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(Luận văn đại học thương mại) literature review, supplies some theoretical background for the study it includes some aspects related to speaking skills, information gap

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  • 1.1. Rationale

  • 1.2. Previous studies

  • 1.3. Aims of the study

  • 1.4. Research subjects

  • 1.4.1. Participants

  • 1.4.2. Instruments

  • 1.5. Scope of the study

  • 1.6. Research methodology

  • 1.7. Organization of the study


  • 2.1. Definition of speaking skill

  • There are a variety of definitions for the term “speaking” presented by different authors. However, most of them agree that speaking is a verbal exchange between communicators including receptive and productive skills which require them to transfer information through language.

  • 2.2. The roles of speaking skill in a language

  • 2.3. Difficulties in teaching speaking English skill

  • 2.4. Methods of teaching speaking English skill

  • 2.5. Strategies of teaching English speaking skill

  • 2.5.1. Strategies of teaching English speaking skill during pre stage

  • 2.5.2. Strategies of teaching English speaking skill during while stage

  • Structured output activities

  • Communicative Output Activities

  • 2.5.3. Strategies of teaching English speaking skill during post stage


  • 3.1. The research hypothesis

  • 3.2. Procedure of data collection

  • 3.3. Results and discussion

  • 3.3.1. Reality of speaking English of learners at American Links English centre

  • 3.3.2. Challenges that both teachers and learners encountered

  • 3.3.3. Some suggested solutions to solve these problems


  • 4.1. Implications

  • 4.2. Suggestions for further studies




Nội dung

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to give special thanks to Ms Tran Thi Thu Hien for her insightful comments during the proposal, development, and editing stages of this field project Second, my sincere thanks also go to American Links English centre for creating favorable conditions for me to complete this study I had chance to access the working environment in order to collect data for my research Finally, I would like to thank everybody who supported and helped me when I need and I hope that I can receive feedback from all the people to complete the assignment with the best standard LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ABSTRACT Speaking English is doubtlessly essential nowadays since it is a globally recognized language in almost all fields Thus, if we want learners to be fluent and good at speaking we first should encourage them to practice with an eye towards improvement Second, we must elevate the student's awareness and introduce them to the great importance that speaking skill has in developing their language proficiency The purpose of this work was, then, to explore the effectiveness of using speaking communicative activities to improve English speaking skill The main threefold objectives of the work are identifying the most effective communicative activities which can promote learners’ speaking skill, discussing the main problems which may hinder the oral performance, providing strategies to help learners overcome their difficulties and investigating learner's attitudes towards those activities The study research was conducted at American Links English centre, relying on survey questionnaires and interviews as instruments of the research The analysis of results reveals that students are more aware and mindful about the importance of speaking activities in improving their oral proficiency From and other perspective, teachers agreed that using communicative activities is one of the most effective and beneficial tools to reinforce students' speaking Finally, this extended essay ends up by providing some fruitful and efficient teaching suggestions for learners to flourish and evolve in their learning process LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .i ABSTRACT .ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES vi CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Previous studies 1.3 Aims of the study 1.4 Research subjects 1.4.1 Participants 1.4.2 Instruments 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Research methodology 1.7 Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERARURE REVIEW .10 2.1 Definition of speaking skill .10 2.2 The roles of speaking skill in a language 11 2.3 Difficulties in teaching speaking English skill 11 2.4 Methods of teaching speaking English skill 12 2.5 Strategies of teaching English speaking skill 14 2.5.1 Strategies of teaching English speaking skill during pre stage .14 2.5.2 Strategies of teaching English speaking skill during while stage 15 2.5.3 Strategies of teaching English speaking skill during post stage 18 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH FINDINGS 19 3.1 The research hypothesis 19 3.2 Procedure of data collection .19 3.3 Results and discussion .20 3.3.1 Reality of speaking English of learners at American Links English centre 20 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 3.3.2 Challenges that both teachers and learners encountered .25 3.3.3 Some suggested solutions to solve these problems 26 CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 29 4.1 Implications .29 4.2 Suggestions for further studies 30 CONCLUSION 31 REFERENCES 34 APPENDICES 37 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS No Abbreviations English meaning CLT Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching TPP Trans- Paciffic partership MA Master/magister No Number FL Foreign language CEFR L2 PhD Doctor of Philosophy Ccs Communication strategies Common European Framework of Reference First Language LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1: Methods of teaching speaking English for learners at American Links English centre 21 Table : Challenges that teachers faced with when teaching speaking English 25 Table : Difficulties encountered by students when speaking English .25 Table 5: The suggested teaching methods that teachers applied to improve the speaking English skill 26 Table 6: Recommendation of teachers for students to enhance their speaking English 27 Table 6: The levels of agreement of methods to improve the students’ speaking English skill 28 Chart 1: Kinds of speaking forms that teachers used in the classes 20 Chart 2: The number of hours students spend on speaking English everyday 22 Chart 3: The levels of importance of speaking English by discussion .23 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY 1.1 Rationale Over the past few decades, English is often qualified to be the "Global Language" English became a dominant language by virtue of reaching the power of being spread widely It is also established as a lingua franca, that is the common language consistently used as a bridge in communication between people who not share the same language According to Karahan (2007 :1) when describing English language… leading foreign language enjoying a prestigious position in many countries, including Spanish speaking countries, since the end of World War II It is neither a national nor an official language in Latin America but it is the most widely taught foreign language at all stages of educational system In this respect, the mastery of speaking skill has become increasingly important due to its preeminent rank in international communication Consequently, learning process requires a great emphasis on teaching the speaking skill since English is considered a global language and used for interpersonal communication Within this context, it is the desire of many learners to be fluent and to evolve their speaking skill in spite of the difficulties which impede a free communication As a matter of fact, it is necessary for teachers to help their students promote their skill through identifying the hinders during oral production and eventually suggest some of the effective communicative activities and strategies for genuine communication to occur in the language classroom This can widely increase student's motivation and awareness to tackle oral problems 1.2 Previous studies Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) appeared in the 1960s and 1970s and was thought as a resolution against the Audio- lingual Method It was an outcome of more attention to learners’ effective and appropriate use of language learnt It was pointed out by Brindley (1986: 11) that “The 1970’s and 1980’s could be regarded as the era of Communicative Language Teaching” Communicative Language Teaching also marked the beginning of a major innovation LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com within language teaching because of its superior principles which are widely accepted nowadays So far, several researchers have done the work on CLT and different authors view CLT differently However, it was difficult to define it in a satisfactory way There were a variety of definitions about CLT and each of them developed her / his own ideas regarding CLT As for Nunan (1989: 194), Communicative Language Teaching means: CLT viewed language as a system for the expression of meaning Activities involved oral communication, carrying out meaning tasks and using language, which were meaningful to the learners Objectives reflected the needs of the learners; they include functional skills as well as linguistic objectives.The learner’s role was as a negotiator and integrator The teacher’s role was as a facilitator of the communication process Materials promoted communicative language use; they were task- based and authentic It was thought that the definition contained aspects that were common to many other definitions The definition above, as with any definitions of the language teaching method ( Penny Cook, 1989), represented a particular view of understanding and explaining language acquisition It was socially constructed and must be seen as a product of social, cultural, economic, and political forces Negotiation of meaning between students and teachers should be essential in the implementation of tasks with resulting comprehensible input Risk talking which leaded to successful communication is also very important In his viewpoint, Williams emphasized the lack of focus on the direct instruction of language rules and error correction A major emphasis was on learner autonomy According to Bock (2000) CLT was tailored to get at meaning and leaners negotiate meaning in class Meaning was considered as what is communicated The negotiation of meaning could be implicated through pair work, group work in problem- solving tasks He also stated: “Authentic materials, functional tasks, and groups and pair work are significant aspects of CLT” Characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching The theory of language in CLT showed that language was used as a means of communication Characteristics of CLT were given by Richards and Rodgers( 2001) as follows: Language was a system for the expression of meaning The primary function of language was to allow interaction and communication The structure of language reflected its functional and communicative uses The primary units of language were LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse Thus, the objective of language teaching was to develop “communicative competence” Richards and Rodgers (2001 : 155) showed that CLT aimed to “ make communicative competence the goal of language teaching” And communicative competence was defined by Hymes( 1972 : 7): “ Communicative competence as speaker needs to know to communicate effectively in culturally significant setting.” Another characteristic of CLT was the introduction of authentic material (Dublin, 1995; Larsen- Freeman, 1986; Long and Crooks, 1992; Nunan, 1990; Widdwson, 1996) In CLT, it was considered desirable to give learners the opportunity to response to genuine communicative needed in realistic L2 situations so that they developed strategies for understanding language as actually used by native speakers (Canale and Swain, 1980) The Teachers’ and Students’ roles in Communicative Language Teaching Teacher roles: As Communicative Language Teaching is learner- centered, the teachers, though, were still the people to set up activities and give instructions to students, they stepped back to listen and monitor the class rather than talking much Chaudhry Zahid Javid, Muhammad Umar Farooq, Malik Ajmal Gulzar (2012) in their study Saudi English-Major Undergraduates and English Teachers ' Perceptions Regarding Effective ELT in the KSA: a Comparative Study concluded that: “a Classrooms should be more interactive b Classrooms need to be equipped with modern teaching resources c Students' English language proficiency was poor when we joined Taif University d The students had to pass an English language proficiency test to qualify for the next academic year e The department should start remedial courses for the weaker students.” Qashoa S H H (2006) revealed in his study Motivation among Learners of English in the Secondary Schools in the Eastern Coast of the UAE, that :“Second and foreign language learners should be offered the opportunity to be motivated and fulfill their learning orientations.” He also revealed that: “The UAE students have a higher degree of instrumentality than integrativeness Contrary to the findings of other related studies, difficulties with the subject (English) aspects such as vocabulary, structures and spelling were found to be in the first place in terms of demotivating factors.” LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Zeinab Moradi Khazaei, Ahmad Moinzadeh & Saeed Ketabi (2012) in their study Willingness to Communicate in Iranian Learners: The Effect of Class Size indicated that “Class size had a substantial effect on the students’ willingness to communicate Students were found to be more willing to communicate in small classes where they had more opportunity to practice oral skills and communicate From the welcoming of “open door” policy during the 1980s’s Economic Renovation stages to the becoming an official member of the TPP in 2016, Vietnam has been being experienced the deeper and wider international integration In response to the developmental process, the increasing competition between knowledge-based economies has a requirement of basic skills to human resources The introduction of foreign languages into one of the advantages of human resources is crucial for the success of the integration process Following the perspective outlined in the guidance of the Party Central Committee's Resolution Conference XI of radical innovation, comprehensive education and training: "To be self-motivated and active in the international integration for the development of education and training, simultaneously education and training need to be met the requirements of international integration for the development of country", Vietnamese educational managers have been planning and implementing new advances in teaching and learning foreign languages (FL) of all levels, focusing on from primary to higher education level, and even in vocational schools and training level Although there has been some initially achievements, the overall of FL education has not yet reached objectively significant results In order to enhance the FL ability of Vietnamese student, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) issued National Foreign Languages Project scheme for the 2008-2020 periods as a comprehensive solution for the English language teaching and learning in Viet Nam Nevertheless, on November 16, 2016, Mr Phung Xuan Nha - Minister of Education and Training announced that “the government had failed to meet the goals of the NFL scheme for the 2008-2020 periods”(VBN, 2016) However, there is no debate on why the project could not be completed within the defined period This paper is aimed at discussing how it has failed by analysing the Vietnam national high LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1 Implications Improving speaking skill for students is considered to be a challenge for both teachers and learners nowadays, as it is an important way to strive to control the grammatical mistakes and buid the confidence especially the teachers' consciousness about the value of speaking skill to reinforce the students' oral proficiency through communicative activities and students' willingness to practice the activities for the sake of speaking skill's amelioration Knowing the students' level in oral language proficiency academically is vital to be able to scaffold appropriately as not all speaking forms are suitable for all levels of language learners Improving speaking skills to students may not be an easy task at all but building confidence in student is the added benefit Students should be helped to enhance their language development in supportive and encouraging way from teachers First, learners are advisable to develop vocabulary over time, in different learning context Second, they should practice some activities at least 30 minutes everyday and prepare others with classmates before the session to perform them in front of class Last, self evaluation is very important so that students can know their gaps and try toprogress There are some recommendations for teaching English skill for students Firstly, teachers should cooperate in work , appropriate communicative activities , authentic tasks and shared knowledge make a rich environment in oral production which encourage students with all levels to progress Secondly, it is advisable for teachers to include all students in every speaking activity aiming to test different ways from students’ participation Thirdly, it is preferable for teachers to reduce their talk time in order to increase speaking time of students This will help learners to progress and teachers to observe Next, teachers should, as far as research is concerned, diagnose students' difficulties in expressing themselves to find then effective ways to help them overcome these problems Teachers should advice students to use body language when speaking English They also had better combine all speaking forms during speaking class and assign homework to prepare topics carefully before speaking class Last but 29 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com not least, teacher should correct mistakes for students during speaking classes This process can be a long lie journey which start at classroom where students can take a lot of practice, motivation to speak and self- confidence The readiness of students to improve and think beyond the box and the awareness of teachers about the educational environment is a good mixture which may give skilled students and achieve almost all the communicative goals 4.2 Suggestions for further studies Apart from the above mention suggestions Some suggestions for teaching speaking skills to the students were also recommended that These are some guidelines which I believe a teacher should follow to enhance speaking In a classroom, a teacher should be a facilitator Teachers should provide maximum opportunities to the students for speaking Teachers should reduce talk time to increase the students’ talk time and encourage autonomous learning and peer interaction They had better encourage each and every student to speak and give individual attention to each of them, provide maximum positive feedbacks so that students not feel demotivated to interact freely Teachers should prioritize fluency more than accuracy since speaking in a second language should be as natural as speaking in the first language They should avoid giving instant corrections during speaking sessions since it hampers fluency Last but not least they should be anyone but an authoritative model for the students We end this dissertation by customizing the most considerable suggestions that we hope will help learners as well as teachers in the foreign oral language classroom, to better discover some of the speaking activities, namely students to be fluent The suggestions which should be followed in all circumstances so as to motivate the learners and progress, is maintaining nice atmosphere, encouragement and giving a chance to everyone to experience their own success and achieve their best 30 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com CONCLUSION Speaking skill is believed to be a difficult task since it requires special abilities to be mastered and generally success is shown through the speaking ability That 's why psychological basics are indeed demanded in learning speaking The current work was motivated by our personal desire to learn about how to teach and improve English speaking skill to the first year students from universities in Ha noi of beginning speaking level Thus, the main objective of this investigation was to exhibit adequate understanding of the importance of using communictive activities as a tool to improve the first year students from universities in Ha noi of beginning speaking level In addition, the study concerns also the existing relationship between the speaking skill and successful communication In this vein, the work has been taped in two parts The first part was about the literature review of teaching the speaking skill, whereas the second chapter was the practical part of this extended essay It embodied the data collected from the questionnaires and its analysis in an attempt to provide constituents that helped increasing both teachers’ and students’ awarness on a very important issue in the speaking English process In addition, it is beneficial for students to enrich and update their vocabulary as well to be fluent in language through effective speaking activities In the same light of thought, teaching speaking skill is useful in terms of promoting communicative efficiency and building total readiness for oral production success Moreover, the research aimed at identifying some problems which may hinder the learners speaking skill and providing some ways to help them better use their strategic competence and overcome their difficulties during the oral performance In this respect, this work aimed at investigating the effective activities of teaching the speaking skill Basing on effective communicative activities, learning can be maximized within a dynamic environment and engaging students in relevant tasks Learners can be trained to use their communicative competences including not only the grammatical or discourse ones but also sociolinguistics and strategic competences In fact, learning can be achieved with students' willingness and this was totally confirmed throught data collection of questionnaire and interviews when participants agreed that communicative activities are useful tools to progress in oral production module while having fun and enjoying the session From another perspective, the field 31 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com research in the second chapter which was contemplated as the most prominent phase embodied sample of questions that focused on students’ opinions and attitudes towards enhancing the English speaking skill through communicative activities Moreover, it elicited the teachers’ views regarding teaching speaking skill and the importance of communicative activities in learning process Thus, questionnaires transcripts were analyzed to determine similarities and differences in informant's perspectives, and issues warranting further attention Through this latter the researchers unveiled the real state of the first years students from universities in Ha Noi in beginning speaking level by which we took general ideas students’ views on learning of English speaking skill Among the external conversation ‘blocking’, there were usually mentioned lack of conversation opportunities and little time for language active use Teaching conversational skills was not an easy task either We would highlight throughout our study ways of cutting down the risks of such internal and external conversation ‘blocking’ in order to develop speaking skills in and outside class If there were not enough conversation opportunities, teachers must pick up subjects that are likely to stimulate students’ availability and interest in expressing their views It was up to teachers to make good choices for their class activities because they knew that the first rule of improving speaking skills was to make people speak, converse, talk or gab as much as possible.If there was little time for language active use, teachers must divide courses into sections leaving more time for speaking that for grammar rules, for instance, since many students were more interested in making effective small talk than knowing correct grammar structures Atmosphere in class counted a lot and students’ state of mine either Researchers proved that happy students learned faster than worried or bored students In fact, worry and boredom block language learning When students felt bad, their memory was worse and their brain was slower whereas they had fun, they learned English two or three times faster With regard to teachers, they should deal with different strategies to make students improve their conversational abilities There were a lot of conversation exercises pragmatically focused on improving communication skills: - Making small talk - Using role-plays - Expressing points of view 32 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Debating on different topic discussions We would proceed to give some examples of ways of implementing this communication approach throughout speaking tasks and exercises in order to develop communicative skills and performance in English Our study joined short theoretical approach of speaking strategies and techniques in conversational classes to brief illustration of the mentioned communicative activities Basing on effective communicative activities, learning could be maximized within a dynamic environment and engaging students in relevant tasks Learners could be trained to use their communicative competences including not only the grammatical or discourse ones but also sociolinguistics and strategic competences In fact, learning could be achieved with students’ willingness and this was totally confirmed through data collection of questionnaire and interviews when participants agreed that communicative activities were useful tool to progress in oral production module while having fun and enjoying the session 33 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com REFERENCES Bachman, L F & Palmer, A S (1996) Language testing in practice Oxford: OUP Bachman, L F & Palmer, A S (2010) Language assessment in practice: Developing language assessments and justifying their use in the real world Oxford: OUP Barabouti, M (2012) The Writing Portfolio: an alternative assessment tool with young learners of English Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning 3(1), 123-145 Bygate, M (1987), Speaking, Oxford University Press, New York Bock, G ( 2000) Difficulties in Implementing Communicative Theory in Viet Nam Teacher’s Edition , 2, 24- 28 Chaudhry Zahid Javid, Muhammad Umar Farooq, Malik Ajmal Gulzar (2012) Saudi English-Major Undergraduates and English Teachers ' Perceptions Regarding Effective ELT in the KSA Bock, G ( 2000) Difficulties in Implementing Communicative Theory in Viet Nam Teacher’s Edition , 2, 24- 28 Dornyei, S & Scott, M (1997) Communication Strategies in a Second Language: Definitions and Taxonomies Language Learning, 47, 173-210 Dornyei, Z & Thurrell, S (1990) Strategic Competence and How to Teach it ELT Journal Faerch & Kasper.1983 ‘Introduction’ in C Faerch and Kasper (eds.); Strategies in Interlanguage Communiation London: Long man Hymes, D H ( 1971) On Communicative Competence In Pride and Holmes (eds) and Brumfit, C J and Johnson, K (eds).1979 Jamornmann, U (1997) Authentic performance and portfolio assessment of leaners for educational reform Bangkok: Funny publishing Hughes, R (2002) Teaching and Researching Speaking London: Longman Karahan, F (2007) Language Attitude of Turkish Students Towards the English Language and its Use in the Turkish Context ÇankayaÜniversitesi Fen LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com EdebiyatFakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences Say Larsen- Freeman, D ( 1986) Techniques and 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ngoại ngữ Retrieved from http://baophapluat.vn/ban-doc/viet-nam-van-vat-va-voi-viec-hoc- ngoai-ngu-297585.html Phillipson, R (1992) Linguistic imperialism Oxford: Oxford University Press Penny Cook, A (1989) The Concept of Method, Interested knowledge, and The Politics of Language Teaching TESOL Quaterly Qashoa S H H (2006) Motivation among Learners of English in the Secondary Schools in the Eastern Coast of the UAE Roger Gower, Diane Phillips and Steve Walters (1995) Teaching practice handbook Macmillian Richard, J C and Rodgers, T S ( 2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP Zeinab Moradi Khazaei, Ahmad Moinzadeh & Saeed Ketabi (2012) in their study LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Willingness to Communicate in Iranian EFL Learners: The Effect of Class Size Tarone, E (1980) Communication Strategies, Foreigner Talk, and Repair in Interlanguage Language Learning,30, 417-431 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Ur, P (1996) A course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Y Zhang (2009) Read to speak: Intergrating oral communication skills.Volumes 16, Academic Press Zeinab Moradi Khazaei, Ahmad Moinzadeh & Saeed Ketabi (2012) in their study Willingness to Communicate in Iranian EFL Learners: The Effect of Class Size LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com APPENDICES INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS How long have you been teaching English? Have you had much experience of teaching speaking English? What were the methods used to improve student’s speaking English? What are the challenges that students have to deal with during speaking English? What are suggested teaching methods that you apply to solves these above problems? LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Questionnaire for teachers Dear teachers at American Links English centre, the following survey questionnare is designed based on my research topic on "Some suggested teaching methods to improve English speaking skill for learners at American Links English centre" In order to carry out the research, I am looking forward to your cooperation and help for this questionnaire All information provided by you is for research purposes and may not be used for any other purpose Please answer the questions below Part 1: Personal information Full name: Address: Age: How long have you been teaching English? A Under year B – years C – years D Over years Part 2: Information about teaching speaking skill? What kinds of speaking forms that you use in the class? ( You can choose more than one option) A Pair work B Individual speaking C Discussion D Others (………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….) What were the methods of teaching speaking English for learners? A Using body language when speaking English B Combining all speaking forms during speaking class C Assigning homework to prepare topics carefully before speaking class D Correcting mistakes for students during speaking class LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com What are the solutions you can recommend for students to enhance their speaking ability? A Giving the summary of the dialogues or the texts in their own words B Trying to relax whenever they speak English C Spending time together speaking freely about daily activities after school D Others (………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….) What are challenges that teachers face with when teaching speaking English? A Shortage of teaching time B Mother tongue interference C Inproppriate classroom activities D Speaking skill class is noisy E Negative attitude from students LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS Do you like learning English? How long have you been learning English? Do you have any difficulties while speaking English? What did you to improve your speaking English skill? Do you think speaking English is important to you? What should you to improve your speaking English skill? LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Questionnaires for students Dear all students at American Links English centre, the following survey questionnaire is designed based on my research topic on "Some suggested teaching methods to improve English speaking skill for learners at American Links English centre" In order to carry out the research, I am looking forward to your cooperation and help for this questionnaire All information provided by you is for research purposes and may not be used for any other purpose Please answer the questions below Part 1: Personal information Full name: Address: Age: Class: How long have you studied English? A Never B Under year C – years D – years E Over years Part 2: Information about students’ learning speaking skill How much time you spend on speaking English everyday? A hours B B An hour C C 30 minutes D D No time Do you think speaking English is very important even if you don’t use correct grammar? A Very important B Important C Normal D Not important What are difficulties that you have to encounter when speaking English? A I am worried about making mistakes and I feel shy when make a mistake LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com B I don’t have enough vocabulary then I can’t explain the word in English C I can’t use body language to express myself D Others (………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Which teaching methods you feel satisfied with to help you improve your speaking English Methods -Using body language when speaking English -Combining all speaking forms during speaking classes Highly Dissatisfie Highly d dissatisfied 0% 0% 0% 30% 20% 0% 0% 25% 10% 30% 30% 5% 35% 30% 20% 10% 5% Satisfied No idea 50% 40% 40% satisfied -Assigning homework for students to prepare topics carefully before speaking classes -Correcting mistakes for students during speaking class LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com How you agree with the following ideas that help improve your speaking English skill? No Ideas Strongly agree Agree No idea Disagree Strongly disagree -Reading English texts aloud -Repeat after listening to the radio -Answering the teacher’s questions yourself -Checking errors -Using English dictionary -Being careful about the structures -Watching films or TV programs in English -Speaking English with teachers and friends after class LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... II, Literature Review, supplies some theoretical background for the study It includes some aspects related to speaking skills, information gap activities Chapter III, Research findings, aims to. .. learners share the same mother-tongue, they may tend to speak to one another in a foreign language, and because they feel less “exposed” if they are speaking their mother-tongue Therefore, when students... students the input, both topical information and language forms, so that they will have something to say and the language with which to say it For example, before students have a discussion on the topic

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