VIII Great Old Ones and Outer Gods Nyogtha CR 20; XP 307,200 CE Great Old One of deep cavern networks, impossibility, and oblivion Primary Source Henry Kuttner, “The Salem Horror” C U LT Domains Chaos, Darkness, Evil, and Madness Subdomains Entropy, Insanity, Loss, Night Favored Weapon club Symbol inkstain with spiraling pattern radiating outward Temple deep basements, caverns, lightless places Worshipers blind maniacs, cave-dwelling monsters, suicidal cultists Servitors oozes I N F L U E N C E S TA G E D C 27 Area 900-foot radius Proxy avatar of Nyogtha Effects multiplicity Escalation When Nyogtha manifests a second simultaneous avatar, its influence increases to stage I N F L U E N C E S TA G E D C 29 CR 23; XP 819,200 Area 1-mile radius Proxy avatars of Nyogtha Effects multiplicity Escalation When Nyogtha manifests a sixth simultaneous avatar, its influence increases to stage I N F L U E N C E S TA G E AVATAR OF NYOGTHA CR 20 XP 307,200 CE Huge ooze Init +15; Senses see in darkness, tremorsense 360 ft.; Perception +30 DEFENSE AC 35, touch 19, flat-footed 24 (+11 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size) HP 367 (21d8+273); fast healing 15 Fort +20, Ref +20, Will +18 Defensive Abilities all-around vision, DR 15/epic and lawful; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, aging, blindness, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, ooze traits; Resist fire 30; SR 31 OFFENSE Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft Melee bites +28 (3d6+15/19–20 plus grab) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft Special Attacks duplication, fast swallow, oblivion, swallow whole (20d6 damage, AC 18, 36 hp) D C 31 CR 26; XP 2,457,600 Area 100-mile radius Proxy avatars of Nyogtha Effects multiplicity D E F E AT Combat Once all active avatars of Nyogtha are destroyed in an influence’s area, the influence ends INFLUENCE EFFEC TS Multiplicity Nyogtha can exist in multiple places at the same time When its influence is first established, only one avatar of Nyogtha is active As that avatar feeds, Nyogtha gains the ability to manifest more than one avatar at the same time, appearing at any point it desires within the area of its influence See the statistics for Nyogtha’s avatar below for what can cause it to manifest a new incarnation 265