Once per day, she can make a Knowledge skill check hidden or whether it contradicts what the rogue claims to learn a piece of information she has no way to unless the magic also compels the rogue to recall the know directly so long as she has some piece of indirect memory evidence for it If the result of her check exceeds the DC by at least 5, she learns a related fact for every points by which she exceeded the DC She risks dread from learning unsettling knowledge (see page 90) normally The rogue can use this ability a second time per day at 8th level and a third time per day at 16th level Alien entities (including the Outer Gods themselves) infuse mortals with their own essence with disturbing frequency The following bloodlines are available to any sorcerer thus touched Deep One (Sorcerer Bloodline) Ritual Research (Ex): The rogue automatically One of your ancestors was a deep one While many of identifies a ritual's components (and thus how to foil your family have disappeared mysteriously in their old it) if she sees it being cast In addition, once during a age, your fate might yet be different ritual the rogue participates in as a primary caster or Class Skill: Swim secondary caster, she can choose for a skill check to Bonus Spells: speak with animals (3rd), kiss of be rolled again Use the new result even if it is worse Dagon (see page 119; 5th), slow (7th), control water Finally, the rogue gains a +2 bonus on skill checks to (9th), hold monster (11th), dream (13th), control weather decipher or use scrolls and texts as well as on checks to (15th), mass charm monster (17th), gate (19th) research rituals (page 128) Suppress Memory (Ex): The rogue can suppress a memory of a single encounter, adventure, or experience by concentrating for minute once per day This Bonus Feats: Athletic, Augment Summoning, Diehard, Endurance, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Swim), Spell Focus (conjuration), Toughness Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a negates any dread or insanity gained as a result of that transmutation spell, you are surrounded by a bubble of memory The rogue can suppress only one memory at distorted time that slows attacks against you, making a time and the effects resume immediately when it is them easier to avoid You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC recalled with another minute of concentration The for round per level of the spell rogue doesn't know what memory was suppressed or why she suppressed it until she recalls it This can allow 64 Sorcerer Bloodline Powers: Deep one sorcerers take on a more fish-like aspect when they use their powers a rogue to lie more easily by removing contradictory Hydraulic Pulse (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can knowledge, granting a +10 circumstance bonus on a spray a jet of water as a ranged touch attack a number related Bluff check Even if the rogue doesn't consciously of times per day equal to + your Charisma modifier know she is lying, she must still make a Bluff check If you hit, you deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage to convince someone she’s telling the truth Magic You also make a bull rush attempt using your sorcerer cannot detect such an unwitting lie except by digging level in place of your base attack bonus and your deeply enough into the target's mind to know she has Charisma in place of your Strength modifier (if it is this rogue talent (for example, with dominate person), higher) You not move with the target of the bull and even then, it does not reveal what information was rush, even if you push them farther than feet