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Reading lists on international dispute settlement subjects 2021

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I INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION (44) Klaus-Peter Berger, International Economic Arbitration (Kluwer) Marc Blessing, Introduction to Arbitration Swiss and International Perspectives Basel (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) Gary Born, International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Planning Drafting and Enforcing, The Hague (Kluwer Law International) Gary Born, International Commercial Arbitration – Commentary and Materials, The Hague (Transnational Publishers / Kluwer Law International 2nd Edition) 2001 Henry Brown & Arthur Marriott, ADR Principles and Practice (Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edition 1999) Thomas Carbonneau, Cases and Materials on Commercial Arbitration and Documentary Supplement, 3rd edition (Juris Publishing) 2003 Thomas Carbonneau, Law and Practice of Arbitration (Juris Publishing) 2003 Thomas Carbonneau (ed.), Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration A Discussion of the New Law Merchant, revised edition (Juris Publising / Kluwer Law International) 1998 Jack Coe, International Commercial Arbitration: American Principles and Practice in a Global Context (Transnational Publishers) 1997 10 W Lawrence Craig, William W Park & Jan Paulsson, Annotated Guide to the 1998 ICC Arbitration Rules with Commentary (Oceana) 1998 11 W Lawrence Craig, William W Park & Jan Paulsson, International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration, 3rd edition, Dobbs Ferry / NY (Oceana) 2000 12 René David, Arbitration in International Trade (Kluwer Law and Taxation) 1985 13 Matthieu de Boissộson, Le droit franỗais de l'arbitrage interne et international, 2nd edition, Paris (GLN Joly) 1990 14 Yves Derains and Eric A Schwartz, A Guide to the New ICC Rules of Arbitration, The Hague et al (Kluwer) 1998 15 Martin Domke, The Law and Practice of Commercial Arbitration, Chicago 1968 with Supplement 1974 16 Fouchard, Gaillard, Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration (ed by Emmanuel Gaillard and John Savage), Kluwer Law International 1999 17 Jack Goldsmith, International Dispute Resolution (Transnational Publishers) 18 Jonathan Hill, International Commercial Disputes in English Courts (Hart 3rd edition) 2005 19 Howard M Holtzmann and Joseph E Neuhaus, A Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration Legislative History and Commentary (Kluwer) 1989 / 1994 20 Martin H Hunter & Toby Landau, The English Arbitration Act 1996: Text and Notes (Kluwer) 1998 21 Julian D M Lew, ed Contemporary Problems in International Arbitration, London (CCLS, now Kluwer) 1986 22 Julian D M Lew, ed., The Immunity of Arbitrators (Lloyds of London Press) 1990 23 Julian D M Lew, Loukas A Mistelis and Stefan Kröll, Comparative International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law International 2003 24 Loukas A Mistelis and Julian D M Lew, Pervasive Problems in International Arbitration, Kluwe Law International 2006 25 Robert M Merkin, Arbitration Act - An Annotated Guide (LLP) 2nd edition 2000 (An excellent commentary on the English Arbitration Act 1996) 26 Michael J Mustill and Stewart C Boyd, Commercial Arbitration, 2d edition, London and Edinburgh (Butterworths) 1989 27 Michael J Mustill and Stewart C Boyd, Commercial Arbitration 2001 Companion, 2d edition, London and Edinburgh (Butterworths) 2001 28 Jean-Franỗois Poudret et Sébastien Besson, Droit comparé de l’arbitrage interna¬tional, (Bruylant, LGDJ & Schulthess 2002) 29 Hilmar Raeschke-Kessler and Klaus Peter Berger, Recht und Praxis des Schiedsverfahrens, Köln ( RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum, 3rd edition) 1999 30 Alan Redfern & Martin Hunter with Nigel Blackaby and Constantine Partasides, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration (Sweet & Maxwell 4th edition) 2004 31 W Michael Reismann, W Laurence Craig, William W Park & Jan Paulsson, International Commercial Arbitration, Cases, Materials and Notes on the Resolution of In¬ternational Business Disputes (Foundation Press) 1997 32 Jean Robert, L'arbitrage -droit interne, droit international prive, 6th edition, Paris (Dalloz) 1993 33 Russell on Arbitration, edited by David St Sutton, Judith Gill, 22nd edition, London (Sweet & Maxwell 2003) 34 Adam Samuel, Jurisdictional Problems in International Commercial Arbitration: A Study of Belgian, Dutch, English, French, Swedish, US, and West German Law, Zürich (Schulthess) 1989 35 Pieter Sanders, Quo Vadis Arbitration, (Kluwer Law International) 1999 36 Pieter Sanders, ed [now Jan Paulsson, ed], International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, The Hague 1984 37 Pieter Sanders, “Trends in the Field of International Commercial Arbitration”, in RECUEIL DES COURS, 1975-II, 207 II 38 Petar Šarčević, (ed.), Essays on International Commercial Arbitration (Graham & Trotman / Martinus Nijhoff) 1989 39 John Tackaberry and Arthur L Marriott, eds., Bernstein’s Handbook of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice, London (Sweet & Maxwell, 4th edition 2003) 40 Tibor Várady, John J Barceló, III, Arthur T von Mehren, International Commercial Arbitration – A Transnational Perspective, St Paul, Minn (West Group – American Casebook Series, 2nd edition) 2002 41 G Wetter, The International Arbitral Process: Public and Private (Dobbs Ferry, 1979), volumes 1-5 Materials 42 Babak Barin, ed., Carswell's Handbook of International Dispute Resolution Rules, (Carswell) Toronto 1999 43 Eric E Bergsten, ed., International Commercial Arbitration (Oceana) 44 Reisman, Craig, Park and Paulsson, Documentary supplement to International Commercial Arbitration: Cases Materials and Notes on the Resolution of International Business Disputes (see above – Section 1) 1997 INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION: CONTRACTS AND ARBITRATION (111) The FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Work (the Red Book)” including inter alia: a FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Work (the Red Book) b FIDIC Conditions for Design-Build and Turnkey (The Yellow Book) c FIDIC Conditions for EPC/Turnkey Projects (The Silver Book) Jane Jenkins and Simon Stebbings, International Construction Arbitration Law (Kluwer 2013) John Hinchey and Troy Harris, International Construction Arbitration Handbook, (2013 Nael G Bunni, The FIDIC Form of Contract, 3rd Ed (Blackwell Oxford 2005) Ellis Baker, Ben Mellors, Scott Chalmers, and Anthony Lavers, FIDIC Contracts: Law and Practice, (Informa Law 2009) Axel-Volkmar Jaeger and Götz-Sebastian Hök, FIDIC – A Guide for Practitioners (Springer-Verlag 2010) Jeremy Glover & Simon Hughes, Understanding the New FIDIC Red Book, (Sweet & Maxwell, 2006) John Uff, Construction Law (Sweet & Maxwell, 2013, 11th Ed.) Keating on Construction Contracts and Supplement 10 Emden’s Construction Law 11 Hudson’s Building and Engineering Contracts and Supplement 12 The Award, in Jacob Grierson and Annet van Hooft , Arbitrating under the 2012 ICC Rules, (Kluwer Law International 2012) 13 Fadri Lenggenhager, Part II: Commentary on the ICC Rules, in Manuel Arroyo (ed), Arbitration in Switzerland: The Practitioner's Guide, (Kluwer Law International 2013) 14 Fritz Nicklisch, “Realization of privately financed infrastructure projects – Economic viability, contract structure, risk management” 15 J Tieder, “The Globalisation of Construction – Evolving International Standards of Construction Law” 16 Donald Charrett, A Common Law of Construction Contracts—or Vive la Difference, (2012) ICLR 72 17 Philip Chan Chuen Fye, Different Models For Securing Payment In Construction Contracts: A Singaporean Case Study, (2013) ICLR 296 18 Gotz-Sebastian Hok, Employer’s Requirements In Design-Build Contracts Under FIDIC—A Comparative Study, (2012) ICLR 121 19 Andrew Chew & Georgina Crouch, Equipment Procurement Contracts—Managing the Key Drivers, (2014) ICLR 355 20 Christopher Wong, Recent Developments on Demand Bonds and Guarantees in England and Australia, (2012) ICLR 51 21 Ola Nisja, “The Engineer in International Construction: Agent? Mediator? Adjudicator?” ICLR 230 (2004) 22 Vera Van Houtte, “The Role and Responsibility of the Owner” 23 Donald Charrett, “The Engineer is Dead, Long Live the Engineer” 24 David Bateson, “Impartiality of the Engineer” 25 Beth Lyon, The Role of the Consulting Engineer in Developing Country Construction Under the FIDIC Form of Contract 26 Timothy Leone Ganado, How PFI/PPP Interface Agreements in the UK Healthcare Sector Operate in Practice, (2014) ICLR 62 27 Peter Friedrich Bultmann, Public-Private Consortia: a Model for PPP and Public Procurement Law Assessment, (2013) ICLR 267 28 Joseph Huse, “Use of the FIDIC Silver Book in the Context of a BOT Project,” ICLR (2000) 384 29 Richard Appuhn & Eric Eggink, “The Contractor’s View of the MDB Harmonised Version of the New Red Book,” ICLR (2006) 30 Matthew Bell, “Will the Silver Book Become the World Bank’s New Gold Standard? The Interrelation between the World Bank’s Infrastructure Procurement Policies and FIDIC’s Construction Contracts”, ICLR (2004), p.164 31 Dee Davenport, “Size Matters- Access to Public Procurement by Small and Medium Enterprises in the EU Construction Sector”, ICLR (2008), p 85 32 Adrian Brown & Miranda Ramphul, Transparency, Award Criteria and Framework Agreement in Public Procurement: A Review of Recent Case Law, ICLR (2009) 367 33 Adrian Brown & Miranda Ramphul, Public Procurement and Development Agreements and an Update on the Construction Bill, ICLR (2010) 253 34 HH Humphrey Lloyd, “Prevalent Philosophies of Risk Allocation: An Overview” paper presented to the “World Conference on Construction Risk”, ICLR (1996) 145 35 Peter Fenn, “Review of International Practice of the Allocation of Risk of Ground Conditions” ICLR (2000) 439 36 Jan Van Dunne, “The Changing of the Guard: Force Majeure and Frustration in Construction Contracts—the Foreseeability Requirement Replaced by Normative Risk Allocation” ICLR (2002) 162 37 Götz-Sebastian Hök, Payments And Disputes Under Fidic, In Particular Under The Fidic Silver Book – The Sedgman Case, (2014) ICLR 310 38 Nathan D O’Malley, Recent California Case Law Affecting Risk Mitigation in Construction Contracts, (2014) ICLR 151 39 AR Marshall, “Delay, Progress and Programming”, (2010) ICLR p 137 40 Ian Bailey, “Concurrency, Causation, Common sense and Compensation”, (2010) ICLR p.198 41 Franco Mastrandrea, The Evaluation of Plant Claims in Construction, (2011) ICLR 295 42 Tony Marshall, “Delay Progress and Programming”, ICLR (2010) 136 43 F Mastrandrea, Concurrent Delay in Construction – Principles and Challenges, ICLR (2014) 84 44 Andrew Stephenson, “Early Completion and Its Effect on Contractor’s Right to an Extension of Time”, ICLR (2011) 328 45 E Kratochvilova & M Mendelblat, “Testing the Water—A New FIDIC Subcontract” (2011) ICLR 47 46 L di Paolo & P Spanu, “Back to Back Contracts” (2009) ICLR 489 47 J F Pulkowski, “The subcontractor’s Direct Claim in International Business Law”, (2004) ICLR 31 48 Emma Kratochvilova & Michael Medelblat, The FIDIC Subcontract, First Edition (2012) ICRL 104 49 F Chaix & S Marchand, “Right of Recourse of Employer against a Sub-contractor” (1998) 15 ICLR 211 50 J Winter, FIDIC Conditions and FCEC Sub-Contract, (1997) 14 ICLR 433 51 Chao-Duivis, Subcontracting in Europe: The Results of a Questionnaire, (2013) ICLR 319 52 Christopher Seppala, “Contractor’s Claims Under the FIDIC Contracts for Major Works, paper in 2005 International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution Conference in Cairo” 53 Nael Bunni, “The Gap in Sub-clause 20.7 of the 1999 FIDIC Contracts for Major Works,” (2005) ICLR 272 54 C Seppala, “Enforcement by an Arbitral Award of Binding but not Final Engineer’s or DAB’s Decision under the FIDIC Conditions,” (2009) ICLR 414 55 Carroll Dorgan, “The ICC’s New Dispute Board Rules”, (2005) ICLR 142 56 Dale Brackin, “Sub-clause 20.5 of the FIDIC Contracts and Amiable Dispute Resolution” (2006) ICLR 442 57 Sundaresh Menon, Origins and Aspirations: Developing an International Construction Court, ICLR (2014) 342 58 Donald Charrett, The ‘Best’ Method of Resolution of Construction Disputes: Elusive or Illusory? (2013) ICLR 88 59 “Final Report on Construction Industry Arbitrations” ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin Vol 12/No – Fall 2001 60 Christopher Seppalla, “The Arbitration Clause in the New FIDIC Contracts” 61 ASA Paper on “Do’s and Don’ts” in Arbitration 62 Christopher Seppalla, “Obtaining the Right International Arbitral Tribunal: A Practitioner’s View”, ICLR 98 (2008) 63 John Tieder, “Factors to Consider in the Choice of Procedural and Substantive Law in International Arbitration,” Journal of International Arbitration 20(4) (2003) 393; 64 R H Christie, “The Law Governing an International Engineering Contract” 65 Philip Britton, Oxalic Acid and the Applicable Law: the Rome Convention and Construction 66 Humphrey Lloyd, Multi-Party Clauses and Agreements 67 F Nicklisch, “Multi-Party Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in Major Industrial Projects” (1994) 11(4) J Int Arb, p 57 68 S Brekoulakis, Third Parties in International Commercial Arbitration (OUP 2010) para 2.271 et seq 69 Baruch Baigel, The Emergency Arbitrator Procedure under the 2012 ICC Rules: A Juridical Analysis, Journal of International Arbitration, (Kluwer Law International 2014, Volume 31 Issue 1) pp – 18 70 Serge Lazareff, Terms of Reference, ICC Bulletin, Vol 17(1) (2006) p.21 71 Humphrey Lloyd, The Proceedings up to the Hearing, Paper in Moscow ICC Master Class (2009) 72 Nathan O’Malley, An Annotated Commentary of the 2010 Revised IBA Rules of Evidence for International Arbitration, ICLR [2010], 463 73 Bernard Hanotiau, Document Production in International Arbitration: A Tentative Definition of Best Practices, ICC Bulletin (2006) 74 Vera van Houtte, “Arbitral Procedure at the Dawn of the New Millennium: Partyappointed experts & Tribunal-appointed experts” 75 Natalie Voser and Anna Katharina Mueller, Appointment of Experts by the Arbitral Tribunal: A civil law perspective 76 Virginia Hamilton, Document Production in ICC Arbitration, ICC Bulletin (2006) 77 Yves Derains, Towards Greater Efficiency in Document Production before Arbitral Tribunals – A continental viewpoint, ICC Bulletin (2006) 78 Olivier Kott, The Benefits of a Civil Approach in International Arbitration, ICLR 30 (2013) 79 Andrew Stephenson, “Concurrency, Causation, Common Sense and Compensation (Part I)”, ICLR 165 (2010) 80 Ian Bailey, “Concurrency, Causation, Common Sense and Compensation (Part I)”, ICLR 197 (2010) 81 G Smith and J Perry, “The Evolution of Global Claims and Laing Management (Scotland) Ltd V John Doyle Construction Ltd”, ICLR 212 (2005) 82 Who Owns the Float? A Scandinavian Perspective, ICLR 379 (2013) 83 Bart Ceenaeme, “ICSID Arbitration as an Option for International Construction Disputes”, ICLR 220 [2011] 84 John Uff & Alexander Uff, The Availability of Treaty Arbitration in Construction, ICLR402 [2010] 85 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) TBK v CRW Joint Operation [2010] SGHC 202 and CA decision [2011] SGCA 33 86 4A_124/2014, Swiss Federal Tribunal, Decision of the July 2014 87 ICC Interim and Final Award in Case 10619 88 Jivraj v Hashwani [2011] UKSC 40 89 Habaş Sinai Ve Tibbi Gazlar Isthisal Endüstriaş v Sometal, [2010] EWHC 29 (Comm) III 90 AT & T v Saudi Cable [2000] All ER (Comm) 625 91 Laker Airways Inc v FLS Aerospace Ltd, [1999] Lloyd's Rep 45 92 R v Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No 2) [1999] All ER 577, 93 R v Liverpool City Justices, ex p Topping [1983] All ER 490 94 Locabail (UK) Ltd v Bayfield Properties Ltd [2000] All ER 65 95 State of Israel v NIOC, French Cour de Cassation, February 2005 96 Siemens-Dutco decision of the French Cour de Cassation (7 January 1992 – XV Yearbook Com Arb (1992) 12 97 Trafalgar House Construction Limited v Railtrack [1995] 75 BLR 55 98 City & General (Holborn) Limited v AYH Plc [2005] EWHC 2494 (TCC) 99 Lafarge Redland Aggregates v Shephard Hill Civil Engineering Ltd [2000] 100 Stellar Shipping v Hudson Shipping Lines [2010] EWHC 2985 (Comm) 101 Hughes Masonry v Greater Clark County School Bldg 659 F 2d 836 (7th Cir 1981) 102 McBro Planning & Development Co v Triangle Electronic Construction, 741 F 2d 342, 343 (11th Cir 1984) 103 Maxum Foundations v Salus, 779 F 2d 974 (4th Cir 1985) 104 Mpact Construction Group v Superior Concrete Constructors 802 NE 2d 901 (SC Indiana 2004) 105 Simon Carves v Ensus UK (Legal Briefing, 12 of 2011) 106 Channel Tunnel Group Ltd v Balfour Beatty, [1993] 107 Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Company v The Ministry of Religious Affairs, Government of Pakistan [2010] UKSC 46 108 Soleimany v Soleimany [1999] Q.B 785, 979 (English Court of Appeal) 109 Bayindir v Pakistan, ICSID Case No.ARB/03/29 (Decision on Jurisdiction) 110 Metalclad v Mexico, ICSID Case (additional facility) No.ARB(AF)/97/1 111 Salini Construttori v Jordan, ICSID Case No.ARB/02/13 INVESTMENT ARBITRATION (8) N R DOAK BISHOP, JAMES CRAWFORD AND W MICHAEL REISMAN, Foreign Investment Disputes- Cases, Materials and Commentary (Kluwer Law International, 2005) TODD WEILER (ED), International Investment Law and Arbitration – Leading Cases from the ICSID, NAFTA, Bilateral Treaties and Customary International Law (Cameron May, 2005) IV CAMPBELL MACLACHLAN, LAURENCE SHORE AND MATTHEW WEINIGER, International Investment Arbitration (OUP 2007) J D M LEW, L A MISTELIS, S M KRÖLL, Comparative International Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer, 2003) J MERRILLS, International Dispute Settlement (Cambridge UP, 4th ed, 2005) D PALMETER AND P C MAVROIDIS, Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization – Practice and Procedure (2nd edition 2003) C H SCHREUER, The ICSID Convention: A Commentary (Cambridge UP and ICSID, 2001) M SORNARAJAH, The International Law on Foreign Investment, (Cambridge UP, 2nd ed, 2004) COMMERCIAL MEDIATION (51) Palmer and Roberts S 4.1.-4.3., S 4.5.-4.7 Lon Fuller, “Mediation – Its Forms and Functions”, in Wendy Trachte-Huber and Stephen Huber, Reaching Agreement in Law and Business (1998) Jeffrey Krivis, “The Five Stages of Mediation”, Mediate.com Gunthia A Savage, “Culture and Mediation: A Red Herring”, Am U J Gender & L 269 (1996¬1997) Stages of Mediation, in H Brown and A Marriott, ADR : Principles and Practice, (1999) at pp 154¬188 Kimberlee K Kovach & Lela P Love, “Risks of Riskin’s Grid”, Harv Negot L Rev 71 (1998) (critique of evaluative-facilitative dichotomy) Mediator’s grid critiqued in this article is briefly described in Palmer and Roberts book Extract: Robert A Baruch Bush, “Transformative Mediation: Efficiency and Protection, or Empowerment and Recognition? The Mediator’s Role and Ethical Standards in Mediation”, 41 Fla L Rev 253 (1989) pp 259-273 Neal Milner, “Mediation and Political Theory: A Critique of Bush and Folger”, 21 Law & Soc Inquiry 738 (1996) Gary Paquin & Linda Harvey, “Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Transformative Mediation and Narrative Mediation: A Natural Connection” Fla Coastal L.J 167 (2001-2002) pp 173-180 10 Robert A Baruch Bush, “Substituting Mediation for Arbitration: The Growing Market for Evaluative Mediation, And What It Means for the ADR Field”, Pepp Disp Resol L.J 111 (2002) 11 Leonard L Riskin, “Understanding Mediators' Orientations, Strategies, and Techniques: A Grid for the Perplexed”, Harv Negot L Rev (1996) 10 12 James K.L Lawrence, “Collaborative Lawyering: A New Development in Conflict Resolution”, 17 Ohio St J on Disp Resol 431 (2002) 13 Leonard Riskin, “The Contemplative Lawyer: On the Potential Contributions of Mindfulness Meditation to Law Students, Lawyers, and their Clients”, Harv Negot L Rev (2002) 14 Kimberlee K Kovach & Lela P Love, "Evaluative" Mediation Is an Oxymoron”, 14 Alternatives to High Cost Litig 31 (1996) Link 15 Lela P Love, “The Top Ten Reasons Why Mediators Should Not Evaluate”, 24 Fla St U L Rev 937 (1997) 16 Robert B Moberly, “Mediator Gag Rules: Is It Ethical for Mediators to Evaluate or Advise?”, 38 S Tex L Rev 669 (1997) 17 Joseph B Stulberg, “Facilitative Versus Evaluative Mediator Orientations: Piercing the "Grid" Lock”, 24 Fla St U L Rev 985 (1997) 18 Murray S Levin, “The Propriety of Evaluative Mediation: Concerns about the Nature and Quality of an Evaluative Opinion”, 16 Ohio St J on Disp Resol 267 (2001) 19 James H Stark, “Ethics of Mediation Evaluation: Some Troublesome Questions and Tentative Proposals, from an Evaluative Lawyer Mediator”, 38 S Tex L Rev 769 (1997) 20 John Bickerman, “Evaluative Mediator Responds”, 14 Alternatives to High Cost Litig 70 (1996) 21 Scott H Hughes, “Facilitative Mediation or Evaluative Mediation: May Your Choice Be a Wise One”, 59 Ala Law 246 (1998) 22 James J Alfini, “Evaluative versus Facilitative Mediation: A Discussion”, 24 Fla St U L Rev 919 (1997) 23 Ellen A Waldman, “The Evaluative-Facilitative Debate in Mediation: Applying the Lens of Therapeutic Jurisprudence”, 82 Marq L Rev 155 (1998) 24 Carrie Menkel-Meadow, “When Dispute Resolution Begets Disputes of its Own: Conflicts Among Dispute Professionals”, 44 UCLA L Rev 1871 (1997) 25 Robert A Baruch Bush & Joseph P Folger, The Promise of Mediation: Responding to Conflict Through Empowerment and Recognition (1994) 26 Brad Honoroff and Susan Opoto, “Mediation Ethics: A Grounded Approach”, Negotiation Journal April 2007 27 Extract: K.Kovach, “Musings on Idea(L)S in the Ethical Regulation of Mediators: Honesty, Enforcement, and Education“, 21 Ohio St J on Disp Resol 123 (2005), pp 123-147, 163-164 28 Robert A Baruch Bush, “A Study of Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Implications”, 1994 J Disp Resol (1994) 23 138 R Boed, ‘State of Necessity as a Justification for Internationally Wrongful Conduct’, Yale Human Rights and Development Journal (2000), 139 A Boyle, ‘State Responsibility and International Liability for Injurious Consequences of Acts Not Prohibited by International Law: A Necessary Distinction?’, ICLQ (1990), 140 I Brownlie, System of the Law of Nations: State Responsibility, Part I (Oxford, 1983) 141 J Charney, ‘Third State Remedies in International Law’, 10 Michigan Journal of International Law (1989), 57 142 J Crawford, The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility; Introduction, Text and Commentaries (Cambridge: CUP, 2002) 143 J Crawford and S Olleson, ‘The Continuing Debate on a UN Convention on State Responsibility’, 54 ICLQ (2005), 959 144 A De Hoogh, Obligations Erga Omnes and International Crimes (The Hague: Kluwer, 1996) 145 A De Hoogh, ‘Articles and of the 2001 ILC Articles on State Responsibility, the Tadic Case and Attribution of Acts of Bosnian Serb Authorities to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’, 72 BYBIL (2001), 255 146 P.-M Dupuy, G Nolte, M Spinedi, L.-A Sicilianos, E Wyler, C.J Tams, A Gattini, I Scobbie, 461 D Alland, P Klein, ‘Symposium: Assessing the Work of the International Law Commission on State Responsibility’, 13 EJIL (2002), 1037-1256 147 Fawcett, ‘The Exhaustion of Local Remedies: Substance or Procedure?’, BYBIL (1954), 452 148 E Frowein, ‘Reactions by Not Directly Affected States to Breaches of Public International Law’, RDC (1994-IV), 345 149 G Gaja, ‘Should All References to International Crimes Disappear from the ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility?’, EJIL (1999), 365 150 Graefrath, ‘Responsibility and Damages Caused: Relationship between Responsibility and Damages’, RDC (1984-II), 151 C Gray, Judicial Remedies in International Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990) 152 Jennings, ‘The Caroline and McLeod Cases’, AJIL (1938), 82 153 N Jørgensen, The Responsibility of States for International Crimes (Oxford: OUP, 2000) 154 M Koskenniemi, ‘Solidarity Measures: State Responsibility as a New International Order?’, 72 BYBIL (2001), 337 155 R Lefeber, ‘The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project and the Law of State Responsibility’, 11 LJIL (1998), 609 24 156 V Lowe, ‘Precluding Wrongfulness or Responsibility: A Plea for Excuses’, 10 EJIL (1999), 405 157 F.A Mann, ‘The Consequences of an International Wrong in International and National Law’, 48 BYBIL (1978), 158 T Meron, ‘International Responsibility of States for Unauthorised Acts of Their Officials’, 33 BYBIL (1957), 851 159 T Meron, ‘The Incidence of the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies’, 25 BYBIL (1959), 95 160 P.M Norton, ‘A Law of the Future or a Law of the Past? Modern Tribunals and the International Law of Expropriation’, 85 AJIL (1991), 474 161 J Pauwelyn, ‘The Concept of a “Continuing Violation” of an International Obligation: Selected Problems’, 66 BYBIL (1995), 415 162 A Pellet, ‘Can a State Commit a Crime? Definitely, Yes!, 10 EJIL (1999), 425 163 A Pellet, ‘The New Draft Articles of the International Law Commission … A Requiem for States’ Crimes?’, 32 NYIL (2001), 55 164 M Ragazzi, The Concept of International Obligations Erga Omnes (Oxford: OUP, 1997) 165 M Ragazzi (ed.), International Responsibility Today Essays in Memory of Oscar Schachter (Leiden: Nijohff, 2005) 166 Sachariev, ‘State Responsibility for Unilateral Treaty Violations: Identifying the Injured State and Its Legal Status’, NILR (1988), 273 167 O Schachter, ‘Compensation for Expropriation’, 78 AJIL (1984), 121 168 J Scott Davidson, ‘The Rainbow Warrior Arbitration Concerning the Treatment of the French Agents Mafart and Prieur’, 40 ICLQ (1991), 446 169 M Spinedi and B Simma (eds.), United Nations Codification of State Responsibility (New York: Oceana Publications, 1987) 170 C Warbrick, ‘Protection of Nationals Abroad: Current Legal Problems’, 37 ICLQ (1988), 1002 171 http://lcil.law.cam.ac.uk/projects/state.php: collection of useful materials 172 www.un.org/law/ilc: website of the International Law Commission, with all relevant materials 173 R Ago, ‘“Binding” Advisory Opinions of the ICJ’, 85 AJIL (1991), 224 174 D Akande, ‘The International Court of Justice and the Security Council: Is there Room for Judicial Control of Decisions of the Political Organs of the United Nations?’, 46 ICLQ (1997), 309 25 175 D Alland, ‘Countermeasures of General Interest’, 13 EJIL (2002), 1221 M.S.M Amr, The Role of the International Court of Justice as the Principal Judicial Organ of the United Nations (The Hague: Kluwer, 2003) 176 D.W Bowett, ‘Reprisals Involving Recourse to Armed Force’, 66 AJIL (1972), 177 D.W Bowett, ‘Economic Coercion and Reprisals by States’, 13 VJIL (1972), 178 D.W Bowett, ‘Contemporary Developments in Legal Techniques in the Settlement of Disputes’, 180 RDC (1983), 169 179 J Charney, ‘Compromissory Clauses and the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice’, 81 AJIL (1987), 855 180 JCollier and A.V Lowe, The Settlement of Disputes in International Law (Oxford: OUP, 1999) 181 J Crawford, ‘The Relationship between Sanctions and Countermeasures’, in V Gowlland-Debbas (ed.), United Nations Sanctions and International Law (The Hague: Kluwer, 2001), 57 182 O.Y Elagaby, The Legality of Non-Forcible Counter-Measures in International Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988) 183 L Fisler Damrosch, ‘Enforcing International Law Through Non-Forcible Measures’, 269 RDC (1997), 184 H Fox, ‘States and the Undertaking to Arbitrate’, 37 ICLQ (1988), 185 C Gray and B Kingsbury, ‘Developments in Dispute Settlement: Inter-State Arbitration since 1945’, 63 BYBIL (1992), 97 186 D Greig, ‘Nicaragua v USA: Confrontation over the Jurisdiction of the ICJ’, 62 BYBIL (1991), 119 187 R.Y Jennings, ‘The Role of the International Court of Justice’, 68 BYBIL (1997), 188 A.V Lowe and M Fitzmaurice, Fifty Years of the International Court of Justice (Cambridge: CUP, 1996) 189 A.F Lowenfeld, ‘Unilateral versus Collective Sanctions: An American Perspective’, in V Gowlland-Debbas (ed.), United Nations Sanctions and International Law (The Hague: Kluwer, 2001), 57 190 J.G Merrils, ‘The Optional Clause Revisited’, 64 BYBIL (1993), 197 191 J.G Merrils, International Dispute Settlement (Cambridge: CUP, 2005) 192 C Paulson, ‘Compliance with Final Judgments of the International Court of Justice since 1987’, 98 AJIL (2004), 434 193 S Rosenne, The World Court: What it is and How it Works (Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1995) 194 Ph Sands, R Mackenzie and Y Shany, Manual on International Courts and Tribunals (London: Butterworths, 1999) X 26 195 O Schachter, ‘The Enforcement of International Judicial and Arbitral Decisions’, 54 AJIL (1960), 196 Y Shany, The Competing Jurisdiction of International Courts and Tribunals (Oxford: OUP, 2003) 197 L.B Sohn, ‘International Arbitration Today’, 108 RDC (1976), 198 H.R.A Thirlway, ‘Reciprocity in the Jurisdiction of the International Court’, 15 NYIL (1984), 97 199 H.R.A Thirlway, ‘The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice 19601989,’ Part 9, 69 BYBIL (1998), 2; Part 10, 70 BYBIL (1999), 1; Part 11, 71 BYBIL (2000), 71; Part 12, 72 BYBIL (2001), 37; Part 13, 74 BYBIL (2003), 200 T Treves, ‘Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice on Questions Raised by Other International Tribunals’ Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (2000), 215 201 United Nations, Handbook on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Between States (New York: United Nations, 1992) 202 E Zoller, Peacetime Unilateral Remedies: An Analysis of Countermeasures (Dobbs Ferry, NY: Transnational, 1984) 203 Symposium on Countermeasures and Dispute Settlement, EJIL (1994), 20 WTO DISPUTE RESOLUTION (74) Van den Bossche, P., The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organisation Text, Cases and Materials, 2005 (Cambridge University Press) Matsushita, M., Schoenbaum, T.J., Mavroidis, P.C., The World Trade Organisation Law, Practice and Policy, 2nd ed., 2006 (Oxford University Press) Hoekman, B.M., Kostecki, M., The Political Economy of the World Trading System The WTO and Beyond, 2nd ed., 2001 (Oxford University Press) Petersman, H-U (ed.), Reforming the World Trading System Legitimacy, Efficiency, and Democratic Governance, 2005 (Oxford University Press) Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (“Dispute Settlement Understanding” or “DSU”) found in: The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures, 2nd ed., WTO (CUP) 2004 (also available on WTO website) D Palmeter, P.C Mavroidis: Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization Practice and Procedure, 2nd ed., Kluwer Law International 2004 (Palmeter & Mavroidis) A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System, WTO (CUP) 2004 (Handbook) Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement The First Ten Years, WTO (CUP) 2005 (Key Issues) 27 WTO Analytical Index Guide to WTO Law and Practice, 2nd ed., WTO (CUP) 2007, Volume II, pp 1098-1386 (WTO Analytical Index) (also available on WTO website) 10 Understanding regarding Notification, Consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance, adopted on 28 November 1979, published in: The Texts of the Tokyo Round Agreements, GATT 1986 [also available on WTO website] [browse through the text] 11 E.U Petersmann: The GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law International, Chapters and 12 E.U Petersmann: The Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization and the Evolution of the GATT Dispute Settlement System Since 1948, Common Market Law Review Vol 31 (1994), 1187-1189 13 M Matushita, T.J Schoenbaum, P.C Mavroidis: The World Trade Organization Law, Practice and Policy, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press 2006, Chapters (Section 1-2) and (Sections 1-3.6) 14 F Roessler: The Concept of Nullification or Impairment in the Legal System of the World Trade Organization in: International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, ed E.U Petersmann, Kluwer Law International 1997, 123-142 15 J.H Bello: The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Less is More, American Journal of International Law (AJIL) Vol 90, No (1996), 416-418 16 J.H Jackson: The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding - Misunderstandings on the Nature of Legal Obligations, AJIL Vol 91 No (1997), 59-64 17 R.S.J Martha: Capacity to Sue and Be Sued under WTO Law, WTR Vol No (2004), 27-51 18 Guide to GATT Law and Practice, WTO 1995, Volume 2, 612-787 19 W.J Davey: The WTO Dispute Settlement System: The First Ten Years, JIEL Vol No 1, 17-50 (2005) 20 G Marceau: Consultations and the panel process in the WTO dispute settlement system in: Key Issues, 29-45 21 M Matushita, T.J Schoenbaum, P.C Mavroidis: The World Trade Organization Law, Practice and Policy, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press 2006, Chapters (Section 3-4) and (Sections 3.7-3.16) 22 F Roessler: The Institutional Balance between the Judicial and the Political Organs of the WTO in: New Directions in International Economic Law Essays in Honour of John H Jackson, ed M Bronckers, R Quick, Kluwer Law International 2000, 325345 23 G.C Umbricht: An ‘Amicus Curiae Brief’ on Amicus Curiae Briefs at the WTO, JIEL Vol No (2002), 773-794 24 S Bhuiyan: Mandatory and Discretionary Legislation: The Continued Relevance of the Distinction under the WTO, JIEL Vol No 3, 571-604 (2002) 28 25 J.H.H Weiler: The Rule of Lawyers and the Ethos of Diplomats Reflections on the Internal and External Legitimacy of WTO Dispute Settlement, JWT Vol 35 No 2, 191-201 (2001) 26 Working Procedures for Appellate Review (available at www.wto.org) 27 The WTO at Ten The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System, ed G Sacerdoti, A Yanovich, 28 Bohanes, CUP 2006, Part IV 29 P van den Bossche: The Making of the ‘World Trade Court’: The Origins and Development of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, Key Issues, 6379 30 D Palmeter: The WTO Appellate Body Needs Remand Authority, JWT Vol 32 No (1998) 31 E Vermulst, P.C Mavroidis, P Waer: The Functioning of the Appellate Body After Four Years Towards Rule Integrity, JWT Vol 33 No (1999), 1-50 32 W.J Davey: Has the WTO Dispute Settlement System Exceeded its Authority? JIEL Vol No (2001), 79-110 33 J McCall Smith: WTO Dispute Settlement: the Politics of Procedure in Appellate Body Rulings, WTR Vol No (2003), 65-100 34 A Yanovich, T Voon: Completing the Analysis in WTO Appeals: The Practice and Its Limitations, JIEL Vol No (2006), 933-950 35 P.J Kuyper: The Appellate Body and the Facts in: New Directions in International Economic Law Essays in Honour of John H Jackson, ed M Bronckers, R Quick, Kluwer Law International 2000, 309-323 36 J Pauwelyn: Cross-Agreement Complaints before the Appellate Body: a Case Study of the EC-Asbestos Dispute, WTR Vol No (2002), 63-87 37 Texts of special rules and procedures may be found in: The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures, 2nd ed., CUP 2001, 33-66 38 S.P Croley, J.H Jackson: WTO Dispute Procedures, Standard of Review, and Deference to National Governments, AJIL Vol 90 No (1996), 193-213 39 R Becroft: The Standard of Review Strikes Back: The US-Korea DRAMS Appeal, JIEL Vol No (2006), 207-217 40 V Hughes: Arbitration Within WTO in: The WTO Dispute Settlement System 19952003, ed F Ortino, E.U Petersmann, Kluwer Law International 2004, 75-86 41 The WTO at Ten The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System, ed G Sacerdoti, A Yanovich, 42 Bohanes, CUP 2006, Part III 43 J Pauwelyn: Enforcement and Countermeasures in the WTO: Rules are Rules – Toward a More Collective Approach, AJIL Vol 94 No (2000) 29 44 P Grané: Remedies under WTO Law, JIEL Vol No (2002), 755-772 45 Ch Carmody: Remedies and Conformity under the WTO Agreement, JIEL Vol No (2002), 307¬329 46 A.O Sykes: The Remedy for Breach of Obligations under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Damages or Specific Performance w: New Directions in International Economic Law Essays in Honour of John H Jackson, ed M Bronckers, R Quick, Kluwer Law International 2001 47 W Zdouc: The Reasonable Period of Time for Compliance with Rulings and Recommendations Adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, Key Issues, 88-97 48 J.E Kearns, S Charnovitz: Adjudicating Compliance in the WTO: A Review of DSU Article 21.5, JIEL Vol No (2002), 331-352 49 M Salas, J.H.J Jackson: Procedural Overview of the WTO EC – Banana Dispute, JIEL, Vol No 1, 145-166 (2000) 50 J.H Jackson, P Grané: The Saga Continues: An Update on the Banana Dispute and its Procedural Offspring, JIEL Vol No 4, 581-595 (2001) 51 J Pauwelyn: Editorial Comment: Adding Sweeteners to Softwood Lumber: The WTO-NAFTA ‘Spaghetti Bowl’ is Cooking, JIEL Vol No (2006), 197-206 Cases: 52 United States – Import Measures on Certain Products from the European Communities (WT/DS165), DSR 2001:1 [unilateral measures] 53 European Communities – Measures affecting trade in commercial vessels (WT/DS 301) [unilateral acts and Article 23.1] 54 European Communities – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas Recourse to Article 21.5 (WT/DS27/RW), DSR 1999:II 55 European Communities – The ACP-EC Partnership Agreement Recourse to Arbitration Pursuant to the Decision of 14 November 2001 (WT/L/616) 56 United States – Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act Recourse to Arbitration under Article 25 of the DSU (WT/DS160/ARB/1) 57 Mexico – Tax Measures on Soft Drinks and Other Beverages (WT/DS308), Appellate Body report, paras 40-57 58 Guatemala – Anti-Dumping Investigation Regarding Imports of Portland Cement from Mexico (WT/DS60), DSR 1998:IX [integrity of dispute settlement system, notion of “measure” under AD Agreement] 59 Mexico – Anti-Dumping Investigation of High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) from the United States (WT/DS132), panel report, DSR 2000:III [AD Agreement] 60 United States – Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews (WT/DS322/R), panel report, paras 7.99-7.102 XI 61 United States – Import Prohibition on Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products (WT/DS58), DSR 1998:VII [objectives of dispute settlement system, admissibility of amicus curiae briefs] 62 EC – Measures Affecting the Prohibition of Asbestos and Asbestos Products (WT/DS135), DSR 2001:VII, Appellate Body report, paras 80-83 63 Chile – Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products (WT/DS207) [new claims in appellate proceedings, questions of law v questions of fact] 64 Korea – Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Dairy Products (WT/DS98), DSR 2000:I [legal basis of complaint, panel’s mandate to determine facts, introduction of new arguments by parties, competence of AB to complete the panel’s reasoning] 65 Brazil – Measures Affecting Desiccated Coconut (WT/DS22), Appellate Body report, DSR 1997:I, 167 [the nature of the WTO system] 66 Japan – Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages (WT/DS8, WT/DS10, WT/DS11), Appellate Body report, DSR 1996:1, 97 [legal status of panel reports] 67 Japan – Import Quotas on Dried Laver and Seasoned Laver (WT/DS323), panel report [mutually agreed solution] 68 Japan – Measures Affecting Consumer Photographic Film and Paper (WT/DS44), panel report, DSR 1998:IV [Article XXIII of GATT – non-violation complaints] 69 European Communities – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas (WT/DS27), Appellate Body report, DSR 1997:II [standing, participation of lawyers] 70 India – Quantitative Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products (WT/DS90), Appellate Body report, DSR 1999:IV [institutional balance between panels and other WTO bodies] 71 United States – Measure Affecting Imports of Woven Wool Shirts and Blouses from India (WT/DS33), DSR 1997:I [burden of proof, judicial economy] 72 United States – Anti-Dumping Act of 1916 (WT/DS136), DSR 2000:IX [jurisdiction to hear claims regarding anti-dumping legislation, third party rights] 73 Argentina – Safeguard Measures on Imports of Footwear (WT/DS121), DSR 2000:I [standard of review] 74 EC – Measures Affecting Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), (WT/DS26, WT/DS48), DSR 1998:I and II [standard of review, third party rights] LAW OF THE SEA (7) 30 R.R Churchill and A.V Lowe, The Law of the Sea (3rd edn, Manchester University Press, 1999); Don Rothwell and Tim Stephens, The International Law of the Sea (Hart, 2010); Douglas Guilfoyle, Shipping Interdiction and the Law of the Sea (Cambridge, paperback ed 2011); “Oceans and the law of the sea” Report of the Secretary-General UN A/66/70http://www.un.org/Depts/los/general_assembly/general_assembly_reports.ht m 67 pages; Report from the Committee on coastal state jurisdiction relating to marine pollution – London Conference 2000: http://www.ila-hq.org/download.cfm/d 59B588EFD02597 58 pages; Chapter 17, 18, and 20 from the book “The law of the sea – Progress and prospects” edited by David Freestones, Richard Barnes and David Ong, Oxford University Press, total of 65 pages The international law of the sea Yoshifumi Tanaka DATE PUBLISHED: April 2012 FORMAT: Paperback ISBN: 9780521279529 XII 31 SHIPPING LAW (105) Aristotelis Komianos, “Towards the Autonomous Ship: Operational, Regulatory, Quality Challenges” Faber, D, ‘Electronic bills of lading’ (1996) LMCLQ 232 Nick Lambert, Jonathan Turner, Andy Hamflett, “Technology and the Blue Economy: From Autonomous Shipping to Big Data” (1st Edition) Richard Aikens, Richard Lord, and Michael Bools, Bills of Lading (2015), (2nd Edn, Informa) R Veal and M Tsimplis “The integration of unmanned ships into lex maritima” [2017] LMCLQ 303 A Serdy, M Tsimplis, R Veal et al., Liability for Operation in Unmanned Maritime Vehicles with Differing Levels of Autonomy Barnabas W.B Reynolds and Michael N Tsimplis, Shipowners’ Limitation of Liability (Aspen Publishers 2012) B Eder, “Wrongful arrest for Ships- A time for Change” (2013) 38 Tul Mar LJ A Mandaraka- Sheppard, “Wrongful Arrest of Ships: A case for Reform” (2013) 19 JIML 41 10 M.Dvies, “Wrongful Arrest of Ships: A time for Change- A Reply to Sir Bernard Eder” (2013) 11 David C Jackson, Enforcement of Maritime Claims (4th ed, LLP 2005) or subsequent edition 12 Institute of Maritime Law, Southampton on Shipping Law (Informa 2008) 32 13 James M Turner and Sarah C Derrington, The Law and Practice of Admiralty Matters (Oxford University Press 2007) 14 Nigel Meeson and John A Kimbell, Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice (4th ed, Informa 2011) or subsequent edition 15 Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (6th ed, Routledge 2015) 16 Patrick Griggs and the others, Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (4th ed, LLP 2005) or subsequent edition 17 Yvonne Baatz (ed), Maritime Law (4th Edition, Informa law from Routledge) 18 Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard, Modern Maritime Law (3rd edn, Informa 2013) 19 Colin De La Rue and Charles B Anderson, Shipping and the Environment (2nd ed, Informa 2009) 20 Francis D Rose (ed.), Kennedy and Rose Law of Salvage (7th ed, Sweet & Maxwell 2010) or subsequent edition 21 J Reeder QC, Brice on Maritime Law of Salvage (5th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2012) and S.Rainey (fn 196) 22 J Gilman et al., Arnould’s Law of Marine Insurance and Average (18th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2013) 23 Kennedy, Law of Salvage, 15th edn, 1985, London: Stevens, para 339 24 Sarah Dromgoole, Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law (Cambridge University Press 2013) 25 Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (6th ed, Routledge 2015) 26 Simon Curtis, The Law of Shipbuilding Contracts (4th edn, Informa 2012) 27 Simon Rainey, The law of tug and tow and offshore contracts (2nd ed, Informa 2011) 28 S Gault and S Hazlewood (Gen Eds), Marsden and Gault on Collision at Sea (14th edn, Sweet& Maxwell 2016) 29 S Dromgoogle and C Forest, “The Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007 and Hazardous Historic Shipwrecks” [2011] LMCLQ 92 30 Shaw, R, ‘The 1989 Salvage Convention and English law’ (1996) LMCLQ 202, 208 31 S Bateman and M White, “Compulsory Pilotage in the Torres Strait: Overcoming Unacceptable Risk to a Sensitive Marine Environment” (2009) 40(2) Ocean Development and International Law 184 32 Yvonne Baatz (ed), Maritime Law (4th Edition, Informa law from Routledge) 33 Bernard Eder [et al.], Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading, (22nd ed, 2011), London: Sweet & Maxwell 34 Baughen, S, ‘The legal status of the non-contracting shipper’ [[2002] IJSL 21 33 35 Baughen, S, ‘Defining the mabit of Article III(8) of the Hague Rules: obligations and exceptions clauses’ [2003] JIML 115 36 Baughen, S and Campbell, N, ‘Apportionment of risk and the carriage of dangerous cargo’ 37 De Battista, C, ‘The Bill of lading as the contract of carriage: a re-assessment of Leduc v Ward (1982) 45 MLR 652 38 John J Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea (7th ed, 2010), England: Person/Longman 39 Gaskell, Asariotis and Baatz, Bills of Lading: Law and practice,2000 40 Guenter Treitel and F.M.B Reynolds, Carver on bills of lading (3rd ed, 2011), 41 Treitel, G, ‘The legal status bills of lading’ (2003) 119 LQR 608 42 London: Sweet & Maxwell 43 Stephen Girvin, Carriage of Goods by Sea (2nd 2011), Oxford: Oxford University Press 44 Richard Aikens, Richard Lord, and Michael Bools, Bills of Lading (2015), (2nd Edition, Informa) 45 Reynolds, FMB, ‘The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992’ (1993) LMCLQ 436 46 Nicholas Gaskell and Regina Asariotis, Yvonne Baatz, (2000) Bills of lading: law and contracts, London: LLP 47 Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (6th ed, Routledge 2018) 48 Scrutton, Charterparties and Bill of lading,20th edn, 1996, London; Sweet & Maxwell 49 Yvonne Baatz, Maritime Law (informa law from Routledge 50 Wilford, Coghlin and Kimball, Time Charter, 5th edn, 2003, London: LLP 51 Julian Cooke et al., Voyage Charters (3rd ed, 2007), England: Informa 52 Terence Coghlin et al., Time Charters (6th ed, 2008), England: Informa 53 Mark Davis, Bareboat Charters (2nd ed, 2005), England: LLP 54 John J Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea (7th ed, 2010), England: Person/Longman 55 Stephen Girvin, Carriage of Goods by Sea (2007), Oxford: Oxford University Press 56 Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (5th ed, 2012), England: Routledge 57 Martin Dockray, Cases & Materials on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (3rd ed, 2004), 58 England: Cavendish Publishing 59 A D Hughes, Casebook on Carriage of Goods by Sea (2nd ed, 1999), London: Blackstone 60 Arnold-Dwyer, F ‘Taking an Interest in Insurable Interest’ [2015] LMCLQ 271-9 61 Birds, J et al MacGillivray on Insurance Law (13th edn, Sweet &Maxwell 2015) 34 62 Birds, J ‘Insurable interest- orthodox and unorthodox approaches’ JBL 2006, Mar, 224-31 63 Clarke, M The Law of Insurance Contracts (4th edn, Informa updated in 2015) 64 Dunt, J Marine Cargo Insurance (2nd edn, Informa 2015) 65 Edelman, C., Burns, A The Law of Reinsurance (2nd edn, Oxford University Press 2013) 66 Gürse, Marine Insurance Law (Routledge 2015) 67 J Gilman et al., Arnould’s Law of Marine Insurance and Average (18th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2013) 68 Hazelwool, J.S, and Semark, D., P&I Clubs: Law and Practice (4th edn, Informa 2010) 69 Lord Mance et al (gen.edn), Insurance Dispute (3rd edn, Informa 2011 70 Macdonald, T ‘The marine insurance contract and assignment under the English Marine Insurance Act” 1906 JIML 2003 71 Martin, F., History of Lloyd’s and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain 72 Meggitt, G ‘Insurable Interest- the doctrine that would not die’ Legal Studies, June 2015 280-301 73 Merkin, Colinvaux's Law of Insurance (11th edn, Sweet & Maxwell, 2016), 74 Nicol, C ‘Insurable interest: as intended?’ JBL 2008,5, 432-47 75 Rose, F Marine Insurance: Law and Practice (2nd edn, Informa 2012) 76 Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (6th ed, Routledge 2018) 77 Soyer, B Marine Insurance Fraud (Informa 2014) 78 Soyer, B Warranties in Marine Insurance, 2nd edn, Cavendish Publishing 2006 79 Parks, L., The Law and Practice of Marine Insurance and Average, Vol 1, London 1998,4 80 Yvonne Baatz (ed), Maritime Law (4th Edition, Informa law from Routledge 81 C.Hill, Maritime Law (6th edn, LLP 2003) 82 F Paine, The Finance of Ship Acquisition, (Fairplay Publications 1989) 83 J.E Sloggett, Shipping Finance (Fairplay Publications 1984); 84 Mandaraka-Sheppard, Modern Maritime Law volume II: Managing Risks and Liabilities (3rd edn, Informa Publishing 2013) 85 M.Clarke, Shipbuilding contracts (2nd edn, Sweet &Maxwell 1992) 86 S Curtis, The Law of Shipbuilding contract (4th edn Informa Publishing 2012) 87 Stephenson Harwood (ed.), Shipping Finance (3rd edn, Stephenson Harwood 2006) XIII 35 88 P Stokes, Shipping Finance, Credit Expansion and the Boom-Bust Cycle (2nd edn, LLP Professional Publishing 1997) 89 Yvonne Baatz (ed), Maritime Law (4th Edition, Informa law from Routledge) 90 A Briggs, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgements (6th edn, Informa 2015) 91 A Dickinson, “The Rome II Regulation: The Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations (Oxford University Press 2008) 92 Clare Ambrose, Karen Maxwell, Angharad Parry, London Maritime Arbitration 93 C Ambrose, “Arbitration and the Human Rights Act 1998” [2002] LMCLQ 468 94 D.C Jackson, Enforcement of Maritime Claim (4th edn, LLP 2005) 95 Derek Roebuck, Mediation and Arbitration in The Middle Ages (HOLO Books: the Arbitration Press, 2013) 96 Dicey, Morris and Collins on the Conflict of Laws 97 Gee, Commercial Injunction (formerly Mareva Injunctions and Anton Piller Relief) (6th edn, Sweet &Maxwell 2014) 98 Jianlong Yu, “The new development of China Maritime Arbitration” in 19th Session of the International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators, vol 1, (Hong Kong, 2015) 99 John D Kimball, “Overview of significant recent developments in New York arbitration, 2012–2015” in 19th Session of the International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators, vol 1, (Hong Kong, 2015) 100 Lord Neuberger, “Arbitration and the rule of law” Arbitration 2015, 81(3) 101 Mandaraka-Sheppard, Modern Maritime Law volume I: Jurisdiction and Risks (3rd edn, Informa Publishing 2013) 102 M.George, “Choice of Law in Maritime Torts” (2007) J Pr Int L 137 103 Marks Sachs, “Singapore Arbitration – Divergence and Harmony in the Shared Common Law Experience” in 19th Session of the International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators, vol 2, (Hong Kong, 2015) 104 Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (6th ed, Routledge 2018) 105 Yvonne Baatz (ed), Maritime Law (4th Edition, Informa law from Routledge) MARINE INSURANCE LAW (17) Arnould, On Marine Insurance and Average, Vol I, 16th ed (London: Stevens & Sons, 1981) Bennett, The Law of Marine Insurance (Oxford University Press, 1996) Birds, Modern Insurance Law, 5th ed (Sweet & Maxwell, 2001) Chalmers, Marine Insurance Act 1906, 10th ed (Butterworths, 1993) XIV Clarke, Policies and Perceptions of Insurance, (Clarendon Press, 1997) Clarke, The Law of Insurance Contracts, 3rd ed (1997) Colinvaux, Law of Insurance, 8th ed (Pitman Publishing, 1997) D Rhidian Thomas (ed), The Modern Law of Marine Insurance, (London: LLP, 1996) Goodacre, Marine Insurance Claims, 3rd ed (London: Witherby & Co Ltd, 1996) 10 Hansell, Introduction to Insurance, (London: LLP, 1996) 11 Hill, Maritime Law, 5th ed (London: LLP, 1998) 12 Hodges, Law of Marine Insurance, (Cavendish Publications, 1996) 13 Hodges, Cases and Materials on Marine Insurance Law, (Cavendish Publishing, 1999) 14 Lowry and Rawlings, Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles, (Hart Publishing, 1999) 15 MacGillivray, On Insurance Law, 9th ed (Sweet & Maxwell, 1997) 16 Rose, Marine Insurance: Law & Practice, (London: LLP Professional Publishing, 2004) 17 Templeman, Marine Insurance: Its Principles and Practice, 6th ed (London: Pitman Publishing, 1986) LEGAL SKILLS (17) 36 Boon, A & Levin, J (1999) The Ethics and Conduct of Lawyers in England & Wales Oxford: Hart Publishing Haigh, R (2004) Legal English: Cavendish Publishing Maughan, C & Webb, J (2005) Lawyering Skills and the Legal Process, 2nd edition, London: Butterworths Nicolson, D & Webb, J (1999) Professional Legal Ethics: Critical Interrogations, Oxford: Oxford University Press Palmer, M & Roberts S (1998) Dispute Processes: ADR and the Primary Forms of Decision Making London: Butterworths Partington, M (2006) 3rd edition Introduction to the English Legal System: Oxford University Press Sherr, A (1999) Client Care for Lawyers, 2nd edition, London: Sweet & Maxwell Webley, L (2005) Legal Writing: Cavendish Publishing Binder, D and Bergman, P and Price, S Legal Interviewing and Counselling: A Client Centred Approach (1991) West Publishing Chapman, J Interviewing and Counselling (Cavendish, 1993) 37 10 Twist, H Effective Interviewing (Blackstone Press, 1992) 11 Maughan & Webb: Lawyering Skills and the Legal Process 12 Boon, A & Levin, J (1999) The Ethics and Conduct of Lawyers in England & Wales Oxford: Hart Publishing Haigh, R (2004) 13 Legal English: Cavendish Publishing Maughan, C & Webb, J (2005) 14 Lawyering Skills and the Legal Process, 2nd edition, London: Butterworths Nicolson, D & Webb, J (1999) 15 Professional Legal Ethics: Critical Interrogations, Oxford: Oxford University Press Partington, M (2006) 3rd edition 16 Introduction to the English Legal System: Oxford University Press Sherr, A (1999) 17 Client Care for Lawyers, 2nd edition, London: Sweet & Maxwell Webley, L (2005) Legal Writing: Cavendish Publishing ... Arbitration: Cases Materials and Notes on the Resolution of International Business Disputes (see above – Section 1) 1997 INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION: CONTRACTS AND ARBITRATION (111) The FIDIC Conditions... Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice, London (Sweet & Maxwell, 4th edition 2003) 40 Tibor Várady, John J Barceló, III, Arthur T von Mehren, International Commercial Arbitration – A Transnational... Conditions for EPC/Turnkey Projects (The Silver Book) Jane Jenkins and Simon Stebbings, International Construction Arbitration Law (Kluwer 2013) John Hinchey and Troy Harris, International Construction

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