Ebook TOEIC training reading comprehension 860
[...]... ratification of the memorandum of agreement, Chairman Tae Gyong Choi demonstrated his to cooperation with our company (A) assessm ent (8) reference (C} selection (0) c;ornmitmen t 26 , TOEIC Training Readrng Comprehension 860 rise com pliance accumulation probability (/\} components (B) importance (C) ag1P.ernent (D) concerns 20 In view of her demonstrated intelligence, diligence, and general competence,... ready 88 reasonable 89 related be related to 90 relevant 91 reliable 92 repetitive repetitive work[ tasks/j obs] 22 TOEIC Tra1rnng Rt>ud1ng Comprehem•on 860 wwvv nh,intriviet.com 120 vital 121 122 _ _ vulnerable wi.de a wide range of be vulnerable lo 75 frequently-tested adverbs in the TOEIC tests absolutely 27 _ generously 2 accordingly 28 3 adversely 4 again - highly highly efficient highly skilled... 125 subscriptio n to 141 summary in summary re vie w TOEIC lr.!•111ng Tkad1ng (0111prelwn~1on 860 s upervision under the super vision of 143 16 142 supply \\l\\".V 11k1n ii i1 ·Ll ·i1 144 surplus 145 technician 146 technique 147 time 148 tool 149 transition transition from A to B 1 50 warranty under warranty 151 wear 145 frequently-tested verbs in the TOEIC tests accept 19 authorize authorize A to do... (0) m~e 1 nbled 63 The Finance Department was to offer a refund to the CJ Rightway Corp for shipping damage (A) i11stit1t; tc·rl (0) R!'.] J'CGd (C) de1 n;rncfed (D) i11ttmdecf 30 TOEIC Tiainir.y Reading Cornprehens!Ofl 860 www.nhantriviet.com 64 It is anticipated that during the network rewiring process on Monday, there will be a company-wide - in Internet services (/\) d istinction (B) submission... company hardware must be regularly 8 1 All inquiries to new pay deductions must b e directed to the domestic management team (A) g1 Ieel an (B) 1eceiving (C) p ertaining (D) similar 32 1OllC Training Reac hng Comprehension 860 maintained in order to its lifespan (A) persist (A) endure (C) e11laige (D) prolong www.nhantriviet.com 88 The company sincerely apologizes for the delay in the shipment of your product... would like to extend an apology to all of the customers affec ted by last week's in services caused by the recent storms (1\) i1ritation (B) 1Hrlbrc•al< (C) 1.C111tiov('I' (IJ) di:.;ruptio11 28 v TOEIC Trd•ning Reading Co:nf)rehens•on !!60 41 Th e release of lntermedia's new software was postponed when a crucial problem during testing (/\) !'11101 ~1ed (B) P11gaqHd (C) rHlf''1Secl (D) reacted 42 All staff... regularly 69 too 56 relatively 70 unbearably 57 separately 71 unexpectedly shortly 72 usually 73 very 74 well 75 yet 58 sho rtly before[after] 59 since 60 soon 61 sparingly 62 specially 24 TOEIC Tra1n1ng Re . alt="" TOEIC TRAINING READING COMPREHENSION i NHAXUATBAN THOI BAI Park Seong-Uk NTV Co ng ty TN HH Nhan Tri Vi~t Foreword The TOEIC Test. English language skills f or wo rkplace success. TOEIC Listening and Reading Test The TOEIC Listening and Reading test is a paper-a nd-p encil, multiple- cho i ce