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Long Island University Digital Commons @ LIU Selected Full Text Dissertations, 2011- LIU Post 2018 TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES IN SELECTING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN NEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A DISCRETE CHOICE EXPERIMENT Paul Martin Guzzone Long Island University, pguzzone76@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liu.edu/post_fultext_dis Recommended Citation Guzzone, Paul Martin, "TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES IN SELECTING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN NEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A DISCRETE CHOICE EXPERIMENT" (2018) Selected Full Text Dissertations, 2011- https://digitalcommons.liu.edu/post_fultext_dis/9 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the LIU Post at Digital Commons @ LIU It has been accepted for inclusion in Selected Full Text Dissertations, 2011- by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ LIU For more information, please contact natalia.tomlin@liu.edu Running Head: DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES IN SELECTING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN NEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A DISCRETE CHOICE EXPERIMENT by Paul Martin Guzzone A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Presented to The Faculty of the College of Education, Information, and Technology December 2018 R H Red Owl, Ph.D., Professor, Chair Albert F Inserra, Ed.D., Dean Alaa Karem Abd-El-Hafez, Ed.D., Stony Brook University Long Island University LIU Post Campus DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS i DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS © 2018 Paul M Guzzone All Rights Reserved ii DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS DEDICATION Dedicated to my wife, Christina, and son, Joseph Anthony Thank you for your support and sacrifice during this journey iii DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS iv ACKNOWLEGEMENTS First and foremost, I need to acknowledge and thank my wife, Christina, for the unconditional support that she has given me throughout this journey During this time, we have moved twice, purchased a home, changed jobs, had health issues, and experienced the birth of our son, Joseph Anthony Through it all, Christina has been the rock of our family in making sure that our priorities were always straight and that I never lost focus of what was important I also want to thank Joseph for the sacrifices he has made I can promise you, Joseph, that we will have much more time play now! I also want to thank my committee chair, Dr Red Owl Your unwavering support and belief in me is appreciated more than you know and were tremendous motivating factors for me The countless evening and weekend hours that you have given me will not be forgotten, as your commitment to my success was nothing short of remarkable I am truly honored to have worked with you during this process I would also like to thank your wife, Mary Jo Her joyful demeanor was always refreshing, and at times, was needed to help me get through some of our more difficult conversations! To Dr Inserra, I cannot put into words how enthusiastic I was to have you as part of my dissertation committee I recognize that your time was both limited and valuable given the work that you at both LIU Post and LIU Brooklyn, and I am extremely grateful that you made the decision to invest a portion of that time into me I would also like to thank Dr Abd-El-Hafez as your expertise in the areas of decision theory and discrete choice methods were extremely helpful in the construction and completion of my dissertation Not only was it a privilege to have you as a member of my committee, but it was also symbolic, as I was in the audience when you defended your dissertation almost years ago DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS v I would also like to acknowledge Dr Phyllis Harrington (Superintendent), Ms Diane Provvido (Assistant Superintendent), Dr Jill DeRosa (Assistant Superintendent), Ms Geraldine DeCarlo (High School Principal), and Ms Debra Kienke (Executive Director of Special Education) as each of you has provided me guidance in school leadership since I have come to the Oceanside School District This guidance has helped me to develop into the school leader I am today, and I know you will continue to have an impact on the type of leader I will be tomorrow I would like to thank Mr James Morrow (Special Education Chair) and Mr Peter Gottfried (Dean/Mentor) as both of you were integral parts of my success during my time as a special education teacher at Great Neck South High School Together, you both have helped me develop the instructional strategies and communication skills to not only be a successful teacher, but also an effective mentor to new teachers, as well as more experienced colleagues Most importantly, your student first mentality that is steadfast within each of your decisions is a practice and philosophy that I emulate in my decision making Lastly, I would like to thank both Dr Estelle Kamler and Dr Kathy Weiss Both of you have provided me with a great deal of guidance in terms of scholarship as well as in my professional decision making since working toward my educational leadership certificate years ago Both your wisdom and faith in me were motivating factors in my decision to start this journey three and a half years ago, and if it were not for that, I am unsure if I would be calling myself Dr Paul M Guzzone today! DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS vi TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF TABLES xv TABLE OF FIGURES xvii ABSTRACT xviii CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Purpose of the Study A Brief History of the Principalship Prior to the 1900s 1900s–1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 10 1970s 11 1980s 12 1990s 13 2000s 14 Selection and Qualifications of Early Principals 14 Modern Day Public School Principalships 16 Roles and Responsibilities 18 Collecting and analyzing data 20 Building community relationships 20 Developing staff 21 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS vii Evaluating staff 21 Fostering a positive school climate 22 Developing, communicating, and modeling an effective school vision 23 Managing finances, information, facilities, and other non-human resources 23 Managing human resources 24 Providing a safe environment 24 Supervising curriculum and instruction 25 Education Requirements and Other Credentials for School Principals 25 Trends in Public School Principalships 28 Principalships by Number 29 Principals by Gender 32 Principals by Race and Ethnicity 34 Challenges of the Public School Principalship 35 Accountability 35 Improving Student Achievement 36 Being the Person in the Middle 37 Earning Tenure 38 Principal Turnover and Longevity 38 Having the Needed Skill Sets 39 General Statement of the Problem and Scope of the Study 40 Key Terms and Definitions Used in the Dissertation 41 Chapter Synthesis 41 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 43 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS viii Characteristics of Effective Secondary School Principals 44 Ability to be an Instructional Leader 54 Curriculum, instruction, and assessment 54 Instructional goals and expectations 55 Staff development 56 Development of teacher-leaders 57 Protection of instructional time 57 Ability to Communicate and Build Relationships 58 General communication skills 58 Collaboration and relationship building 59 Student connections 60 Community and public relations 60 Ability to Manage 61 Decision-making 61 Discipline 62 Financial, facilities, and other non-human resource management 63 Human resources management 64 Ability to Lead 64 Vision 65 Affirmation of others 66 Change agency 67 Personal and professional ethics, integrity, and morals 67 Humility and confidence 68 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *average average | avg *aware aware | Awareness *background background | history | prestige *believe believe | trust *building building | foster *calm calm | calmly | patient *candidate candidate | candidates | applicant | applicants | finalist | finalists *caring 275 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS 276 care | cares | caring | empathy | kind | love | genuine | sincerity | concern | nicd | nice | genuinely *certificate certificate | certified | license | qualification *change change | alter | reform *choose choose | decide | determine | choice *climate climate | atmosphere | environment *collaborate collaborate | collaboration | collaborative | cooperation | democratic | input *communicate communicate | communication | communicating | communicator | communicators | articulate | clearer | speak | speaker | speaking | discuss | conversation *community community DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *consider consider | considering *consistency consistency | consistent *characteristic characteristic | trait *criterion criterion | factor *decisions decision | decision-making | decisions *deficient deficient | lack *degree degree | degree/certificate | diploma *delegate 277 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS delegate | delegates | share | empower *department department | dept | dept | departmental *develop develop | development | pd | "professional development" *difficult difficult | hard *discipline discipline | disciplinary | consequence | enforce *district district *diverse diverse | diversity | well-rounded | well-traveled | complete *doc doctoral | doctorate | "doctoral degree" | doc | doctor 278 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *easy easy | easily *education educate | educating | education | educational | ed *established establishment | establish | established *evaluate evaluate | appr | monitor *expectation expectation | expect *experience experience | experienced | seasoned | veteran | exp *expert expert | expertise *faculty faculty | faculty/staff | staff | counselor | coworker | employee | employees 279 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *fair fair | fairness | balance | even-handed | equal *feel feel | feeling *few few | fewer *flexible flexible | flexibility *focus focus | attention *follow-up follow | follows-up *good good | adequate | well *greatly 280 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS greatly | largely | greater | great | most | much *help help | helpful *home home | house *hire hire *honest honest | honesty | honorable | candid *humility humility *important importance | important | super-important | imperative | paramount | essential *improve improve | increase | better 281 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *information information | info *innovate creative | create | design | innovation *inspire inspire | inspirational | motivate | encourage *integrity integrity *interested interested *involve include | involvement | inclusivity *interpersonal interpersonal | relationship | relationships | relate | relates | connect | connects | connecting | charisma | personable | relational | personal | interact | interaction *issue 282 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS issue | issues *job job | jobs | position | positions | role | roles *knowledge know | knowledge | wisdom *lead lead | leader | leaders | leading | leads | leadership | coach | counsel *learn learn | learning *listen listen | hear | listener *look look | appearance *manage manage | manager | managers | management | managing | managerial | organize | planning | handle 283 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *media media *micromanage micromanage | micro | micro-manage | micromanagement *minimum little | minimum | minimize | minimal | less | least *finances money | economic | finances | budget | fundraising *necessary necessarily | necessary *need need *new new *office 284 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS office *open open | openness *order order *other administrator exp chairperson | chair | director | ap | dean | "assistant principal" *parent parent | parents | family | home *people people | person | persons *positive positive *prefer prefer | preferably | preference | value | want 285 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *principal principal | "school leader" *problem-solver problem-solver | "problem solver" | "problem solve" | solver *process process *professionalism professionalism | professional | profession *quality quality *recommend recommend | recommendation *quite quite *reactive reactive 286 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *real real *respect respect | respects | appreciate *require require *school school *skills ability | able | skill | skills | competent | competence | capacity *situation situation | scenario | situational | circumstance *stress stress | stressful *strong 287 DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS 288 strong | superior | super | excellent | tremendous | extremely *student student | child *support support | supportive *instruction teach | teacher | teaches | teaching | taught | instruction | instructor | classroom | class | educator | instructional | curriculum | curricular | instruct | pedagogy *team team | group *think think | thought *top top | best *transparent transparent | transparency | clear | clearer DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS *treat treat *understand understand | understanding | understood *vision/mission vision | visionary | direction | mission | philosophy *willing willing | willingness *work work | works | working | worker | occupation 289 ...Running Head: DCE OF TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES FOR HS PRINCIPALS TEACHERS’ PREFERENCES IN SELECTING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN NEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A DISCRETE CHOICE... Secondary School Principals who Held Doctorates in New York by Building Type During the 2015-2016 School Year Building type Junior high school % principals with doctorate 12.5 Senior high school. .. 1999 Principals 2003 Year Assistant Principals 2007 2011 Instructional Coordinators Figure 1.1 This line graph represents the number of principals, assistant principals, and instructional coordinators

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 22:25


