IX Mythos Bestiary Special Qualities: All outer mutants gain the following: Deformed (Ex): An outer mutant’s body is hideously “The boy was not talkative, yet when he deformed, but not completely so Given time and an spoke he seemed to reflect some elusive adequate disguise (typically baggy clothing) an outer element wholly unpossessed by Dunwich mutant can pass for a member of the base creature’s race An outer mutant suffers a –6 penalty on Disguise and its denizens The strangeness did checks to appear as a creature of the base creature’s not reside in what he said, or even in race An outer mutant cannot wear armor unless the armor has been specifically crafted for its unique and the simple idioms he used; but seemed unpleasant form vaguely linked with his intonation or Magical Adept (Ex): All outer mutants are adept at magic, increasing the save DC, if applicable, of any with the internal organs that produced spell they cast by +1 An outer mutant can recall a the spoken sounds His facial aspect, prepared spell it cast in a previous round or regain a spell slot it expended in a previous round as a swift too, was remarkable for its maturity; action up to three times per day for though he shared his mother’s and Ability Scores: Outer mutants grow quickly, and as they grow, they tend to achieve larger sizes than the grandfather’s chinlessness, his firm and norm for the base creature Typically, an outer mutant precociously shaped nose united with the is a few feet larger than the base creature, but the oldest of them could well be larger than that, growing expression of his large, dark, almost Latin into new size categories You can create older mutants eyes to give him an air of quasi-adulthood like this by manually adjusting the mutant’s size or applying the giant creature simple template, but most and well-nigh preternatural intelligence mutants who survive this long instead transform into He was, however, exceedingly ugly an outer abomination (see page 362) In any event, all outer mutants gain a +4 bonus to Constitution and despite his appearance of brilliancy; Strength, and a +4 bonus to one mental ability score there being something almost goatish or of their choice (the example outer mutant above chose Wisdom) Skills: An outer mutant’s deformities bolster several of its skills It gains Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (any one), Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and Swim as class skills and gains a +2 racial bonus on all of these skills Feats: An outer mutant gains Great Fortitude and animalistic about his thick lips, largepored, yellowish skin, coarse crinkly hair, and oddly elongated ears.” —The Dunwich Horror; H P Lovecraft Toughness as bonus feats 361