Faculty Research Fellow Reports For a PDF copy of reports please contact the Center for California Studies at calstudies@csus.edu The Impact of Mental Health Court: A Sacramento Case Study, 2018, Dr Yue (Wilson) Yuan and Dr Matthew Capriotti Executive Summary: The Impact of Mental Health Court: A Sacramento Case Study, 2018, Dr Yue (Wilson) Yuan and Dr Matthew Capriotti An Analysis of a Consumption Tax for California, 2016, Dr Fred E Foldvary, Dr Colleen E Haight, and Dr Annette Nellen Economic Impacts of a Property Assessment Portability Law, 2016, Dr Adrian R Flessig, California State University, Fullerton The History, Development, and Policy Influence of the California Latino Legislative Caucus, 2016, Dr Lawrence C Becker; Dr Tyler Hughes; and Dr Jason L Moren, California State University, Northridge Factors Influencing Vehicle Miles Traveled in California: Measurement and Analysis, 2014, Kent M Hymel, California State University, Northridge The Relative Importance of Supply and Demand Factors in Determining Preschool Attendance and Hours Attended, 2014, Rob Wassmer, Ph.D, California State University, Sacramento Environmental Impact of Approving Biomass Conversion Plants in California, August 2013, Dr Thomas Korman, Associate Professor; Lonnie Simonian, Associate Professor; Laura Randle, Graduate Student; Margot McDonald, AIA Director, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo A Review of the Implementation of California's State Planning Priorities and Future Opportunities, July 2013, George Jouganatos, Ph.D., California State University, Sacramento Inmate Literacy: What are the most effective and cost-effective strategies to teach basic reading and writing skills to adult inmates in California? April 2012, Professor Thom Gehring, California State University, San Bernardino The Impact of Learning Time on Academic Achievement, December 2011, Su Jin Jez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy and Administration, California State University, Sacramento and Robert W Wassmer, Ph.D., Professor and Chairperson, Department of Public Policy and Administration, California State University, Sacramento Concurrent Enrollment Programs between California High Schools and Community Colleges, February 2010, Dr Lisel Blash, M.P.A., M.S., Senior Research Associate and Dr Caroline Leong Jones, B.A., Research Associate, Public Research Institute, San Francisco State University Paid Sick Leave: Access, Costs, and Implementation Feasibility at the Local, State, and National Level, July 2007, Dr Michael Potepan, Ph.D., Department of Economics, San Francisco State University School Funding Formulas: What Works and What Doesn't? Lessons for California, October 2007, Jennifer Imazeki, Ph.D., Department of Economics, San Diego State University Dynamic Economic Analysis of Incentives and Disincentives for Corporate Manufacturers Investment and Growth in California, September 2007, Antonio Avalos, Ph.D., California State University, Fresno What Really Determines Whether a Manufacturing Firms Locates and Remains in California?, November 2007, Katherine Chalmers, Ph.D., & Robert W Wassmer,Ph.D., California State University, Sacramento Improving Facility Planning for California Higher Education, August 2006, Nancy Shulock, Ph.D., California State University, Sacramento Photo-Catalytic Construction Materials and Reduction In Air Pollutants , March 2006, Mirat D Gurol, San Diego State University Financing California's Infrastructure, History and Impact of California Bond Measures, December 2005, Michael Semler, Ph.D., California State University, Sacramento Faculty Research Fellows Project Support Project, January 2006, Nancy Shulock, Ph.D., California State University, Sacramento Poverty Measures and Their Impact on Federal Formula Grant Funding in California, February 2005, Michael J Potepan, Ph.D., San Francisco State University When COGs Collide: Developing a Model for Regional Cooperation in the South San Joaquin Valley Region, August 2004, Victor Kamhi, Michelle Saint-Germain, California State University, Long Beach Funding Adult Education: Does California Put the Money Where the Needs Are?, January 2004, Colleen Moore, Nancy Shulock, David Lang, California State University, Sacramento Anti-Gang Measures of Local Law Enforcement Agencies within California, January 2004, Dr Harold K Becker and Shauna Clark, California State University, Long Beach The California Labor History Project: Historical Compilation, Dan Cornford, CSU San Jose, 2003 (Note: the project was part of the larger California Labor History Project sponsored by the California State Library See http://calpedia.sfsu.edu/calabor/ for more information.) The California Labor History Project: Cartography & Web Site Design-Part 1, David Fuller, CSU Northridge, 2003 (Note: the project was part of the larger California Labor History Project sponsored by the California State Library Seehttp://calpedia.sfsu.edu/calabor/ for more information.) The California Labor History Project: Cartography & Web Site Design-Part 2, David Fuller, CSU Northridge, 2003 (Note: the project was part of the larger California Labor History Project sponsored by the California State Library Seehttp://calpedia.sfsu.edu/calabor/ for more information.) Distribution of State Transportation Funding, November 2003, Adrian R Fleissig, Ph.D., William Gayk, Ph.D., California State University, Fullerton The Impact of Redevelopment on Small Business, January 2003, Adrian R Fleissig, Ph.D., William Gayk, Ph.D., California State University, Fullerton An Accountability Framework for California Higher Education: Informing Public Policy and Improving Outcomes, November 2002, Nancy Shulock and Colleen Moore, CSU Sacramento The Impact of Redevelopment on Low-Income People, October 2002, Adrian R Fleissig, Ph.D., William Gayk, Ph.D., California State University, Fullerton Demand for Social Workers in California, April 2002, Eileen Mayers Pasztor, DSW., Michelle Saint-Germain, Ph.D., and Teresa DeCrescenzo, MSW., California State University, Long Beach Factors Impacting Availability of Emergency Department On-Call Coverage in California, December 2001, Grace J Yoo, Ph.D., MPH, Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, Ph.D., and Y Jason Chang, M.S., San Francisco State University An Analysis of Regional Revenue Restructuring Proposals, November 2001, Robert Wassmer, CSU Sacramento, Matt Newman and Eric Hays, California Institute for County Governent The Region is the Frontier: Frameworks, Goals, and Mechanisms for Collaborative Regional Decision Making in Twenty-first Century California, October 2001, Richard T LeGates, MCP, JD, San Francisco State University The Region is the Frontier-Background, October 2001, Richard LeGates, San Francisco State University An Inventory Study of the State of California's Land Holding, June 2001, George Jouganatos and Reginald Goodfellow, CSU Sacramento The Connection between Local Government Finance and the Generation of Urban Sprawl in California, May 2001, Rob Wassmer, CSU, Sacramento The Determination of Thresholds of Environmental Significance in the Application of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), March 2001,Owen Seiver and Thomas Hatfield, CSU, Northridge Further Concerns Regarding the Low-Income Housing Crisis in California, April 2001, Radha Bhattacharya, CSU, Fullerton Contingent Workers and Alternative Employment Arrangements: Evidence from the State of California, March 2001, Alejandra Cox Edwards and Lisa M Grobar, CSU, Long Beach The Prospects for County Charter Reform in California, March 2001, Raphael Sonenshein, CSU, Fullerton Foster Parents and the Home Environment: One Way to Assess the Quality of Foster Care Placements, February 2001, Maureen C Smith, CSU, San Jose Drawing Lessons from Regional Successes: "New Regionalism" and the Prospect for Regional Cooperation in California, January 2001, Robert J Waste, CSU, Sacramento Evaluation of California's State-Level Data Systems for Incarcerated Youth, January 2001, John L Worrall and Pamela Schram, CSU, San Bernardino Plight of an Aging Workforce, March 2000, Kenneth Shultz, Barbara Sirotnik, and Shel Bockman, CSU, San Bernardino Incentives to Encourage More Worker Friendly Corporations in CA, March 2000, Eric Nilsson, CSU, San Bernadino The Los Angeles Jewish Community - An Examination of its History of Activism for Human Rights, March 2000, Raphael Sonenshein, CSU, Fullerton A Study of California State University Internship Programs for the Preparation of K-12 Teachers, March 2000, Elaine Chin and Roberta Herter, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Women, Domestic Violence, and Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, January 2000, Margaret Hughes and Loring Jones, CSU, San Diego The Teacher Shortage: Causes and Recommendations for Change, January 2000, J.M Pogodzinski, CSU, San Jose An Assessment of Publicly Funded Alcohol and Other Drug Programs in California 1992 - 1998, November 1999, Melinda M Hohman and John D Clapp, CSU, San Diego Guide to the California State Executive Branch, Robert Waste and Anne Cowden, CSU, Sacramento, 1999 Lessons in Gubernatorial Transition, Robert Waste and Anne Cowden, CSU, Sacramento, 1999 Lessons in Gubernatorial Transition (Executive Summery), Robert Waste and Anne Cowden, CSU Sacramento, 1999 Guidelines for Legislative Language for State Programs Evaluation, David Dowell, CSU, Long Beach, 1999 Diversity in Higher Education, Katherine C Naff, CSU, San Francisco, 1998 Policy Options in Transitions Health Insurance Coverage, Jerome Seliger and Carl A Maida, CSU, Northridge, 1998 Economic Burden of Uncompensated Hospital Care in California, Robert L Seidman, CSU, San Diego, 1998 Market Analysis for the Virtual University: Distance Learning Opportunities in Hawaii, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, Stephen F Barnes, CSU, San Diego, 1998 Juvenile Repeat Felons: Examination of Existing Sentencing Practices in California, Davis Shichor and Dale K Sechrest, CSU, San Bernardino, 1997 Compilation of GIS Data Sets for Flood Control Alternatives in California, Hong-lie Qiu, Marcos Luna, and Todd Zagurski, CSU, Los Angeles, 1997 Time is of the Essence: A Recommendation for Caution in Raising the California Kindergarten Entry Age Based on a Review of the Research Regarding School Entry and Subsequent Academic Performance, Tony Apolloni, CSU, Sonoma, 1997 A Review of the Census Undercount Issue, Duane L Steffey, CSU, San Diego, 1997 California Virtual University Literature Review of Secondary Literature on Distance Learning Markets,J.M Pogodzinski, CSU, San Jose, 1997 Analysis of Hospital Length of Stay by Mastectomy Patients in California, (Executive Summary) Robert L Seidman, CSU, San Diego, 1997 Comprehensive Testing of Limited English-Proficient Children and Implications for CA Public Policy, Ann L Hafner, CSU, San Diego, 1997 Open Enrollment in California's K-12 Public Schools, Kenneth Nyberg, CSU, Bakersfield, 1997 Literature Review on Urban and Community Development, Richard LeGates and Michael Potepan, CSU, San Francisco, 1996 Review and Analysis of Privatization Efforts, (Executive Summary) Ann Cowden, Jaime Alvayay, Jerry Estenson, and Cristy Jensen, CSU, Sacramento, 1996 Lessons for State and Local Public Finance in the Literature on Privatization, J.M Pogodzinski, CSU, San Jose, 1996 County Variation in Utilization and Expenditures on Indigent Patients in California, Robert L Seidman and Sorel L Norlin, CSU, San Diego, 1996 An Analysis of the Potential Impact of Raising the California Minimum Wage, Eric Solberg and Andrew Gil, CSU, Fullerton, 1996 California Welfare Reform Conference, (no report; FRFP funds used to support the conference) Findings of the California Senate Baseline Survey, Jerald Schutte, CSU, Northridge, 1995 Preparing California Educators to Implement The School-to-Work Opportunities Act, Tony Apolloni, CSU, Sonoma, 1995 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Through Education, Kenneth Nyberg and Vandana Kohli, CSU, Bakersfield, 1995 School-To-Work Transition, Kathryn Reilly, CSU, San Bernardino, 1995 Legislative History of the Environmental Goals and Policy Report, Nico Calavita, CSU, San Diego, 1995 California Demographics Projections, Crane Miller, CSU, Pomona, 1995 Federal and State Parallelism in Environmental Regulation, Thomas Hatfield, CSU, Northridge, 1995 Inventory of Major California Environmental Legislation and Accomplishments Since 1970, Owen Siever, CSU, Northridge, 1995