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Shu - Te University College of Informatics Graduate School of Information Management Thesis Master A research on Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Student: Tran Trieu Hai Advisor: Dr.Gow Ming Dong Dr.To Quang Cuong February, 2013 Shu-Te University Graduate School of Information Management Thes is A research on Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Tran Trieu Hai Fe bru ary , 20 13 1、 3、 ii A research on Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Student: Tran Trieu Hai Advisor: Dr.Gow Ming Dong Dr Dr.To Quang Cuong A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Information Management College of Informatics Shu-Te University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science In Information Management February, 2013 iii 樹德科技大學 SHU-TE University 碩博士學位考試成績評分表 Evaluation Form for Master/Doctor Thesis 系所名稱 Graduate School 學 號 Student ID 學 制 Program 碩士班/Master Program 碩 士 在 職 專 班 / In-Service Master Program 博士班/Doctor Program 姓 名 Name 11731306 Tran Trieu Hai 論文題目 A research on Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the Thesis Topic website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University 總 評 Comments 評 分 (大 寫) Score iv 考試委員 簽 章 Signature 樹德科技大學碩士班研究生 Graduate Student of Shu-Te University 指導研授推薦書 Recommendation Letter from Thesis Adviser 本校資訊管理研究所 君 所提之論文係由本人指導撰述,同意提付審研。 This Student, Tran Trieu Hai, whose thesis entitled , is under my advisory and agree to submit for examination 主要指導研授 Adviser 共同指導研授 Co-Adviser : : 年/Year 月/Month 日/Day 樹德科技大學碩士班研究生 v Graduate Student of Shu-Te University 學位考試審定書 Qualification Form of Master Degree 100 學年度第 2 學期 _研究所 君所提之論文 題目: _ 經本學位考試委員會審議,認研符合碩士資格標準。 Student Name:Tran Trieu Hai Thesis Title:A research on Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University This is to certify that the thesis submitted by the student named above in summer, 2013 It is qualified and approved by the Thesis Examination Committee 召集人 Chair, Thesis Committee 委 員 Committee Member 委 員 Committee Member 主要指導研授 Adviser 共同指導研授 Co-Adviser 系所主管 Director of Department : : : : : : 年/Year 月/Month 日/Day vi ABSTRACT (Vietnamese) Hiện nay, việc cung cấp thông tin của Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa tới các Trung tâm Liên kết đào tạo cũng như tới các học viên đều phải thông qua hệ thống chuyển phát nhanh EMS, điện thoại Tuy nhiên, do nhiều trung tâm, học viên ở tại các địa phương xa, đi lại khó khăn nên việc gửi thông báo, đề cương, lịch học, lịch thi của Khoa Đào tạo từ xa đến các Trung tâm và học viên không được được kịp thời thậm chí là bị hỏng, thất lạc Vì vậy, Website Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội được xây dựng và phát triển nhằm mở thêm một kênh thông tin từ Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện ĐH Mở Hà Nội tới sinh viên, công khai các hoạt động của Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại Học Mở Hà Nội, tránh một số kẻ xấu lợi dụng việc thiếu thông tin để thu thêm các khoản kinh phí của sinh viên, quảng bá hình ảnh, thông tin về Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại Học Mở Hà Nội Sau hơn 2 năm triển khai, Website của Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội được đánh giá là một kênh thông tin rất quan trọng Kết quả của luận văn nhằm đánh giá mức độ hài lòng của người dùng với hệ thống Website của Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội, tìm ra các giải pháp nâng cấp về website của Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội, đề xuất các giải pháp nâng cấp, bổ sung chức năng, mở rộng, nâng cấp thiết bị giúp cho hệ thống hoạt động ổn định Keyword: Website, Khoa Đào tạo Từ xa – Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội, Sự hài lòng của người dùng, mô hình IS Success, chất lượng thông tin, chất lượng hệ thống, chất lượng dịch vụ, sử dụng dịch vụ ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) Currently, information provision of the Faculty of Distance Education – Ha Noi Open University to joint training centers as well as to learners must pass EMS express delivery system, telephone However, because many centers, learners at localities are at far distance, difficult to travel, therefore sending notices, draft, timetable, exam schedule of the Faculty of Distance Education to the centers, learners is not in time, even if damaged, lost Thus the Website of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University is build and developed to expand an information channel from the Faculty of Distance Education – Hanoi Open University to students, be in open of activities of the Faculty of Distance Education Hanoi Open University, avoid some evildoers to abuse insufficient information to collect additional expenditures of students, advertise images, information on the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University After over 2 years in use, Website of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University is evaluated as very important information channel The purpose of this thesis is to Evaluating User’s satisfaction with Website system of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Results of the thesis are to find out upgrading solutions for website of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University With reference to the results of a number of studies evaluating user satisfaction have been published in scientific journals, newspapers of many authors, this study will use the IS Success model to evaluate the user satisfaction with Website of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Keywords: Website, the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University, User’s satisfaction, information system success model, system quality, information quality, service quality Acknowledgements It was an honor for me to be here today to express my gratitude to all those who helped me with excellent support during the course MIS6 First, I express my deepest gratitude to the instructions of Dr Gow Ming Dong and Dr Ton Quang Cuong is guided to their widespread, continuous ideas and patience with me during my thesis Consulting their inspiring is extremely necessary and valuable for me to complete my thesis Both of them are really knowledgeable, professional and nice to me at any time, any situation I feel very fortunate and appreciate them for providing me the opportunity to student friends of them I also want to express sincere gratitude to all my professors and lecturers at the Department of Information Management and support for my friends, in time I learned in Vietnam with the instructions of them Special thanks with friends at the HaNoi Open University - who has helped me a lot to complete the questionnaire, for suggestions and advice relevant to my thesis Above all, I would like to thank my parents for their constant love and support And, most importantly, I would like to thank my wife and my daughter, whose make my life wonderful and happiness Warmly thank my best! Table of Contents ABSTRACT (Vietnamese) .1 ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) 2 Acknowledgements 3 Table of Contents 4 List of Table .6 List of Figures 7 ABBREVIATIONS 8 Chapter 1: Introduction 9 1.1 Background of the study 9 1.2 Importance of the study 10 1.3 Research motivation 12 1.4 Statement of the Problem 12 1.5 Research Procedure 12 Chapter 2: Literature review 14 2.1 History of the World Wide Web 14 2.1.1 Early browsers 17 2.1.2 Early Search Engines 18 2.1.3 Web organization 18 2.1.4 Web 2.0 20 2.2 Joomla 22 2.3 Website of Faculty of Distance Education 24 2.3.1 Structure of contents 24 2.3.2 Technical features 25 2.4 Information System Success Model 25 2.5 User satisfaction 27 2.6 System quality .28 2.7 Information quality 29 2.8 Sevice quality 30 Chapter 3: Research Method 34 3.1 Research Design 34 3.1.1 The D&M IS Success Model .34 3.1.2 Updated D&M IS Success Model 35 3.1.3 Research Model 37 Reference 1 Decision No 58/2010/QD-TTg, dated 09/22/2010 of the Prime Minister promulgating the 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SURVEY SHUTE UNIVERSITY- TAIWAN FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Research on the Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University February, 2013 Dear students I am a graduate degree in management information systems Joint training masters program between the University of Education - Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Shute, Taiwan Currently I am doing research on " An Empirical Study on Evaluation of satisfaction of website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University." author am honored to be your survey for this research This survey research aimed to study the Evaluation of satisfaction level of website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University after 2 years in use Comments and contributions of your very valuable for analyzing the results of my research Author hope you take the time to help me complete the following questionnaire author hereby certify that the personal information you provide will be completely confidential and used only for research purposes If you need more information or have write comments please contact me via e-mail: haitt@hou.edu.vn Very sincere thank you for your interest and help! I wish you good health! Tran Trieu Hai MIS 6 Students – Master of in Management Information Systems, University of Shute, Taiwan 94 PART I: BASIC INFORMATION This content related to certain personal information Please you marked (highlighted in bold) in the box corresponding answer to each question about your personal information below 1 Sex � Female � Male 2 Age � Between 18 and 20 � Between 21 and 22 � Between 23 and 24 � Older than 24 3 Education � High school � College � University � Other … 4 Profession � Student � Officer � Business � Other … 5 How many years did you use a computer? � Less than 1 year � 1-3 years � 3 - 5 years � More than 5 years 6 Number of Service users �1 �2 �3 � Over 3 PART II: OPINION SURVEY QUESTIONS ON THE APPLICATION OF MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING MATERIALS This section includes items concerning technology factors affect on “User’s Satisfaction” for website of the Faculty of Distance Education – Hanoi Open University Items are assumed statements of your intention and willingness Please circle the numbers corresponding with your degree of agreement to each item with the denoted scale: “1”= strongly disagree; “2”= disagree; “3”= somewhat disagree; “4”= Neutral; “5”= somewhat agree; “6”= agree; “7” = strongly agree Please read the following questions carefully and pick a choice by circling the number that you think is most suitable to you 95 Questions Strongly Disagree 96 Disagree No comment Agree Strongly Agree System Quality 1 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 user 3 1 The Website system interface friendly with 2 2 3 4 5 The Website provides interactive features between users and system through tools: chat, forums, email, discussion etc The Website system has attractive features to appeal to the users The Website system provides high speed information access The Website system helps search information easily Information Quality The Website system provides information that is exactly what you need The Website system provides information you need at the right time The Website system provides sufficient information The Website system provides information that is easy to understand Services Quality The Website system provides a proper level of online assistance and explanation The Website system provides full student support services sufficient to create favorable conditions for student academic performance Students can easily exchange information with teachers, tutors and friends through tools: forums, chat, email, mobile phone Student support services provide full necessary information for students to do any time, any place 97 System Use 1 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 User Satisfaction 4 1 future 3 1 I will use the services of the website in the 2 1 improve my skills 5 1 I think that using Website can help me 4 1 is high 3 1 The frequency of use with the Website system 2 2 3 4 5 Most of the users bring a positive attitude or evaluation towards the website system’s function I think that the perceived utility about the website system is high I am satisfied with the website system I believe that using the website is useful for all students 98 PART III: COMMENTS This part is used to record your comments on the “User’s Satisfaction” for website of the Faculty of Distance Education – Hanoi Open University which in the above survey is not mentioned Please suggest solutions or comments : ………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Thank you for your effort and participation in this questionnaire survey! 99 ...Shu-Te University Graduate School of Information Management Thes is A research on Evaluating the Satisfaction of the Deployment of the website of Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University. .. system of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Development of website of the Faculty of Distance Education Currently, information provision of the Faculty of Distance Education. .. users’ satisfaction on quality of the website system of the Faculty of Distance Education - Hanoi Open University Therefore, should have a research, evaluation on users’ satisfaction with the website