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Tài liệu XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics pptx

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Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Organisation Duration Type Christine Hancock United Kingdom Fall United Kingdom Lillycrop United Kingdom Poston Arulkumaran Panel discussion Panel discussion Concluding remarks End Time Session Title Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Developmental origins Lucilla of obesity Panel discussion Sabaratnam Start Time Presenter First Name Developmental Caroline programming and future risk of NCDs Epigenetic mechanisms Karen linking early life environment with noncommunicable diseases Location Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Cabero-Roura Kapur Hancock United Kindgom United Kindgom Spain Denmark MONDAY OCTOBER Hall 08h00 09h30 Preventing non communicable disease by ensuring a healthy start in life C3 Collaborating for Health 90 minutes Symposiu Maternal Fetal m Medicine Christine Hancock United Kingdom Introduction and scene setting Luis Anil Christine United Kingdom Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME End Time Session Title Hall 9A 08h00 09h30 Organisation FIGO New FIGO Guidelines on Female Contraceptive Sterilization and Informed Consent: How to Comply Duration Type 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Symposiu Sexual and m Reproductive Health Bernard Dickens Canada Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Bernard Dickens Canada Das India HIV+ women and the new Habile ethical guidelines on sterilization Women with disabilities Eszter and the new ethical guidelines on sterilization Start Time Presenter First Name Incentive systems and the Abhijit new ethical guidelines on sterilization Location Sebitloane South Africa Kismodi Switzerland Introduction 08h00 09h30 Management of Infertility FIGO 90 minutes Symposiu Reproductive m Medicine Egbert te Velde Netherlan Infertility with respect to Duru ds PCOS Shah India Duru Hall 9B Shah India Klaus Diedrich Germany Egbert te Velde Netherlands Management of female infertility Is there a relation between declining male reproductive health and environmental pollutants? Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Start Time Sala 08h00 Raffaella Alibrandi Hall 10 (F+G) End Time Session Title Organisation 09h30 International 90 Federation of minutes Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy The value of diagnostic Colposcopy in 2012 Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Symposiu Gynaecological m Oncology Silvio Tatti Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Silvio Tatti Argentina The utility of colposcopy in the management of women with abnormal screening tests Duration Type Presenter First Name Mario Sideri Italy The value of structured training in colposcopy The utility of colposcopy in the management of women with abnormal screening tests Location Jim Bentley Canada Jose Jeronimo Peru/United States Walter Prendiville Ireland Presern Switzerland Argentina Introduction and update of New Nomenclature Diagnostic colposcopy is a reliable investigation with high negative predictive value in women with mild cytological abnormality Room 08h00 Baebiana (B) Hall 10 09h30 Progress towards FIGO / The 90 MCH MDGs 4&5 Partnership for minutes Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Symposiu Low Resource m Countries Marleen Temmerm Belgium an The Partnership and its Carole role in achieving MDGs and Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country 09h30 Educational Program on Pelvic Floor Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery FIGO Working Group 90 minutes Symposiu Urogynaecology m Morton Mason Switzerland Day-Stirk United Kingdom Zaman Pakistan Implementation Fernando strategies of evidence based practices UN Commitment for Flavia better health care for mother and child Presentation of the FIGO Oscar Working Group Althabe Uruguay Bustreo Switzerland Results of survey of OB/GYN Societies concerning the FIGO Urogynecology Training Recommendations Room 08h00 Domizia/E uphemia (D+E) Hall 10 Argentina FIGO role in the PMNCH Presern Belizán Essential package of Elizabeth interventions Interventions coverage Frances The countdown initiative Carole Stenchever Switzerlan Country progress towards José M d the achievement of MDGs and Stencheve United States r Farrukh Morton Contreras Ortiz Argentina United States Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Recommendations of Gabriele Subgroup after Interim Meeting – Rome January 2012 Summing up and Stefano discussion Summing up and Mohamed discussion 08h00 Room Iustina (I) Hall 10 ISGE 90 minutes Symposiu Surgery m Symposiu National and m International Societies Italy Hefni United Kingdom Bettocchi Italy Netherlands Sciarra United States Office Hysteroscopy Parkar Kenya Hysteroscopic Mark morcellation: evolution or revolution? Treatment of intra uterine Bruno adhesions Emanuel Hysteroscopy for abnormal uterine bleeding: Promise and reality Ovarian Borderline Tumor: How far can we go with a conservative strategy? Osama Shawki Egypt Pierandrea De Iaco Italy Surgical staging in non Giuseppe epithelial ovarian tumors, is it really necessary? Trojano Italy Vizza Italy Giovanni Scambia Italy Scollo Italy Stefano Salvatore Jack Paolo Gynaecology SIGO Oncology: Myths and Pitfalls session I Ovarian Cancer 90 minutes Italy Early stage ovarian cancer: open, laparoscopic or robotic? 09h30 ISGE Best Videos on Hysteroscopy Falconi Rafique Room 08h00 Cecilia [C] Hall 10 09h30 Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Enrico Van Herendael Belgium Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME End Time Session Title Gynaecology Oncology: Myths and Pitfalls session I Resolving the Controversy: Advanced Ovarian Cancer Room Aurelia (A) Hall 10 09h30 Lebanese Society Session Duration Type 90 minutes 90 Lebanese Society of O&G minutes (in collaboration with CCCC) Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Primary debulking Symposiu National and m International Societies Symposiu National and m International Societies Muhieddine Seoud Tamar 08h00 Organisation Kabakian- Lebanon Khasholia n Lebanon Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Giovanni Aletti Italy Stefano Greggi Italy RTIs and psychoprotection: A new paradigm in women’s health care Faysal El-Kak Lebanon Neuro-protective effect of Anwar antenatal magnesium sulfate Nassar Lebanon Flexibility in the management of the adherent placenta: Practical case presentations Maternal and neonatal near miss in the context of health systems: comparative study of Egypt, Lebanon, the OPT, and Syria Unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss: What is next? Antenatal corticosteroids: A leap into the late preterm? Start Time Presenter First Name Neoadjuvant chemotherapy Location Muhieddine Seoud Lebanon Jocelyn De Jong Lebanon Abdallah Adra Lebanon Fadi Mirza Lebanon Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time Room 08h00 Hortensia (H) Hall 10 End Time Session Title 09h30 Organisation Health Economic SAFOG s of Providing MCH care in South Asia Duration Type 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Promoting women’s participation in maternity care: examples from Lebanon Panel Discussion Bangladesh (SOGB) Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Tamar KabakianKhasholian Lebanon Kohinoor Begum Bangladesh Shah India Moderators: Rana Nepal Lubna Hassan Pakistan Mangala Dissanayake Sri Lanka Naomi CabendaNarain Netherlands Hirst Australia Chanprapaph Thailand Sabaratnam Arulkumar United Kingdom an Harshalal R Symposiu National and m International Societies Senevirat Sri Lanka Panel Discussion - India P K (FOGSI) ne India Panel Discussion - Nepal Ashma Chatterji Alokendu Pakistan Rubina Narendra Room 08h00 Niside (N) Hall 10 09h30 FC1 90 minutes Free Antenatal Care Communi and Diagnosis cation Session Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Sohail Malhotra India Herbert Valensise Italy (NESOG) Panel Discussion Pakistan (SOGP) Panel Discussion - Sri Lanka (SLCOG) Assessment of External Cephalic Version in a Dutch Regional Hospital Gestational Diabetes in Jane Vietnam: Little knowledge may be a dangerous thing Low dose intravenous Pharuhas versus oral iron for iron deficiency anemia starting late in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Antenatal Care and Diagnosis Presenter First Name Obstetric Outcome in Anjoo North Indian Women with asymptomatic bacteriuria Vinita Obstetric outcome in grandmultipara in developing country Hemoglobin Level during Nastaran the First Trimester of Pregnancy in Gestational Diabetes Improving provision of Augustine quality IPTp services: Use of Rapid Results Initiative in facility-based dissemination of simplified Malaria in pregnancy guidelines in Kenya Management of Homeira threatened Preterm Labor Based on Sonographic Measurements of the Cervical Length Second trimester Ambrogio P prediction of small for gestational age and intrauterine growth restriction Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Agarwal India Das India Safavi Iran Ngindu Kenya Vafaei Iran Londero Italy Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Room Ottavia (O) Hall 10 08h00 09h30 FC2 Organisation Duration Type 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Free Health Care Communi Policy cation Session Infertility Health Care Policy Health Care Policy Health Care Policy Health Care Policy C.N Purandare India Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Emergency obstetric care Hilde in Norway Engjom Norway Usha Chlamydial infection in patients presenting with infertility Mona Folic Acid Intake and Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) in a Cohort of Egyptian Mothers Influenza A (H1 N1) MF59- Ariel adjuvanted vaccine and adverse perinatal outcomes A large cross sectional multicenter study US abortion Renzo determinants: an ecological perspective Clinical audits to reduce Soheila cesarean sections in hospital setting in Iran Ambitious or obtainable goal? Gupta India Elhusseini Egypt Karolinski Argentina Puccetti Italy Mohammadi Sweden Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Health Care Policy Room Livia (L) Hall 10 08h00 09h30 FC3 90 minutes Free Assisted Communi Reproduction cation Session Assisted Reproduction Assisted Reproduction 10 Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Effect on CA125 Request James Numbers of the Introduction of NICE Clinical Guidance 122 “The recognition and initial management of Ovarian Cancer” Basil Tarlatzis Greece Duncan United Kingdom ICSI Outcome after Aziza Assessment of Sperm DNA Integrity for Diagnosis of Fertility Potential Neveen Role of Antimullerian hormone and follicel stimulating hormone receptors genotypes in prediction of the ovarian response prior to assisted reproductive technique Mansour Egypt Nour eldine Egypt Molecular genetic risk factors of obstetrical complications and assisted reproductive technologies Sukhikh Russian Federation Gennady Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Labour & Delivery Maternal and Neonatal Emídio Prognosis of Occiput Posterior Position during Instrumental Delivery – Experience of a Differential Perinatal Support Hospital Vale Fernandes Portugal Labour & Delivery Maternal colonization Eva with group B streptococci and cord blood donation Visca Switzerland Labour & Delivery Evaluation of the magnitude and distribution of force exerted by obstetric forceps on a fetal head mannequin model Is Foley's catheter IOL is safe and cost effective way of IOL in low resource countries? Gei United States Labour & Delivery Labour & Delivery Hall Room A 236 08h00 09h30 FC85 90 minutes Free Communi cation Session Women’s Health Friday Issues in Low Resource Countries Okonofua Nigeria Alfredo Thangeswara Rudra n Relationship between Wendy Time to Placental Delivery and Post-Partum Blood Loss Validation of Maternal Ayaba Recall During Labor and Delivery in India United Kingdom Sheldon United States Worjoloh United States Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Female Genital Cutting (FGC); Perception of Female Undergraduates in Nigeria Hadijat Raji Nigeria Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Start Time Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Location Maternity care provider’s Charles knowledge attitude and practice of pain relief in Labor in sub-Saharan Africa Incurable Obstetric Gloria fistulae: The socio- clinicopathology of 182 cases Ameh United Kingdom Esegbona United Kingdom PRONTO Simulation and Dilys Teamwork Training for Optimizing Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care: Preliminary Impact Results from Mexico Walker United States The Ideal: Key Attributes Joe for Multipurpose Prevention Technologies Romano United States Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries 237 Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Exhibition 09h30 Hall Hall 09h55 09h55 Tea/coffee break 11h25 FIGO Save the FIGO Mother/Newborn Projects 20062011 - Final Report 25 minutes 90 minutes Usefulness of Dipstick Vaishali reagent strip for screening of asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy in low resource country Management of Krishnamurth Jayanna eclampsia and y postpartum hemorrhage: challenges and opportunities to improve quality of care in northern Karnataka, India India Reduction of Maternal Albert and Newborn Mortality in Kosovo-Lesson Learned Kosovo Symposiu Maternal Fetal m Medicine Andre Lalonde Canada Jain Lila India Dr Omondi-Ogutu Kenya Nigeria Haiti Uruguay 238 Improving Quality of Antenatal, Delivery and Postnatal Care in Kenya through Criterion-based clinical audit (CBCA) James Laure Leonel Akuse Adrien Briozzo Nigeria Haiti Uruguay Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Hall 9A Start Time 09h55 End Time Session Title 11h25 Organisation Ipas / IPPF Overcoming abortion stigma in service delivery: research and experiences across different regions Duration Type 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Symposiu Sexual and m Reproductive Health Tewodros Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Louise Hulton Uniqueness and lessons learned Conceptual overview of abortion stigma Melesse Presenter First Name Evaluation of projects Location Andre Lalonde United Kingdom Canada Leila Hessini United States Weitz United States Sanhueza Mexico Nozer Sheriar India Kelly Culwell United States Wendy Chavkin United States Structural components of Tracy stigma at a facility level in the USA Link between combatting Patricio stigma and legalization Hall 9B 239 09h55 11h25 Religiously based Global Doctors 90 "conscientious" for Choice minutes refusal of reproductive health care Symposiu Reproductive m Medicine Giovanni Monni Italy Abortion stigma in India/sex selection Update on IPPF project decreasing stigma through facility and provider interventions Consequences for patients, physicians and health systems Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Prevalence of refusal and Silvia concerns of physicians in Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and the UK de Zordo Implications of mitigating Ana Cristina the consequences of refusal of care via professional standards, regulation and law Gonzalez Velez Colombia 240 Dealing with the PATH rising tide of breast cancer in developing countries: An innovative approach in Peru 90 minutes Symposiu Gynaecological m Oncology Julie Torode Peru/United States Anderson United States Description and results from the populationbased project in Peru 11h25 Jeronimo Overview of alternatives Benjamin O for screening and treatment in low and middle income countries Sala 09h55 Raffaella Alibrandi Hall 10 (F+G) Jose Switzerlan Overview of breast cancer epidemiology and d Italy Tsu United States magnitude of the problem in the developing world and Peru Vivien Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Room 09h55 Baebiana (B) Hall 10 Room 09h55 Domizia/E uphemia (D+E) Hall 10 Room 09h55 Cecilia [C] Hall 10 End Time Session Title 11h25 11h25 Organisation How to organize IGCS cervical cancer services in LRCs Diagnosis and Treatment of Anal Sphincter Injuries 90 minutes Symposiu Low Resource m Countries Symposiu Urogynaecology m Haynes Harry van der Merwe Vervest South Africa Vesna Kesic Serbia Zola Reed Swift Italy UK United States Vervest Netherlands Ajay Rane Australia Stephen Jeffery South Africa Prevention and Early Detection Surgical Treatment Paolo Chemo-irradiation Nick Netherlan Epidemiology & Scope of Steven ds the Problem Postural defects and pelvic floor dysfuncion Biagio Adile Italy Napolitan Italy o Nappi Risk factors in POP patients Alessandro D’Afiero Italy Malaguti Italy Riva Italy Tesauro Italy Antonio Perrone Italy Neuro-mechanical models and perineal recoveries Imaging in pelviperineology 3D ultrasound in anterior compartment 3D ultrasound in posterior compartment and perineum Silvia Renato Symposiu National and m International Societies Anastasio Italy Diego 90 minutes Silvio Carmine 241 SIGO 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Valerio 11h25 Italian Association of Urogynecology IUGA Duration Type Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Repairing Obstetrical Injuries Treating Anal Sphincter Incontinence Start Time Presenter First Name Diagnosing & Preventing Harry Obstetrical Injuries Location Giulio Aniello Santoro Italy Giuseppe Ettore Italy Emanuela Mistrangelo Italy Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country 11h25 Developing and JHPIEGO maintaining skills among frontline healthworkers on the day of birth 90 minutes Symposiu National and m International Societies Limpapha Thailand yom Day-Stirk United Kingdom 242 Italy Palomba Italy Zanni Italy Sanghvi United States Low dose high frequency Susan on site learning Niermeyer United States Evans United States Divakar India Preparing frontline health Rosemary workers: the role midwifery schools can play 09h55 Khunying Kobchitt Frances Room Aurelia (A) Hall 10 Cervigni Supporting Frontline Hema health workers: The role of federation of obstetrics and gynaecology of India Bologna Controversies in pelvic Mauro floor surgery The role of apical support Stefano in pelvic organ prolapse repair The role of laparoscopic Giuliano approach in pelvic floor repair Tapping into the potential Harshad Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Critical training elements Cherrie to ensure frontline health workers maintain competency in life saving skills Maurizio Italy Presenter First Name Kamunya Kenya of frontline health workers to impact outcomes on the day of birth Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time Room 09h55 Hortensia (H) Hall 10 End Time Session Title Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Population Council 90 minutes Developing consensus on Elizabeth evidence based packages along the continuum of care Symposiu National and m International Societies National and International Societies John Townsend United States Mason Switzerland Belizan Argentina Mathai Switzerland Althabe Uruguay Zaman Pakistan Discussion Shahida Zaidi Pakistan Victoria Roadmap for Increasing Access to LongActing, Reversible Contraceptives 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country The role of professional Farrukh societies and partnerships in improving coverage with quality care 11h25 Implementation WHO of evidence based packages for maternal and perinatal care Duration Type The evidence basis for José essential interventions in maternal and perinatal care Measuring coverage of Matthews essential interventions and quality of care Implementation strategies Fernando to improve coverage of evidence based practices Room 09h55 Niside (N) Hall 10 11h25 Organisation Hale United States Roland Edgar Mhlanga Room Ottavia (O) 243 09h55 11h25 Women’s health, WHO human rights, and abortion: new guidance from the WHO 90 minutes National and International Societies Nathalie Kapp Switzerlan Why WHO guidelines for Anibal d safe abortion matter Faundes South Africa Brazil Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country The 2012 update of the Anna WHO safe abortion guidelines The human rights Thomas rationale for the provision of safe abortion 244 90 minutes DePineres United States Cervical Tuberculosis, A Clinical Study Sindhu Tripathy India What perinatal healthcare professionals think about home birth? Andrea McNutt United Kingdom Misoprostol in the management of second trimester missed abortion: a randomized controlled trial Sameena Chowdhury Bangladesh Other FC86 Switzerland Other 11h25 Shakespeare Other 09h55 United Kingdom The use of the WHO safe Teresa abortion guidelines in Latin America Room Livia (L) Hall 10 Glasier Risk factors for term Justo small for gestational age A case-control study in an Uruguayan population Alonso Uruguay Free Other Communi cation Session Abdulaziz Bin Yahya Malaysia Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Other The DASH Study: Current Rebecca Maternity Risk Management Processes And Use Of Maternity Dashboards – A ‘Coalface’ Clinical Staff Prospective Maternity Dashboards: a Rebecca tool to measure and implement timely improvement in maternity care – their current use across the Southwest Strategic Health Authority Role of Anastrozole for Suneeta treatment of symptomatic leiomyoma in premenopausal women Other Other Other Room Minerva (M) Hall 10 245 09h55 11h25 FC87 90 minutes Free Surgical Communi Techniques cation Session Presenter First Name Ornella Sizzi Italy Postpartum Hematuria vs Vera Haemoglobinuria: Case Report Isobaric myomectomy: Giuseppe surgical and reproductive outcomes of years experience Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Simms United Kingdom Simms United Kingdom Mittal India Mourinha Portugal Cammareri Italy Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Surgical Techniques Surgical Techniques Surgical Techniques Surgical Techniques Surgical Techniques 246 Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Reproductive function in Maria patients with uterine fibroids after uterine arteries embolization (UAE) Results of uterine artery Dmitry embolisation in treatment of uterine fibroids of patients with revealed features of blood supply of the organs of the small pelvis Simukhina Russian Federation Aryutin Russian Federation Management of the mesh- Leyla complications in POP treatment Tabassum Dual Benifit : Primary Internal Iliac Artery Ligation an Effective Method in Controlling Obstetric Hemorrhage and Preservation of Fertility A new diagnostic sign in Manfred gynaecology: Intra abdominal dislodgment of a coil: eliciting the string sign Salimova Russian Federation Khan India Simeoni United Kingdom Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Hall Room A Start Time 09h55 End Time Session Title 11h25 FC88 Organisation Duration Type 90 minutes Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Surgical Techniques Location Margherita Dessole Italy Jill Durocher United States Wendy Sheldon United States Celia Burrell United Kingdom Jonsson Sweden Walker United States Free Labour & Communi Delivery cation Session Labour & Delivery Labour & Delivery Labour & Delivery Midwifery Roles 247 Domenico Arduini Italy Single-port access laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy in a case of uterine ventrofixation Does the Effect of Oxytocin Prophylaxis on Post-Partum Blood Loss Depend on Route of Administration? Effectiveness of the components of active management of the third stage of labor Teenage Pregnancy – A decade since the UK Department of Health Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Plan: A Review in a University Teaching Hospital in London, UK Elective induction of Maria labour in parous women and the risk of caesarean section Are all Skilled Birth Dilys Attendants Created Equal? Evidence from Mexico Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Midwifery Roles 11h25 FC89 90 minutes Free Women’s Health Mike Communi Issues in Low cation Resource Session Countries Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries 248 Chirenje Toschi Italy Jardim Brazil Epidemiology and economic impact of cervical cancer the state of Roraima (Brazilian Amazonic region): The perspective of Brazilian unified health system Health Care Policy 09h55 Presenter Last Presenter Name Country The birth path at the Marina Trasimeno Lake in Umbria, Italy Cost-Effectiveness of HPV Allex Vaccination for Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Brazilian Amazonic Region: A Markov Model Approach Health Care Policy Hall Room A Presenter First Name Jardim Brazil Manning United States Burns United States Allex Zimbabwe The Real: SRH Judy Multipurpose Prevention Technologies in Clinical Development Cervical cancer A August prevention: A comparison of approaches to ensure same-day treatment of screen-positive women Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Location Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Planning for Successful Elizabeth Introduction of Multipurpose Prevention Technologies in Low Resource Countries Tolley United States Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Preventing pregnancy Nana among women with Hawwau chronic illnesses; a study of the roles of nonGynaecologists practicing in Zaira, Nigeria Madugu Nigeria Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Effect of life saving skills Bettina training for health providers on emergency obstetric care in Bangladesh: 12 months post-training results Utz United Kingdom Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Status of Emergency Bettina Obstetric Care in six developing countries years before the MDG targets for maternal and newborn health Follow-up of Cervical Ricky Cancer Prevention in Rural Thailand Utz United Kingdom Lu United States Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries 249 Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October 2012, Rome, Italy PROGRAMME Start Time End Time Session Title Organisation Duration Type Hall 11h30 12h30 Invited Lecture 60 minutes Hall 12h30 13h30 Closing Ceremony 60 minutes 250 Invited Lecture Session Category Chairperson/ Chairpers Chairpers Presentation title on/Mode on/Mode Moderator First Name rator Last rator Name Country Presenter First Name Presenter Last Presenter Name Country Women’s Health Issues in Low Resource Countries Location Comparative study of Intravnous Iron Sucrose versus Oral Iron in Moderate Anaemia during second trimester of pregnancy in Rural India Pradip Mitra India Women's health in crisis situations Jemilah Mahmood Malaysia Dorothy Shaw Canada ... District, Rwanda Rulisa Rwanda Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Maternal Mortality and Morbidity 17 Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October... Italy Tomasz Paszkowski Poland Spaczyński Poland Endometrial hyperplasia - Marek diagnosis and therapy Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 7-12 October... risk factors of obstetrical complications and assisted reproductive technologies Sukhikh Russian Federation Gennady Programme Updated at October XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Ngày đăng: 12/02/2014, 23:20

