PROGRAM of the Second Biennial CONFERENCE ON MEDIEVAL STUDIES March 6, 7, 1964 sponsored by THE MEDIEVAL STUDIES PROGRAM Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan in cooperation with The Division of Field Services SCHEDULE OF SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 8:30-10:00 A.M Registration and Coffee University Center Room 105 10:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M History Section A: Ecclesiastical Chairman: Judson I Mather, Nazareth College usome Influences of Early Monasticism." Richard E Sullivan, Michigan State University usaint Ansgar, An Apostle of Christian Culture." Bruno Meinecke, University of Michigan uThe Church in Pre-Islamic and Islamic Spain with Special Reference to the Adoptionist Controversy." Philip J Schroeder, Concordia Seminary Room 215 10:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M Section B: Philosophy Chairman: William J Emblom, Western Michigan University ~, ~~Knowledge of God in Alexander of Hales and John Duns Scotus." Francis J Catania, Loyola University Comment: The Reverend Roy R Effier, O.F.M., puns Scotus College ~~ontolog{cal Argument: A Defense." Anthony Nemetz, Ohio State University Comment: Craig Staudenbauer, Michigan State University Room 212 10:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M Literature Section C: English Chairman: James W Downer, University of MichiWt "The Significance of the Deity References in Chaucer's Troilus." Roger P Parr, Marquette University "Chaucer's Topsy-Turvy Dante." John J McNally,.rWestem Michigan University Room 211 10:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M Section D: Liturgy Chairman: The Reverend Colman) Jerman, O.P., Nazareth College ''A Fourteenth-Century Prayer Book fo1 Czech Nuns/' The Reverend Charles· Laburda, St Procopius College "The Office Hymn in the Church's Worship Life." Robert R Bergt, Concordia Seminary 12:45- 1:30 P.M Informal Luncheon Cafeteria, University Center 2:00- 4:30 P.M Room: Faculty Lounge Section E: Slavic Studies Chairman: William K Medlin, University of Michigan uRelations Between Kieven Russia and the Northeastern Baltic Area During the High Middle Ages.'' Emmanuel Nodel, Western Michigan University uPoland and Crimea: A Sketch of Their Relations, 1475-1622." The Reverend M lege J Madaj, Saint Norbert Col- 2:00- 4:30 P.M Room 215 Section B: Philosophy (Continued) Chairman: William J Callaghan, Michigan State University usensation and Sense Knowledge According to Saint Augustine." James I Campbell, Saint Mary's College Comment: Joseph S Ellin, Western Michigan Un~versity ~~saint Augustine's Account of Memory." Gareth B Matthews, University of Minnesota Comment: The Reverend James McGlynn, S.J., University of Detroit 2:00- 4:30 P.M Room 212 Section C: English Literature (Continued) Chairman: James W Downer, University of Michigan uThe Blood Theology of Medieval English Literature." Louis C Gatto, Saint Joseph's College uYouth and Crabbed Thrush: An Analysis of ~The Thrush and the Nightengale.' " Lynn W Hagman, University of Detroit "Fourteenth-Century English Verse of Complaint." Thomas L Kinney; Bowling Green State University 2:00- 4:30 P.M Room 211 Section F: Music Chairman: Hans Nathan, Michigan State University uPractical Problems of Performance in Medieval Music." Edward G Evans, Jr., Western Reserve University "Eastern Elements in Medieval Polyphony." Alexander L Ringer, University of Illinois 7:00- 8:00 P.M Banquet University Center Cafeteria 8:00P.M University Center Cafeteria General Address: "Gerald the Welshman."-· Urban Tigner Hohnes, University of North Carolina SATURDAY, MARCH 8:00- 9:00A.M University Center Coffee 9:00-11:30 A.M Room 105 Section G: Intellectual History Chairman: Gray C Boyce, Northwestern University uThe Medieval Idea of Social Change." James M Powell, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee uThe Thaumaturgic Role of the Early English Kings." Marjorie E Gesner, Michigan State University uThe Myth of the 'Wicked Advisers' in Medieval English Rebellions." Joel T Rosenthal, Roosevelt University 9:00-11:30 A.M Room 215 Section H: Theology Chairman: The Reverend Lloyd Averill, Kalamazoo College _ uThe Significance of Scholastic Theology." The Reverend Edward O'Connor, C.S.C., The Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame usaint Anselm and Medieval Existentialism." The Reverend J V Langmead Casserley, Seabury-Western Theological Seminary Comment: The Reverend James A Weisheipl, O.P., Dominican House of Studies, River Forest, Illinois 9:00-11:30 A.M Room 212 Section I: French Literature Chairman: Sister Mary Leo, S.S.J., Nazareth College uFranfois Villon and the Poetic Competition at Blois." Ralph ~1 Perry, Hope College uTeaching Medieval French Literature to Undergraduates.'' Harry E Stewart, Kent State University 9:00-11:30 A.M Room 213 Section J: Byzantine Studies Chairman: Emmanuel Nodel, Western Michigan University "The Origin of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.'' The Reverend Hermes D Kreilkamp, O.F.M Cap., Capuchin Seminary of Saint Mary "The Development of Monothelitism Before the Seventh Century." George H Demetrakopoulos, State University of South Dakota 9:00-11:30 A.M Room 211 Section K: Latin Literature Chairman: The Reverend Joseph N Garvin, C.S.C., The Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame "John of Salisbury's Theory of Rhetoric." Sister Mary Bride, O.P., Aquinas College Comment: John F Mahoney, University of Detroit "Hisperic Latin and the Hermeneutic Tradition." Ronald D Ware, Illinois State University Comment: The Reverend John P Finnegan, Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary 11:45 A.M.-12:30 P.M Cafeteria, University Center Luncheon Ballroom 12:45- 1:45 P.M Illustrated Talk: "Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Houses." Urban Tigner Holmes, University of North Carolina Room 215 2:00- 4:30 P.M Section H: Theology (Continued) Chairman: The Reverend Clyde L Manschreck, Methodist Theological School ''How Kufr, Shirk and Tughyiin Impair God's Oneness." T B Irving, University of Minnesota Comment: The Reverend John A H;ardon, S.J., Western Michigan University "Bellarmine's Concept of the Church." The Reverend John A Hardon, S.J., Western Michigan University Comment: The Reverend Otto Grundler, Western Michigan University Room: Faculty Lounge 2:00- 4:30 P.M Section K: Latin Literature (Continued) Chairman: The Reverend Joseph N Garvin, C.S.C., The Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame "Symbol, Antithesis and Paradox in Adam of St Victor." Sister Marie Bertrand, O.P., Dominican College Comment: Sister Maris Stella, O.P., Aquinas College "Hortus deliciarum of the Abbess Herrad of Landsberg." Sister Mary Lourdes Mackey, S.P., Saint Mary of the Woods College Comment: Eunice Kraft, Western Michigan University Room 105 2:00- 4:30 P.M Section L: Economic and Social History Chairman: Hilmar C Krueger, University of Cincinnati "Peace in Medieval Times: The Relative Merits of Feudal and Religious Sanctions/' Sister Dolorosa Kennelly, College of Saint Catherine "Social Life in Valencia in the Fifteenth Century/' Josefa Querol-Kroenberg, Ursuline College "Medieval Cistercian Granges.'' Colburn V Graves, Kent State University Room 213 2:00- 4:30 P.M Section M: Spanish and German Literature Chairman: Roger L Cole, Western Michigan University ~~The Medieval Spanish Literary Proverb." Sister M Katherine Elaine, C.S.C., St Mary's College "Some Comments on Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzifal, As Seen in the Twentieth Century." Frieda I Grosser, St Mary's College 2:00- 4:30 P.M Room 211 Section N: Art Chairman: Sister M Ruth, S.S.J., Nazareth College "Memling's Mills." James S Pierce, Western Reserve University "The Problem of Likeness in Medieval Portraiture." J.D Breckenridge, Northwestern University NOTE A special feature of the conference will be a display of medieval coins from the collection of Professor Holmes There will also be a display of Renaissance prints The Medieval Studies Program of Western Michigan University provides both undergraduate and graduate study For further information about the program write: John R Sommerfeldt, Chairman The Medieval Studies Program Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Reservations Form SECOND BIENNIAL CONFERENCE ON MEDIEVAL STUDIES Western Michigan University Friday, Saturday, March and 7, 1964 I am interested in attending your conference Name - Institution ································································· -·········································································································· Address ·························································································-············································································································ I am intere~ted A in attending the following sections (please circle) : B C D E F G H I J K L M N Reservation fee $5.00 (students free); Banquet, $3.00 Reserve : places for the Banquet @ $3.00 per plate Total Please send conference fee and banquet reservations money to: Division of Field Services Medieval Studies Program Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Be sure to enclose check to cover reservations made Make checks payable to Division of Field University Servic~s, Western Michigan ... information about the program write: John R Sommerfeldt, Chairman The Medieval Studies Program Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Reservations Form SECOND BIENNIAL CONFERENCE ON MEDIEVAL. .. special feature of the conference will be a display of medieval coins from the collection of Professor Holmes There will also be a display of Renaissance prints The Medieval Studies Program of Western... banquet reservations money to: Division of Field Services Medieval Studies Program Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Be sure to enclose check to cover reservations made Make checks