Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 286

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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 286

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VIII Great Old Ones and Outer Gods 2nd (8)—blindness/deafness (DC 22), command undead (DC 22), darkness, detect thoughts (DC 22), mirror image 1st (8)—grease (DC 21), mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 21), shield (at will)—arcane mark, bleed (DC 20), dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 20), mage hand, message, prestidigitation, touch of fatigue (DC 20) S TAT I S T I C S Str 36, Dex 25, Con 32, Int 29, Wis 26, Cha 27 Base Atk +15; CMB +30; CMD 47 (can’t be tripped) Feats Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Critical Focus, Eschew Materials, Improved Critical (claws), Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (feeblemind), Staggering Critical Skills Climb +21, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +29, Knowledge (engineering) +29, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (nature) +29, Knowledge (planes) +29, Knowledge (religion) +29, Perception +31, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +32, Stealth +22, Use Magic Device +28 Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft He immediately awakens if he takes any damage or is otherwise harmed Sacrifice (Ex) When a non-worshiper of Tsathoggua sacrifices a willing or helpless living creature with an Intelligence score of at least by offering the sacrifice to Tsathoggua for him to devour, the chance of him being affected by his lassitude rises to 50% Sacrificing a creature in this way, even if it is a willing creature, is a chaotic evil act and may have alignment repercussions If Tsathoggua does not become affected by his lassitude as a result of this sacrifice, he becomes enraged and cannot be affected by lassitude for 24 hours Spells Tsathoggua casts spells as an 18th-level sorcerer Once per day, by concentrating for hour, he may completely change what sorcerer spells he knows—the spells given in his statistics above represent his typical spells known The save DCs for his spells gain a +2 bonus from his influence (see above); this bonus is already calculated into his stats above Tsathoggua has been called a primitive god, a sort of hybrid bat/toad, as well as an endlessly changing SPECIAL ABILITIES Command Spawn (Su) Tsathoggua can direct the actions of all formless spawn within sight via telepathy at will, at any time during a combat round without taking an action Devour (Su) Once per round as a free action, Tsathoggua may transfer a creature he has grappled in that round to his devouring maw This inflicts 8d6 points of damage to the victim, who must also make a successful DC 31 Fortitude save or suffer points of ability drain to each ability score Whenever Tsathoggua drains any ability scores in this way, he heals 30 hit points and gains the benefits of a restoration spell The save DC is Constitution-based Formless Blood (Su) Whenever Tsathoggua takes piercing or slashing damage, his blood pours out and creates a formless spawn (page 337) Lassitude (Ex) When Tsathoggua feeds on a creature via his devour ability, there’s a 5% chance that he grows sleepy and falls into a torpor When this occures, he is immediately healed of all hit point damage and cured of all detrimental effects, but is treated as unconscious 279

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 14:55

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