Chapter 3: RACES & REALMS Chapter 3: T RACES & REALMS he following entries organize the many sapient races, realms, and cultures of Khitus today in alphabetical order Each race encompasses numerous cultures, and many cultures transcend race as the sole prerequisite for inclusion Attites The human tribes that emerged from the south and spread north and east brought with them the hardy ruggedness of the original Attite peoples Divergent from the other human groups, the Attites are the farreaching wanderers of Khitus, spanning the widest territory They are lean and muscled, keen-eyed and vigilant, dimly aware that these changing times have room for one victorious people Attites are standard humans of average build They tend to have lean faces and olive or darker skin, with long noses and green or hazel eyes They are often called the most beautiful of the human tribes Brown, curly hair is most common, though the tribe prizes the rarer births of blonde and black-haired Attites; woven hair and braids are a pervasive style, and almost all Attites wear their hair short They rarely wear tattoos Attites favor functional robes and dresses, made from the finest fabrics the individual can afford Brighter colors and additional layers made from thinner materials mark one as wealthy Most carry tablets and paper in leather satchels Ornate walking sticks are also fashionable, carved with important symbols of allegiance and personal or family history Attite warriors employ all sorts of weapons and armor, but traditionally favor the short spear (hyatchal) and short sword (groto) The former are often carried crossed in an “x” across the back, strapped in place by a sturdy harness; hyatchal-bearing soldiers are trained to march and maneuver in tight formations with their spears protruding so Beaded sheathes strapped to the thigh hold their grotos Attites are not animal riders or mounted warriors, for the most part, though some few master the thakal Race & tribe Summary While there are many unique details and facts about each race, here are the common stereotypes associated with each race or tribe Attites: Human negotiators and peacemakers Chindi: Human matriarchal traders and warriors on the fringes of the known world Cold Skins/Oritahl: Lizard men of the swamps with growing awareness Krikis: Bug men that hoard bright lode Makadan: Human warrior culture and source of many Khitan mercenaries Nordor: Human barbarian stone carvers from the frigid north Pachyaur: Elephantaurs of the equator Penmai: Daring acrobatic humanoids with prehensile tails Prajalu: Short, stocky humans feared as poison makers and child stealers Watu: Slaver elephantaurs History Outsiders sometimes think of Attites as manipulative tricksters who soothe with calming but confusing words before robbing you blind or cutting your throat In fact, their love of peacemaking means Attites are highly skilled negotiators It can be laborious to talk through a difficult situation, seeking the best bargain or leastconfrontational outcome An Attite spends the time necessary to so This peaceful attitude of consensus comes in part from their history of oppression and struggle against overwhelming odds The oldest Attite tribal territories near the equator led them to be among the first humans to encounter the pachyaura This also saw them bear the brunt of the Watu slave trade for centuries Most human slaves have Attite roots, whether owned by Watu or Makadan human masters This history of enslavement makes them 33