Sense Motive checks to interact with aberrations and travelers a +2 bonus on Perception and Survival checks extraplanar creatures A mad artist's stage of dread (see to navigate the Dreamlands and notice creatures and page 91) is never less than A mad artist takes a hazards there, as well as on initiative checks This –2 penalty on saving throws against confusion, dread, ability relies on audible and visual components and insanity Bardic Performance: A mad artist has access to the following bardic performances 56 While in the Dreamlands, the mad artist functions normally while simultaneously performing in the waking world The bard must travel to the Unnatural Rapport (Ex): At 1st level, a mad Dreamlands (by falling asleep) with the targets or the artist can use his performance to communicate effect is wasted The duration of the ability elapses in with unnatural creatures within 90 ft., including Dreamlands time (which seems normal to the dream aberrations, oozes, creatures not native to his home travelers but might be faster than in the waking world) plane, and undead He can communicate simple once the group enters the Dreamlands If the mad artist concepts without a shared language and can even is interrupted while performing (either voluntarily communicate with mindless creatures Although the or involuntarily), then he (and all the party traveling mad artist must perform constantly to maintain the with him) immediately returns to where he was in the benefits of this performance, he expends only round waking world of bardic performance per minute of interaction Using This performance replaces inspire competence this performance causes the artist to become shaken for Visionary Fugue (Ex): At 8th level, a mad artist can its duration This cannot make him frightened, but if perform or create art for hours to learn things mortals your game uses the dread rules, it increases his dread were not meant to know by emulating the thoughts of by stage, and his stage of dread can't decrease while alien beings This is similar to legend lore except that he performs Unnatural rapport relies on audible and the mad artist can recall legends regarding aberrations, visual components outsiders, and undead of CR or higher and he must This performance replaces fascinate succeed at a Will save against DC 15 + target's CR or Dream Guide (Ex): At 3rd level, a mad artist can use be shaken for 1d12 days his storytelling skills to guide others in the Dreamlands This performance replaces dirge of doom Although the mad artist must perform constantly to Eldritch Symbolism (Ex): At 2nd level, a mad artist maintain the benefits of this performance, he expends gains a +4 bonus on skill checks made to identify or only one round of bardic performance per hour of create magical runes, ritual diagrams (page 128), and travel If the mad artist begins the performance in the magic traps He also gains a +4 bonus on saves against physical world, he and up to one creature per bard level magic traps (including symbols, runes, and glyphs) who falls asleep listening to his performance can travel This ability replaces well-versed consciously to the Dreamlands (page 103), becoming Symbolic Magic (Ex): At 2nd level and every four temporarily aware of their parallel lives there They levels thereafter, a mad artist adds two spells that create must listen to the performance for hour before magical glyphs, runes, or symbols from the cleric or sleeping to gain this benefit While in the Dreamlands, sorcerer/wizard spell list to his spell list and spells this performance grants the mad artist and his fellow- known If the spell is 5th level, the mad artist adds it