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Technology-dependent Quantum Logic Synthesis and Compilation

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Southern Methodist University SMU Scholar Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations Electrical Engineering Fall 12-21-2019 Technology-dependent Quantum Logic Synthesis and Compilation Kaitlin Smith Southern Methodist University, kate.n.smith@outlook.com Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.smu.edu/engineering_electrical_etds Part of the Other Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons Recommended Citation Smith, Kaitlin, "Technology-dependent Quantum Logic Synthesis and Compilation" (2019) Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations 30 https://scholar.smu.edu/engineering_electrical_etds/30 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Electrical Engineering at SMU Scholar It has been accepted for inclusion in Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of SMU Scholar For more information, please visit http://digitalrepository.smu.edu TECHNOLOGY-DEPENDENT QUANTUM LOGIC SYNTHESIS AND COMPILATION Approved by: Dr Mitchell Thornton - Committee Chairman Dr Jennifer Dworak Dr Gary Evans Dr Duncan MacFarlane Dr Theodore Manikas Dr Ronald Rohrer TECHNOLOGY-DEPENDENT QUANTUM LOGIC SYNTHESIS AND COMPILATION A Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Faculty of the Lyle School of Engineering Southern Methodist University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Electrical Engineering by Kaitlin N Smith (B.S., EE, Southern Methodist University, 2014) (B.S., Mathematics, Southern Methodist University, 2014) (M.S., EE, Southern Methodist University, 2015) December 21, 2019 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful for the many people in my life who made the completion of this dissertation possible First, I would like to thank Dr Mitch Thornton for introducing me to the field of quantum computation and for directing me during my graduate studies I would also like to thank my committee for supporting my research and for all of the suggestions and guidance that helped me to develop my skills as a scientist To my family and friends: thank you for being there You have no idea how much your constant encouragement, advice, and love have meant to me over the years as I completed this degree To my Mom and Dad: thank you for always being my biggest fans and for always believing in me You have both taught me so much, and have given me the courage to chase my dreams I love you iii Smith , Kaitlin N B.S., EE, Southern Methodist University, 2014 B.S., Mathematics, Southern Methodist University, 2014 M.S., EE, Southern Methodist University, 2015 Technology-dependent Quantum Logic Synthesis and Compilation Advisor: Dr Mitchell Thornton - Committee Chairman Doctor of Philosophy degree conferred December 21, 2019 Dissertation completed September XX, 2019 The models and rules of quantum computation and quantum information processing (QIP) differ greatly from those that govern classical computation, and these differences have caused the implementation of quantum processing devices with a variety of new technologies Many platforms have been developed in parallel, but at the time of writing, one method of quantum computing has not shown to be superior to the rest Because of the variation that exists between quantum platforms, even between those of the same technology, there must be a way to automatically synthesize technology-independent quantum designs into forms that are capable of physical realization on a quantum computer (QC) with specific operating parameters Additionally, results of synthesis must be formally verified to confirm that output technology-dependent specifications are logically identical to their original, technology-independent forms The first contribution of this work to the field of quantum computing is the creation of such a methodology Quantum technology mapping and optimization for machines with fixed coupling maps and libraries of gates can be performed with an automatic quantum compiler, and the development and test of this compiler will be explored in this dissertation Furthermore, this compiler can be considered in a more general context to be a synthesis tool for QIP circuits in a specific realization technology, many of which are capable of implementing systems where the radix of computation, r, is greater than two As a result of this ability, the second contribution of this work is the presentation of architectures for higher-dimensional quantum entanglement iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER Introduction 1.1 Classical Computation and Limitations 1.2 Contribution Quantum Information 2.1 The Qubit 2.2 Physical Quantum Implementations 2.2.1 Transmons 2.2.2 Photonics 2.3 The Superposition Principle 10 2.4 The Wavefunction and Quantum Computing 11 2.5 Quantum Operations 14 2.6 Requirements for Quantum Computation 17 2.7 Entanglement 18 Quantum Logic Synthesis Considerations 22 3.1 No-Cloning Theorem 22 3.2 Reversible Logic 24 3.3 Gate Libraries and Coupling Constraints 26 3.4 Current Physical Quantum Technology 27 v 3.4.1 IBM Q 27 3.4.2 Rigetti 29 3.4.3 Quantum with Photonic Devices 30 3.5 Quantum Cost 33 3.6 Quantum Multiple-valued Decision Diagrams 35 3.7 Zero-supressed Decision Diagrams 36 Technology Mapping Algorithms 39 4.1 Connectivity Tree Reroute 39 4.2 Zero-suppressed Decision Diagram Technology Mapping 42 4.2.1 Problem Formulation with ZDD Mapping 42 4.2.2 Finding Maximal Partitions 43 4.2.3 ZDD mapping in the Quantum Compilation Flow 47 4.2.4 Experimental Results 48 Formally-verified Synthesis Methods and Experiments 52 5.1 IBM 53 5.1.1 Methodology 53 5.1.2 Experimental Results 55 5.2 Rigetti 62 5.2.1 Methodology 62 5.2.2 Experimental Results 65 Higher Dimensioned Quantum Logic Synthesis 68 6.1 Qudit Information 71 6.2 Qudit Superposition 73 6.2.1 The Hadamard Gate 74 6.2.2 The Chrestenson Gate 74 vi 6.3 Single Qudit Basis Permutation 78 6.4 Controlled Qudit Operators 79 Higher Dimensioned Entanglement Generators 84 7.1 Partial Entanglement of Qudit Pairs 85 7.2 Maximal Entanglement Generators for Qudit Pairs 87 7.3 Maximal Entanglement of Qudit Groups 97 7.3.1 Synthesis of Qudit Entanglement States 100 Conclusion 106 8.1 Summary 106 8.2 Future Work 107 APPENDIX A The Radix-4 Chrestenson Gate 109 A.0.1 Quantum Optics 110 A.1 The Four-port Coupler 111 A.2 Physical Realizations of the Four-port Coupler 115 A.2.1 Fabrication 117 A.2.2 Characterization 117 A.3 Implementing Qudit Quantum Operations with the Coupler 118 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 The Bloch sphere 2.2 Photonic transformation between polarization and dual-rail encoding schemes 2.3 Quantum circuit example 17 2.4 Bell state generator 20 3.1 Proposed qubit copying gate, G 22 3.2 Boolean AND and OR operation symbols and truth tables 25 3.3 Representation of CNOT operation as a QMDD 36 3.4 A ZDD representing the family of sets {{x1 , x2 }, {x1 , x3 }, {x1 , x4 }, {x2 , x3 }, {x2 , x4 }, {x3 , x4 }} All internal non-terminal nodes are annotated with the sets they represent Dashed edges indicate LO and solid edges indicate HI 38 4.1 Implementation of SWAP operation using CNOT 39 4.2 CNOT orientation reversal 40 4.3 Pseudocode CTR algorithm 41 4.4 CTR implementation on the ibmqx3 machine for a CNOT with q5 as control and q10 as target 41 4.5 Algorithm: Find maximal partitions 45 5.1 Synthesis and compilation tool architecture 52 5.2 Proposed 96-qubit machine used for experimentation 62 5.3 CNOT to CZ transformation 64 6.1 Comparison of vector spaces for r = 2, 72 6.2 Radix-r Chrestenson gate, Cr evolving |φr 75 6.3 Roots of unity in the complex plane for r = 2, 3, 4, and 76 6.4 Symbol of the controlled modulo-add gate, Ah,k 83 viii 7.1 a) General circuit for radix-r two-qudit partial entanglement generator b) Specific example circuit for radix-3 two-qudit partial entanglement generator 86 7.2 Radix-3 two-qudit maximal entanglement generator implemented with A1,1 and A2,2 that form the composite gate A(1,2),(1,2) 93 7.3 Generalized maximal entanglement circuit for a radix-r qudit pair 96 7.4 Three-qubit GHZ state generator 97 7.5 Radix-3 three-qudit maximal entanglement generator implemented with two instances of A1,1 × A2,2 = A(1,2),(1,2) 98 7.6 Generalized structure of circuit needed for radix-r maximal entanglement among n qudits where j = n − and m = r − 100 7.7 Algorithm: Find entangled state generator circuit 101 7.8 Sample output of generator circuit synthesis to prepare √13 (|003 + |113 + |223 ) from ground state |003 105 A.1 Signal flow for four-port coupler with input at W 112 A.2 Macroscopic realization of a four-port coupler 115 A.3 Cross sectional scanning electron microscope image of a four-port coupler in MQW-InP 116 A.4 Cross sectional transmission electron micrograph of a four-port coupler backfilled with alumina using atomic layer deposition 121 ix words, the photon has a 25% probability of being located in any of the output ports W, N, E, or S representing the basis states |04 , |14 , |24 , or |34 , respectively: ∗ ∗ ∗ ρ∗W ρW + βW βW + τ W τW + αW αW = 1, 2 + 2 + 2 + = 1, 2 ∗ ∗ αN = 1, βN + τN∗ τN + αN ρ∗N ρN + βN − i 1 i + − 2 − i + − i + = 1, ∗ αE = 1, ρ∗E ρE + βE∗ βE + τE∗ τE + αE 2 + − − + 2 + − − = 1, ρ∗S ρS + βS∗ βS + τS∗ τS + αS∗ αS = 1, i + − i 2 i + 1 − i + − 2 − = If two signals are input into the four-port coupler Chrestenson gate, the conservation of energy causes the inner product of the two produced vectors of coupling coefficients to be zero: ∗ ∗ ∗ ρ∗W τE + βW αE + τW ρE + αW βE = 0, 2 + − + 2 + − = 0, ∗ ∗ αS + τN∗ ρS = 0, αN βS + ρ∗N τS + βN 2 + − i 1 − i + − 2 − i + i ∗ ∗ ∗ ρ∗W αN + βW ρN + τW βN + α W τN = 0, 2 + i + 2 − + ∗ ∗ αN τE + ρ∗N αE + βN ρE + τN∗ βE = 0, 119 − i , = 0, 2 + − i − + − 2 + i 2 = 0, i = 0, − ∗ τE∗ βS + αE τS + ρ∗E αS + βE∗ ρS = 0, 2 + − − i + 2 − + − ∗ ∗ ∗ ρ∗W βS + βW τS + τW αS + αW ρS = 0, 2 + − i + 2 − + i = Since these equations are satisfied with the elements of the 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Intermediate-scale Quantum OAM Orbital Angular Momentum QASM Quantum Assembly Language QC Quantum Computer QFT Quantum Fourier Transform QIP Quantum Information Processing QKD Quantum Key Distribution QMDD Quantum. .. 2018a,b) and in Appendix A Methods and operators for generating higher-radix quantum entanglement are found in (Smith and Thornton, 2019a,c) and within Chapter and Chapter 2.6 Requirements for Quantum. .. Methodist University, 2014 M.S., EE, Southern Methodist University, 2015 Technology-dependent Quantum Logic Synthesis and Compilation Advisor: Dr Mitchell Thornton - Committee Chairman Doctor of

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