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The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior

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A Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제 56호 | 2020 12 | Vol 18 No The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior 대학교 시각 이미지가 학생 행위에 미치는 영향 주 저자 중국 연변대학교, 시각디자인학과 Jin Cheng 부교수 김 성 교신 저자 중국 연변대학교, 패션디자인학과 Cui Yu Hua 부교수 최 유 화 This paper is supported by the "十三五" plan of Educational Science in Yanbian University 접수일자 : 2020.10.30 심사일자 : 2020.11.21 게재확정일자 : 2020.12.21 Original Articles DOI: 10.18852/bdak.2020.18.4.47 The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior 대학교 시각 이미지가 학생 행위에 미치는 영향 ■ 중심어 : 대학교 환경, 대학교 시각 이미지, 기대, 충성도, 구전 ■ Keyword : University Environment, University Visual Image, Expectation, Loyalty, Word of Mouth Contents Introduction Literature Review and Hypotheses 2.1 Satisfaction with University Visual Image 2.2 Expectation 2.3 Loyalty 2.4 Word of Mouth Research Method 3.1 Data Collection 3.2 Measures Data Analysis and Results 4.1 Samples 4.2 Measurement Model 4.3 Hypothesis Testing Conclusion References Appendix 초록 대학교 및 기관들에서 시각적인 이미지에 대한 중 시를 보이기 시작하고 있다 하지만, 이러한 영역에 대한 연구가 아직은 결핍한 상태이다 본 연구에서는 학생들의 기대 (쾌락적 및 효용적), 대학교 시각 이 미지에 대한 만족도 (디자인, 품질, 쾌적성), 학생 충 성도 및 구전 등 요인들 사이의 관련성을 분석하는 것에 목적을 두었다 본 연구는 2020년 8월 6일에서 11일까지 온라인 설문조사 (www.sojump.com)를 통 해 총 200명의 학생 응답자를 모집하였다 연구목적 에 따라 구조방정식 모델을 사용하여 가설을 검증하 였다 학생 기대와 대학교 시각 이미지에 대한 만족 도 사이에는 정적인 관계를 나타내고 있다 구체적으 로 말하면, 쾌락적 기대는 디자인 만족도에 가장 큰 영향을 주고 효용적 기대는 쾌적성 만족도에 가장 많은 영향을 준다고 나타났다 충성도 및 구전에 대 한 영향에 있어서, 디자인과 쾌적성 만족도는 모두 긍정적인 영향을 보이는 반면, 품질 만족도는 유의한 영향을 주지 못하였다 또한, 학생 충성도가 높을수 록 학생 구전효과도 높게 나타났다 본 연구에서는 대학교 시각 이미지의 만족도에 주는 가장 큰 기대 변수와 충성도 및 구전에 대한 가장 영향력 있는 변 수를 제시해주었다 이러한 결과는 대학교 이미지 시 각 디자이너와 매니저들에게 이론적 및 실무적인 계 시를 제공해준다 Abstract Many universities and institutions have begun to attach importance to their visual image However, this occurrence is rarely investigated This study s eeks to analyze the relationship between student e xpectation (hedonic and utilitarian), satisfaction wit h university visual image (design, quality, and com fort), student loyalty, and word of mouth (WOM) An online survey tool (www.sojump.com) was em ployed from August 6–11, 2020 and recruited 200 r espondents from one university To accomplish the proposed objectives, a research model is tested thr ough the use of structural equations A positive rel ationship is found between student expectation and satisfaction with university visual image Hedonic expectation improve most design satisfaction More over, utilitarian expectation causes the highest incr ease in comfort satisfaction In terms of the effect on loyalty and word of mouth (WOM), design and comfort satisfaction have a positively significant ef fect on student loyalty and WOM, but quality facto r has no influence Meanwhile, student loyalty exer ts a positive influence on WOM This work confir ms that the construct which expectation influences the most is satisfaction with university visual ima ge, and expectation is the most important factor in the mechanism by which visual image influences l oyalty and WOM All these findings can provide th eoretical and practical implications for university vi sual designers or manager The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior Introduction 49 Training and learning have become increasingly important Thus, education has been redefined as a process of knowledge construction through various factors while new teaching methods are established for the trend of continuous improvement.1) Recently, many universities have made significant investments in upgraded classrooms and learning centers, by incorporating such factors as tiered seating, customized lighting packages, upgraded desk and seat quality, and individual computers.2) Institutions of higher education are increasingly realizing that they are part of the service industry and are placing greater emphasis on student satisfaction as they face many competitive pressures; moreover, student satisfaction has been related to recruitment, retention, and academic success.3) To date, few studies have examined the impact of university environment and image and how the satisfaction with or evaluation of these university images exerts considerable influence on university achievements Prior studies have examined the impact of university image Wilkins and Huisman (201 3)4) identify the criteria used by prospective students to evaluate the images they hold of international branch campuses and investigate the impact of these assessments on students' attachment to institutions Under the influence of the rapidly changing educational environment at home and abroad, in order to recruit more excellent students, many colleges and universities strive to establish the university identity and new image, such as setting up the logo of each college, so as to promote differential treatment5) Realize (201 8)6) reveals that an academic information system has a significant influence on direct university image and trust in the Kepulauan Riau Province Alves and Raposo (2010)7) indicate that university image has a positive impact on student expectation, satisfaction, and loyalty; simultaneously, student expectation is significantly linked to satisfaction In terms of university educational image, Yugo and Reeve (2007)8) drew on methods and theory from organizational image research to better understand the factors that students use in forming their overall image of a university as well as their intentions to attend a particular university However, given the excessively broad concept of university image, clearly explaining the results is difficult and attempts can only 1) Farcas, D., The image of e-learning: Perceptions about a Chilean University and the e-learning system in the context of Chile, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Capella University, 2010, p.1 2) Hill․Epps, The impact of physical classroom environment on student satisfaction and student evaluation of teaching in the university environment, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 14(4), 2010, p.65 3) Letcher․Neves, Determinants of undergraduate business student satisfaction, Research in Higher Education Journal, 2010, p.2 4) Wilkins․Huisman, Student evaluation of university image attractiveness and its impact on student attachment to international branch campuses, Journal of Studies in International Education, 17(5), 2013, pp.607-623 5) Lee, H N., A study on logo design for improving brand competitiveness of college, Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea, 16(3), 2018, p.45 6) Realize, R., Analysis of trust through academic information system and image of private university, Archives of Business Research, 6(6), 2018, pp.252-259 7) Alves․Raposo, The influence of university image on student behavior, International Journal of Educational Management, 24(1), 2010, pp.73-85 8) Yugo․Reeve, Understanding students' university educational image and its role in college choice, Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research 12(1), 2007, pp.9-17 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 50 Jin Cheng․Cui Yu Hua make the conclusion more ambiguous Consequently, we narrow the scope of university image by focusing on the university visual image and consider that image as the main variable measured by student satisfaction That is, this work aims to investigate the relationship between student expectation (hedonic & utilitarian), satisfaction with university visual image (design, quality, comfort), student loyalty, and word of mouth (WOM) Literature Review and Hypotheses 2.1 Satisfaction with University Visual Image Image is a series of tangible and intangible characteristics such as the ideas, beliefs, values, interests, and features that make an image unique.9) An image is the impression achieved from knowledge and understanding of factors or reality University image is defined as a set of attitudes or beliefs that a person holds about a university.10) This attitude and beliefs come from the students' evaluation of the university environment To be exact, it is the evaluation of the university visual image They can see with their eyes, touch with their bodies, and feel with their hearts That image also encompasses three components: the study environment (friendly, supportive, and innovative), practicality (flexible courses and job oriented), and conservativeness (long-established, traditional, 9) Realize․Brahmasari․Panjaitan, The influence of using academic information system on private university image and its impact to competitive advantage, Archives of Business Research, 5(8), 2017, p.64 10) Jiewanto․Laurens․Nelloh, Influence of service quality, university image, and student satisfaction toward WOM intention: A case study on Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya, Procedia Social & Behavioral Sciences, 40(10), 2012, p.18 and prestigious) from Brown and Mazzarol (2009).11) Yang et al (2013)12) examine learning ambient attributes (including temperature, air quality, acoustics, and lighting), spatial attributes (room layout, furniture, and visibility), technological attributes (hardware [e.g., projector, computer, clicker, smart board and camera] and software [e.g., software installed on instructor and student computers and the Internet]) However, university image as a mediation variable is rarely explored in the construct of student satisfaction and service quality from a higher education perspective.13) According to the above theoretical basis, this paper characterize university visual image as three dimensions: design, quality, and comfort Furthermore, the second concept to be determined is student satisfaction, a notion related to university visual image Satisfaction with university visual image is the general evaluation of a percept that arises from the perceptions about a university 2.2 Expectation Expectation refers to the expected outcome of one's own behavior and views personal needs and the needs to balance one’s social identity as two distinctive forms of 11) Brown․Mazzarol, The importance of institutional image to student satisfaction and loyalty within higher education, Higher Education, 58(1), 2009, pp.81-95 12) Yang․Becerik-Gerber․Mino, A study on student perceptions of higher education classrooms: Impact of classroom attributes on student satisfaction and performance, Building & Environment, 70(dec.), 2013, pp.171-188 13) Osman․Saputra․Luis, Exploring mediating role of institutional image through a complete structural equation modeling (SEM): A perspective of higher education, International Journal for Quality Research, 12(2), 2018, p.523 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior expectations: hedonic and utilitarian expectations.14) Previous studies indicate a close relationship between student expectations, university image, and satisfaction Alves and Raposo (2010)15) show a positive significant relationship between student expectation and university image, and expectation exerts a negative effect on satisfaction The expected grades of students are significantly related to the physical characteristics of the classroom environment, and a classroom environment has a positive influence on student satisfaction in the university (Hill & Epps, 2010).16) In Temizer and Turkyilmaz (2012),17) student expectation is significantly related to university image in higher education institutions Chang et al (2014)18) identify two kinds of expectations: hedonic expectation is associated with enjoyment, whereas utilitarian expectation is goal oriented According the above theoretical research, we propose the following hypotheses: H1a: Hedonic expectation is positively related to design satisfaction with university visual image H1b: Hedonic expectation is positively related to quality satisfaction with university visual image H1c: Hedonic expectation is positively 14) Chang․Liu․Chen, The effects of hedonic/utilitarian expectations and social influence on continuance intention to play online games, Internet Research, 24(1), 2014, p.23 15) Alves․Raposo, Op.cit., p.73 16) Hill․Epps Op.cit., p.69 17) Temizer․Turkyilmaz, Implementation of student satisfaction index model in higher education institutions,  Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 2012, pp.3802-3806 18) Chang․Liu․Chen Op.cit., p.23 51 related to comfort satisfaction with university visual image H2a: Utilitarian expectation is positively related to design satisfaction with university visual image H2b: Utilitarian expectation is positively related to quality satisfaction with university visual image H2c: Utilitarian expectation is positively related to comfort satisfaction with university visual image 2.3 Loyalty Loyalty is formed from the experience of using an item or service.19) Hashim et al (2015)20) indicate that institutional image has a positive significant influence on University Utara Malaysia's student loyalty Alves and Raposo (2010)21) establish a greater propensity for loyalty when the students’ perception of institutional image is seen as favorable Temizer and Turkyilmaz (2012)22) also reveal that student satisfaction has a positive effect on student loyalty in Turkey A prior research investigates the relationship between the dimensions of value–satisfaction –loyalty constructs in the context of hotels (El-Adly, 2018),23) from which we can infer a positive effect of student satisfaction on student loyalty Thus, this study examines 19) Radiman․Gunawan․Wahyuni․Jufrizen, The effect of marketing mix, service quality, Islamic values and institutional image on students' satisfaction and loyalty, Expert Journal of Marketing, 6(2), 2018, p.96 20) Hashim․Abdullateef․Sarkindaji, The moderating influence of trust on the relationship between institutional image/reputation, perceived value on student loyalty in higher education institution, International Review of Management & Marketing, 5(3), 2015, pp.122-128 21) Alves․Raposo Op.cit., p.73 22) Temizer․Turkyilmaz Op.cit., p.3803 23) El-Adly, M I., Modelling the relationship between hotel perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50(september), 2018, pp.322-332 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 52 Jin Cheng․Cui Yu Hua the following hypotheses: H3a: Design satisfaction with visual image is positively student loyalty H3b: Quality satisfaction with visual image is positively student loyalty H3c: Comfort satisfaction with visual image is positively student loyalty university related to university related to university related to 2.4 Word of Mouth WOM is defined as oral, person–person communication between a receiver and a communicator whom the receiver perceives as non-commercial, regarding a university visual image revised in Jiewanto, Laurens and Nelloh (2012) paper It would rare concept to be determined in higher education sector Jiewanto et al (2012)24) indicate that university image and student satisfaction positively impact WOM intention Regarding loyalty and WOM, Uslu et al (2013)25) confirm that brand loyalty has a positive effect on WOM behaviors for consumers in Germany In line with these explanations, the current researchers propose the hypotheses listed below The entire research model is also shown as Figure H4a: Design satisfaction with university visual image is positively related to student WOM H4b: Quality satisfaction with university visual image is positively related to student WOM H4c: Comfort satisfaction with university visual image is positively related to student WOM H5: Student loyalty is positively related to 24) Jiewanto․Laurens․Nelloh Op.cit., p.18 25) Usulu․Durmus․Tasdemir, Word of mouth, brand loyalty, acculturation and the Turkish ethnic minority group in Germany, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 2013, pp.455-464 student WOM Expectation Hedonic Satisfaction of UVI H1a Design H1b H3a H1c H3c H5 Quality H4a H2a H4b H2b Utilitarian H2c Loyalty H3b Comfort H4c WOM Research Model Research Method 3.1 Data Collection The population in this study involve students from a comprehensive university in China The range of respondents is wide, as long as they are in-service college students or graduate students can participate in the answer When collecting the questionnaire, there is no restriction on which university or department or city As long as Chinese college students or graduate students can answer the questionnaire All the participants were represented by stimuli photos (see Appendix) which we designed for university visual image recently At the beginning of the questionnaire, respondents will be explained what is the specific design, quality, and comfort The University visual image in this paper only has three stages The first step is that students view the scene with visual sense, that is, design, which includes color, appearance, image, details and other factors In the second stage, students judge the scene in the form of touch, that is, quality, which includes performance factors such as material, touch and durability The third stage is that students use their hearts to feel the scene, 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior that is, comfort, including ergonomics of desks and chairs, space comfort, and the sense of human body fit Participation in this study was completely voluntary They answer the questionnaire rigorously through the online survey system (www.sojump.com) we have edited It was conducted from August –11, 2020 with a total of 200 respondents 3.2 Measures Twenty-four items were used to measure the constructs included in the proposed model (i.e., student expectation, satisfaction with university visual image, student WOM, and student loyalty) with multiple item scales adopted from previous studies First, we conceptualized student expectation as a multidimensional construct of two factors: hedonic (three items) and utilitarian (three items) expectation adopted from Chang et al (2014).26) Second, in order to improve the reliability, the questionnaire items about university visual image satisfaction are adopted and revised from previous study The satisfaction that reflects students' overall satisfaction was conceptualized as three dimensions: design (four items), quality (four items), and comfort (four items) adopted and revised from Hill and Epps (2010).27) Third, student loyalty that focuses on attitudinal loyalty was conceptualized as a uni-dimensional construct of three items adapted from El-Adly (2018).28) Lastly, student WOM was conceptualized as a uni-dimensional factor (three items) revised from Uslu et al (2013)29) and encompasses 26) Chang․Liu․Chen Op.cit., p.44 27) Hill․Epps Op.cit., p.74 28) El-Adly, M I Op.cit., p.327 53 several facets of the public praise construct, including referral and propagate All these items were measured using a five-point Likert scale anchored by the rating “strongly disagree” and “strongly agree.” Demographic questions were also included at the end of the questionnaire Data Analysis and Results 4.1 Samples A total of 200 usable questionnaires were collected and used in the analysis The demographic characteristics of respondents show that females preponderated slightly (n = 140, 70.1%) In terms of age, 74.1% (n = 149) of respondents were between 20 and 29 years old and 23.9% (n = 48) were under 19 years old Because we are targeting at college students, including undergraduate and graduate students, which are younger There are only four graduate students in their 30s, which is also the peak age Almost all respondents (n = 197, 98.0%) were single, with just 2.0% (n = 4) married participants The respondents were fairly well educated, with 89.6% (n = 180) possessing an undergraduate degree and 10.4% (n = 21) with graduate degrees The reason for this outcome is that this study is aimed at university students The household monthly income of 38.8% (n = 78) of the respondents was less than 1,000,000 Won, 39.2% (n = 79) had monthly income ranging from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 Won, and 21.8% (n = 44) had incomes above 1,500,000 Won per month (Table 1) 29) Usulu․Durmus․Tasdemir Op.cit., p.461 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 54 Jin Cheng․Cui Yu Hua Frequency Percentage Category (n) (%) Male 60 29.9 Female 140 70.1 10s 48 23.9 Age 20s 149 74.1 30s 2.0 Si n gl e 197 98 Marital Status Married 2.0 Student 180 89.6 Education Undergraduate Graduate Student 21 10.4 Below 1,000,000 WON 78 38.8 39.3 Monthly 1,000,000~1,500,000 WON 79 Income 1,500,000~2,000,000 WON 22 10.9 Over 2,000,000 WON 22 10.9 Demographics Gender Descriptive Statistics of Respondents 4.2 Measurement Model The measurement model was assessed for the reliability of individual items, the internal consistency between items, as well as the model's convergent and discriminant validity Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted to group the 24 items from the questionnaire using maximum likelihood analysis with Promax rotation and SPSS 22 0.30) Then, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed on the measurement model and found to be an excellent goodness-of-fit statistic, because X2/df = 1.985, RMR = 0.028, GFI = 0.847, CFI = 0.967, IFI = 0.967, TLI = 0.960 using the AMOS 22.0 package As Table shows, the Cronbach's α and the composite reliability (CR) measures were all greater than the acceptable cut-off of 0.700 as recommended by previous works, thereby indicating an adequate level of internal consistency.31) Convergent validity is demonstrated as the average variance 30) Anderson․Gerbing, Some methods for respecifying measurement models to obtain unidimensional construct measurement, Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4), 1982, pp.453-460 31) Bagozzi․Yi, Specification, evaluation, and interpretation of structural equation models, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(1), 2012, pp.8-34 extracted (AVE) values for all constructs were above the suggested threshold value of 0.500.32) Table shows the correlations between the constructs Diagonal values represent the square root of the AVE, and the other matrix entries represent the correlations Discriminant validity is indicated when the square root of each construct AVE is larger than its correlations with other constructs Thus, an acceptable level of discriminant validity was achieved Standard Questionnaire Items Coeffi cient valt-ue Cronba ch's α CR AVE Ienjf Iostay 0.987 ― yment.here, I wil experience Hedoni c Expectation If I stay here, I wil feel pleasure 0.982 55.489*** 0.991 0.929 0.972 If I stay here, I wil have fun 0.989 63.602*** Isense f I stayof here, I wi l i n crease my 0.988 ― accomplishment Uti l i t ari a n I f I stay here, I wi l i m prove my Expectation academic performance and grades 0.965 44.336*** 0.984 0.924 0.953 Ireadi f I stay here,thiInkiwinlg.specializes in 0.976 50.393*** ng and Design is novel and unique 0.864 ― Col o r matchi n g i n pl a ce 0.849 15.863*** 0.923 0.922 0.757 Design Every detail is outstanding 0.918 18.395*** General layout is reasonable 0.848 15.847*** The quality used is very good 0.884 ― The tabl e s and chai r s l o ok sti f f and 0.842 16.165*** solid Quality No odor, no formaldehyde exceeding 0.898 18.398*** 0.924 0.945 0.756 the standard The good.light is bright and the quality is 0.854 16.625*** Reasonabl use e space layout, easy to 0.933 ― Ergonomic tables and chairs are 0.895 21.677*** Comfort comfortable to use 0.943 0.956 0.809 The overall feeling is very humanized 0.925 24.047*** There are rest areas in every corner 0.844 18.425*** for comfort Ihave wil conti task ntouedo.staying here when I 0.951 ― ays enjoy the learning Loyalty Ifaciwillitiealswhere 0.895 22.655*** 0.944 0.949 0.851 Iuniamversiwitlyintog tomyrecommend 0.920 24.944*** friends this Igood generally regard my family as a facilitiesource s here.of advice about learning 0.939 ― general ly regard myce about friendsstudyi as ang 0.950 26.853*** 0.944 0.948 0.854 WOM Igood source of advi environment here Igood generally regard my neiabout ghbors as a 0.882 21.059*** universisource ty visualof advi imagece here Construct Notes: X2/df = 1.985; RMR = 0.028; GFI = 0.847; CFI = 0.967; IFI = 0.967; TLI = 0.960; ***p < 0.001 Reliability and Validity 32) Fornell․Larcker, Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 24(4), 1981, pp.337-346 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior Communi Awarenessty Others’ Awareness Safety Awareness Consumpti Conformitoyn Mask Quality Mask Price Repurchase Intention Communi Others’ Awareness Safety Consumpti Maskity Mask Awarenessty Awareness Conformitoyn Qual Price Repurchase Intention 0.613a 0.321b 0.674a 0.470b 0.130b 0.618a 0.352b 0.182b 0.522b 0.860a 0.330b 0.144b 0.437b 0.412b 0.652a 0.481b 0.245b 0.585b 0.468b 0.646b 0.638a 0.481b 0.194b 0.517b 0.405b 0.241b 0.488b 0.696a Notes: aAVE of each variable, bSquare of correlation coefficient between latent variables p*** < 0.001 Correlations between Constructs 4.3 Hypothesis Testing Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to investigate the hypotheses relationships between the constructs The results of the path diagram of the research model are shown in Figure Table lists the standard regression weights for the paths and the overall goodness of fit indices (X2/df = 2.974, RMSEA = 0.039, GFI = 0.881, CFI = 0.931, IFI = 0.931, TLI = 0.920) The outcomes indicate support for all the relationships except for H3b and H4b In-depth analysis shows that hedonic expectation has a significantly positive effect on design (β = 0.569***, p < 0.001), quality (β = 0.521***, p < 001), and comfort (β = 0.546***, p < 001) Thus, the higher the student hedonic expectation of their current university, the higher the student satisfaction with the university visual image The impact on design satisfaction is the greatest, followed by comfort, and quality in the last place Utilitarian expectation also has a significantly positive effect on design (β = 0.431***, p < 0.001), quality (β = 0.357***, p < 001), and comfort (β = 0.567***, p < 001) Therefore, the higher the students' utilitarian expectation 55 about their university, the more comfort, design, and quality satisfaction with the university visual image they experience (in the order of strong to weak occurrence) Therefore, H1a, H1b, H1c, H2a, H2b and H2c are supported In terms of the relationship between student satisfaction and loyalty, design (β = 0.256***, p < 0.001) and comfort (β = 0.517***, p < 0.001) have a significantly positive effect on student loyalty Conversely, quality (β = 0.096, p = 0.144) has no significant effect Thus, the more students perceive comfort satisfaction with the university visual image, the higher the student loyalty to the university, followed by design satisfaction Thus, H3a and H3c are supported, but H3b is rejected The relationship between student satisfaction and WOM turned out to be ideal Design (β = 0.164**, p < 0.01) and comfort (β = 0.190**, p < 0.01) have a significantly positive effect on student WOM, but quality (β = 0.056, p = 0.282) has no significant effect Maybe this outcome arises from the difficulty of distinguishing quality from the stimuli photos which show the university visual image In any case, other significant effects can explained why a higher design and comfort satisfaction perceived by students leads to more WOM and why design has biggest effects Therefore, H4a and H4c are supported, but H4b is rejected Lastly, student loyalty has a significantly positive effect on WOM (β = 0.591***, p < 0.001), thereby meeting our expectations Thus, the more the students perceived loyalty with their current university, the more frequent the WOM about the university from 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 56 Jin Cheng․Cui Yu Hua students Hypotheses Path Estimate S.E t-value Results H1a Hedonic → Design 0.569*** 0.045 9.353 Supported H1b Hedonic → Quality 0.521*** 0.044 8.298 Supported H1c Hedonic → Comfort 0.546*** 0.037 10.741 Supported H2a Utilitarian → Design 0.431*** 0.051 7.395 Supported H2b Utilitarian → Quality 0.357*** 0.050 5.842 Supported H2c Utilitarian → Comfort 0.567*** 0.044 11.116 Supported H3a Design → Loyalty 0.256*** 0.079 3.622 Supported H3b Quality → Loyalty 0.096 0.077 1.459 Rejected H3c Comfort → Loyalty 0.517*** 0.083 7.045 Supported H4a Design → WOM 0.164** 0.063 2.831 Supported H4b Quality → WOM 0.056 0.059 1.075 Rejected H4c Comfort → WOM 0.190** 0.074 2.835 Supported H5 Loyalty → WOM 0.591*** 0.068 8.399 Supported Notes: X2/df = 2.974; RMSEA = 0.039; GFI = 0.881; CFI = 0.931; IFI = 0.931; TLI = 0.920; p*** < 0.001, p** < 0.01 SEM Results Expectation Hedonic Satisfaction of UVI 0.569*** Design 0.521*** 0.256*** 0.546*** 0.517*** 0.591*** Quality 0.164** 0.431*** 0.056 0.357*** Utilitarian 0.567*** Loyalty 0.096 Comfort 0.190** WOM Research Model Results Conclusion This research confirmed that the relationship of the variables among student expectations (hedonic and utilitarian), student satisfaction with university visual image (design, quality, and comfort), student loyalty, and student WOM This study is in the initial stage of exploration, so the classification of the attributes of university visual image is more general, only the design, quality, and comfort level are considered The following aspects presented linkages between variables, and some theoretical and practical contributions from this work are discussed First, hedonic and utilitarian expectations can strengthen student satisfaction with university visual image, regardless of design, quality, or comfort satisfaction This outcome is consistent with that of a previous study.33) Interestingly, hedonic expectation has the greatest effect on design satisfaction, and utilitarian expectation has the biggest effect on comfort satisfaction We can classify two groups of students for centralized management: hedonic-oriented and utilitarian-oriented students More in-depth investigation of these features is needed and other meaningful factors from student expectations must be identified Second, design and comfort satisfaction with university visual image can improve students' loyalty to their current college This finding is consistent with that of El-Adly (2018)34) and indicates that student satisfaction has a positive effect on student loyalty in higher learning institutions To improve student loyalty, a university visual designer must pay more attention to the design factors with novelty, uniqueness, color and detail and certainly be more careful about comfort factors with ergonomic, humanized areas and rest spaces Of course, quality problems should not be ignored Third, similar with the effects on student loyalty, design and comfort satisfaction with the university visual image can strengthen student loyalty toward their university, and student loyalty can improve WOM of student behavior This outcome is consistent with 33) Alves․Raposo Op.cit., p.79 34) El-Adly, M I Op.cit., p.329 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 The Influence of University Visual Image on Student Behavior that of Uslu et al (2013)35) and reveals a positive relationship between loyalty and WOM The ultimate practical purpose is both student loyalty and WOM Therefore, a university visual designer should enhance and prioritize student satisfaction In particular, in terms of 'design', we need to meet the following requirements: design is novel and unique; color matching in place; details are outstanding; general layout is reasonable On the level of 'comfort', we need to consider: space layout, ease of use, ergonomics, humanization and other related factors The results of this study provide a favorable scheme for the future university image design, and offer a preliminary solution to improve the satisfaction of students This study is not without limitations First, it relied on a relatively small sample obtained using the convenience sampling strategy in a single university of one country Each country has different cultural and regional characteristics, and these regional characteristics will bring different results Second, this research is unable to identify or explain the full range of factors affecting prospective students' attachment intentions because of the justified focus on a largely under-researched topic (university visual image evaluation and its impact on student choice) Further research on university visual image should build models that consider a broader set of factors affecting students in addition to the student expectation construct, loyalty, and WOM Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Reference 35) 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Undergraduate Research 12(1), 007 Appendix Stimuli photos in survey 브랜드디자인학회 Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제56호 Vol.18 No.4 ... from the students' evaluation of the university environment To be exact, it is the evaluation of the university visual image They can see with their eyes, touch with their bodies, and feel with their... comfort Furthermore, the second concept to be determined is student satisfaction, a notion related to university visual image Satisfaction with university visual image is the general evaluation of a... higher the student hedonic expectation of their current university, the higher the student satisfaction with the university visual image The impact on design satisfaction is the greatest, followed

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 22:51


