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From f peter gojdic to bishop paul spiri (1) 14

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SZYMON DRZYŻDŻYK words of St Jacob, is linked with penance The Council of Trent views it as a supplement to penance and would therefore administer it after the sacramental Confession but before Holy Communion Thus, it was postulated to reduce the number of anointing‘s to three, which would be supplemented with a kiss of the cross that would end the rite Reference was also made to the matter of repeating the rite The Council of Trent forbade such practice However, analysis of the sources revealed that the repeated partaking of the sacrament during the same disease was customary up to the thirteenth century This practice changed at the time of the Scholastic systematization, which suggested that repetition of the sacrament threw its effectiveness into doubt The Commission considered this approach to be erroneous because the action of the sacrament is not something that lasts forever; a patient suffering from a chronic illness requires spiritual uplift.10 The material produced by the above-mentioned thirteen subcommittees was handed over to the Central Preparatory Commission of the Council It also voiced its postulates, which in essence does not differ from the above After consideration and redrafting, the materials were published in one volume on 13 July 1962 and distributed to all the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council The chapter devoted to the sacrament of the sick, including the newly developed schema, had the title De unctione infirmorum The complete contents of the postulates of reform, each of which is provided with a title, were included in four points of the document, listed as numbers: 57 – 60:11 57 (name and essence of the Sacrament) The Sacrament, which is commonly called the Extrema unctio, should be called unctio infirmorum, because it is not by itself a sacrament of the dying, but of the seriously ill, so the time for it to be administered is when the faithful is seriously ill 58 (Administering of the Sacrament) Anointing of the Sick has its own place, according to the rules, after Confession and before the Eucharist 59 (The rite of the Sacrament) The number of anointings and the prayers that accompany the rite should be adapted to suit the varying conditions of the sick who receive the sacrament 60 (Repetition of the Sacrament) In a long illness the Sacred Anointing may sometimes be repeated 10 11 14 Fr Stefanski included in his work the entire reasoning in Latin In this article, I present only the most important thoughts See: J STEFAŃSKI, Sakrament , s. 59 – 60 Fr Stefanski publishes only the Latin text for Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II Translations of each of the four points were made by the author of this work See: J STEFAŃSKI, Sakrament , p. 36

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 11:15