V Magic 3rd-Level Cleric Spells Impossible ArithmeticM: Deduce one piece of information without enough clues Song of Hastur: Target spellcaster loses highestlevel available spell slot 4th-Level Cleric Spells Command of the Bloody Tongue: Damage to the target results in 1d6 points of bleed Enlightenment of the Blind Idiot God: Touched creature's Intelligence becomes Green Decay: Undead of HD or less rot to nothing Orne's Black: Darkness allows creatures within to see outside normally RemortificationM: Revive a recently dead creature for rounds 6th-Level Cleric Spells Dream Sending of Cthulhu: As nightmare, but victim gains an insanity Implant Dark Young: Dark young grows from target after 1d4 rounds 7th-Level Cleric Spells Curse of Yig: Target traitor's limb becomes a viper determined to kill the target and anyone else who knows your secret Dread Curse of Azathoth: Touched creature's ability scores become Gaze of Ghatanothoa: Target takes 1d10 Dex drain/round, might mummify Nuclear Chaos: Azathoth deals 1d100 damage and crushes all in 30-ft radius spread Zyngaya M: Create Mythos undead from corpse 9th-Level Cleric Spells Ferox: Target's Strength matches nearby foes (maximum 30) Interplanetary Teleport: Teleport to another planet Mimic Form of Nyarlathotep: Polymorph into the Howler Druid Spells 2nd-Level Druid Spells Kiss of Dagon: Biting fish deal water-bound targets 1d6 damage/3 levels per round 4th-Level Druid Spells Command of the Bloody Tongue: Damage to the target results in 1d6 points of bleed Green Decay: Undead of HD or less rot to nothing 6th-Level Druid Spells Implant Dark Young: Dark young grows from target after 1d4 rounds 7th-Level Druid Spells Curse of Yig: Target traitor's limb becomes a viper determined to kill the target and anyone else who knows your secret Hibernation of Ithaqua M: Sleep round to regain all 5th-level and lower spell slots Vortex: Creates a whirlpool in water 9th-Level Druid Spells Ferox: Target's Strength matches nearby foes (maximum 30) Tsunami: Huge wave damages and sweeps up all in its path Inquisitor Spells 1st-Level Inquisitor Spells Mist of R’lyeh: Medium creature is invisible for 1 round 3rd-Level Inquisitor Spells Song of Hastur: Target spellcaster loses highestlevel available spell slot 4th-Level Inquisitor Spells Orne’s Black: Darkness allows creatures within to see outside normally 109