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UNIT 5: FOOD AND DRINK Lesson 5: Skills I OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: Knowledge - Develop their reading skill for specific information about food and drink - Talk about the popular food and drink * Vocab: lexical items about food and drink * Grammar: The simple present Competences: - Develop listening and writing skills - Actively join in class activities Qualities - Promote pride in the values of Vietnamese culture - Develop love for family and traditional food and drink II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Text books, pictures, planning,… - Grade textbook, Unit 5, skill - Smart TV/Pictures, sets of word cards - sachmem.vn Students: Text books, notebooks, posters, … III PROCEDURES Warm-up (5’) * Aim: To create a friendly and active atmosphere in the class before the lesson To lead in the topic of the reading text * Content: guess : What is it ?(picture about food) ham, lemonade, sausage, tofu, rice, noodle, sauce, sticky rice * Products: Students say the correct answers aloud Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content - T- Ss * guess: what is it? - Teacher shows some pictures which illustrate the food - Students have to guess the name of the food - Teacher provides feedback and confirms the answers: + Lead in: -To lead in the text about the especial food in Vietnam - Teacher asks students questions to lead in the reading text: Reading * Aim: To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge of the topic - To prepare students with vocabulary related to the lesson; To lead in the reading skills * Content: Some vocabularies related the lesson * Products: Read and understand the meaning of the words * Pre- reading (7’) Teacher’s and Ss’activities TASK WORK IN PAIRS DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING Is popular in your QUESTIONS (Ex 1, p.56) neighbourhood? *Teacher pairs Ss, gives them some time to discuss about “Phở”, using suggested questions ** Ss discuss as guided *** After discussing, Ss talk about in front of the class **** T listens and may ask some other questions about how to make Phở TASK READ PHONG’S BLOG T –Ss : - Pre teach vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (pictures, situation, realia) - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words * Checking vocab: < Rub out and remember Content When can we have pho? What are the main ingredients of pho? * VOCABULARY: snack /snæk/: đồ ăn vặt taste /teɪst/: nếm broth /brɒθ/: nước dùng, canh stew /stju:/: hầm boneless /ˈbəʊnləs/: không xương * Checking vocab: * While reading (15’) Teacher’s and Ss’activities Task 2: READ PHONG’S BLOG MATCH THE UNDERLINED Content Task 2: WORDS IN THE TEXT WITH THEIR MEANINGS (Ex 2, p.56) *Teacher asks Ss to scan the passage to find and work out the meanings of the words (1-5) in the passage and match with their meanings (a-e), using the context **Ss quickly locate the words, read with full concentration and complete focus, predict and match them with the provided meanings ***Ss swap their answers with each other ****Teacher checks the answers as a class, confirms the correct answers Or for weak classes, Teacher may ask for translation to check understanding TASK READ PHONG’S BLOG AGAIN AND CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER A, B OR C (Ex 3, p 56) *Teacher gives instructions **Ss work individually to carefully read and underline key words in the given part of the sentences and three options of the other part that fit in Then, they locate the key words in the text, thoroughly read the text to choose the correct option to complete the sentences Teacher tells them to underline parts of the passage that help them with the answers and set a strict time limit to Key: d b c a e TASK READ PHONG’S BLOG AGAIN AND CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER A, B OR C (Ex 3, p 56) The text is mainly about _ A pho, a popular dish in Viet Nam B popular dishes in Viet Nam C different ways to cook Pho is made mainly with A rice noodles and beef or chicken B rice, pork, and vegetables C fish, shrimp, and noodles We enjoy A only for breakfast B for lunch and dinner C at any time of the day To make noodles for pho, we use _ A a variety of sticky rice B the best kind of rice C eggs and rice flour The broth for is made by _ A slowly cooking beef or chicken bones B cooking beef or chicken with fish sauce C boiling potatoes and chicken bones for a long time Key: A A C B A ensure Ss read the text quickly for information *** Ss share their answers with others to compare their choices in pairs before showing them in the class and to Teacher Teacher also asks them to give evidence when giving the answers ****Teacher nominates some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud, listens and then gives them correct answers Speaking * Aims: To help Ss generate ideas for the speaking activity * Content: Work in groups Brainstorm Answer the mind map * Products: Some students demonstrate fluently it in front of the class * Pre- speaking (5’) Teacher’s and Ss’activities Content Task 4: T - Ss, Ss – Ss TASK MAKE NOTES ABOUT A POPULAR FOOD AND DRINK IN YOUR AREA THINK ABOUT ITS MAIN INGREDIENTS, HOW OFTEN AND WHEN YOU HAVE IT (Ex * Teacher asks Ss to brainstorm or 4, p 56) use a mind map/ web to make notes about a popular food and drink in their area in groups of or Ss (Teacher can show them a mind map as a sample) ** Ss think about a popular food or drink in their area, its ingredients and how often and when people in their neighbourhood have it and note down quickly these ideas as instructed during the time limit set by the teacher *** Ss share their ideas with other groups **** Teacher asks them some extra questions to help Ss if they lack ideas or if they have had too many ones to choose from * While-Speaking (6’) * Aims: To provide an opportunity for Ss to practise talking about a popular food or drink * Content: Talk about a popular food or drink * Products: Some students present their answers to the class Teacher’s and Ss’activities Content Task 5: T - Ss, Ss – Ss Task 5: Work in groups Tell your group about your favourite food or drink For example * T asks Ss to talk using the notes/ maps/ webs that they have prepared My favourite food is omelet Its main ingredients are egg, salt, cold water, pepper and oil I often enjoy it for lunch at home It is very tasty in their own group and then nominates some of them (maybe, with yellow color of egg and it is healthy food I really love this dish strong students) to model this activity in front of the class ** Ss practise *** Then, Ss listen to their classmates presenting and give positive comments to the others' **** Teacher gives feedbacks Post-Reading and Speaking (5’) * Aim: To help students to recall information they’ve learned during class and reflect on gaps in their knowledge * Content: summarise about their favorite food or drink * Products: a mind map about their favorite food or drink Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content - Teacher has Ss summarise what - Ss give the mind map they have learnt in the lesson with the two skills If there is time, have them draw a mind map to summarise the main points of the lesson Homework (2’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities - Teacher asks students to revise old lesson and to exercise in workbook Content - Do exercise in workbook - Prepare for the next lesson: Skills ... * While reading ( 15 ? ??) Teacher’s and Ss’activities Task 2: READ PHONG’S BLOG MATCH THE UNDERLINED Content Task 2: WORDS IN THE TEXT WITH THEIR MEANINGS (Ex 2, p .56 ) *Teacher asks Ss to... Teacher’s and Ss’activities TASK WORK IN PAIRS DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING Is popular in your QUESTIONS (Ex 1, p .56 ) neighbourhood? *Teacher pairs Ss, gives them some time to discuss about “Phở”, using suggested... 2, p .56 ) *Teacher asks Ss to scan the passage to find and work out the meanings of the words (1 -5) in the passage and match with their meanings (a-e), using the context **Ss quickly locate the

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2022, 14:11

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