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TA1 GA fun time 4

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Teacher’s name: Week: TIẾNG ANH FUN TIME LESSON Time allocation: period I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - say the letters, sounds and words they have learnt with correct pronunciation II INPUT Language: - Sounds /n/ (letter n) and /t/ (letter t) - Vocabulary: bananas, noodles, nuts, top, teddy bear, tiger, turtle Resources/Material: - Student’s book p 63 - Teacher’s guide pp 155-156 - Sachmem.vn - Flashcards with the pictures of the words from Units 13 and 14 - Computer, projector III PROCEDURE Warm-up – Trace and colour Then say – Let’s play - Homelink Procedure Warm-up Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes Option 1: Revising the sounds and words - Write the letters n and t on the boards Have pupils say the letter names and the letter sounds - Stick some flashcards including some pictures of the words from Units 13 and 14 on the board Have pupils play Kim’s game in three minutes Option 2: Singing the chant - Ask pupils to sing the chants in Unit 13 and Unit 14 together Have them stand and clap their hands when they sing - Lead to Activity 1, Fun time Trace and colour Then say 13 minutes Step Have pupils look at the pictures and explain what to You can model with one picture Whole class Individual work Whole class Whole class Step Ask pupils to trace and colour the pictures Say Now trace and colour the pictures, please! Go around to offer help, if necessary Whole class Individual work Step Have pupils work in pairs to compare their work and practise saying the words Move around and correct their pronunciation, if necessary Pair work Step Call some pupils to show their work and say the words in front of the class Give comments Individual work Whole class Key: top, teddy bear turtle, tiger Extension After the pupils have finished the above activity, divide the class into two teams Call one pupil from each team to go to the board Read out a word for these pupils to write the word down Pupils from each team take turns to go to the board and write the words Give a point for each correct word Whole class Group work Let’s play: Mystery bag 12 minutes Step Have pupils look at the picture Explain the rules of the game: Whole class Teacher gives a mystery bag having letter cards (the letters can be all the letters the pupils have learnt or the letters from Unit 13 to Unit 14) Pupils play this game in teams One pupil from each team picks up a letter card from teacher’s mystery bag He/She reads the letter aloud, and then says a word which includes that letter Step Divide the class into two big teams Call one representative from each team to the board Ask him/her to pick up one letter card from the bag and read aloud the letter Then say a word that includes the letter If he/she is correct, his/her team gets point The team with more points is the winner Group work Step Keep record of the stars/points for each team Announce the winning team Whole class Extension With a better class, after the pupils become experts at the game, you can increase the difficulty by using all of the letters pupils have learnt from the beginning of the academic year It is a good chance for them to revise the letters and words learnt Whole class Homelink minutes - Have pupils say the letters n and t as well as the sounds /n/ and / t/ again - Then: Option 1: Show a part of the picture flashcard and have pupils guess and say the word Option 2: Write letters n and t on the board Ask pupils to speak out all of the words they learnt that have letter n or t - Tell pupils to practise saying the letters, sounds and words at home Whole class Individual work Teacher’s name: Week: TIẾNG ANH FUN TIME Lesson Time allocation: period I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - identify and say the words they have learnt correctly - write letters to complete the learnt words Language: Vocabulary: bananas, noodles, nuts, top, teddy bear, tiger, turtle Resources/Material: - Student’s book p 64 - Sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide pp 157-158 - Flashcards to play games - Computer, projector II INPUT III PROCEDURE Warm-up – Write and say – Let’s play – Home link Procedure Warm-up Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes Option 1: Have pupils play a vocabulary game on sachmem Ask pupils to say out loud all of the words they have learnt and played with Whole class Individual work Option 2: Have pupils play Mystery bag game Remember to ask them to read aloud both the letters and the words - Lead to Activity 3, Fun time Whole class Individual work Write and say 12 minutes Step Have pupils look at the pictures Explain how to the activity Pupils look at Whole class each picture and complete the words by writing the missing letters After that, they read the words out loud Step Model one word with the whole class Whole class Step Have pupils the activity individually Go around to offer help, if needed Individual work Step Get pupils to check their answers in pairs Then ask some pairs to give their Pair work answers Give comments and confirm the correct answers Whole class Step Have pairs practise saying the words Go around to check their pronunciation Pair work KEY: noodles, nuts, tiger, bananas Extension With a better class, after pupils finish the activity, cover the words, show the Pair work pictures only and have pupils read aloud the words from their memory Then have some pupils go to the board and write the words Let’s play: Pictionary 13 minutes Step Have pupils look at the pictures and ask them to guess how to play in the game (they may speak out their guesses) Explain how to play this game: Pupils will play the game in teams Give a pupil a word card, and he/she draws the word Other team members have to guess the word the team member is drawing on the board Whole class Step Divide the class into two big teams and draw a line down the middle of the board Whole class Step Call two pupils, one from each team to the board Give each of them a word card Remember the two words are the same Individual work/Group work Step Tell the pupils to draw a picture which is the same picture from the word card on the board and encourage their team to guess the word The first team who shouts the correct answer gets a point Group work Step The pupils who has completed drawing should then nominate someone else to draw for their team Repeat this until all the words are gone Individual work Step Keep record of the stars/points for each team Announce the winning team Whole class Extension Divide the class into groups After pupils finish playing the game, have the groups write down the words they have encountered in the game The group with the most words wins Whole class/ Group work Homelink minutes Option 1: Stick some flashcards and write some words on the board Have pupils draw lines to match the pictures and the words Then ask them to say the words aloud Whole class Individual work Option 2: Write incomplete words on the board Invite some pupils to go to the board and write the letters to complete the words - Tell pupils to practise saying the words and make sentences at home ... words from Units 13 and 14 on the board Have pupils play Kim’s game in three minutes Option 2: Singing the chant - Ask pupils to sing the chants in Unit 13 and Unit 14 together Have them stand... the game: Whole class Teacher gives a mystery bag having letter cards (the letters can be all the letters the pupils have learnt or the letters from Unit 13 to Unit 14) Pupils play this game... Whole class Individual work Teacher’s name: Week: TIẾNG ANH FUN TIME Lesson Time allocation: period I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: -

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2022, 14:06


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