Hlidskjalf 189 The Hobbit Companion (Day) 11 Hobbiton 189–90 Hobbits 190–1, 190 breeds of 444 Migration of 250, 251 Stoor 358–9 Holy Grail 191–2 Holy Ones (Ainur ) 19 Holy Roman Empire 192, 322–3, 451 Homer 12 Horn of Gondor 194 Hornburg 458, 459 Horsa and Hengist 186 horse princes 196 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 194 Horses 194–7 Huorns 204–5, 378, 428–9 Húrin the Steadfast 197 Hygieia 197 Icicle (Aeglos) 17 Iliad (Homer) 12 Illuin 224–5 Ilmarë (“Starlight”) 199 Ilmarin 199 Ilmarinen the Smith 199–200 Ilúvatar (“Allfather”) 200 Imladris 200 Ingwë 200–1 Irish mythology 201 Iron Death (Gurthang) 179–80 Iron Home (Angmar) 25–9 Iron Prison (Angband) 24–5, 26–7 Isengard 204–5, 460, 461 Isildur 198 Istari 202–3 Janibas the Necromancer 203 Jehovah (Yahweh) 203, 433 Jekyll and Hyde 203–6 Jordanes 206 Jörmungandr 206–7, 207 Jötnar (Jötuun) 208 Jötunheim 208 Journey of the Elves 124, 125 Judeo-Christian mythology 208–9 Jupiter 209 Kalevala 211 Kali 211 Kelvar 440 Khand 406 Khazad-dûm (“Dwarrowdelf”) 212, 213 Khuzdul 212–14 Kine of Araw 215 Kraken 214 Kullervo the Hapless 215–16 Kurkar, King of Hor 216 Lake Men 220 Lake-Town 219 Langobards 219 Last Alliance of Elves and Men 219–21