religion, Christianity 314–15, 409 “The Rhinegold” 506–9 Rhûn 316 Riders of Rohan 316 Riders of the Mark (March) 316 Ring Lords 162 Ring of Doom 317 The Ring of Nibelung 471, 504–23, 523 Rings of Power 317–18, 448, 449 Ringwraiths 318 Rivendell 319 Roäc 312–13 Rohan 316, 319, 336 Rohirrim 296, 319–21, 320 Roland 321–2 Roman Empire 192, 322–3, 451 Rumpelstiltskin 323 Running River 220 Sampo 325 Samwise Gamgee 325–6 Sarehole 326 Saruman the White 202, 326–8 Satan 333 Sauron the Ring Lord 329–32, 330 Scatha the Worm 333–5 scorpion 282 Seven Fathers of the Dwarves 335–7 Shadowfax 336, 337 Shakespeare, William 337–8 Shelob the Great Spider 338–41, 339, 393 shield-walls 361, 362–3 The Shire 341 Shire 251 Shires 341–3, 342 Sidhe 343–4 Siege of Minas Tirith 464 Sigurd 344 The Silmarillion (Tolkien) 11 Silmarils 193, 344–5 Silvan Elves 157 Silver-fist (Celebrimbor) 81 Sindar 346–7 Sindarin 347–8 Sleeping Beauty 348 Smaug the Dragon 349–52, 350–1 Sméagol 352–5, 353, 443 (see also Gollum) Sméagol–Gollum (see also Gollum; Sméagol), history of 443 Snow Point (Aeglos) 17 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 355–6 Solomon’s Ring 356–7 Somme 356, 357 The Song of the Nibelungs 271–2 Sote the Outlaw 357–8 Speakers (Quendi) 308 Spiders 338–41, 339, 358, 393 Star-spray 127 Starlight (Ilmarë) 199 Steward of Gondor 324 Stoor 358–9 strongholds 359–60 “Super-Orc” 395 Sutton Hoo 360–1 svinfylking 361, 362–3 Swaying One (Gungnir) 180