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1 ASE WORLD CONGRESS PROGRAM COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY, JUNE 11-13, 2018 June 10 5:45 p.m. Dinner on Sunday Evening before the conference starts (all meals at Durrell Dining Center) DAY (June 11) Breakfast (Durrell Dining Center) 9:00-9:15 Welcome (Clark A201) –Ben Withers (Dean, College of Liberal Arts at Colorado State University) and George DeMartino (President, Association for Social Economics) 9:15-10:30 FIRST PLENARY SESSION (Clark A201) Robert Frank, Cornell University, “Social Contagion” 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break 10:45-12:05 FIRST SESSION BLOCK (Block #1) SESSION A1: TOPICS IN ALTERNATIVE MACROECONOMICS (Clark A201) CHAIR: Tracy Mott, University of Denver, tracy.mott@du.edu PAPERS: Gender Inequality, Social Reproduction and Economic Growth, Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University,Elissa.Braunstein@Colostate.edu & Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont Shifting Involvements and Cycles of Growth and Distribution, Michalis Nikiforos, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, mnikifor@levy.org Income Shares, Secular Stagnation, and the Long-Run Distribution of Wealth, Daniele Tavani and Luke Petach, Colorado State University, daniele.tavani@colostate.edu, luke.petach@colostate.edu DISCUSSANTS: Lilian Rolim, University of Campinas, Brazil, lilian.rolim@gmail.com Tracy Mott, University of Denver, tracy.mott@du.edu Rishabh Kumar, California State University San Bernardino, rishabh.kumar@csusb.edu 2 SESSION B1: CASE STUDIES IN INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT (Clark A204) CHAIR: Arpan Ganguly, Colorado State University, Arpan.ganguly@colostate.edu PAPERS: Ecological Economics and Confucianism in China, Natalia Bracarense, North Central College, nbracarense@noctrl.edu The Imperialism of Mining: Transnational Miners and Andean Peasants in Peru, Alejandro Garay-Huaman, University of Missouri-Kansas City, angvh3@mail.umkc.edu Civilizational Alternatives to Neoliberalism End in One Road to Authoritarianism: Taking Stock of the Situation in Post-Soviet Transition Countries, Anna Klimina, St Thomas More College/University of Saskatchewan, anna klimina@usask.ca DISCUSSANTS: Marco R Di Tommaso, Università degli Studi di Ferrara [dtmmrc@unife.it] Arpan Ganguly, Colorado State University, Arpan.ganguly@colostate.edu Zdravka Todorova, Wright State University, Zdravka.Todorova@wright.edu SESSION C1: REVIVING ECONOMICS BY ADDING SOCIAL FACTORS (Clark A205) CHAIR: Anita Dancs, Western New England University [anita.dancs@wne.edu.] PAPERS: Rethinking Drugs, Sasha Breger Bush, University of Colorado, Denver, sasha.breger@ucdenver.edu Greed, Need and Solidarity: The Socialization of Homo Economicus, Roger Johnson, retired professor of economics, rogerecon47@outlook.com A Critique of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility: Technological Addiction as a Transformation of Becker and Murphy’s Rational Addition Model, Teresa Perry, Colorado State University, Teresa.Perry@colostate.edu DISCUSSANTS: Anita Dancs, Western New England University, anita.dancs@wne.edu Raul Mangrau, York University, rmangrau@yorku.ca Ross Tippit, City University of New York, BMCC-CUNY, ross.tippit@gmail.com 3 SESSION D1: EXPERIMENTS AND NATURAL EXPERIMENTS (Clark A207) CHAIR: George DeMartino, University of Denver, George.demartino@du.edu PAPERS: Does Ethical Behavior Pass the Test of Time? Exploration in Repeated Trust Games, Pierre Lacour, New York University, pierre.lacour@nyu.edu Duration Dependence as an Unemployment Stigma: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany Patrick Nüß, Kiel University, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Patrick-Nuess@BOECKLER.DE DISCUSSANTS: George Demartino, University of Denver, George.demartino@du.edu Joao de Souza, Middlebury College, jdesouza@middlebury.edu 12:05- 1:10 Lunch (Durrell) 1:05-2:25 SECOND SESSION BLOCK (#2) SESSION A2: PROFESSIONAL ECONOMIC ETHICS & THE ROLE OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIAL ECONOMICS (Clark A201) CHAIR: George DeMartino, University of Denver, George.demartino@du.edu PRESENTERS: Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University, Elissa.Braunstein@Colostate.edu Janice Peterson, California State—Fresno, japeterson@csufresno.edu John Watkins, Westminster College, jwatkins@westminstercollege.edu George DeMartino, University of Denver, George.demartino@du.edu SESSION B2: MACRO TOPICS: MONEY, DEBT AND UNEMPLOYMENT (Clark A204) CHAIR: Orsola Costantini, Institute for New Economic Thinking, oconstantini@ineteconomics.org PAPERS: Money as a Social Institution, Ann Davis, Marist College, ann.davis@marist.edu Household Debt Jubilee, Tim Wunder, University of Texas—Arlington, tim.wunder@uta.edu Is the Unemployment Rate Stationary? Evidence from US State Level Data, Hari Luitel, Algoma University, hari.luitel@algomau.ca & Gerry Mahar, Algoma University, Gerry.mahar@algomau.edu DISCUSSANTS: Orsola Costantini, Institute for New Economic Thinking, oconstantini@ineteconomics.org Roger Johnson, retired professor of economics, rogerecon47@outlook.com Melanie Long, Colorado State University, Melanie.long@colostate.edu SESSION C2: ENTREPRENEURS, LEADERS AND WOMEN (Clark A205) CHAIR: Daphne Greenwood, University of Colorado- Colorado Springs, dgreenwo@uccs.edu PAPERS: The Idea of Economic Action: What Do Entrepreneurs Do?, Stephen Parsons, DeMontfort University, fay_stephen@btinternet.com The Contributions & Characteristics of Female Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing: The Case of Vietnam, Christine Ngo, University of Denver, Christine.ngo@du.edu, Markus Schneider, University of Denver & Yavuz Yasar, University of Denver The History of Women in Positions of Leadership: A Case Study in the Variation in Economic Policy as it Pertains to Gender, Hannah Purtymun, Colorado State University, hpurtymun@gmail.com DISCUSSANTS: Austin Landini, Colorado State University, Austin.landini@colostate.edu Tyler Saxon, Colorado State University, tyler.saxon@colostate.edu Daphne Greenwood, University of Colorado- Colorado Springs, dgreenwo@uccs.edu SESSION D2: INEQUALITY-1 (Clark A207) CHAIR: Leila Davis, Middlebury College, ldavis@middlebury.edu PAPERS: Linking Inequality with the Severity of Economic Crises, Mark Friedman, South Central College, mark.friedman@southcentral.edu Economic Democracy and Inequality, Andrew Cumbers, University of Glasgow, Andrew.cumbers@glasgow.ac.uk, Robert McMaster, University of Glasgow, Robert.McMaster@glasgow.ac.uk, Michael White, Nottingham Trent University, Michael.white@ntu.ac.uk, Susana Cabaco, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demography Institute & Karen Bilsland, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Institute An Examination of Food Insecurity in the European Union, 2003-2016, Charalampos (Harry) Konstantinidis, University of Massachusetts Boston, Konstantinidis@umb.edu DISCUSSANTS: Leila Davis, Middlebury College, ldavis@middlebury.edu Stephen C Bannister, University of Utah [steve.bannister@econ.utah.edu] Kalpana Khanal, Nichols College, kalpana.khanal@nichols.edu 2:25-2:40 Coffee Break 2:40-4:00 THIRD SESSION BLOCK (#3) SESSION A3: DEBT ISSUES (Clark A201) CHAIR: Mark Paul, Duke University, markvpaul62@gmail.com PAPERS: Gendered Patterns of Discouragement and Informal Borrowing in US Credit Markets, Melanie Long, Colorado State University, Melanie.long@colostate.edu The Evolution of Financial Fragility: A Quantile Decomposition of Firm Balance Sheets, Leila Davis, Middlebury College, ldavis@middlebury.edu, Joao de Souza, Middlebury College, jdesouza@middlebury.edu & Gonzalo Hernandez, Universidad Javeriana The Functions and Distribution of Household Debt—A Study of US Data, Orsola Costantini, Institute for New Economic Thinking, ocostantini@ineteconomics.org DISCUSSANTS: Mark Paul, Duke University, markvpaul62@gmail.com Hari Luitel, Algoma University, hari.luitel@algomau.ca Tim Wunder, University of Texas Arlington, tim.wunder@uta.edu SESSION B3: STUDIES IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Clark A204) CHAIR: Anna Klimina, St Thomas More College/University of Saskatchewan, anna.klimina@usask.ca PAPERS: The Political Economy of “Food Security” in the Age of Neoliberal Globalization, Kalpana Khanal & Jacob Correa, Nichols College, kalpana.khanal@nichols.edu Economies of Kinship and Command in the Empire of Capital since 1989, Ruchira Sen, University of MissouriKansas City, rswk6@mail.umkc.edu DISCUSSANTS: Nefratiri Weeks, Colorado State University, Nefratiri.weeks@colostate.edu Anna Klimina, St Thomas More College/University of Saskatchewan, anna.klimina@usask.ca SESSION C3: DRUGS AND CRIME (Clark A205) CHAIR: Myra Yazbeck, University of Ottawa, myazbeck@uottawa.ca PAPERS: Drugs, Physicians and Money, Yeva Aleksanyan, Colorado State University, yeva.aleksanyan@colostate.edu What Has Driven Crime Across Countries Over the Past Two Centuries?, Zeresh Errol, Monash University, zeresh.errol@monash.edu DISCUSSANTS: Myra Yazbeck, University of Ottawa, myazbeck@uottawa.ca Joshua Greenstein, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, greenstein@hws.edu SESSION D3: TOPICS IN THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT—1 (Clark A207) CHAIR: Yavuz Yasar, University of Denver, yavuz.yasar@du.edu PAPERS: The Burden of Knowledge and Schumpeter's Innovation, Austin Landini, Austin.landini@colostate.edu Nancy MacLean’s Democracy in Chains: A Social Economics Perspective, Gary Mongiovi, St John’s University, mongiovg@stjohns.edu A Brief History of Care in Economic Thought, John Davis, Marquette University, john.davis@marquette.edu & Robert McMaster, University of Glasgow, Robert.McMaster@glasgow.ac.uk DISCUSSANTS: Guillaume Vallet, Grenoble Alpes University & CREG Research Center (Grenoble), guillaume.vallet@univgrenoble-alpes.fr John Davis, Marquette University, john.davis@marquette.edu Yavuz Yasar, University of Denver, yavuz.yasar@du.edu 4:00-4:15 Coffee Break 4:15-5:30 SECOND PLENARY SESSION (Clark A201) Edward Barbier, Colorado State University, "Nature and Wealth: Overcoming Environmental Scarcity and Inequality" Everyone is on their own for dinner There are plenty of good places to eat in Fort Collins 7 DAY (June 12) Breakfast (Durrell Dining Center) 9:00-10:20 FOURTH SESSION BLOCK (#4) SESSION A4: ECOLOGICAL ISSUES (Clark A203) CHAIR: Charalampos (Harry) Konstantinidis, University of Massachusetts Boston, Konstantinidis@umb.edu PAPERS: Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Climate Change, Armon Rezai, WU Wien, armon.rezai@wu.ac.at Lance Taylor, New School for Social Research & Duncan Foley, New School for Social Research Work Hours and CO2 Emissions, Anders Fremstad, Colorado State University, anders.fremstad@colostate.edu, Mark Paul & Tony Underwood DISCUSSANTS: Mimi Houston, Colorado State University, mimi.houston@colostate.edu Charalampos (Harry) Konstantinidis, University of Massachusetts Boston, Konstantinidis@umb.edu SESSION B4: DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Clark A204) CHAIR: Yavuz Yasar, University of Denver, yavuz.yasar@du.edu PAPERS: Labor Market Outcomes in Global Value Chains: Wage and Income Distribution Effects of Trade Integration in Developing Economies, Arpan Ganguly, Colorado State University, Arpan.ganguly@colostate.edu Poor Country, Rich Country, Many Lessons: The Evolution of Wealth-Income Ratios in India, 1860-2012, Rishabh Kumar, California State University—San Bernadino, rishabh.kumar@csusb.edu Conservation, Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from National Parks in Indonesia, Hwayoung Jeon, Colorado State University, hwayoung.jeon@colostate.edu DISCUSSANTS: Zeresh Errol, Monash University, zeresh.errol@monash.edu Yavuz Yasar, University of Denver, yavuz.yasar@du.edu Sumaiya Nehla Saif, University of Denver, sumaiya.saif@du.edu SESSION C4: RHETORIC AND SOCIAL ECONOMICS (Clark A205) CHAIR: Sasha Breger Bush, University of Colorado, Denver, sasha.breger@ucdenver.edu PAPERS: Markets over Households and the Demise of the Social Economy, David George, Lasalle University, george@lasalle.edu The Active Construction of the Passive Investor: Toward Robo Economicus, Adam Hayes, University of Wisconsin-Madison, adam.hayes@wisc.edu DISCUSSANTS: Sasha Breger Bush, University of Colorado, Denver, sasha.breger@ucdenver.edu Mark Friedman, South Central College, mark.friedman@southcentral.edu SESSION D4: INEQUALITY-2 (Clark A207) CHAIR: Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University, Elissa.Braunstein@Colostate.edu PAPERS: To Gini or Not to Gini, or Two More Ginis: Why How Measure Inequality Matters, But There is No Right Way to Do It, Markus Schneider, University of Denver, markus.schneider@du.edu Facts are No Longer Enough, Dell Champlin, Oregon State University, dell.champlin@oregonstate.edu & Janet Knoedler, Bucknell University On the Importance of the Upside Down Test in Absolute Socioeconomic Health Inequality Comparisons, Myra Yazbeck, University of Ottawa, myazbeck@uottawa.ca DISCUSSANTS: Paul Makdissi, University of Ottawa, paul.makdissi@uottawa.ca Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University, Elissa.Braunstein@Colostate.edu Markus Schneider, University of Denver, markus.schneider@du.edu 10:20-10:35 Coffee Break 10:35-11:55 FIFTH SESSION BLOCK (#5) SESSION A5: SUSTAINABILITY (Clark A203) CHAIR: Pierre Lacour, New York University, pierre.lacour@nyu.edu PAPERS: The Limits to Degrowth: the Social and Economic Consequences, Stephen C Bannister, University of Utah [steve.bannister@econ.utah.edu] Relational Determinants of International Environmental Cooperation: A Panel Analysis, Mimi Houston, Colorado State University, mimi.houston@colostate.edu DISCUSSANTS: Anders Fremstad, Colorado State University, anders.fremstad@colostate.edu Pierre Lacour, New York University, pierre.lacour@nyu.edu B5: ROUNDTABLE ON ALTERNATIVE MACROECONOMICS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (Clark A204) CHAIR: Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University, daniele.tavani@colostate.edu PRESENTATIONS: Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University, elissa.braunstein@colostate.edu Michalis Nikiforos, Levy Economics Institute, mnikifor@levy.org Rishabh Kumar, California State University San Bernardino, rishabh.kumar@csusb.edu Armon Rezai, Vienna University of Economic and Business, armon.rezai@wu.ac.at SESSION C5: TOPICS IN SOCIAL ECONOMICS (Clark A205) CHAIR: Dell Champlin, Oregon State University, dell.champlin@oregonstate.edu PAPERS: Stratification Economics as an Economics of Exclusion, John Davis, Marquette University, john.davis@marquette.edu The (Prisoner’s) Dilemma of Overwork, Nicholas Kacher, Colorado State University, njkacher@rams.colostate.edu The “Veil of Ignorance” and Behavioral Welfare Economics, Roger McCain, Drexel University, mccainra@drexel.edu DISCUSSANTS: 10 David George, Lasalle University, george@lasalle.edu Dell Champlin, Oregon State University, dell.champlin@oregonstate.edu Teresa Perry, Colorado State University, Teresa.perry@colostate.edu SESSION D5: TOPICS IN THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT—2 (Clark A207) CHAIR: Stephen Parsons, DeMontfort University, fay_stephen@btinternet.com PAPERS: An Introduction to the Life and Work of Piero Sraffa with Focus on the Digital Sraffa Archive, Scott Carter, University of Tulsa, scott-carter@utulsa.edu Das Adam Smith Problem: A Virtue Ethics Approach, Justin Solum, Colorado State University, Justin.solum@colostate.edu When and Why has the Social Been Left Out of Economics?, Raul Mangrau, York University, rmangrau@yorku.ca DISCUSSANTS: Gary Mongiovi, St John’s University, mongiovg@stjohns.edu Stephen Parsons, DeMontfort University, fay_stephen@btinternet.com Adam Hayes, University of Wisconsin-Madison [adam.hayes@wisc.edu] 11:55-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:20 SIXTH SESSION BLOCK SESSION A6: ETHICS, SOCIAL ECONOMICS AND SUSTAINABILITY (Clark A203) CHAIR: John Watkins, Westminster College, jwatkins@westminstercollege.edu PAPERS: From Adam Smith to Sustainable Development: The Return of Ethics to Economics, Daphne Greenwood, University of Colorado- Colorado Springs, dgreenwo@uccs.edu Innovations in Social Economics and Sustainability: Lessons from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Aude Chesnais, Colorado State University, audechesnais@gmail.com DISCUSSANTS: John Watkins, Westminster College, jwatkins@westminstercollege.edu Chimedlkham Zorigtbaatar, University of Utah, Chimedlkham.Zorigtbaatar@Utah.edu 11 SESSION B6: ALTERNATIVE MONEY AND BANKING SCHEMES (Clark A204) CHAIR: Ann Davis, Marist College, ann.davis@marist.edu PAPERS: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain: Disrupting Conventional Banking or a New Technology with NonCurrency Uses? Anita Dancs, Western New England University, anita.dancs@wne.edu, & Valérie Racine, Western New England University Systems of Ethics for Banks that Act as Private Commons: A Case Study of Three Swiss Alternative Banks Virgile Chassagnon, Grenoble Alpes University & CREG Research Center (Grenoble) & Guillaume Vallet, Grenoble Alpes University & CREG Research Center (Grenoble), guillaume.vallet@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr DISCUSSANTS: Ann Davis, Marist College, ann.davis@marist.edu Justin Solum, Colorado State University, Justin.solum@colostate.edu SESSION C6: THEMES FROM POLANYI (Clark A205) CHAIR: Robert McMaster, University of Glasgow, Robert.McMaster@glasgow.ac.uk PAPERS: Using Polanyi’s The Great Transformation to Understand Crises: Beyond the Regulation School and the Social Structures of Accumulation Perspectives, Nefratiri Weeks, Colorado State University, Nefratiri.weeks@colostate.edu Debt-Credit, Exchange, Gift, and Other Economic Relations: Issues of Bringing the Social into Economics, Zdravka Todorova, Wright State University, Zdravka.Todorova@wright.edu DISCUSSANT: Robert McMaster, University of Glasgow, Robert.McMaster@glasgow.ac.uk 12 SESSION D6: INEQUALITY-3 (Clark A207) CHAIR: Scott Carter, University of Tulsa, scott-carter@utulsa.edu PAPERS: Multiple Identities and Disadvantaged Identities, Mark Paul, Duke University, markvpaul62@gmail.com, Khaing Zaw, Darrick Hamilton and William Darity, Jr Unequal Inequalities and Global Convergence, Joshua Greenstein, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, greenstein@hws.edu DISCUSSANTS: John Davis, Marquette University, john.davis@marquette.edu Scott Carter, University of Tulsa, scott-carter@utulsa.edu 2:20 ON – AFTERNOON OFF (buses to Arthur’s Rock and/or Horsetooth) Conference Dinner at The Mayor in the evening starting at pm DAY (June 13) Breakfast (Durrell Dining Hall) 9:00- 10:20 SEVENTH SESSION BLOCK (#7) SESSION A7: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (Clark A204) CHAIR: Hwayoung Jeon, Colorado State University, hwayoung.jeon@colostate.edu PAPERS: Chinese Industrialization and Global Socio-Economic Equilibria How the Rise of China is Functional to our Society’s Status Quo, Marco R Di Tommaso, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, dtmmrc@unife.it Impact of Technology on Economic and Social Development: An Analysis of the Indian Grassroots Technology Sector, Shamayeta Rahman, University of Denver, Shamayeta.Rahman@du.edu, Sumaiya Nehla Saif, University of Denver, sumaiya.saif@du.edu & Moath Alkarnous, University of Denver (moath.alkarnous@du.edu) DISCUSSANTS: Hwayoung Jeon, Colorado State University, hwayoung.jeon@colostate.edu Ruchira Sen, University of Missouri-Kansas City, rswk6@mail.umkc.edu 13 SESSION B7: MODELING SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND ITS CONSEQUENCES (Clark A207) CHAIR: Roger McCain, Drexel University, mccainra@drexel.edu PAPERS: No One is Alone: Strategic Complementarities, Capacity Utilization Growth, and Income Distribution, Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University, daniele.tavani@colostate.edu & Luke Petach, Colorado State University, Luke.Petach@colostate.edu A Comparison of Two Models of Social Interaction, Ross Tippit, City BMCC-CUNY, University of New York, ross.tippit@gmail.com DISCUSSANTS: Michalis Nikiforos, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, mnikifor@levy.org Roger McCain, Drexel University, mccainra@drexel.edu 10:20-10:35 Coffee Break 10:35-11:55 EIGHTH SESSION BLOCK (#8) SESSION A8: MACROECONOMIC POLICIES: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES (Clark A204) CHAIR: Janice Peterson, California State—Fresno, japeterson@csufresno.edu PAPERS: Industrial Policy Tools and Societal Goals Re-reading the American case (from Hamilton to Trump) Marco R Di Tommaso, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, dtmmrc@unife.it Remittances and Households in the Neoliberal Regime, Kalpana Khanal, Nichols College, kalpana.khanal@nichols.edu & Zdravka Todorova, Wright State University, Zdravka.Todorova@wright.edu Improving a Relatively Flawed Definition of Relative Poverty, Michael Roberts, Colorado State University, mer@rams.colostate.edu, and Steven Pressman, Colorado State University, pressman@monmouth.edu DISCUSSANTS: Janice Peterson, California State—Fresno, japeterson@csufresno.edu Michael Roberts, Colorado State University, mer@rams.colostate.edu Yeva Aleksanyan, Colorado State University, yeva.aleksanyan@colostate.edu 14 SESSION B8: GENDER ISSUES (Clark A207) CHAIR: Nicholas Kacher, Colorado State University, njkacher@rams.colostate.edu PAPERS: The Effects of the Brazilian Recession on Wage Inequality between Men and Women, Carolina Troncoso Baltar, Lilian Nogueira Rolim, lilian.rolim@gmail.com & Eugenia Troncoso Leone, University of Campinas, Brazil The Scientific-Military-Industrial Complex: A Male-Biased Path of Technological Change, Tyler Saxon, Colorado State University, Tyler.Saxon@colostate.edu Gender Division of Labor in the Making: Unpaid Household Work of Adolescents in Mongolia, Chimedlkham Zorigtbaatar, University of Utah, Chimedlkham.Zorigtbaatar@Utah.edu DISCUSSANTS: Nicholas Kacher, Colorado State University, njkacher@rams.colostate.edu Shamayeta Rahman, University of Denver, Shamayeta.Rahman@du.edu Zohreh Emami, Alverno College, zohreh.emami@alverno.edu END OF CONFERENCE—HOPE YOU ALL HAD A GOOD AND PRODUCTIVE TIME