This index refers the reader from the entries in the Dictionary of Sources to Tolkien’s original texts The following abbreviations have been used: S—The Silmarillion H—The Hobbit LR—The Lord of the Rings TB—The Adventures of Tom Bombadil UT—Unfinished Tales BLT (1)—Book of Lost Tales I BLT (2)—Book of Lost Tales II LB—Lays of Beleriand SME—Shaping of Middle-Earth LRD—The Lost Road Roman numerals indicate parts, and arabic numbers chapters or sections Aglarond LR III 8, App.B Ainur S Ain.; BLT (1) II Alfirin LR V 9 Alqualondë L RII I; S Quen, Akal Aman S Quen.; BLT (1) II Amon Hen LR II 10 Amon Uilos S Val.; BLT (1) II Anárion LRII 2, App.A; S Akal Ancalagon S Quen Andor S Akal.; UT II 1 Anduin River LR Pro., II 9; S Quen Angband LR I 12; S Quen., App Angmar LR I 12, App.A Aragorn I LR App Aragorn II LR I 2, 10, II 2, 3, 4, 8, III 2, 11, V 7, 8, VI 5, 9, App.A, B Arda LRill 5; S Ain., Val., Aka I Arien S Val., Quen Arnor LR II 2, App.A; S RofP Arwen LR II 1, VI 6, App.A,B Athelas LR I 12, II 6, V 8 Aulë S Val., Quen Avallónë S Akal.; UT II 1 Avari S Quen.3 RofP Azaghâl S Quen Azanulbizar LR II 3, App.A Bag End H 1; LR VI 9 Balar S Quen Balchoth LR App.A Balin H 1, 18; LR II 2, App.A Balrogs S Val., Ind.; LRII 5, III 5 Barad-dûr LR 110, V 10, VI 3–4 Bardings H 12,14; LR II 1, III 2 Bard the Bowman H 14, 15, 17, 18 Barrow-downs LR I 8, App.A Barrow-wights LR I 7, 8, II 2 Bats S Quen.19; H 13, 17 Belegaer LR App.A; S Quen Belegost LR App.A; SQuen, Ind Beleriand LR II 5; S Quen Beornings H 7, 18; LR III Beren S Quen.; BLT (2) I; Bilbo Baggins H 1–19; LR Prol., I 1, II 1, VI 9, App.B Black Númenóreans S Akal Blue Mountains LR App.A; S Quen Boars LR App.A Bombur H 1, 8, 13; LR II 1, App.A