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t Pupil's Book Liz Driscoll O XFORD Grtai~SO«'! ~OJ::2 60t Oldimt~f"mt:i$~okp;l~oltt.eUn1rnYirrr:Jtl>xflri Jt fl:nbtr~; dw un~so"bjootwt ol~~~~~Cttn ~ttarcb.~nh1! and ect.eacion by f'iblSbiJQ!: wori~Nid~ in Oxfi:lrd Wrw Yortr All~ucl ClptTowlt Dettt!tli!Mn lion(ll\o~ bl'ildLI l.'htiali ~IIUI' M i.tr;4 U.l!oto, , ),f-im01)' ~i.robi ntpel nwo.o Wil.holkol:ill'l A.rJftaar~: .,O,U,.m:t Dtuil Chill:' Ca«b Jlopubtic llr;,t;n,u Gni'C\" C\1.11~ H11~f)' IUIIJ' ):lpu Pobnd Ponapl Sinppon SOodl KorQ SWir:ud.md 'Jlla1t;:ed 1\Jr.key ~ "1ei:IIUI NewDelld Sh~ OXfO.O olnd OUOilO IJ!I ~~ juggler ringmaster ~ haL ~ unicycle OP~ rings Q o whip rope Ask and answer Has Minnie takom lh\! ringmaster's hat? Ask and answer What has the ringmaster done with his hot? ~ bolls fll bucket ~ < ~ brush Read Have you ever been to a circus? How much you know about circuses? ~Circuses begun in ancient Rome The!:! included chariot racing and wild animals The first modern circus was in London in 1768 An Englishman, Philip Astle!:J, opened a circus with horses and riders ( ~~;, \ *The first big circuses were in America At first they were in special buildings Then theu moved from town to town with a tent The first travelling circus was in 1880 The circus tent is called the big top Inside the tent there is a circus t;ng The audience sit on wooden seats around the ring , *The ringmaster comes into the ring at the start ~ of the circus He introduces the performers '~ The mof;t popular perfol"merf; ore t.he downs r0 They wear silly clothes and have painted faces { ~ , - ·"\ , the clown's clothes and pointed face People called him 'Joey' Clowns todau are often called 'Joey' /RTt;>=- -tr Circuses also include acrobats, jugglers, sword-swallowers, ftxe-eoters, plate-spinners, knife-throwers and tightrope-walkers Some circuses also include animals f) Ask and answer Were there circuses in ancient Rome? When was the first modern circus? Where were the first big circuses? What is the cixcus tent called? Who are the most popular performers? Who was Joseph Grimaldi? What are clowns often called? Are there always animals in circuses? Workbook poge II Listen and sing ~ • The sword-swallower's swallowed the sword ~-!,:~C::~~