VIII Great Old Ones and Outer Gods Tulzscha CR 16; XP 76,800 CN Outer God of corrosion, revelation, and truth Primary Source H P Lovecraft, “The Festival” This little-understood being normally dwells near Azathoth at the center of eternity, forever burning and casting its sickly green light over the horrors there Its C U LT Domains Chaos, Fire, Knowledge, Sun Subdomains Ash, Entropy, Light, Thought Favored Weapon kukri Symbol pillar of green fire Temple abandoned neighborhoods, natural rock formations, standing stones Worshipers arsonists, diviners, prophets, seers Servitors byakhee INFLUENCE avatar can be readily summoned by cultists who wish to bask in its effects When it is called to a world, what is sometimes termed “Tulzscha’s Finger” emerges from the center of the planet, erupting as a tall column of green fire The fire of Tulzscha has an endless variety D C 24 Area 300-foot radius; Nucleus 5-foot radius 50-foot tall pillar AC 31; Saves +19; hp 240 Effects corrosion, flame gout, immunities, truth revealed D E F E AT Combat Tulzscha can be defeated by damage INFLUENCE EFFEC TS Corrosion Any object that is exposed to Tulzscha’s nucleus (such as any weapon used to attack the nucleus) takes 5d6 points of damage This damage is not halved against objects, and only half an object’s hardness applies Flame Gout Any creature that damages Tulzscha causes a reactionary gout of flame to lash out at it, inflicting 10d6 points of damage (Reflex half) At the start of each round, all non-worshipers and non-minions of Tulzscha within 60 feet of the nucleus are targeted by a gout of flame as well, taking 10d6 points of damage (Reflex half) The first three times in a round in which one of Tulzscha’s minions is attacked, it lashes out with a flame gout at the attacker for 10d6 points of damage (Reflex half) Finally, at the end of any round, Tulzscha’s flame lashes out at a single non-worshiper target within 60 feet The target of this final attack in the round takes 20d6 points of damage (Reflex half) This damage is half fire damage, half untyped damage from raw eldritch power Immunities Tulzscha is unharmed by all physical weapon attacks, acid damage, electricity damage, and sonic damage Truth Revealed All creatures within the area of influence gain true seeing and take a –4 penalty on all saving throws against confusion and insanity effects Living creatures in the area of influence appear to be rotting and decaying, and all Disguise checks automatically fail Intentionally hidden objects reflect this light especially strongly, such as secret doors, partially buried treasure, obscured pits, and concealed weapons 281