PEACEKEEPING TRAINING SCHOOL ALIOUNE BLONDIN BEYE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UNDP) MALI Project Document for 2016 Japan Supplementary Budget (Mali) Programme/Project Title: Strengthening the Capacity of the Alioune Blondin Beye Peacekeeping Training School (EMPABB) in contribution to the implementation of the Peace and National Reconciliation Accord Implementing Agency: UNDP Indicative Budget: 450 000 USD Period of Implementation: April 2017 to March 2018 Duration: 12 Months Programme/Project Location: Bamako - Mali Page sur Summary of Programme/Project Components (Outcomes/Outputs): This project is designed to allow the School to take into account the new training needs for the implementation of the Peace and National Reconciliation Accord signed on 15 May 2015 and completed on June 20 2015 The agreement signed by the Government of Mali, the coordination of movements of the Azawad (CMA) and Platform is based on four key pillars that are: institutional and political reforms, defense and security, socio-economic and cultural development, reconciliation, justice and humanitarian issues Thus, the project will allow the School to train civilian, military and para military soldiers, armed groups signatories to the agreement in the field of peacekeeping in the electoral context in view of the upcoming regional and municipal elections It also will strengthen the School institutional capacity to deliver more effectively training to Malian and African participants Urgency, unpredictability and necessity for Japan The project will build on and consolidate the achievements of the three previous Japan program assistance (2008, 2010 and 2014-2015) successfully implemented These resources will enable the realization of the commitment of the parties to permanently eliminate the root causes of conflict and promote genuine national reconciliation and rebuild national unity and accelerate the economic, social and cultural development of northern Mali through the organization of training courses on priority themes in relation with the new context: security sector reform (SSR), disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Also, the fight against violence based on gender will be addressed on all courses Finally, EMPABB which existed for almost 10 years needs to rehabilitate some buildings, renew its educational tools and secure its facilities and hundreds of fellows staying there This project is closely linked to the need for the implementation of the agreement for peace and reconciliation coming from Algiers process The activities meet the needs expressed by the various stakeholders in the peace agreement and the changing socio political and security context of the country It is foreseen that members of the committees set forth by the Agreement including representatives from the armed groups need training to carry out their missions The Government of Japan supports Mali in its efforts to strengthen the capacity of nationals and international fellows in the areas of Security Sector Reform, DDR, disaster risk management, protection of human rights and gender promotion This project build consolidate this effort The achievement of project objectives contribute directly to the Japanese government's overall objectives namely promoting sustainable development with reducing risks of natural disasters," the "consolidation of peace, stability, democracy and good governance "and" mainstreaming the gender dimension " Coordination: The project will be implemented under the National Execution (NEX) modality that emphasizes ownership by the national party, especially by EMPABB which will be the execution agency that has the responsibility for the implementation of activities and achievement of results Overall responsibility for financial management of the project will be entrusted to the UNDP office in Mali Finally, in accordance with the institutional framework which governed the three previous assistance, the project will fit into the institutional arrangements and mechanisms for monitoring and control already in place between the EMPABB and its technical and financial partners Project Justification Page sur This project is designed to respond to the demand for training of new players, members of the armed groups who after the signing of the Agreement, need to build their capacity to carry out their missions in the technical commission and other proceedings particularly in the areas of security sector reform, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, human rights and gender based violence, disaster risk management context and transitional justice According to our trainee accommodation capacity extention perspective there is also a need to expand our cathering capacity including a modern kitchen with respect of international hygiene and security norms Expected Results This project has three components: (i) support for defense and security matters under the Agreement for peace and reconciliation process derived from Algiers (ii) strengthening peace operations (ii) and (iii) institutional support to the Centre R It is expected that nine (9) thematic training courses will be provided to civilians, military and para military Malians in peacekeeping and information and awareness conferences These courses will enable beneficiaries exercise their duties and responsibilities in the implementation of the peace agreement R.2 Upon completion of component and courses, it is expected: • 200 fellows will benefit from the training including members of the DDR and SSR commissions and, the Commission truth, justice and reconciliation commission and other stakeholders; • 50 civil society members will be trained as relay points Regarding the EMPABB institutional support component R3 The building of a new kitchen: In line with the accommodation building extension, the project will carry on taking charge of extra trainees regarding proper hygiene and security condition of cathering Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation EMP shall prepare narrative reports and submit to UNDP UNDP will be responsible to report to the Government of Japan on the implementation of the project The results and lessons learned from the previous quarter shall be widely disseminated among the project partners UNDP will receive and manage the funds from the Government of Japan and submit annual financial and narrative reports within three months following the formal completion of the project A final evaluation shall be undertaken by an independent evaluation team Page sur Indicative Budget WORK PLAN 2017 country program elements Business Unit : ML10 Project ID : Operating Unit : MLI: Department ID : B0352 Fund : Donor : 00141 Implementing Aency : 001414 OUTPUT Objective 622 The peace and security issues for the peace agreement and reconciliation from the algiers process remain unabated scheduled activities Input 1.Organize two (2) SSR trainings targeting the Mali SSR The SSR Travel coast, commission and all the commission accommcodation, stakeholders members are transport, conference ALLOCATIONS 620 000 better services, participant compensation, ressource familiarized TRAVEL COAST 950 000 persons and trainers, with the SSR CONSUMABLES 673 000 interpretation, publication, principles and OVERHEAD COAST 11 900 000 cultural receptions methodes FOOD PRICE 853 600 Organize two (2) DDR trainings for the benefit of the The DDR Malian DDR commission and all Travel coast, commission accommcodation, the stakeholders members are transport, conference ALLOCATIONS 300 000 better services, participant TRAVEL COAST 12 450 000 compensation, ressource familiarized persons and trainers, with the SSR CONSUMABLES 327 500 interpretation, publication, principles and OVERHEAD COAST 27 518 400 cultural receptions methodes FOOD PRICE 16 381 600 Indicators Budget in FCFA Budget in USD 29 996 602 48 226 Number of participants evaluation sheets training reports trained commission members and stakeholders 67 977 500 109 289 97 974 102 157 515 training reports Subtotal Page sur output Objectives states and non-state actors are trained on the human right and violence based on the gender civil protection actors are trained on natural risks of disaster management Peace and security are reinforced in Mali and the sahel region scheduled activities Organize two GENDER trainings targeting the civil personel, paramilitaries and militaries ALLOCATIONS 470 000 TRAVEL COAST 14 450 000 CONSUMABLES 550 000 OVERHEAD COAST 11 900 000 input Travel coast, accommcodation, transport, conference services, participant compensation, ressource persons and trainers, interpretation, publication, cultural receptions FOOD PRICE 853 600 Organize a GRC training GRC (risks of disaster management) aiming civil protection field workers ALLOCATIONS1760000 TRAVEL COAST 500 000 CONSUMABLES 400 000 OVERHEAD COAST 210 000 states and non-state actors are trained on the human right ALLOCATIONS 235 000 TRAVEL COAST 125 000 CONSUMABLES 411 000 OVERHEAD COAST 755 000 The commission members and the stakeholders are familiarized with their roles and mandate Organize a transitional justice seminar aiming the Truth and Reconciliation commission and the stakeholders ALLOCATIONS 060 000 TRAVEL COAST 950 000 CONSUMABLES 600 000 OVERHEAD COAST 610 000 FOOD PRICE 875 000 evaluation sheets Budget in USD 38 223 600 61 453 23 296 800 37 455 18 919 700 30 418 training reports number of participants Travel coast, accommcodation, transport, conference services, participant compensation, ressource persons and trainers, interpretation, publication, cultural receptions s Number of participants Travel coast, accommcodation, transport, conference services, participant compensation, ressource persons and trainers, interpretation, publication, cultural receptions Numbre of participants FOOD PRICE 318 700 Budget in FCFA Number of participants Travel coast, accommcodation, transport, conference services, participant compensation, ressource persons and trainers, interpretation, publication, cultural receptions FOOD PRICE 426 800 Organize a HUMAN RIGHT training targeting the civil personels, paramilitaries and militaries Indicators evaluation sheets training reports evaluation sheets training reports evaluation sheets 15 095 000 24 268 training reports Subtotal 95 535 100 Page sur 153 593 output Objectives The EMP institutional capacities and security are strengthened scheduled activities security cameras are installed on the fence and outside set up a videosurveillance system The project adequate and efficient implementation assurance audit the project in all it's components Resources intended for activities UNDP management charges Total Resources input Cameras, wiring, control units Indicators service delivery certificate delivery note Budget in FCFA Budget in USD 60 000 000 96 462 430 list and number of cameras on-spot verification audit report specified statement of expenditures 000 000 beneficiairies survey Subtotal 64 000 000 102 892 257 509 202 414 000 36 000 450 000 Page sur ... (i) support for defense and security matters under the Agreement for peace and reconciliation process derived from Algiers (ii) strengthening peace operations (ii) and (iii) institutional support... units Indicators service delivery certificate delivery note Budget in FCFA Budget in USD 60 000 000 96 462 430 list and number of cameras on-spot verification audit report specified statement of expenditures... OVERHEAD COAST 27 518 400 cultural receptions methodes FOOD PRICE 16 381 600 Indicators Budget in FCFA Budget in USD 29 996 602 48 226 Number of participants evaluation sheets training reports