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Một số mẫu kháng nghị hàng hải ( Letter of protest)

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Date Date 02 Nov 2019 Port Rosario, Argentina To DREYFUS ARG To Whom it may concern Protest Letter for Cargo Shortage Dear Sir or Madam, In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Part.

Date: 02 Nov 2019 Port: Rosario, Argentina To: DREYFUS ARG To: Whom it may concern Protest Letter for Cargo Shortage Dear Sir or Madam, In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Party applicable to this voyage and the sailing instructions, the vessel ordered DREYFUS ARG to provide on board 50,500 metric tons of Soyabeanmeal in Bulk and had provided cargo space on board sufficient to load the quantity as so ordered accordingly Upon the completion of loading at this port on 02 Nov 2019/ 11:30 LT, the total cargo loaded on board was found to be 46,650 metric tons by shore’s figures corresponding to her max allowed sailing draft of 9.91mtr Therefore, I, Captain DINH VUONG TRUONG, the Master of the M.V NAVIOS MARCO POLO hold all of you fully responsible and liable for loss of freight or other result whatsoever due to and/or in relation to the alleged shortage of 3,850 metric tons of Soyabeanmeal in Bulk as the above- mentioned Yours faithfully, (Signature) Master of M/V NAVIOS MARCO POLO (Signature) -[Shipper/Charters/Agent] (Signature) - For and on behalf of all the owners of M.V “NAVIOS MARCO POLO” Copy to: owners, ship manager, charterer Date: 30 Oct 2019 Port : Rosario, Argentina NOTICE OF DEADFREIGHT To: DREYFUS ARG To: Whom it may concern Dear Sirs/Mesdames, This is to inform all parties that I, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong, Master of MV NAVIOS MARCO POLO herewith confirmed the following that the vessel completed loading cargo of Soyabeanmeal in bulk at time 0840H LT/ 1140H GMT on the 30 Oct 2019 at XXXXXX Upon the completion of loading at this port THE ACTUAL CARGO LOADED ONBOARD As per the Shore’s Figure is 45,350 MT with balance cargo to load of MT We had declared cargo quantity to load as 50,500 MT of Soyabeanmeal in Bulk, based on pre- booked Cargo Quantity and as per Charter Party Contract OUR STOWAGE PLAN was prepared accordingly to this quantity The vessel has still available space to load the balance cargo however due to unavailability of Cargo as per Shipper Advice, thus the vessel failed to load more up to her booked cargo Therefore, I, Captain, DINH VUONG TRUONG, the Master of the M.V NAVIOS MARCO POLO hold all of you fully responsible and liable for loss of freight or other result whatsoever due to and/or in relation to the alleged shortage of 200 metric tons of Soyabeanmeal in Bulk as the above-mentioned Yours faithfully, (Signature) - Master of M/V NAVIOS MARCO POLO (Signature) [Shipper/Charters/Agent] (Signature) - For and on behalf of all the owners of M.V “NAVIOS MARCO POLO” Copy to: owners, ship manager, charterer M.V “NAVIOS MARCO POLO” Port of: Rosario, Argentina Voyage No.: 53 Date: 27th Oct 2019 To: Whom It May Concern: LETTER OF PROTEST This is to inform you that our vessel, M.V NAVIOS MARCO POLO arrived at Rosario on 20th Oct.2019/1920LT for her loading of Soybeanmeal in Bulk On 27th Oct 2019 at 0900LT, Customs, Local Agent, and Surveyors Officers (02-SENASA and 01-Intertek Surveyors) boarded her for formalities and cargo hold inspection The protecting boarding agent and Surveyors, attended by Ship’s Officers and crews, climbed into cargo holds for inspection During the course of hold inspection at Rosario, the Surveyors unreasonably try to find any small object of cargo hold to make trouble, they used hand sharp tools to scratch tank top the holds No.2, 4, (These tank tops are bare-steel metal without painting coat and already de-rusted, hose washed, wiped, and was dry, clean without any flaking of) but inspectors said it is not very clean and residue of last cargo which is clear kind of harassment reasoning of unscrupulous Hold Inspectors They alleged a little black and yellow colour and they said that this is from previous cargo residue Other holds they nothing to say but immediately failed holds Although intermediate INTERTEK accepted cargo holds condition at this port Basing on our daily hold cleaning report and pictures that were sent to you, the cargo holds were diligently and properly prepared, holds were clean, dry, odorless, free from rust scale, free from insects and free from residue of previous cargoes and ready for grain loading Obviously the causes of hold failure were neither because of ship’s rust scales nor because of flaking paint but because of dishonest hold inspection Furthermore, as indicated in many of our previous messages and daily hold cleaning report sent to all parties concerned that my crew have done all our best eforts to comply with Charterer’s Hold Cleaning instruction with all available means, resources readily onboard despite of the adverse weather experienced during hold cleaning The failure of the holds lies with Surveyor’s discernment and was beyond Master’s control We refuse this fabricated and imaginary cause of hold failure Cargo residues and Rust Scale were highlighted as the cause of hold failure as you are well aware that it is customary in this port that the Master is forced, pressured and harassed to give in to the DEMANDS of the CARGO HOLD SURVEYORS that a certain FEE MUST be given to them in order to pass the inspection, with accompanying threat(veiled or direct) of making problems (perceived/fabricated or imaginary) as per aforementioned As you understood surveyors failed the holds, which is not unusual in this Country We have many experiences in preparing cargo holds for loading Grain standard at Vancouver (Canada), Alama(USA), Nueva Palmira(Uruguay), Santos, Sao Francisco Do Sul, Macapa, Ponta da Madeira( Brazil), Brisbane, Newcastle, Port of Lincoln (Australia)…these holds condition are OK and were passed in 1st inspection I, attest Master and the crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo holds as per our report and holds photos sent as primal face evidence to your respective office Fearing that any party or all parties that may concern will claim related to down time, time lost and hiring of Shore Labor , I hereby enter this Note of Protest to protect myself, the vessel, her crew and her owners against all possible claims or consequences of whatsoever arising from said hold failure, reserving the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient Yours faithfully, Master of M.V Navios Marco Polo/ Capt Dinh Vuong Truong (Signed and stamp) ================================= To: CARGILL To: LDC/ Cc: Cc: Cc: KOWA MARINE Louis AGENCIA Dreyfus Company MARITIMA NAVIOS Freight Asia NABSA Pte Ltd S.A CORPORATION M.V “NAVIOS MARCO POLO” Voyage No.: 53 2019 Port of: Rosario, Argentina Date: 24th Oct, To Whom It May Concern: LETTER OF PROTEST This is to inform you that , M.V NAVIOS MARCO POLO berthed at Rosario, Argentina at 24th Oct, 2019/ 0255LT for loading cargo of Soybean meal On 24th Oct, 2019/ 0255LT the Custom, Sub-Agent, and Surveyors Officers (02-SENASA and 01-Intertek Surveyors) came on board for formalities, garbage inspection and cargo holds inspection Protection’s agent with Surveyors climbed inside of cargo holds for inspection with Ship’s Officers and crews After completing inspection of vessel’s Garbage Store/Space, which is properly segregated/compressed and stored as per vessel’s Garbage Management Plan with total amount on board only 1.2 Cubm in comparison to her total storage capacity of 3.0 Cubm, they determined that garbage must be landed without any clear ground Fearing that any party or all parties that may concern will claim related, I hereby enter this Note of Protest to protect, served and avail myself, the vessel, crew and its Owners against all possible claims that may arise therefrom Yours faithfully, Master of M.V Navios Marco Polo Capt Dinh Vuong Truong (Signed and stamp) ========================================== = To: LOUIS DREYFUS COMPANY FREIGHT ASIA PTE LTD Cc: CARGILL INTL SA Cc: AGENCIA MARITIMA NABSA S.A BUENOS AIRES Cc: NAVIOS CORPORATION Cc: KOWA MARINE M/V NAVIOS MARCO POLO Panama LETTER OF PROTEST Date : 02 NOV 2019 Port : ROSARIO, ARGENTINA To: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong master of MV “ Navios Marco Polo “, hereby confirmed the following and file my protest for future reference: That the above-mentioned vessel under my command has completed loading of Soyabeanmeal in bulk at 0500hrs LT02 NOV 2019in the port of ROSARIO, ARGENTINA and the cargo loaded onboard was revealed as follows: By Shore scale : 46,650.000 By Ship’s draft survey : 46,600.000 Diference : 50.000 In view of the above diference and failing to make an appropriate remarks on the Mate’s Receipt accordingly due the quantity of the Bill of Lading will be by shore scale figures therefore, I hereby hold myself, the vessel, her officers and crew and her Owners, NOT responsible for any results of short-landing at discharging port or whatsoever claims of any nature arising from the said discrepancy as may be presented and reserving the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient Sincerely Yours, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong Master: M/V NAVIOS MARCO POLO Accepted by: Dear To, Sir/ Madam Agents / RIVER MARITIME Nueva Palmira In consideration of the fact that the bills of lading covering the cargo loaded, or to be loaded, on my vessel at this port will not be presented to me for signature before the departure of my vessel, I authorise you to sign bills of lading on my behalf, subject always to the following conditions: Prepare the bills of lading in strict conformity with the mate receipt and without prejudice to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the governing Charter Party dated 13 June 2019 That the said bills of lading are to bear the date on which loading of the cargo concerned was completed Under no circumstances are they to be dated earlier or later than the date of completion of loading Please note that you not have authority to sign any bill of lading which does not specifically incorporate all terms, conditions and exceptions of the charter party That the said bills of lading are in all other respects to conform fully with all instructions you may have received from the owners or managers of my vessel This authorisation is valid for the present call of my vessel at this port only and may be withdrawn or amended at any time This authorisation may not be assigned to any other party Any bills of lading signed by you which not comply with the above conditions will be deemed to have been signed without authority Should you encounter any difficulty in complying fully with the terms of this authorisation, you are hereby instructed to contact the managers of my vessel For acknowledgement Master: Agents Date: Sept 15th, 2019 Port : Beihai, China LETTER OF PROTEST To: Whom it may concern To: Messrs.’ (Agent) Cc: Other parties involved Dear Sirs/Mesdames, This is to inform all parties that I, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong, Master of MV “NAVIOS MARCO POLO”, herewith file this Protest Letter due to possible discrepancy in discharged cargo quantity at BEIHAI (TIE SHAN) as declared by the Receivers and/or their Appointed Cargo Surveyor/s and/or Representative/s based on their draft survey result against the discharged cargo quantity as determined by vessel’s representative’s (Chief Officer) own draft survey Cargo Type/s: URUGUAYAN SOYABEANS IN BULK Cargo Quantity: ????????? MT (Receiver Appointed Cargo Surveyor/s) 60,733.00 MT (Ship’s Figure / Vessel’s Representative) (B/Ls Figure: 60,732.583MT) ?????? MT (Discharged Cargo discrepancy) That during the Initial & Final Draft Survey conducted jointly by Receiver Appointed Cargo Surveyor/s and Vessels’ responsible Officer/Representative upon subject vessel’s berthing at Beihai, the two parties could not agree on the dock water density reading of about 1.0170 being taken and they have used 1.0140 that resulted the two different figures, each one having his own initial/final draft surveys In view of the aforementioned facts, I have caused this Letter of Protest to be issued absolving and keeping harmless the Vessel, her Officers and Crew and/or her Owners from any and all future or immediate costs or consequences of whatsoever claims of any nature arising from said discrepancy in discharged cargo quantity as may be presented, reserving the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient Attached photos Dock Water Density Yours Faithfully, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong Master / MV “NAVIOS MARCO POLO” Acknowledge Receipt: _ CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING AGENCY BEIHAI (PENAVICO BEIHAI) /As Agents Only CARGO HOLD EMPTINESS CERTIFICATE PORT : DATE : VOY # : (Discharge Port) (Date Accomplished) (Voyage Number) THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT M.V " (VESSEL’S NAME) " CARGO HOLD (s) (Hold#1,2,3,4,5 ,6,7) NO WERE INSPECTED AND FOUND EMPTY AFTER COMPLETION OF DISCHARGING (NAME OF CARGO DISCHARGED) AT TIME (Time Inspected) HRS ON (Date Inspected) THEREFORE, ALL CARGOES WERE DISCHARGED TO RECEIVER’S SATISFACTION AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BILLS OF LADING - Cargo said to weigh:(quantity & description as per B/L), AND THAT NO CARGO REMAINS ON BOARD SIGNED: Chief Officer / Master ATTESTED BY: Agent / Receiver M.V “NAVIOS MARCO POLO” Port of: Diamante, Argentina Voyage No.: 39 Date: 13th Aug, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: LETTER OF PROTEST This is to inform you that our vessel, M.V NAVIOS MARCO POLO anchorage at Diamante Roads at 13th Aug, 2017/ 1200LT for loading cargo of Soybean On 31st Mar, at 0230LT the Coast guard, Immigration Officers, Charterer’s agent, Protection’s agent and Surveyors Officers (SENASA and SGS Surveyors) came on board for formalities and inspection cargo holds Protection’s agent with Surveyors go inside of cargo holds for inspection with Ship’s Officers and crews Basing from our daily hold cleaning report and pictures that were sent to you, vessel’s cargo holds are clean, dry with clean bilges, without smell, free from rust including ladder, lower hoppers and lower bulkheads, and free from any previous cargo residue and water, free from insects ready to load the intended cargo But during inspection, the Surveyors want to try to find any small object of cargo hold (perceived/fabricated or imaginary) to make trouble, they used white glove to strong wipe in the behind of frames and tank top the holds No.4, 5, 6, (This tank top no paint, but we already de-rust, air hose, and then washing very clean) but inspectors said it is not very clean and residue of last cargo which is clear harassment reasoning of unscrupulous Hold Inspectors They alleged a little black and yellow colour on they glove and they said that this is from previous cargo residue (We already explained to them this is colour on surface of steel plate only) Other holds they nothing to say but immediately failed holds And at lower hoppers in all cargo holds, we already carefully derusted and painting all over all lower hoppers, but some place inspector using very sharp scraper with very strong force by hand for checking, only very small paint (not rust scale ) come out but they said it is rust scale Furthermore, as indicated in many of our previous messages and daily hold cleaning report sent to all parties concerned that my crew have done all our best eforts just to comply with Charterer’s Hold Cleaning instruction with all available means, resources and whatever cleaning materials readily onboard despite of the adverse weather experienced during hold cleaning Thus failure of the holds lies with Surveyor’s discernment and beyond Master control Cargo residues and Rust Scale were highlighted as the cause of hold failure however we refute this cause of failure as you are well aware that it is customary in this port that the Master is forced, pressured and harassed to give in to the DEMANDS of the CARGO HOLD SURVEYORS that a certain FEE MUST be given to them in order to pass the inspection, with accompanying threat(veiled or direct) of making problems (perceived/fabricated or imaginary) as per aforementioned As you understood surveyors failed the holds, which is not unusual in this Country We have many experiences in preparing cargo holds for loading Grain standard at Vancouver (Canada), alama(USA), Nueva Palmira(Uruguay), Santos, Sao Francisco sul, Macapa, Ponta da Madeira( Brazil), Brisbane, Newcastle, Port of Lincoln (Australia)…these holds condition are OK and were passed in 1st inspection Therefore we proved false the cause of hold failure and not of ship’s scales nor hard rust and not due to crew poor hold maintenance but because of Hold Surveyors clear intent to fail our holds beyond our control, therefore Clause 51 of our governing Charter Party Agreement should prevail I, attest Master and the crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo holds as per our report and holds photos sent as primal face evidence to your respective office Thus fearing that any party or all parties that may concern will claim related to down time, time lost and hiring of Shore Labor, May I hereby enter this Note of Protest to protect, served and avail myself, the vessel, crew and its Owners against all possible claims that may arise or any default to reject our cargo holds which is beyond Master's control thus absolving and keeping harmless my vessel or Owners from any and immediate costs or consequences of whatsoever arising from said hold failure Yours faithfully, Master of M.V Navios Marco Polo Capt Tran The Chinh (Signed and stamp) ================================= To: Cc: Cc: CARGILL Alpemar Shipping Agency NAVIOS CORPORATION Cc: KOWA MARINE M.V “RED JASMINE” Argentina Port of: San Lorenzo, Voyage No.: ??? Date: 13th April, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: LETTER OF PROTEST This is to inform you that our vessel, M.V RED JASMINE anchorage at San Lorenzo Roads at 14th April 2012/ ????LT for loading cargo of Corn On 31st Mar, at 0230LT the Coast guard, Immigration Officers, Charterer’s agent, Protection’s agent and Surveyors Officers (SENASA and SGS Surveyors) came on board for formalities and inspection cargo holds Protection’s agent with Surveyors go inside of cargo holds for inspection with Ship’s Officers and crews Basing from our daily hold cleaning report and pictures that were sent to you, vessel’s cargo holds are clean, dry with clean bilges, without smell, free from rust including ladder, lower hoppers and lower bulkheads, and free from any previous cargo residue and water, free from insects ready to load the intended cargo But during inspection, the Surveyors want to try to find any small object of cargo hold (perceived/fabricated or imaginary) to make trouble, they used white glove to strong wipe in the behind of frames and tank top the holds No.4, 5, 6, (This tank top no paint, but we already de-rust, air hose, and then washing very clean) but inspectors said it is not very clean and residue of last cargo which is clear harassment reasoning of unscrupulous Hold Inspectors They alleged a little black and yellow colour on they glove and they said that this is from previous cargo residue (We already explained to them this is colour on surface of steel plate only) Other holds they nothing to say but immediately failed holds And at lower hoppers in all cargo holds, we already carefully derusted and painting all over all lower hoppers, but some place inspector using very sharp scraper with very strong force by hand for checking, only very small paint (not rust scale ) come out but they said it is rust scale Furthermore, as indicated in many of our previous messages and daily hold cleaning report sent to all parties concerned that my crew have done all our best eforts just to comply with Charterer’s Hold Cleaning instruction with all available means, resources and whatever cleaning materials readily onboard despite of the adverse weather experienced during hold cleaning Thus failure of the holds lies with Surveyor’s discernment and beyond Master control Cargo residues and Rust Scale were highlighted as the cause of hold failure however we refute this cause of failure as you are well aware that it is customary in this port that the Master is forced, pressured and harassed to give in to the DEMANDS of the CARGO HOLD SURVEYORS that a certain FEE MUST be given to them in order to pass the inspection, with accompanying threat(veiled or direct) of making problems (perceived/fabricated or imaginary) as per aforementioned As you understood surveyors failed the holds, which is not unusual in this Country We have many experiences in preparing cargo holds for loading Grain standard at Vancouver (Canada), alama(USA), Nueva Palmira(Uruguay), Santos, Sao Francisco sul, Macapa, Ponta da Madeira( Brazil), Brisbane, Newcastle, Port of Lincoln (Australia)…these holds condition are OK and were passed in 1st inspection Therefore we proved false the cause of hold failure and not of ship’s scales nor hard rust and not due to crew poor hold maintenance but because of Hold Surveyors clear intent to fail our holds beyond our control, therefore Clause 51 of our governing Charter Party Agreement should prevail I, attest Master and the crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo holds as per our report and holds photos sent as prima facie evidence to your respective office Thus fearing that any party or all parties that may concern will claim related to down time, time lost and hiring of Shore Labor, May I hereby enter this Note of Protest to protect, served and avail myself, the vessel, crew and its Owners against all possible claims that may arise or any default to reject our cargo holds which is beyond Master's control thus absolving and keeping harmless my vessel or Owners from any and immediate costs or consequences of whatsoever arising from said hold failure Yours faithfully, Master of M.V Red Jasmine Capt Marcelino B Manapsal (Signed and stamp) To: To: AGENCIA CJ Cc: MARITIME NABSA INTERNATIONAL S.A-BUENOS ASIA AIRES PTE LTD BAUMARINE Cc: DAIICHI Cc: NORDEN Cc: KOWA MARINE PROTEST LETTER To: To: To: To: operations@cetragpa.fr MCDistributionHague@bhpbilliton.com Panamax@BHPBilliton.com Michalis.Koronaios@bhpbilliton.com To: percy.tham@thams.se To whom it may concern I, Captain Thai Ba Ngoc, Master of mv Navios Marco Polo, cargo loaded on board 72,004mt of Coke Coal in bulk sailed from Haypoint, Australia on 26 January 2012, arrived and dropped anchor at Oxelosund anchorage on 22 March 2012 at 07:35hrs, currently at berth No 9.5 in the port of Oxelosund, Sweden hereby lodge this protest Letter: On arrival at Oxelosund anchorage on 22 March 2012 at 07:35hrs, vessel was in all respects ready for discharging the above cargo and N.O.R tendered at same time Vessel berthed by pilot at Oxelosund berth No 9.5 at 04:36hrs on 24 March 2012 Vessel discharging cargo operation was commenced on 24 March 2012, at 06:00hrs Vessel was detention on 24 March.2012 and lifted prohibition of this detention on 29 March.2012 by Oxelosund Port State Control, it was not efect caused the time to tender the notice of readiness and / or cargo operations At Oxelosund berth No 9.5 Vessel is in smooth cargo operations as same schedule given by local agent Mesrss “Percy Tham i Oxelosund AB” Vessel discharging cargo operation was completed on 30 March 2012, at 15:25hrs And ready for sailing The vessel does not accept any responsibility for all the delays / interruptions of the discharging / expenses incurred during cargo operation at Oxelosund berth Any claims against the vessel, her Owners due to vessel detention is rejected Received by Agents The Master of M/V Navios Marco Polo Capt Thai Ba Ngoc 30 March 2012 Port of Oxelosund, Berth No 9.5 LETTER OF PROTEST To: Blue Water shipping To: whom it may concern Date: 11 th Feb.2017 Subject: Loaded cargo in slightly rain condition Dear Sirs, My vessel, MV “NAVIOS MARCO POLO”, commenced loading Grain cargo at your berth TEMCO Grain Elevator at 0830LT on 8th Feb.2017 and completed loading cargo on 0930LT 11th Feb.2017 Owing to winter season, weather condition not so good, rain season in TACOMA, have slightly rain, fog coming during loading cargo operation that can create moisture inside the cargo holds This may cause cargo damage in the process I, Master and the crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo I hereby note protest regarding the presence of bad weather condition during loading cargo on behalf of my Owners and Charterers We reserve the right to refer to this matter again and hold you liable for any costs or claims incurred by either party relating to or in any way connected with this matter Your faithfully, Capt NGUYEN TRUNG KIEN Master of MV NAVIOS MARCO POLO Acknowledged by: Shore Representative LETTER OF PROTEST To: whom it may concern Date: 02 Nov.2019 Dear Sir or Madam, I am Capt Dinh Vuong Truong, Master of MV NAVIOS MARCO POLO hereby depose and say: My vessel berthed at LDC Gral Lagos, commenced loading cargo at 0000lt 31 Oct.2019 and completed loading at 1200lt 02 Nov.2019 On the date 2000lt 01 Nov.2019, weather condition was not so good, slight rain observed during loading operation at Cargo Hold No.2, that can create moisture inside the cargo holds and may cause cargo damage in the process All precautions were taken to save the cargo and the ship but nevertheless, fearing unforeseen damage to the cargo resulting from the above-mentioned weather condition, I state the present sea protest, reserving the right to extend the same at the time and place convenient Your faithfully, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong Master of MV NAVIOS MARCO POLO Acknowledged by: Shore Representative M/V NAVIOS MARCO POLO Panama LETTER OF PROTEST Date : 30 July 2019 Port : MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY To: Whom it may concern I, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong , master of MV “ NAVIOS MARCO POLO “, hereby confirmed the following and file my protest for future reference: That the above-mentioned vessel under my command has completed loading of Soya Beans at 0220hrs LT on 30 July 2019 in the port of Montevideo and the cargo loaded onboard was revealed as follows: By Shore scale : 13,000 MT By Ship’s draft survey : 12,950 MT Diference : 50 MT In view of the above diference and failing to make an appropriate remarks on the Mate’s Receipt accordingly due the quantity of the Bill of Lading will be by shore scale figures therefore, I hereby hold myself, the vessel, her officers and crew and her Owners, NOT responsible for any results of short-landing at discharging port or whatsoever claims of any nature arising from the said discrepancy as may be presented and reserving the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient Sincerely Yours, Capt Dinh Vuong Truong Master: M/V NAVIOS MARCO POLO Accepted by: SOUTHERN ROUTE MARITME S.A M.V NORD VENUS Notice of Marine Protest Vessel: Nord Venus Call sign: 3FLY4 Master: LE THANH SON Owner: SOUTHERN ROUTE MARITIME S.A Flag: PANAMA Port of reg.: PANAMA Official No.: 42117-KJ GRT: 42,711 NRT: 26,493 Voyage No.: 02 Cargo: 64,274.671mt SOYABEAN and SOYABEAN MEAL I am Capt Le Thanh Son, Master of MV NORD VENUS hereby depose and say: My vessel was berthing at ADM Europroort, Rotterdam on 16 th Oct.2011, commence discharge cargo at 0730lt 17 th Oct.2011 During discharging cargoes we encounter with the wet, drizzle, fog, mist and light rain weather condition that may later on caused unforeseen damage to cargo due to cold temperature, damp, wet and moisture content may be become high This damage may be found in the future, I place the said matter on record The hatches cover opened and discharging operation continue during abovementioned condition according to requirements from ADM stevedores/Receivers I hereby present this LETTER OF PROTEST to serve and avail myself, the vessel, crew, Owners from any liability and if necessary, reserve the right to extend the same at the time and place convenient Date: September 11, 2010 Port : Savona, Italy LETTER OF PROTEST To: Messrs Bunge S.A - Geneva To: Messrs Agenzia Maritima Saidelli Srl Cc: Messrs Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd - Piraeus Cc: Messrs Southern Star Shipping – New York Dear Sirs/Mesdames, This is to inform all parties that I, Capt Jeremias B Torres, Jr., Master of MV “SPRING HAWK”, herewith file this Protest Letter due to discrepancy in discharged cargo quantity at the port/s of VADO LIGURE / SAVONA as declared by the Receivers and/or their Appointed Cargo Surveyor/s and/or Representative/s based on their SHORE WEIGHING SCALE result against the discharged cargo quantity as determined by vessel’s representative’s (Chief Officer) own draft survey Cargo Type/s: ARGENTINE SOLVENT EXTRACTED TOASTED SOYBEANMEAL, IN BULK ARGENTINE SOLVENT EXTRACTED TOASTED SOYBEANMEAL HIPRO, IN BULK Cargo Quantity: 35,455.89 MT (Receivers Appointed Cargo Surveyor/s) 35,661.50 MT (Ship’s Figure / Vessel’s Representative) 205.61 MT (Discharged Cargo discrepancy) Please also take into account that during the course of the discharging operation both at Vado Ligure & Savona Ports, numerous and substantial amount of cargo spillages occurred resulting from small gaps in the grabs being used that fell onto the ship’s main deck and on the adjacent quay These cargo spillages have not been recovered nor shoveled back into the vessel’s cargo holds or into the conveyor belts thus these spillages can be considered as spoiled cargo as these were wetted with rainwater during the times of experienced rain showers while the vessel is in port In view of the aforementioned facts, I have caused this Letter of Protest to be issued absolving and keeping harmless the Vessel, her Officers and Crew and/or her Owners from any and all future or immediate costs or consequences of whatsoever claims of any nature arising from said discrepancy in discharged cargo quantity as may be presented, reserving the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient Yours Faithfully, Capt Jeremias B Torres, Jr Master / MV “SPRING HAWK” Acknowledge Receipt: _ Agenzia Marittima Saidelli/As Agents Only To: Port Authority of San Nicolas M.V NAVIOS MARCO POLO Date: 08 Jul 2019 Voy 51 SEA PROTEST Port of : SAN NICOLAS, ARGENTINA Vessel’s name : NAVIOS MARCO POLO Vessel’s official number : 43104-11-A Vessel’s Tonnage : 42,711 Flag of nationality : PANAMA Owner : KOWA MARINE SERVICE CO., LTD Port of registry : PANAMA Master’s name : DINH VUONG TRUONG Master’s license of competency: P0114780 issued on 14 Nov 2016 I hereby beg to report that the above vessel, under my command, left Tubarao, Brazil on 10:05hrs/03rd July 2019 bound for San Nicolas, Argentina, carrying 49,460 mt of Iron Ore cargo Arrived at San Nicolas, Argentina on th July 2019 Berthed at Siderar Terminal on 11th July 2019 The vessel draft is 10.36 meters fore and aft FW During the voyage the vessel met with heavy weather and heavy seas, the ship suffered rolling and pitching, heavily shipping water fore and aft and spraying overall All precautions were taken to save the cargo and the ship but nevertheless, fearing damage to the vessel and cargo during the bad weather, I state the present sea protest, reserving the right to extend the same at the time and place convenient Master of m.v NAVIOS MARCO POLO Capt DINH VUONG TRUONG Witnesses: Chief Officer: Duong Van Huy 2nd Officer: 3rd Nguyen Viet Thang Officer: Nguyen Huu Khanh Date: July 7, 2013 Port : Zhanjiang, China LETTER OF PROTEST To: Messrs (Charterer) To: Messrs (Agent) Cc: other parties involved Dear Sirs/Mesdames, This is to inform all parties that I, Capt _ Master of MV “IVS PINOTAGE”, herewith file this Protest Letter due to possible discrepancy in discharged cargo quantity at 2nd discharge as may be declared by the Receivers and/or their Appointed Cargo Surveyor/s and/or Representative/s based on their SHORE FIGURE???? result against the discharged cargo quantity as determined by vessel’s representative’s (Chief Officer) own draft survey Cargo Type/s: FERTILIZER IN BULK Cargo Quantity: ????????? MT (Shore Figure Hold 2,3,5) ????????? MT (Ship’s Figure / Vessel’s Representative) ?????? MT (Discharged Cargo discrepancy) In this regard owing all cargo holds (2,3 &5) were found empty at the time of completion of discharge, any discrepancy found at next discharge port as a result related from above figure, Master and vessel will not be responsible As all cargo had been discharged, transported, delivered in good condition, no claims will be accepted Vessel will not accept any shortage of cargo In view of the aforementioned facts, I have caused this Letter of Protest to be issued absolving and keeping harmless the Vessel, her Officers and Crew and/or her Owners from any and all future or immediate costs or consequences of whatsoever claims of any nature arising from said discrepancy in discharged cargo quantity as may be presented, reserving the right to extend the same at any time and place convenient Yours Faithfully, Capt Master / MV “IVS PINOTAGE” Acknowledge Receipt: _ ??????????????????????/As Agents Only ... (VESSEL’S NAME) " CARGO HOLD (s) (Hold#1,2,3,4,5 ,6,7) NO WERE INSPECTED AND FOUND EMPTY AFTER COMPLETION OF DISCHARGING (NAME OF CARGO DISCHARGED) AT TIME (Time Inspected) HRS ON (Date Inspected) THEREFORE,... standard at Vancouver (Canada), Alama(USA), Nueva Palmira(Uruguay), Santos, Sao Francisco Do Sul, Macapa, Ponta da Madeira( Brazil), Brisbane, Newcastle, Port of Lincoln (Australia)…these holds... Grain standard at Vancouver (Canada), alama(USA), Nueva Palmira(Uruguay), Santos, Sao Francisco sul, Macapa, Ponta da Madeira( Brazil), Brisbane, Newcastle, Port of Lincoln (Australia)…these holds

Ngày đăng: 10/10/2022, 09:26


