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Hướng dẫn ôn tập kiến thức và kiểm tra tiếng Anh 8 (Tập 2): Phần 2

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Mỗi bài học trong cuốn Hướng dẫn ôn tập kiến thức và kiểm tra tiếng Anh 8 chương trình mới đã hệ thống lại tất cả những kiến thức quan trọng nhất để các em dễ dàng ôn tập và thực hành nhất. Mỗi đơn vị bài học đều cung cấp cho các em 2 bài kiểm tra đánh giá có kèm đáp án chi tiết và transcrips để các em có thể kiểm tra lại những kiến thức mình học.

ulilT 12 'i' ON OTHI,R PtANtTS I,TIE ! - Ta MnYnilDMrGHr d - DoilG ruruUygTilrguimyViMIGHI ng va night nudn noi vA khq ndng cd the xdy cia mQt sv vi|c, hi€n hrqng ndo d6 hiQn tgi vii trcng lai VD: He mav come to see us tomorrow (C6 th6 ngdy mai anh Ay s6 d6n thim ch(ng ta.) The dress looks nice, but it might be very expensive (CAi v6y nhin dep nhung ch6c ld d6t 6m.) Thbng thudng moy vd might c6 thd thay thd cho Tuy nhi6n ta ditng may mudn di6n td sv vi€c c6 khd ndng xdy cao hon VD: It mav rain fl ror co the mua) It mighl rain (Trdi chua chic MCBooks h!v idnqoi@t di mua.) 46tu Chl c6 may ducc ditng phdp ldm ngln ng& trang v1i nghia "dvqc cho gi'l VD: Presenter lqav_Usg microphone if necessary (Ngudi Might d thuy6t inh ng muiin y€u c6 thd r1 ding m!cr6 n6u cAn.) ciu d6 ldm gi m\t cdch lich str VD: Might I interrupt you for a moment? (T6i c6 th6 c6t ngang loi anh m6t il - REDORTED SDECT{ IQUESIIOilSI Khi dtru nu)t ctitr - chft kh6ng?) CAU htn tiip r.i t:titt giirtt tiip efil nh tcAu l{6l thi nghi thtln.q ta thttt,e:n rin vi thi tk litilt t i hi Lltit ltii DOng Cdu t trtc askthudng aludc ding c5u 9i6n tidp chung: - D6i vdi ceu l6i l6t aiu bing WH: 'WH + tro dong tir + 52 + V?,(St said, ) 51 asked (somebody) +WH+52+V(lii rhdi) MCBooks-s.Ei5nif,e! io, rl r' Ct I flrdilG oiil lnlno - oil p ul mfl[ rm llixG rill tdp s - rAp ,,, Mary asked 'When is the next train?' :> Mary asked when the nem train !gAS (Mary h6i neo tdi chuy6n tdu ti6p theo.) - D6i v6i cau h6i Yes/4vo: C6u truc ti6p: 'Tro dong tiJ + 52 + V?'(S1 said, ) : > CAu gi6n ti6p: 51 asked (somebody) + iflwhether + 52 +V (liri thdi) VD: 'Is anybody here?' he said : > He asked if anybody lqag there (Anh ta h6i c6 tI6 kh6ng.) il - r{ U(nDS EIOflc It -RL StD -rrss - rngilG ftu ru xEr nruc riHc -rur -uss PROilUilOAIloi] SInESS Khi ta th1m hAu d -ful hodc -less viro danh tir tinh ti hoQc dQng ti dd no thi Am cia tir mdi di giiing ydi dqnh tit hodc d6ng lir g6c VD; 'weight = > 'weightless re'source = > re'sourceful 'air = > 'airless Ullll'!2: lllt 0ll 0lll[[ PUllff$ IESI A Organize these words into pairs of opposltes and put them in tne columns below meaningful helpfut hopeful meaningless plenl.iful thouglltless useful waterless thoughtful wondelfLrl uselcss forgetful resourceful hopeless be.tutiful Example meaninglful >- MCB@k5 ha&$droNr m Underllne the mistake an each sentcnce and correct it in thc Dlank Example: O Hannah said they were in Boston last vear, the year before Robert said rhat he likes rhat song She asked him whcre he had spencl his money He wantcd to know if she knew l.his lr-ran Tyler told 1ne Lhat he didn't invite qirls to his partry last weekend Jacob said tl-rdt I wolked in an office EIla asked me how your journey was Claire told me that she cleaned the windows todav B Luke said he don't know what to !1 Tom asked me if were the boys watching TV !g race@tg-oqa"m*-,., e UlllT 12: 10 llE 0ll 0TttE[ PlAltlTS Jennifer wanted to know where previous day I play football rhe to three people talking about llfe outside trattl the sneaters (l-ila) to thclr opanlons (At) l-isten (,*trl Spealer Speaker Speaker A Disagree B Undecided C Agree l-lstcn again Wnich speaker (i-ill) Thinks that scientists will find a way ro communicate wirh aliens in the future Says the Earth and the life forms on Earth are unique Asks for evidence Thinks that some people are afraid to tr"ti"rr" tnut tt ro ""u," orher lifp in the univer\e Says that it is difficult to communicate with aliens Mentions science flctions 10 Menlions a numbcr I ,.},\ lurrilG NLL' [fu 0x rip ut mfu rm nfre mr mp o r{p z Many scientists believe that intelligert life exists somewhere beyond our planet, the Eafih It is probable, the), say, because of the long existencc and huge size of the universe Stephen Hawking, one of the world's most magnificent scientists, states the impofiance for human beings to move into space: 'Once we spread out into space and establish iudependent colonies, our future should be safe' It was diffrcult to search for evidences of life in the universe in the past Fofiunately, scientists have rccently invented a variety ofpowerful equipment to aid them By using tools like the Hubble Telescope, the scientists have proved that there are at least 100 billion galaxies And our galaxy, the Milky Way, has at least 100 billions stars Telescopes also allow scieltists to identift smaller planets, in the size of Ear1h, which are believed to have intelligent life These ones might belong to other solar systems Even if expefis find out some signs of intelligent life in the universe, it is not easy to contact these beings The distance between planets is too grcat In fact, intelligent beings in other plarets may be trying to communicate with us now, using methods such as radio signals But we not have the right tools to receive their messages It is going to take a continuing cooperation between scientists ftom all other the world to build t-he bridge Io oLhcr life forms in our universe MCBoolc ft!!.i !d @oi N, Ullll 12: tlII 0ll 0IHI[ Phl{[$ Choose the best answer for each question What is the main purpose of this passage? A To explain how the universe started B To show the work of the scientists C To explain the beliefs ofthe scientists D To describe how telescopes work Choose the best title for the passage? A Life Beyond Earth C Our planet, Earth B The Mitky Way D The enormous universe Stephen Hawking probably agrees that A Creatures from other planets might conquer the Earth B Creatures from other planets are enemies of human beings on Earth C Human beings on Earth should conquer other planets D Our life is not safe on Earth 'It was difficult to search for evidences oflife in the universe in the past.' means: A Now it is still difficult to search for evidences of life in the universe B It was easy to search for evidences of life in the universe c Nothing could prevent scientists liom searching for evidences of life in $e universe D Until recently, it was difflcult to search for evidences of life in the universe 'The universe has billions of each with billions of .' The missing words are: A human beings - intelligent beings la - ,, -tar.r:'o UNIT I Alllln SGIPT l: SCIENCE AND TECHNOI.OGY IESI A an assistant and statements or f a for Assistant: Good morning six How can I help you? Customer: Yes, Assistant: Let's me see Well How about this one? It's one of I'm looking for a new laptop the best-selling models in our shop Customer: Really? It looks quite nice Assistant: Yes nice isn't it? It comes in three different colors: gold, silver, ard black Customer: I prefer the black one Could you tell me about the technical specifications? What about the memory? Assistant: It comes with 512 megabytes ofRAM included If you want to increase that, you can buy extra memory for it Customer: rL }) How fast is the processor? MCBooks-rey&s+i@iiEi Atu It's let me see 1.8 gigahertz Assistant: Very fast Customer: Oh That isn't particularly fast, actually Assistant: Well, it isn't slow! Customer: I see Assistant: One ofthe best features is the display It's a 13.3-inch LED -glossy widescreen display with support for millions of colors Customer: Not LCD? Assistant: No, LED It gives a brighter and sharper picture I'll start it up so you can see Customer: And what other features does it have? Assistant: It weighs oniy 1.8 kg, so it's very light for you to take ever!-where Customer: And what's the sound like? Do I need to buv external speakers for it? Assistant: Absolutely not, the built-in speakers are excellent Customer: And how much is it? Assistant: $500 Customer: I see Can I try it for a moment? Assistant: Sure, go ahead Customer: Thanks Assistant: Sir what are you doing? Customer: I'm searching online For the same laptop at a cheaper pricel m llrd]ro [iil 0x puA[d fll IESI fliilG [[[ ldp s - rip B fistcn and write T for true statements or F for false ones @o At age 25, Minh has spent 19 years of her life in school, from kindergarten to the day she graduated from medical school in May 2015 It was difficult to get into medical school, but once she got there, she realized that the following years would be much harder Becoming a doctor meant more years in the classroom, sleepless nights studying for exams, and several months in hospitals 'Becoming a doctor is wonderful because you can something for other people', she said After graduating, Minh works in a local hospital She takes care of a number of patients and speaks to them every day to see how they are doing Dr Minh realized that when she chose to be a doctor, she had to become a devoted person for ever Some people may feel scared of that idea, buL Minh feels proud She sdid it was really great ro find something that she loved and could continue doing for the rest of her life " McB@ts orys,:+ry-rN, F I Aulil0 $cntPr UNIT 12: LIIE ON OTHTR PIANETS IESI A Llsten to three people talklng about life outside Earth Match the speakers (l-lll) to thelr oplnlons (A{) (TPACK w.@D Speaker i I believe that life must exist on other planets You know there are about 100 billion stars in our galaxy, so there's a pretty high chance that there are planets out there with the right conditions for life like our planet In fact, scientists have recently discovered a number of planets beyond our solar system Of course, I know that it is difficult to make contact with aliens because the distance between stars is enormous And we don't even know what language they speak However, I believe that the scientists will soon find Speaker a way to communicate with them ii MCBoolc sqEi*.ii@i:qi \ Lr at m ltIdilG oi]r ilil rlip lti t(f rB[ fliilG AII tdp I - rip z To be honest, nobody really knows about the life on other planets While some people say that there must be life out there simply because r here are so many stars in the galaxy, I would argue that the chances of finding conditions for life such as oxygen, water and right temperature are really scarce I think the Earth and human beings on our planet are unique So, I'd say that we're the only life in the galaxy Perhaps some people say there are aliens because they're just afraid to admit that we are alone in this enormous universe Speaker iii If you ask me about life outside the Earth, well, I'm not sure I know the universe is old and huge so there may be other life out there Since science fiction stories gave us romantic notions about aliens, if there were any of them out in the universe, I believe they would have already visited the Earth But still there is no convincing evidence yet You cannot expect people to believe it just the way it is So let's see if the scientists can come up with at least one piece of convincing evidence in the future MCBoolG rly ! F-(i AUIIo SG PT IESI B Llsten and wrlte the name of the planet or star that the speaker talks about (#t It is the closest planet to Earth It is the third brightest object in Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon This planet was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty Ii is the second planet from the Sun In the past, people thought it was made of cheese Others believed it could change a person into a wolf It looks different in the sky at a different time of the month Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on its surface This planet was named after the Roman second smallest planet in the solar system color surface It god of war It has It is the a brownish-red is the fourth planet from the Sun A year in this planet is 88 days It is the smallest planet in the solar system It is the closest planet to the Sun In human history, it has been feared and worshipped Its surface temperature hits 5500'C This star provides energy for life This planet has a faint ring system around it and a very unique m ludlrG oiil 0x 4pui firi [ fliilc fil tdp s - rAp doud layer It was named after the Roman king of the gods It js easily the liulrest rnd nost n]assivc planel in |he Solar System This lllaDct was lbrmed sornewhere around 4.54 billion ycars ago It is l.he l.hird planet lrom the Sun It is curlcntly the only known planet' to support life B 11 is second l.irljest planet of the Solar Sysl.em in lerrns ol di.rmetel and mass It is onc of five planets able to be seen wjth the nake.l eyc This planet is qlrit.e sinrilor to Jupiter sixth planet fi'orn thc Sun MCBookJ-6a6^'&hre'"ian lt is thc I AUDIO SCRIPT

Ngày đăng: 30/09/2022, 09:33


