van Huan (Portland State University), and Nguyen Ngoc Hung (Hanoi University of Business and Technology) Pre se nt a t ions on Da y a re solic it e d by invit a t ion only At t e nda nc e is ope n t o a ll via re gist t ion on t he w e bsit e Day 2: The 7th Engaging with Vietnam Conference Theme: Knowledge Journeys and Journeying Knowledge The Engaging with Vietnam conference series has been, since the time of its inception, interested in the production of knowledge about Vietnam This interest stems from the realization that the knowledge that people produce about Vietnam depends on many factors, such as where people are located and what they know Put simply, people inside of Vietnam and people outside of Vietnam approach the study of Vietnam with different ideas, and come to different conclusions This dichotomy is then complicated by the fact that people inside of Vietnam journey to places outside of the country to study, and people from outside of Vietnam journey to Vietnam to study and conduct research These physical journeys lead to intellectual journeys that change people’s ideas, something that we can call “knowledge journeys.” At the same time, academic theories from around the globe (China, France, Russia, North America, etc.) have journeyed all over the world in recent decades as well and have changed the way people think too We can call these mobile theories “journeying knowledge.” The Seventh Engaging With Vietnam – An Interdisciplinary Dialogue conference seeks to examine both of these phenomena – knowledge journeys and journeying knowledge – in an effort to understand how they influence the way that people produce knowledge about Vietnam With this in mind, we would like to invite you to participate in the Seventh Engaging with Vietnam conference Please refer to the website www.engagingwithvietnam.net for more details Thank you and all best wishes, Engaging with Vietnam Founder: Phan Le Ha Conference Chairs and Convenors: Phan Le Ha & Liam Kelley (University of Hawaii at Manoa), & Nguyen Ngoc Hung (Hanoi University of Business and Technology) ...Day 2: The 7th Engaging with Vietnam Conference Theme: Knowledge Journeys and Journeying Knowledge The Engaging with Vietnam conference series has been, since the time of its inception,... changed the way people think too We can call these mobile theories “journeying knowledge.” The Seventh Engaging With Vietnam – An Interdisciplinary Dialogue conference seeks to examine both of these... understand how they influence the way that people produce knowledge about Vietnam With this in mind, we would like to invite you to participate in the Seventh Engaging with Vietnam conference Please

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 16:33
