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KHÓA HỌC: TIỀN GIẢI ĐỀ 2022 - 2023 Giáo viên: Cô Trang Anh  ĐỀ THI THỬ TUẦN Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question 1: A worked B looked C booked D crooked Question 2: A charge B drunkard C postcard D apartment Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions Question 3: A promote B victim C panic D worship Question 4: A identity B television C category D dictionary Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 5: She read the poem slowly and quietly, ? A does she B doesn’t she C did she D didn’t she Question 6: No definitive results from the discussions A have emerged B have been emerged C has emerged D has been emerged Question 7: Many recent findings have shown that levels of pollution present the atmosphere are increasing A in B to C at D with Question 8: Between working full-time and taking care of the kids, the latter is the A best B better C worst D much better Question 9: I bought my mother a(n) scarf when I went abroad on a business trip A expensive silver long Turkish B expensive long Turkish silver C expensive long silver Turkish D Turkish expensive silver long Question 10: I wish my wife _ as beautiful and graceful as you _ A were/were B was/did C were/did D were/are Question 11: Let her alone She looks as if she _ A were crying B had cried C is going to cry D will cry Question 12: In front of my eyes was a(n) _ woman A small old thin unhappy B unhappy small thin old C unhappy small old thin D thin unhappy small old Question 13: The friends I in my home town are different from my college friends A go out B get along C hang around with D stand in for Question 14: Primitive people regarded storms as an of God A act B action C active D activity Question 15: His manner suggested that he interest in what we were doing A lack of B lack C lacked D lacked of Question 16: How can I believe you? You are always _ lies A telling B speaking C saying D talking Question 17: Many people the view that children should not be physically punished A held B have C took D all are correct Question 18: These proposals are for discussion, they're not carved in _ A rock B stone C gravel D pebble Question 19: I’d rather you about his personal problems last night A hadn’t told B haven’t told C didn’t tell D not tell Question 20: The new jet flew much _than most planes A higher B more highly C highly D high Question 21: Fill the glass half full with beer and it _ with lemonade A fill - up B top - up C speed- up D blow -up Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 22: The judge has decided to defer his decision until a later date because there wasn’t enough evidence A preserve B reserve C maintain D conserve Question 23: It is an independent voluntary organization which aims to provide assistance to people in need A necessity B hardship C obstacle D requirement Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 24: During the third quarter of the 20th century, coincidence with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many general-interest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business A like hot cakes B like a streak of lightning C like you need a hole in the head D like a cat on a hot tin roof Question 25: He thought Janet's response seemed a bit fishy, so he did a bit of investigation into her role in the company A suspicious B unfaithful C loyal D honest Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 26: Not only the students but also the teacher feel that the school should offer computer classes A B C D Question 27: My friend decided to change his life by moving abroad and set up his new company A B C D Question 28: Look out! The frightening horse may injure you, so you’d better not play near it A B C D Question 29: Nationality is a legal identity of a person in international law, establishing the A B person as a subject, a national, of a sovereign state C D Question 30: According to the results of some research, the earliest recorded use of the word is in the twelfth century A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 31: My father is the most handsome man I have ever known A I have never known a more handsome man than my father B My father is not as handsome as the men I have ever known C I have ever known such a handsome man It’s my father D No man in the world is as handsome as my father Question 32: It is a pity he was late for the job interview A I think he mustn't have been late for the job interview B I hear he hasn't been late for the job interview C I remember he wasn't late for the job interview D I wish he hadn't been late for the job interview Question 33: Our grandmother might have phoned while we were out A Unfortunately we were out when our grandmother phoned B We were sure our grandmother had phoned while we were out C Possibly our grandmother phoned while we were out D Our grandmother ought to have phoned while we were out Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38 The usual western idea of marriage is that you meet someone, fall in love, and then decide to marry each other For those born into some cultures, (34) , marriage may have quite a different meaning In an arranged marriage, it is the parents (35) choose the partner and it's possible for the young person to get married not to meet their future bride or groom in (36) until the day of the wedding Indeed, a young person might be promised to (37) as a child, many years before the wedding day Amongst communities that practice arranged marriage, it's not unusual for a generation gap to open up between parents and children, with many young people (38) to accept an arranged marriage However, if the partners treat each other with respect and recognize that they are both of equal value, there doesn't seem to be any real barrier to having a happy married life Question 34: A however B although C yet D moreover Question 35: A which B when C who D where Question 36: A advance B person C time D need Question 37: A other B the other C some D another Question 38: A adjusting B depleting C refusing D disagreeing Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43 Dreaming, a popular activity not merely for humans, really does help us process our memories and come to terms with our daily lives That might sound uncontroversial but we have never had clear evidence that this is the case – until now Research on dreaming can raise the prospect of hacking our dreams to boost learning, memory and emotional well-being A team of researchers has found that the emotional strength of the experiences we have when we are awake is linked to the content of our dreams, and the intensity of our dreaming brainwaves The team asked 20 volunteer students to keep a detailed diary of their daily lives for 10 days, logging the main things they had done, any personally significant events that had taken place, and any major concerns or worries they had had Where appropriate, the students noted any accompanying emotion, and scored it for intensity On the evening of the tenth day, the volunteers slept in the team’s dream lab while wearing an EEG cap that measured their brainwaves Each person was woken during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and if they had been dreaming, a report of the dream was recorded The team then compared the content of such dreams with the daily logs, looking for links An additional result of the research is that events that had a higher emotional impact were more likely to become incorporated into a person’s dreams than blander, more neutral experiences Together, these findings suggest that the most intense dreaming activity occurs when our brains are working hard to process recent, emotionally powerful experiences If dreams act as a sort of overnight therapy to soothe the emotional impact of our experiences, it raises the prospect of manipulating our sleeping brains to improve this process Question 39: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about dreaming? A Studying about dreams helps us improve our daily lives B It is common knowledge that dreams relate to our memories C Persuasive evidence about dreams and memories has recently been confirmed D No other species but human beings dream when they are sleeping Question 40: The result of the research shows that A the more unforgettable our daily events are, the more powerful our dreams will be B if we work hard during the day, there are more chances that we will have strange dreams C the intensity of our brainwaves can tell us about the content of our dreams D those who move their eyes rapidly when sleeping have more dreams than others Question 41: The word “logging” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A speaking about B writing down C taking part in D stopping Question 42: The word “it” in paragraph refers to A diary B emotion C event D concern Question 43: Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage? A The impact of dreams on emotional events B How to make dreams improve your life C The link between awake experiences and dreams D Knowing more about dreams Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50 Research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students in school Curiosity also allows us to embrace unfamiliar circumstances, brings excitement into our lives, and opens up new possibilities Being curious requires us to be both humble enough to know we don’t have all the answers, and confident enough to admit it Asking the questions that help us bridge the gap between what we already know and what we’d like to know can lead us to make unexpected discoveries In science, basic curiosity-driven research – conducted without pressure to produce immediate practical results – can have unexpected and incredibly important benefits When we become curious, our brains release a chemical called dopamine, which makes the process of learning more pleasurable and improves memory It is still not known why learning gives us such pleasure, but one theory is that we may have developed a basic need to fight uncertainty – the more we understand about the world around us, the more likely we are to survive its many dangers! However, curiosity is currently under threat like never before – and perhaps the biggest threat comes from technology On one level, this is because technology has become so sophisticated that many of us are unable to think too deeply about how exactly things work anymore While it may be possible for a curious teenager to take a toaster apart and get some sense of how it works, how much you understand about what happens when you type a website address into a browser? In addition to this, there’s the fact that we all now connect so deeply with technology, particularly with our phones The more we stare at our screens, the less we talk to other people directly To make matters worse, all too often we accept the images of people that social media provides us with, and then feel we know enough about a person not to need to engage further with them The final – and perhaps most worrying – way in which technology stops us from asking more has to with algorithms, the processes followed by computers As we increasingly get our news via social media, algorithms find out what we like and push more of the same back to us, meaning that we end up inside our own little bubbles, no longer coming across ideas that challenge our pre-existing beliefs (adapted from Dellar and Walkley, 2018) Question 44: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of being curious? A It makes our lives more inspiring B It creates motivation in learning C It removes all pressure in lives D It produces meaningful outcomes Question 45: The word “uncertainty” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A changeability B reliability C confidence D battle Question 46: According to the passage, technology A is becoming too sophisticated to apply B helps us understand more about people C creates more negative virtual images D prevents us from socializing with others Question 47: The word “them” in paragraph refers to A images B people C social media D phones Question 48: Algorithms A raises more awareness about our bias against the world B generates a world of our own interests C stops us from worrying about our computer skills D challenges our beliefs in the pre-existing world Question 49: Which of the following sentences best summarizes the main point of the passage? A Technology can help us become more curious, but it can also kill our curiosity B It’s more important than ever to make sure kids learn to be curious C Social media doesn’t help us know people better D We run the risk of becoming less curious if we’re not careful Question 50: Which of the following statements you think the writer would likely agree with? A Those who fund scientific research should always demand clear workable outcomes B People should always share ideas with like-minded others to exploit their strengths C One of the humans’ basic instincts is asking questions D You can get a full picture of people from the way they present themselves online THE END ... comes from technology On one level, this is because technology has become so sophisticated that many of us are unable to think too deeply about how exactly things work anymore While it may be...C unhappy small old thin D thin unhappy small old Question 13: The friends I in my home town are different from my... in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 24: During the third quarter of the 20th century, coincidence with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television,

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 12:16
