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TOEIC 730 training reading comprehension 730 (ebook)

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TOEIC TOEICTRAINING READINGCOMPREHENSION 730 ParkSeong-Uk M- Nn *ff$ NHAXIIAT BAN C0ngty TNHH THOrDAr NhAnTri Vi6t r/o Foreword - a standardised test givingreliable Communication TheTOEICTest- Testof Englishfor International levels.lt advanced and businessEnglish,at intermediate results,measuresproficiencyin international of non-nativespeakers.TheTOEICtest providesan accuratemeasurement of.theEnglishcapabilities proficiency businessEnglish grammar in international measuresand certifieslistening,readingand The TOEIGtests: Helpbusinesses builda moreeffectiveworkforce.Thereis, nowadays,a highdemandfromleading effectivelyin English.Thatis, employeesmust globalcorporations for employeesto communicate acrossbordersand cultureswith co-workersand clients be ableto communicate Allowemployers transfersdependingon job seekers'qualifito makehiringdecisions,promotions, cationsand Englishlanguageproficiency Enableuniversities workplace to betterpreparestudentsfor the international and job seekersaroundthe worldtrustTOEICscoresto helpthemget aheadof In brief,organizations the competition manystudentsfind it hardto achievethe and unfortunately, TOEICis a verychallengingexamination, questions use many challengingwords, so scorethey need.One reasonfor this is that the TOEIC numberof businessvocabularyitems.The other reasonis that TOEIC studentsneeda considerable withthistype questionschallengestudentsin a verylogicalmanner.Manystudentsarenot comfortable of thinking,whichcan makethe testverychallenging scoreis above700 points,a good scoreis The maximumscoreon TOEICis 990 points.A reasonable anythingabove900 points,and a greatscoreis anythingabove900 points Beingawareof the practicaldemandof learners,we havedesignedthe seriesTOEICRCand LC - 730 and 860 whosequestionsare takenfrom the most recentTOEICtests with the aim of helpingthose 700 - 900 points.Thisseriesof booksis hopefullya who wantto achievethe scoreof approximately of an instructoror for self-study verybeneficialandrewardingmaterialfor classusewiththe assistance Tips to help you prepanefor the TOEICtests: Listento music- Musichelpsyou acquirethe rhythmand stresspatternsof spokenEnglish o Listento the radio and watch TV and films - Thishelpsyou pick up the language,and does not boreyou either! Usethe language- Set asidehalfan houreachdayto communicate onlyin English.lf you can't : this faceto face,sendregulare-mailmessages Read - Readingis the best way to improveyour vocabulary.Read newspapers,magazines, websites,novels,and non-fictionbooks.Choosesomethingthat genuinelyinterestsyou and isn't too challenging o Write- Trykeepinga dailyjournalwhereyou can practiseusingnewwordsand expressions This helpsreinforcesentencestructuresand vocabulary Thereareno shortcuts- the onlywayto get a highscoreis by workinghard,practisingconstantlyand patiently to improveyourEnglishabilities Mayyou soonachieveyourdesiredgoal! ParkSeong-Uk TestFormat TOEIC There are two separateTOEICtests: traditionalListeningand Readingtest and additionalWriting and Speakingtest These two types of TOEIC test are administeredindependentlyand thus you need to register,pay fee for them separatelyand get separatetest score reports Check with your employer/ company or your university/collegewhat type of TOEICscore report they want (Listeningand Reading only or both tests) beforetaking the test Also check with the test site if they offer Writing and Speaking test Technologyrequiresyou to have all Englishlanguageskills for workplacesuccess TOEIC Listening and Reading Test The TOEIC Listeningand Readingtest is a paper-and-pencil,multiple-choiceassessment.There are timed sectionsof 100 questionseach Sectionl: Listening teleconferencListeningskillsare requiredfor face-to-facecommunication,meetings,videoconferencing, ing, podcastsand telephoneconversations Test takers listen to a variety of questions and short conversationsrecorded in English,then answer questionsbased on what they have heard (100 items in total) o Part 1: Photographs o Part 2: Question& Response o Part 3: Short Conversations r Part 4: Short Talks Sectionll: Reading Readingskills are requiredfor e-mail,written reports,newsletters,letters,memos, PowerPointpresentationsand otherforms of businesscommunication Testtakers read a variety of materialsand answer 100 items in total at their own pace o Part 5: lncompleteSentences o Part 6:Text Completion o Part 7: ReadingComprehension Test Length The test takes approximately2Yzhours, with: o 45 minutesfor Section I o 75 minutesfor Sectionll score scale:5 - 495 for each section (10 - 990 for both) approximately30 minutesto answer biographicalquestions Contents TRAINING coURsT A STUDYING TYPES OFQUESTIONS PARTS546 learningKeyPoints point16 Prepositionsof time Learning 62 UNIT1 Choosing therightwordclass point Nouns Learning point Adjectives Learning point Adverbs Learning UNIT2 Verbforms point Verb forms Learning point Verb tenses Learning point17 Prepositionsof place ." Learning 6g 1o point18 Other prepositions Learning 64 i6 r7 UNIT6 Pronouns point pronouns Learning 19 Personal , ,.7 point20 Otherpronouns/determiners zg ,.30Learning 3'1 UNIT7 Relativepronouns/adverbs point Active & Passive Learning s2 point21 Relativepronouns Learning Bl point Subject-verbagreement Learning sg Learningpoint22 Relativeadverbs 82 point Subjunctive Learning 34 UNIT3 Verbals point Participles Learning 42 point10 To-infinitives Learning 48 L e a r n i npgo i n 1t G e r u n d s .4 UNITS Comparisons point23 Comparison Learning of equality/ Comparative form BB point Learning 24 Superlative form 89 UNIT9 Vocabulary UNIT4 Conjunctions Learningpoint13 Correlativeconjunctions s2 Learningpoint25 Vocabulary- Verbs , 96 point25 Vocabulary Nouns Learning 99 Learningpoint2T Vocabulary Adjectives 102 point14 Subordinatingconjunctions sg Learning Learningpoint28 Vocabulary- Adverbs 1Os point12 Co-ordinatingconjunctions Learning 51 UNIT5 Prepositions Learningpoint15 Prepositionsof reason and concession ." ." 61 TRAINING COURSE B PRACTISING ALLTHEPOINTSLEARNT PARTS5&6 Practice Tests TRAINING COURSEG ACTUAL TESTS ACTUAL TEST1 r52 ACTUALTEST2 ANSWERKEY , 2o7 l -r.r -ll: i : r ' , , ll:r l }mPDtAGNosrlc rEST rrriir,' rrill {A}approve* {t} appr*ving fromthe U.S Co reportedthat it has receivedfinal The NovaPharmaceutical for its new medicine, Foodand DrugAdministration ::a.:a.: '::.1::): :i,ltl'l {ffi}apprcval {Di approved The driver'slicenseapplicationmust be filledout .,or it will be rejectedby the officialin charge .:tilli.::,.rll' : :a .: ,.'.,,ll,l:,1.',., {A}eompl*t* {ei ccrnplet*d ,:: tltl,iil i:,rti tl': rrll:,1:ll'll'::' ,r.,il]'tL {B}cernrpletes ' ' : ' l ' , must obtain writtenpermissionin advancefrom the All ' " "" to the laboratory SecurityDepartment ffi visiting {ei vlsit Mr Taylorstated that it was a withinone week'stime {A}nears {C}n*arby ,:"'.:,:::, l:i:i:itlt::,tlll ':l:,,,,,,.: ,::'lri l" ,:4.,:.::,r, {ffi}vi*itatian {D}visitcrs impossibletask for him to completethe work tl.::1.:,, ::):.':': ,,,i.liiirl ,,,.:,.):)r {B}neaning {D)nearly The securityguardsmust endurea periodof intense-' learneveryaspectof theirjob as well as possible '.:t))::," , " ::Ll {D}ccmpietely {A}formai { R} f*r ming {*}form*d {D}formally trainingso that they can , "' ,.,,,,.",t.,,,,,,,'rt ,rt,lt:t,t:lirlr",u]:, ,a:::a: '.:::.:.:: ::::., :::::tt:i.::::' ::.:::.:.: ,1iE,rt I ' Studying Typesof Questions Generally, thereare3 typesof questions related to wordclassin sentence questions completion TYPE1-! Wordclass (A)compete (B)competition (C)competitivety (D)competitive Thiskindof questionmainlyfocuseson wordsof the samefamily:(A)verb,(B)noun,(C)adverb,(D) adjective.To choosethe correctoption,you needto understandthe functionof each part of speech and lookat the positionof the missingwordin the sentence , themeaning WfVpE el Wordclass+ understanding of nouns W"; -:'* "'"* (A)interpreter (B)interpret (c) interpreting (D)interpretation Both(A)interpreterand (D)interpretation are nouns.So,if the missingwordneedsa noun,you haveto distinguish betweenthe meanings of thesenounsto havethe rightchoice S verbforms ffifVee i Wordclass+ understanding {A)signed (B)signing {C)signature (D)to sign Thesearethe variantsof to sign,(A)pastform,(B)presentparticiple/gerund, (C)noun,(D)to-infinitive lf the missingwordneedsa verb,you haveto understand the structureof the sentenceto havethe rightchoiceof the verbform - to helpus negotiatewith an overseascompany We needto hirean (A)interpreter (C)interpreting {B}interpret (D)interpretation Answ*r:{A} TIPSTOCHOOSE THECORRECT OPTIONS IN PARTS5a5 articles) isfollowed bya singular countrour; the@definite article) canbefollowed ffi alan (indefinite plural bya countor uncount noun,singular or (O),anemployment (X) anemployee (O),the employment (O) the employee afteranarticle(alanlthe), themissing wordjs notaiways a noun,butit canbeanadjective fr$!&| ttrighl ora participle given modifying thencun Thefunctions of nouns: , subject Theanalysisof the lab resultsis accurate objectofa verb He showsresistanceto the proposal objectof a preposition Thedocumentwas sentto the attendees - complement Theprevention of an illnessis our priority Quiz page?11 Answer; . in computertechnologyare giving us a lot of advantagesand makingthings easierfor us (A)Advance {C}Advancement (B)Advancing (D)Advances Theresultsof recentcustomersurveysshow a highlevelof with our food and services (A)satisfied (C)satisfactory (B)satisfying {D)satisfaction AnsrentC) IN PARTS THECORRECT OPTIONS 5a6 TIPSTOCHOOSE adjective comesrightbeforethe nounit modifies O nn attributive He won an awardfor his creatlveidea modff: adiective comesafterthewft in thesentence'tO @ n predicative thesubject Thenew publiclibraryis spacious the object Audiencesfoundthe plot too confusing payattention arealsousedafterlinking verbssuchasbecome, seem, look,etc.Furftermore, t0the Sl!@ Adjectives structuremake/find/keep+ object+ adj.Thisadjectivemodifiesthe object Quiz2 Answer;page211 The company returnedthe * -* parts and demandedthat its money be refunded (A)defect {C)defects (B) defective {D)defectively Thosetwo automobiles are - in price, yetthe sedanis a mr.rch morecapablevehicle, (A)compares (B)comparing (Clcomparison (D)comparabie Questions173-175referto the followingmemorandum TO:Allemployees FROM: AnjanaMunish,OPDDirector DATE:October 11 Nextmonth,the Officeof Professional Development{OPD)will offera seminarentitled "s u c c e s s f uPlre se n ta ti o n si T hse i s minarhasbeendesignedto pr ovideemployees with the toolsthey needto deliverboth compellingand effectivepresentations with styleand confidence Theseminarwill alsooffertipson how to reducethe timeof theirpresentations whilestillincluding alltherelevant information Theseminarwill be heldon Friday, November 5, from 10A.M.to 11:50A.M.in Room215of Tagore presenter the OfficeBuilding The will be Bangalore-based MayaGanesh, who has conductedmorethan 1,500seminars and workshops all acrosslndiaduringher thirty-year career.Herseminars arealwayswell received, mostlybecauseof her extraordinary ability to explaincomplicated topicsin simpleand entertaining ways.All of the employees who attendedherthreepreviouslecturesherecancertainlyattestto that T h i ss e m i n airs o n e p a rt i n a se ri e so f OPDtr aining pr ogr am s and -" development -r . -Pr evi ous ""J r -: seminarscoveredtopicslikeeffectivewrittencommunication, successful leadership, and productivenegotiatingskills.Topicsthat the OPDplansto featurein the rnonthsto come areeffective Internetsearch techniques, time management skills, andgroupcommunication skills To registerfor the seminar,pleasecontactRajatMurthyat extension8325,or sendhim an emailat rmurthy@insoft.com no laterthanOctober31 173 What is the purposeof the memorandum? (A)To publicizean educational session To ask for give volunteers to a presentation tB) {C)Tointroducea new companyemployee (D)Toinformemployeesof the deadlinefor a project 174 What is indicatedabout MayaGanesh? (A)She conductsworkshopsin her Bangaloreoffice {B)She hastraveledto foreigncountrieson business {C)She is an experiencedpresenter (D)She will be visitingthe companyfor the firsttime 175 which of the followingis Nor a topic discussedat previousseminars? (A)How to negotiatesuccessfully {B}How to producegood writing {C)How to be an effectiveleader (Di How to communicatein a group Questions176-180referto the followingletten atat.aala-aaaaaa.tataaaaatataaaaaaataaata ltaaaaiaaaaaiallttlataaaft.tafa-taala I I Mr.ChongLee a i Z+SKinoslev Road a I Manley,CA 94603 DearMr.Lee: We are pleasedto confirmthat you havebeen appointedto a two-yearassignment as a seniorscientistat the SattlerCompany'sMunichlaboratoryand will be underthe management of DirectorRalfWeight.Thisshouldbe a greatopportunityfor you, and I knowthat all of us on the teamin Munichare lookingfonruard to welcomingyou to the officeon August1 In additionto the salarywe alreadydiscussed,you will receivean annualcost of living salaryadjustmentas well as assistancefrom our local real estateagent in findinga hometo rent.The companywill also cover the cost of a one-monthstay at a nearby hoteluntilyou finalizeyour housingsituation Furthermore, we will assistyou in obtainingall of the officialdocumentationrequiredto work in Germany.However,you will be responsiblefor takingcare of persbnalmatters youraddress,applyingfor a driver'slicense,andfindingschoolsfor suchas registering your childrenThomasand Mary.Pleasetake note that, for most areaschools,the new academicyearbeginson September2 Youradministrative contactis KatharinaSpennmenn She and I both look foruvard to : helpingyou and your familyin any way that we can lf you haveany questionsbefore aa you arrivehere,pleasecontactKatharinaat k.spennmenn@sattle.com Pleasenote, though,that Katharina will be out of the officefrom May to I lookforwardto seeingyou in personon your first day here Sincerely, ! tobais Renntner aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a a I r aa ' Managsr,InternationalAssignments aa aaaaafaal,lla-,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaalr.aaaaaaaaaaaaaatalaaa:.tal-aaa.|aaaaaaaaaaata :a 176 What can be inferredaboutthe SattlerCompany? {A)lt specializesin managementconsulting (B) It plansto open officesoutsideof Germany (C) lt operatesscientificresearchfacilities (D)lt developseducationalmaterialsfor schools 177 When most likelywill Mr Lee first meet Mr Renntner? {A) March (B) May iC)August1 (D)September2 178 With which of the followingwillthe SattlerCompanygive Mr Lee assistance? iA) Purchasinga car (B) Locatinga school (C)Gettinga driver'slicense {D)Findinga placeto live 179 What is Mr Lee instructedto if he has any questionsbeforearrivingin Munich? (A)E-mailKatharinaSpennmenn (B)Speakto a realestateagent iC) TelephoneRalfWeight iD) Checkthe company'swebsite 180 Who will Mr Lee go to Germanywith? (AlTobaisRenntner {B)KatharinaSpennmenn {C)ThomasLee iD) RalfWeight Questions181-185referto the followingemailand its response To: All Employees From: Ruth Jenkins Subject: Annual Picnic It's time again for the company's annual picnic.'W.e in management feel forfunate to have such a wonderful group of employees who are enthusiastic about attending company functions This year's picnic will be held on Saturday, June 20, from 11 A.M to P.M at North Branch Fark This is the same place where it was held last year The company will provicle food, beverages, musical entertainment, and a variefy of games for both children and adults Sign-up sheets will be posted in the employee lounge from now until June You must sign one of them if you plan to attend in order to be issued the proper rmmber of tickets Our managenent team is looking fnrward tc this opportunity for all of us to get together as a group We look for'*'ard to seeing you at Ncrth Branch Park Best, Ruth Jenkins ata.a.a,.t.fa.,taaafaaaraaaaaatattlla:ta.aalal l.t.a t'aaa.:t'{'llal'lalllaa,,,ftaaaaaa'ar,raal,lll| ! I i to: Ruth fenkins a : From:KeithJones ! Date,fr/ay16 ! SubjectrCompanyPicnic a a a a a I a I I t a I a Thanks to a previous suggestion you made, some employees have recently formed aa ! a comparry volleyball club Abqrut 15 people have joined so far, and we have been i : I , Park for the last few weeks" Some of the i i llaVrng volleyball every Sunday at Gracy I members and I feel that playing volleyball at the picnic would not only be fun for ! the families but would also encourage more employees to join the club H[...]... appointment as objectusuallycomesaftertheseverbs:want, vrlsft,ptan, need,decide,intend, €8GU A to-infinitivephrasefunctioning agree,hope f) phrasethd frequentfy'occur Expressions with a to-infinitive in theTOEIC testsinclude: be advisedto be encoumgedto be preparedto be requiredto be ableto be likdy to expectA to askA to in orderto in an effortto wouldliketo be reluctantto Quiz1O Answer:page21I I hope in... Also,eithera gerundor a to-infinitive cancomeaftersuchverbsas tike,'hate,start,stap,remember, forget,regret,continue,but notethatthe meaningof the statementwill change with a gerurdthatfrequently occurin the TOEIC testsae: Q) expressions in additionto V-ing deopiteV-ing be committedto V-ing spendtime (in)V-ing be res,ponsible for V-ing in the processof V-ing Quiz| 1 1 Answer:page211 The head engineerrecommended ...TOEICTRAINING READINGCOMPREHENSION 730 ParkSeong-Uk M- Nn *ff$ NHAXIIAT BAN C0ngty TNHH THOrDAr NhAnTri Vi6t r/o Foreword - a standardised test givingreliable Communication TheTOEICTest-... soonachieveyourdesiredgoal! ParkSeong-Uk TestFormat TOEIC There are two separateTOEICtests: traditionalListeningand Readingtest and additionalWriting and Speakingtest These two types of TOEIC test are administeredindependentlyand... Technologyrequiresyou to have all Englishlanguageskills for workplacesuccess TOEIC Listening and Reading Test The TOEIC Listeningand Readingtest is a paper-and-pencil,multiple-choiceassessment.There are

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