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Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 KINDS OF PHRASES, CLAUSES AND SENTENCES I PHRASES a Verbal Phrases + Present participle: begins with V-ing (Having + V3/ed) + Past participle: begins with V3/ed + Phrase of purpose: begins with to + V1/ in order to + V1/ so as to + V1 Ex: Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see many houses from far distances Considered one of the new sports, belly dance is the best choice for many young people You should look up the meaning of new words in the dictionary in order not to misuse them b Noun Phrases = NP Groups of words ending with a key noun Article (a/ an/ the) Possessive Adjective (my/ our/ your/ their/ his/ her/ its) Quantity + (Adjective) + Noun (many/ some/ few/ most…) Determiner (this/ that/ these/ those) Positions of Adjectives in a Noun Phrase: OSHACOM OSHACOM = (Option (nice, five, some…) – Size (big, small, medium…) – Shape (round, square ) – Age (young, old…) – Color (white, black…) – Origin (London, Japanese…) – Material (wooden, plastic, leather)) Ex: Her parents bought her a nice new black Japanese bike as her birthday present c Prepositional Phrase begins with a Preposition Prep + NP Ex: on the table, across the river II CLAUSES WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Group of words with a main Subject and a Conjugated Verb S+V Ex: My mother walks to work every day S (V = walks: simple present, active) V The book has been translated into many different languages (V = has been translated: S V present perfect, passive) III SENTENCES SIMPLE SENTENCE: consists of a Subject and a Verb There is no connector in simple sentences S+V Parts of a sentence * Subject (S): the initial part of a sentence Subject can be pronouns (I/ You/ We/ They/ He/ She/ It) or noun or gerund (V-ing), or even a clause Ex: The young student is looking for the meaning of the new words in the dictionary * Verb (V): stands right after Subject and must be conjugated in terms of Tenses, Subject and Form Ex: They have translated the book into many languages * Object (O): go after Verbs or Prepositions Object can be pronouns (me/ you/ us/ them/ him/ her/ it) or Nouns, Gerund (V-ing) or even a Clause Ex: We met a very nice girl at the party * Complement (C): modify Subject or Object It can be an Adjective or a Noun Ex: She is a nice girl They painted their house green * Modifier (M): it is optional, and it can be Adverbs, prepositional phrase (prep + noun), verbal phrases or relative clauses Ex: The baby is sleeping with her mother soundly A new school was built near my house two years ago Basic Sentence Structures WRITING TASK 2 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 It depends on kinds of Verbs: Vl (linking)/ Vi (intransitive)/ Vt (transitive) a Linking verbs (Vl) + BE a S + Vl +Adj (Vl = feel/ become/ seem/ appear/ sound/ smell/ stay/ remain/ get ) Ex: She feels tired after a long working day * BE + S + BE + SC (NP)(S and SC: the same) Ex: She is a good student + S + BE + prep + NP Ex: The book is on the table b Intransitive verbs (Vi) b S + Vi (Vi = go/ come/ sleep/ lie/ rise/ happen/ arrive/ laugh/ swim/ exist…) Ex: She sings very beautifully c Transitive verbs (Vt) c S + Vt + O (Vt: most English verbs) Ex: They are building a new school near my house c S + Vt + O + O (V = give/ tell/ send/ buy/ show/ award/ lend/ offer/ bring/ teach/ send/ appoint/ call ) Ex: She gave me a present on my birthday c S+V+O+C (V = find/ paint/ make/ get/ name/ elect/ consider…) Ex: She painted her house green COMPOUND SENTENCES: Two or more simple sentences (independent clauses) are combined by using connecting devices: FOR (reason), AND (addition), NOR (negative), BUT (contrast), OR (alternative), YET (contrast) = FANBOY) WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Ex: She is a good students and she works very hard COMPLEX SENTENCES: consist of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses or dependent clauses Ex: We stayed at home because it was raining so heavily - Clause of Addition: “AND/ OR” (parallelism) từ đơn: giống Từ loại A and B A,B, C A, B and C nhóm từ: mở đầu giống would rather….than….= prefer….to…./ not only but also (as well)/ both…and…./ neither nor / either…or.…/ as….as…/ whether.…or… Nối mệnh đề với (S + V) S + V + conjunction + S + V - Clause of Concession: although/ though/ even though/ as (Adj/Adv + AS) / No matter how + Adj/Adv)/ No matter what (+ Noun)/ whereas/ while… although S + V +… (even) though +S+V but/ however/ nonetheless/ nevertheless (ln có dấu phẩy (,) sau lien từ này) Cụm giới từ tương ứng: in spite of/ despite + V-ing/ Cụm danh từ (NP) - Clause of Reason: because/ since/ as S + V … because + S + V Cụm giới từ tương ứng: because of due to + V-ing/ Cụm danh từ (NP) thanks to - Clause of Condition: if/ unless/ in case/ as long as/ provided = providing/ otherwise if S + V + …unless +S+V as long as Cụm giới từ tương ứng: Without/ But for + Cụm danh từ (NP) (chỉ dùng loại 3) - Clause of Result: so/ therefore/ hence/ as a result = consequently = as a consequence WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 - Clause of Purpose: so that/ in order that (không mở đầu câu) S + V …+ so that + S + can/ could/ will/ would + V1 in order that Cụm động từ tương ứng (khi S trùng nhau): to + V1/ in order to + V1/ so as to + V1 - Clause of Cause and Effect: so/ such….that * so ….that so many/ few + N(số nhiều) S + V + so + Adj/ Adv + that + S + V… S+V+ so much/ little + N(số it) + that + S + V… fast/ hard (adj/adv) S + V + so + Adj + a/an + noun + that + S + V… * such….that S + V + such + [a/an] + Adj + N + that + S + V… * too….to + V1 S + V + too + Adj/ Adv + [for + O] + to + V1… * enough….to + V1 S + V + Adj/ Adv + enough + to + V1… Enough: đứng sau Adj/ Adv (Adj/ Adv + enough); đứng trước danh từ (enough + noun) - Clause of Time: (nhấn mạnh vào thời gian hành động xảy ra): when/ while/ before/ after/ until… trước – h/đ sau (when/ before/ after/ by the time/ no sooner….than =hardly…when…) H/đ cắt ngang – h/đ dài (when/ while/ as) song song (while) liên tục + lại (when/ as soon as) Rút ngắn mệnh đề trạng ngữ, dùng V-ing (Having + V3/ed) or V3/ed - Clause of Manner: (unreal truth) as if/ as though/ if only as if S + Va… as though + S + Vb… (Vb thấp Va bậc thì) if only Good Paragraph Writing WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Read the paragraph about “Studying Abroad” Studying abroad has two main benefits Firstly, people who study abroad can get a better job when they return to their home country This is because their qualifications and experience mean that they tend to get jobs that are higher paid, and they can also gain promotion quickly Another advantage of studying abroad is the independence students can gain For example, students have to cope with the challenges of living alone and meeting new people from different cultures As a consequence, they will become more confident in their life and in their relationships with others All in all, it is clear that studying abroad is a beneficial experience The Three Parts of a Good Paragraph    Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence Topic Sentence The topic sentence states what the paragraph is about It gives the topic of the paragraph, and it also restricts main idea by a controlling idea topic controlling idea Studying abroad has two main benefits Supporting Sentences Supporting sentences explain and develop the topic sentence, using reasons, examples, facts, results, or statistics, causes – effects, comparisons… + give explanation in details + give specific examples - (1st supporting idea) People get a better job when they return home   Better qualifications & experience mean better pay and promotion (reason) Now has a high standard of living (result) - (2nd supporting idea) Students gain independence   Students have to cope with the challenges of living alone and meeting new people from different cultures.(example) Students will become more confident in their life and relationships (result) Concluding Sentence (Optional): It is often a paraphrase/ restatement of the topic sentence All in all, it is clear that studying abroad is a beneficial experience WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Unity and Coherence    logically organizes information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately presents a clear central topic within each paragraph Unity Unity means that you discuss only one main (central) topic area in a paragraph The area that you are going to cover is usually introduced in the topic sentence, and your supporting sentences should only be used to develop that For the topic sentence above, you could discuss only two benefits of studying abroad You could not discuss three benefits, or start discussing the disadvantages of studying abroad If you did, your paragraph would not have unity Even if there is no specific topic sentence (more advanced writers not always have an obvious topic sentence), the paragraph should still have one central topic area so it retains unity Coherence This means your paragraph is easy to understand and read because (a) The supporting sentences are arranged in a logical order and (b) The ideas are joined by appropriate transition signals (a) Logical Order - time order/ chronological order: history, development, story, narration, process, procedure - logical division of ideas (category): group ideas - comparison/ contrast - cause and effect The mentioned-paragraph about studying abroad, there are two main ideas: People who study abroad can get a better job, and they will become more independent Each of these ideas is discussed, one after the other, with examples, reasons and results to support them (b) Transition Signals Furthermore, the relationship between the ideas is clearly shown by using appropriate transition words and phrases such as first of all, for instance, the result of this, another advantage, as a consequence, all in all Using such words and phrases will guide the reader through your paragraph, making it coherent and, therefore, easy to understand WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 COMMON TRANSITION WORDS Listing Points to Show New Ideas: Firstly, First of all, To begin, To start with Secondly, Finally, Furthermore = In addition = Moreover Showing an Example: For example, For instance, To illustrate, A case in point, Showing Contrast: However, On the other hand, In contrast, Showing a Result: Therefore, As a result, Consequently, Thus, Showing time: (commonly in essay introductions) To introduce concluding comments: These days, To conclude, Nowadays, In conclusion, At present, In brief, All in all, Rearrange these supporting sentences to make a complete paragraph A ban on smoking in public spaces would save the government money a Moreover, governments spend lots of money on caring for sick people b To illustrate, in my country, health care is free for all citizens as the government pays for it c Therefore, if the government makes a smoking ban, they can lose less money to lost taxes and health care costs d When citizens develop serious health problems due to smoking or breathing in second-hand smoke, they may not be able to work any longer e Consequently, a non-working citizen is unable to pay taxes to the government f As more and more people develop smoking-related diseases, the government has to pay a large amount of money to treat them g To start with, governments lose income when their citizens who pay taxes get sick Your answer: WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Model essay Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society Discuss both views and give your opinion These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university While some people are of the opinion that the only purpose of a university education is to improve job prospects, others think that society and the individual benefit in much broader ways It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better job To begin, the majority of people want to improve their future career prospects Attending university is one of the best ways to this as it increases your marketable skills and your attractiveness to potential employers For example, in Europe, further education is very expensive for many people, so most would not consider it if it would not provide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of living Also, universities have their reputation to consider They definitely want to ensure that their students are going to get the best jobs as this will affect future funding and university applications However, there are other benefits for individuals and society Firstly, the independence of living away from home is a benefit because it helps the students develop better social skills and improve as a person Many students, for instance, will have to leave their families, live in halls of residence and meet new friends As a result, their maturity and confidence will grow enabling them to live more fulfilling lives Secondly, society will gain from the contribution that the graduates can make to the economy We are living in a very competitive world, so countries, especially developing countries, need educated people in order to compete and prosper To conclude, I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get the best job, there are clearly further benefits If we continue to promote and encourage university attendance, it will lead to a better future for everyone (313 words) Brainstorming and Planning The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions Why has teenage crime increased?   Breakdown in the nuclear family Lack of things to What can be done about it?   Government - Provide better support for families & stricter punishments Individuals – take responsibility WRITING TASK Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Extending and Supporting your Ideas Why has there been a breakdown in the nuclear family? What is the effect of this? What is a good example of it? Answering questions like these make sure you have fully supported and explained all your points For example: Why has there been a breakdown in the nuclear family? - high divorce rates What is the effect of this? - no male role model; boys go astray & may commit crime Essay Plan Why has teenage crime increased? 1) Breakdown in the nuclear family - high divorce rates = no father as ‘role model’ – boys go astray, drugs & crime 2) Lack of things to - e.g TV has shown nothing to – children see crime as entertainment What can be done about it? 1) Govt - Provide better support for families - e.g more youth centres – guidance and activities, sport 2) Parents – take responsibility - provide loving environment, relative as role model WRITING TASK 10 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 IV TWO - PARTS QUESTIONS (DOUBLE PART QUESTIONS) TOPIC (general idea about the topic related to main focus) INTRODUCTION FOCUS (paraphrase the question) (2-3 sentences) THESIS: say what you are going to write (This essay will discuss (QUESTION 1) and (QUESTION 2)…) (If asked about OPINION, make your stance here to see whether you AGREE or NOT) BODY PARAGRAPH 1st sentence: Open a sentence to answer the first question 2nd + 3rd sentences: explain or give reasons Body 4th sentence: give examples/ evidence 5th sentence: give a short summary 1st sentence: Open a sentence to answer the second question 2nd + 3rd sentences: explain or give reasons Body 4th sentence: give examples/ evidence 5th sentence: give a short summary CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH Conclusion: Restate the main ideas of the two questions (To conclude/ To sum up/ In conclusion, I strongly believe that…) (2 sentences) Restate your stance (if possible) WRITING TASK 66 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Example You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Write about the following topic: Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge Write at least 250 words Model Answer Most nations around the world have at least some, or possibly many, old buildings such as temples, churches and houses in their cities, villages and surrounding areas which have historical significance In my opinion, it is very important to maintain these, but this does not mean progress should stop Preserving certain old buildings is important for several reasons Firstly, these structures provide an insight into the history of our countries, showing us how people many centuries ago lived their lives Without them, we could only learn by books, and it would undoubtedly be sad if this were the only way to see them Many of these buildings are also very beautiful Take for example the many religious buildings such as churches and temples that we see around the world Not only this, but on a more practical level, many of these buildings provide important income to a country as many tourists visit them in great numbers However, this certainly does not mean that modernization should be discouraged I believe that old buildings can be protected in tandem with progress For example, in many circumstances we see old historic buildings being renovated whilst maintaining their original character, and being used for modern purposes Also, in no way does history hinder progress, and in fact it is the opposite By studying and learning about our history, we understand more about the world we live in, and this helps us to build a better future To conclude, I believe that it is very important to protect and preserve old buildings as we can learn about our history as can others from other countries Such knowledge can also help us to understand how to modernize our countries in the best way (287 words) WRITING TASK 67 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 1: In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot? Your answer - WRITING TASK 68 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 2: Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places? Your answer - WRITING TASK 69 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 3: Nowadays in many countries more and more people are spending their time away from their families Why is this? What are the effects on themselves and on their families? Your answer - WRITING TASK 70 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 4: Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because technology In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative development? Your answer - WRITING TASK 71 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 5: There are many different types of music in the world today Why we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music is heard everywhere nowadays? Your answer - WRITING TASK 72 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 6: Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment What can governments to address these problems? What can individual people do? Your answer - WRITING TASK 73 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 7: Many children disease can now be prevented through the use of vaccines Should parents be made by law to immunize their children against common diseases or should individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children? Your answer - WRITING TASK 74 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Question 8: Nowadays government are investing more in public transport such as buses and trains rather than in building new roads What are the reasons for this? Is this positive or negative development? Your answer - WRITING TASK 75 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 FOR YOUR REFERENCE Identify the Topic The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries Choose the best option 'Telecommuting' refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office using computer technology Telecommuting is growing in many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming decades How you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting? a Working from home b Telecommuting c Computer technology To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable? a Animal research b Animals c Scientific research We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? a The benefits of computers b Computers in businesses, hospitals, crime detection, and flying c Computer dependency In what ways has information technology changed work and working practices in the past 10 years? a Information technology and work b Information technology c Working practices Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed All blood sports should be banned Discuss the main arguments and give your own opinion WRITING TASK 76 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 a Animal cruelty b Blood sports c Blood sports and uncivilized activity A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research Discuss the arguments in favour of both these positions and state your own position on the issue a Satisfying human needs b Animals and humans c Animal rights Forests are the lungs of the earth Destruction of the world's forests amounts to death of the world we currently know To what extent you agree or disagree? a The Earth b Deforestation c Death of the world The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture To what extent you agree or disagree this statement? a Studying abroad b Studying c Living in a different culture Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos a Natural environments b Alternatives to zoos c Keeping animals in zoos 10 Many countries are currently witnessing an increase in criminal activity among young people Discuss reasons for this phenomenon and suggest ways to deal with the problem a Youth crime b Criminal activity c Increases in crime Identify the Task The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries WRITING TASK 77 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions Why teenage crime has increased Ways to solve this problem Advances in technology and automation have reduced the need for manual labour Therefore, working hours should be reduced To what extent you agree? You must also say how much you agree or disagree ("to what extent") Let’s assume you want to look at both sides of the issue You therefore need to discuss the reasons why you agree, and the reasons why you disagree Or put another way: The advantages of reducing working hours The disadvantages of reducing working hours The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport Why people have been using cars more and public transport less How to get people to use public transport more The causes of increasing congestion and air pollution Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties? What advice would you offer to a prospective student? A discussion of the benefits versus the challenges of studying abroad and strategies to cope with studying abroad The benefits of study abroad The benefits of study abroad and the difficulties of studying abroad Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure could governments and individuals take to respond to this problem? The problems with using too much water and Government solutions and Individual solutions How Governments and Individuals can solve water shortage problems Reasons for increased demand for water and Government solutions and Individual solutions As global trade increases, many goods including those we use on a daily basis are produced in other countries and transported long distances Do the benefits of the trend outweigh the drawback? The benefits of this and The disadvantages of this and Your opinion on whether it is more beneficial or not WRITING TASK 78 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 The benefits of this and Your opinion on whether is is more beneficial or not The disadvantages of this and Your opinion on whether it is more beneficial or not Some people feel that animals should have the same rights as humans, but others think they are not as equal or intelligent as us so should not have the same rights Discuss both opinions and give your opinion The arguments for giving animals rights and The arguments against this Arguments for having animal rights and The arguments against this and Your opinion The reasons why animals are not as equal or intelligent as humans Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous To what extent you agree with this statement? How alternative medicine differs from Conventional medicine The dangers of alternative medicine The benefits of alternative medicine and The drawbacks of alternative medicine and Your opinion Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems Problems of overpopulation in urban areas and Government solutions and Individual solutions The problems of overpopulation and The solutions How governments can tackle urban overpopulation and How individuals can tackle urban overpopulation Computers should never have been invented To what extent you agree or disagree with this statement? The reasons why computers were invented and The benefits of computers and Your opinion The problems with computers and Solutions to these problems The benefits of computers and The drawbacks of computers and Your opinion Unemployment has become an increasing problem in the recent past What factors contribute to an increase in unemployment and what steps can be taken to solve the problem? The causes of increasing unemployment and How to solve this problem The problems with increasing unemployment and How to solve this problem The reasons why unemployment is increasing 10 Some people think that young children should be allowed to paid work, while others think that this should be illegal Discuss both opinions and give your opinion The advantages of allowing children to paid work and Your opinion The advantages of allowing children to paid work and The disadvantages this and Your opinion WRITING TASK 79 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 The problems of allowing children to paid work and The benefits of allowing them to paid work Sample Essay Over the last decade there has been a massive rise in the level of crime committed by teenagers in a number of countries It is important to establish why this has happened and to look at ways to solve the problem One reason is the break down in the nuclear family The high divorce rates have meant many children have been brought up in one-parent families with no father to act as a role model which is detrimental to their development This is particularly important for boys, who without this guidance are easily led astray by bad influences such as drugs and crime Another factor is the lack of things to for the young For example, in the UK, many television programs about this issue have shown that teenagers hang around in the evenings with little to When this happens, the boredom means they will find there own entertainment, which is often crime There are, however, ways to tackle these problems Firstly, the government should provide more support for families They could, for instance, invest more into building and staffing youth centers which would provide guidance through the youth workers and also enable teenagers to focus their attention on sport and other activities Parents should also be encouraged to take more responsibility for their children Ultimately, the onus is on them to ensure their children are brought up in a loving environment which would make them less likely to turn to crime They could, for example, find a male relative to act as a role model Therefore, it is clear that there are various reasons for this rise in crime, but solutions are available If we begin to tackle the issue now, we may be able to prevent the situation declining further (294 words) WRITING TASK 80 ... relative as role model WRITING TASK 10 Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ EFL KELVIN DANG M.A Add: 102/1 Phan Văn Hớn, P Tân Thới Nhất, Q.12 Phone: 0901.79.58.39 - 090.432.56.57 Writing an Essay Introduction Write... - Writing a Thesis Statement Some thesis examples: - This essay will discuss both sides of the issue - This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks... drivers and use this money to make public transport better This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a measure Writing an Essay Conclusion Use a concluding phrase Restate the thesis

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 21:39
