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REVIEW 1 Câu 1 An organisation is owned and run by central government agencies The organisation is best described as which of the following statements? a) A voluntary sector organisation b) A private.

REVIEW Câu 1: An organisation is owned and run by central government agencies The organisation is best described as which of the following statements? a) b) c) d) A voluntary sector organisation A private sector organisation A public sector organisation None of them are correct Câu 2: The primary goal in non-profit organisations is the: a) b) c) d) Maximisation of profits -> profit organisations Reward to its employee Shareholder’s wealth -> dividend Provision of goods/services Câu 3: Which one of the following statements is true? a) Limited company status means that a company is only allowed to trade up to a predetermined turnover level in any one year b) For organisations that have limited company status, ownedship and control are legally separate c) The benefit of being a sole trade is that you have no personal liability for the debts of your business d) Ordinary partnerships offer the same benefits as limited companies but are usually formed by professionals such as doctors and solicitors Câu 4: The tern secondary stakeholders describes which group stakeholders? a) b) c) d) Stakeholders who conduct transactions with the organisation Stakeholders who have a contractual relationship with the organisation Stakeholders who not have contractual relationship with the organisation None of them are correct Câu 5: Which of following groups may be considered to be stakeholders in the activities of a nuclear power station? (i) The government (ii) Environmental pressure groups (iii) Employee (iv) Local residents a) b) c) d) (i), (iii) and (iv) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (iii) only (i) and (iii) only Câu 6: ADB is a business which is owned by its workers The worker share the profits and they each have a vote on how the business is run Which of following best decsribes ADB? a) b) c) d) Public sectors Private sectors Non-for-profit Co-operative Câu 7: ‘An organisation is a social arrangement which pursues collective…………… which controls its own performance and which has a boundary separating it from its environment.’ a) b) c) d) Profits Stakeholders Goals Tactics Câu 8: Which of the following organisations would rely most heavily on value for money indicators and effciency rather than information on performance and profitability? a) b) c) d) A private accountancy college A local authority A small retailer None of them are correct Câu 9: A private sector organisation is one owned or run by: a) b) c) d) Central government Local government Government agencies None of the above Câu 10: How can a business organisation differ from one another? Which one is false? a) b) c) d) Size Technology Have inputs which are processed and provide an output Ownership Câu 11: UNICEF is an organization that belongs to public sector a) True b) Flase Câu 12: Private sector includes Fire service a) True b) Flase Câu 13 : Both commercial and non for profit organization have the common objective making profit a) True b) Flase Câu 14: Connected stakeholder are a) Shareholder b) Customer c) A and B are correct Câu 14 : Political environment does not talk about corruption and trade restrictions a) True b) False Câu 15 : UNICEF is a… a) b) c) d) Public sector All answers are correct Private sector NGOs Câu 16 : Johnson and Scholes described a range of ethical stances Which of the following is not a part of the range ? a) b) c) d) Short – term shareholder interest Long – term shareholder interest Shaper of society Social audit Câu 17: Profit is the driving force both commercial organization and non-profit organization a) True b) False Câu 18: Who is one of connected stakeholders? a) b) c) d) Employee Owner Customer Governor Câu 26: According to the Medlow’s power interest matrix, the government is a stakeholder, who belongs to the box A with the strategy ………… a) b) c) d) Key players Keep satisfied Minimal efford needed here Keep informed Câu 27: Which three of the following statements is not true? (i) Limited company status means that a company is only allowed to trade up to a predetermined turnover level in any one year (ii) The benefit of being a sole trader is that you have no personal liability for the debts of your business (iii) For organisations that have limited company status, ownership and control are legally separate (iv) Ordinary partnerships offer the same benefits as limited companies but are usually formed by professsionals such as doctors and solicitors a) b) c) d) (i), (ii), (iv) (i), (iii), (iv) (i), (ii), (iii) (i), (iii), (iv) REVIEW Câu 1: What is an acronym used to describe the key elements of an organisation's external environment? a) b) c) d) SWOT SMART PESTEL None of them are correct Câu 2: Which of the following is not a legitimate method of influencing government policy in the interests of a business? a) Employing lobbyists to put the organisation's case to ministers or civil servants b) Giving lawmakers non-executive directorships c) Offering financial incentives to public officials to use their influence on the organisation's behalf d) Attempting to influence public opinion, to put pressure on the legislative agenda Câu 3: is an analysis of statistics on birth and death rates, age structures of people and ethnic groups within a community Which word correctly completes the sentence? a) b) c) d) Ergonomics Economics Psychographics Demographics Câu 4: A recent trend in organisation and management is the rise in 'virtual organisation' and 'virtual teamworking' To which of the following environmental (PEST) factors is this most directly attributed? a) b) c) d) Economic Socio-cultural Technological Political Câu 5: Which of the following socio-cultural trends will have a direct impact on most business organisations? (i) Increasing ethnic and religious diversity in populations (ii) Falling birthrates (iii) Focus on 'green' issues (iv) Increase in single-member households a) b) c) d) (iii) only (i) and (iii) only (i), (ii) and (iii) only (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) Câu 6: Porter's five forces model identifies factors which determine the nature and strength of competition in an industry Which of the following is not one of the five forces identified in Porter's model? a) b) c) d) Substitute products or services New entrants to the industry Bargaining power of customers Government regulation of the industry Câu 7: For what function in an organisation would demographic information about social class be most relevant? Nhân học, ảnh hưởng bọ phận cty a) b) c) d) Human Resources Marketing Purchasing None of them are correct Câu 8: Which of the following is a support activity in Porter's value chain model? Yếu tố bổ trợ a) b) c) d) Procurement Operations Marketing and sales Inbound logistics Câu 9: Which of the following statements about the impact of technological developments is not true? Trong liệt kê phát triển ko a) b) c) d) Technology developments have supported corporate delayering Technology developments tend to adversely affect employee relations Technology developments creates risk for long-range product/market planning Technology developments offer significant advantages for corporate communications Câu 10: Which of the following is not an element of fiscal policy? Ko phải yếu tố sách tài khóa a) b) c) d) Government spending Government borrowing Taxation Exchange rates (thuộc sách tiền tệ) Câu 11: Which of the following is associated with a negative Public Sector Net Cash Requirement? (Định nghĩa u cầu tiền mặt rịng khu vực cơng , yếu tố khiến khu vực công âm, số tiền vay rịng khu vực cơng cần vay thâm hụt lúc ko phải âm vay) a) The government is running a budget deficit b) The government's expenditure exceeds its income c) The government is running a budget surplus Hạ dư ko cần vay d) Public Sector Debt Repayment (PSDR) is high Câu 12: taxes are collected by the Revenue authority from a business, which attempts to pass on the tax to consumers in the price of goods Which word correctly completes this statement? a) Progressive b) Direct c) Indirect Câu 13: If a government has a macro-economic policy objective of expanding the overall level of economic activity, which of the following measures would not be consistent with such an objective? a) b) c) d) Increasing public expenditure Lowering interest rates Increasing taxation None of them are correct Câu 14: The following, with one exception, are 'protectionist measures' in international trade Which is the exception? a) b) c) d) Import quotas Subsidies for exporters Customs procedures Tariffs Câu 15: Are the following statements true or false? Frictional unemployment will be short term Governments can encourage labour mobility if they want to reduce unemployment a) b) c) d) Both statements are true Statement is true and statement is false Statement is false and statement is true Both statements are false Câu 16: Monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to: Interest rates Taxation Public borrowing and spending Exchange rates Which of the above are correct? a) b) c) d) and and sách tài khóa and and Câu 17: Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment? a) b) c) d) The entry of school leavers into the labour pool each year Lay-offs among agricultural labourers in winter Automation of ticketing services in tourism Recession in the building industry (suy thoái xây dựng) Câu 18: A surplus on the balance of payments usually refers to a surplus or deficit on the account Which word correctly complete this statement? a) b) c) d) Current Capital Financial None of them are correct Câu 19: In a free market economy, the price mechanism: a) b) c) d) Aids government control Allocates resources Measures national wealth None of them are correct Câu 20: The supply curve of a firm operating in a competitive market is its a) Marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve (chi phí cận biên nàm trên) b) Marginal cost curve above the average total cost curve c) Average total cost curve beyond the point where the marginal cost curve cuts it from below d) Average variable cost curve below the average revenue curve Câu 21: Which one of the following would cause the supply curve for a good to shift to the right (outwards from the origin)? a) b) c) d) A fall in the price of the good An increase in the demand for the good A fall in production costs of the good The imposition of a minimum price Câu 22: When the price of a good is held above the equilibrium price, the result will be a) Excess demand b) A shortage of the good c) A surplus of the good Câu 23: Which one of the following would not lead directly to a shift in the demand curve for overseas holidays? a) b) c) d) An advertising campaign by holiday tour operators A fall in the disposable incomes of consumers A rise in the price of domestic holidays A rise in the price of overseas holidays Câu 24: Which of the following is likely to lead to a fall in the price of good Q which is a normal good? a) b) c) d) A rise in the price of good P, a substitute for good Q A fall in the level of household incomes generally A fall in the price of good T, a complement to good Q A belief that the price of good Q is likely to double in the next months Câu 25: According to the theory of the firm, which of the following statements describes an oligopoly? a) b) c) d) There are no barriers to entry into or exit from the market There is only one producer in the market There are four producers exerting considerable influence in the market There are many producers but they each use product differentiation to distinguish themselves from each other Câu 26: ABC produces a variety of soft drink It has two competitors but all three producers use product differentiation to distinguish themselves from each other What type of market is this? a) b) c) d) Perfect competition Monopoly Monopolistic competition Oligopoly Câu 27: The demand curve for a resource may shift because of a) b) c) d) A change in the demand for a good whose production is dependent on the resource Concerns about potential harmful pollution from the resource A change in the price of a substitute resource All of the above Câu 28: The income elasticity of demand for a product is high This means that: a) Sales will fall only slightly when incomes of households fall b) Sales will rise sharply when incomes of households rise c) The good is an inferior Câu 29: PEST stands for political, Economics, statistic and technique a) True b) Flase Câu 30: Frictional is a reason for short – term of unemployment a) True b) Flase Câu 31 : One of the causes of inflation is pull of demand a) True b) Flase Câu 32: Drucker 2001 said a) Creating a custormer to help firm gain profit b) Custormer is important c) A and B are wrong Câu 33 : Drucker ( 2001) tells us that in order to generate profits it is necessary to ‘ create a customer’ a) True b) False Câu 34: 5Ms indicates: meterials, money, men, machines, management a) True b) False Câu 35 : 5MS indicates : materials , money, men , machines and mistake a) True b) False Câu 36: Monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to: a) b) c) d) Interest rates and Taxation Interest rates and government spending Interest rates and exchange rates Interest rates and government borrowing Câu 37: The one of the most common characteristics of organizations is a) b) c) d) Most organisations obtain goods , process and outputs Most organisations obtain input , process and outputs All answers are correct Most organisations obtain service, process and outputs Câu 38: Which of the following is an element of monetary policy ? a) Taxation a) The influence of the informal organisation was highlighted by the Hawthorne Studies, in the way group norms and dynamics affected productivity b) Informal organisation can pose a threat to employee health and safety c) Informal organisation can stimulate innovation d) Managers in positions of authority generally cannot be part of the informal organization Câu 7: Which one of the following is an advantage of centralisation? (Lợi centralosation) a) It helps to develop the skills of junior managers b) It avoids overburdening top managers in terms of workload and stress c) Senior managers can take a wider view of problems and consequences Câu 8: Which of the following statements is/are true? (i) An informal organisation exists within every formal organization (ii) The objectives of the informal organisation are broadly the same as those of the formal organisation (iii) A strong, close-knit informal organisation is desirable within the formal organization a) b) c) d) Statement (i) only Statements (i) and (iii) only Statements (ii) and (iii) only Statement (iii) only Câu 9: What is an organisation which has removed the internal barriers which separate hierarchy levels and functions and also between the organisation and its suppliers, customers and competitors known as? (1 tổ chức loại bỏ rào cản nội tỏ chức ) a) b) c) d) Modular organisation Hollow organisation Jobless structure Boundaryless organisation Câu 10: Which of the following statements are true? (i) With a shared service centre services are likely to be less tailored (ii) The IT function is commonly provided using shared service approach (iii) A shared service centre is not part of the organisation a) Statement (i) and (iii) only b) Statements (i) and (ii) only c) Statements (ii) and (iii) only Câu 11: Paul, Mary, Alan and Kate are having a board meeting of a newly formed company and they are discussing the orientation of the company Paul believes that the company will actively need to persuade customers to buy their products Mary believes they should add additional features to their products, without carrying out market research, and this will increase demand from customers Alan believes the products will sell as they are and the company should produce as many items as it can Kate believes that they should research what customers need and value and adapt the products to meet the findings of the research The following are types of orientation of a company A Production orientation B Product orientation C Sales orientation D Marketing orientation For each board member, select the orientation they are recommending (i) Paul _ C (ii) Mary _ B (iii) Alan _ A (iv) Kate _ D Câu 12: (a) The main levels of strategy in an organisation are as follows: A Corporate B Business C Operational For each of the strategic questions listed below, select the appropriate level of strategy from the list above (i) Which business should we be in? _ A (ii) Should we specialise in a profitable product? _ B (iii) How best can we market the products? _ C (iv) Should we segment the market? _ D (b) Which two of the following are advantages of centralisation? a) Decision makers have a greater awareness of local problems b) Managers are able to take a wider view c) Avoids overburdening top managers d) Help to develop junior managers e) Procedures and documentation can be standardised Câu 13: (a) The following four components of an organisation were identified by Mintzberg A Operating core B Support staff C Strategic apex D Middle line For each of the following jobs, state which component they fit into (i) Canteen worker _ B (ii) Production worker _ A (iii) Sales manager _ D (iv) Director _ C (b) Which two of the following statements are not consistent with Handy's shamrock organisation? a) b) c) d) Self-employed technicians should be hired on a project-by-project basis The contingent work force consists of employees on long-term contracts The professional core should consist of full-time, fixed salary employees The organisation looks for ways that consumers can part of the work of the organisation Câu 14: Managerial problems of informal organization is time consuming a) True b) Flase Câu 15: Span of control depends on nature of task a) True b) Flase Câu 16: Minztberg’s diagram confirms factors : a) Strategic , middle, core action, support staff and technostructure b) Strategic , middle, core action, support staff and technical tools c) A and B are wrong Câu 17: Organization is a deliberate arrangement of….to accomplish some specific purpose a) A + b + c b) People c) Resource d) Machine Câu 18: According to Mintzberg’s organigram the components include a) b) c) d) Tactical plan Support staff All answers are correct Middle support PART 2: FILL IN THE BLANK WITH A SUITABLE WORD An …… organisation always exists alongside the formal one INFORMAL In a …… structure some activities are decentralised to business units or regions DIVISIONAL The strategic apex exerts a pull to centralise, leading to the …… structure SIMPLE …… of control or 'span of management' refers to the number of subordinates responsible to a superior SPAN Recent trends have been towards …… organisations of levels of management DELAYERING …… may be pure, applied or development It may be intended to improve products or processes RESEARCH The … function plans, organises, directs and controls the necessary activities to provide products and services, creating outputs which have added value over the value of inputs PRODUCION The …… function manages an organisation's relationships with its customers MARKETING … resource management (HRM) is concerned with the most effective use of human resources It deals with organisation, staffing levels, motivation, employee relations and employee services HUMAN REVIEW Câu 1: Which of the following statements about corporate social responsibility is true? (i) CSR guarantees increased profit levels (ii) CSR adds cost to organisational activities and reduces profit levels (tnxh tăng chi phí) (iii) Social responsibility may have commercial benefits (iv) Social responsibility is a concern confined to business organisations (tnxh mối quan tâm) a) b) c) d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (i) and (iii) (ii) and (iv) (iii) only Câu 2: Calum, Heidi and Jonas are managers for Zip Co They have been told that their salary will be based on company performance and that a bonus scheme will also be introduced The bonus will also be related to company performance Which of the following best describes the approach to governance that Zip Co is using? a) Stewardship theory b) Agency theory c) Stakeholder theory Câu 3: Michael has been asked to prepare a presentation for the company directors on good corporate governance Which one of the following is he likely to exclude from his presentation? a) b) c) d) Risk management Internal controls Maximising shareholder wealth Accountability to stakeholders Câu 4: Corporate governance is essentially of what significance? a) Control system b) Strategic importance c) Risk management Câu 5: Which of the following is a feature of poor corporate governance? a) b) c) d) Domination of the board by a single individual Critical questioning of senior managers by external auditors Supervision of staff in key roles Lack of focus on short-term profitability Câu 6: The tasks of which body include: monitoring the chief executive officer; formulating strategy; and ensuring that there is effective communication of the strategic plan? a) b) c) d) The audit committee The Public Oversight Board The board of directors The nomination committee Câu 7: Which of the following would be included in the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility? (i) Human rights (ii) Employee welfare (iii) Professional ethics (iv) Support for local suppliers a) b) c) d) (ii) and (iii) only (i) only (ii), (iii) and (iv) only (i), (ii) and (iv) only Câu 8: Which of the following is subject to the least direct regulation? a) Employment protection b) Corporate social responsibility c) Corporate governance Câu 9: In most countries, what is the usual purpose of codes of practice on corporate governance? a) To establish legally binding requirements to which all companies must adhere b) To set down detailed rules to regulate the ways in which companies must operate c) To provide guidance on the standards of the best practice that companies should adopt d) To provide a comprehensive framework for management and administration Câu 10: Who should set directors' reward and incentive packages, according to corporate governance provisions? a) The board of directors b) The nomination committee c) A remuneration committee made up of independent non-executive directors Câu 11: What is the purpose of an Operating and Financial Review (OFR)? a) To provide the board of directors with a narrative statement by the audit committee of its findings on the efficacy of internal operational and financial controls b) To set out the directors' analysis of the business, in order to provide investors with a historical and prospective view through the eyes of management c) To provide a statement that the company is a going concern Câu 12: Which of the following are advantages of having non-executive directors on the company board? They can provide a wider perspective than executive directors They provide reassurance to shareholders They may have external experience and knowledge which executive directors not possess They have more time to devote to the role a) b) c) d) and 1, and 1, and and Câu 13: Accountability is one of the code of corporate governance a) True b) False Câu 14 : Emphasis on short – term profitability is one of features of poor governance a) True b) Flase Câu 15: One of features of poor governance is lack of communication to shareholder a) True b) False Câu 16: CSR stands for Corporate Social responsibility a) True b) False REVIEW Câu 1: Leaders may be distinguished from managers by the fact that they not depend on …………… In the organisation Which of the following type of power correctly completes this statement? a) Expert power b) Position power c) Physical power Câu 2: Which of the following writers is not a member of the school of management thought to which the others belong? a) b) c) d) FW Taylor Elton Mayo Abraham Maslow Frederick Herzberg Câu 3: Monica is a manager in the finance department of P Co and she has several staff working for her She has become quite friendly with most of her staff and they like her and appreciate that she does everything she can to attend to their needs Which type of managerial style does Monica have? a) Impoverished b) Task management c) Country club d) Dampened pendulum Câu 4: According to Fielder, which of the following are true of psychologically distant managers? They judge their staff on the basis of performance They are primarily task-oriented They prefer formal consultation methods rather than seeking staff opinions They are closer to their staff a) b) c) d) and 2 and 1, and 1, 2, and Câu 5: What is delegated by a superior to a subordinate? a) Authority b) Power c) Responsibility Câu 6: Which of the following is not a technique of scientific management or Taylorism? a) b) c) d) Micro-design of jobs Work study techniques to establish efficient methods Multi-skilled teamworking Financial incentives Câu 7: John Adair's action-centred leadership model is part of which school of thought? a) Trait theories b) Style theories c) Contingency theories Câu 8: Are the following statements true or false? Adair's leadership model focuses on what leaders and not what they are The Ashridge leadership model proposes a democratic approach to leadership a) b) c) d) Both statements are true Statement is true; statement is false Statement is false; statement is true Both statements are false Câu 9: Which leadership approach sees the leadership process in a context made up of three interrelated variables: task needs, the individual needs of group members and the needs of the group as a whole? a) b) c) d) Action-centred leadership Contingency theory The managerial grid Dispersed leadership Câu 10: is the managerial function concerned with establishing a structure of tasks;grouping and assigning them to appropriate units; and establishing lines of information and reporting to support performance Which managerial function is referred to in this definition? a) Planning b) Organising c) Controlling Câu 11: Which of the following is not one of Fayol's five functions of management? a) b) c) d) Planning Organising Motivating Commanding Câu 12: According to Drucker, which one of the following is a management task? a) Informational b) Developing people c) Decisional Câu 13: Which of the following writers put forward specific differences between the role of the manager and the role of the leader? a) b) c) d) Bennis Heifetz Fielder Blake and Mouton Câu 14: Of Mintzberg's nine managerial roles, which is being exercised by a manager who gathers information from contacts within and outside the organisation? a) b) c) d) Leader Monitor Spokesperson Disseminator Câu 15: is the role at the interface between the operational core (non-managerial workers) and management Which word or phrase correctly completes this definition? a) Middle line b) Junior management c) Supervision Câu 16 : Management is getting things done through other people a) False b) True Câu 17 : Ashridge management styles does not said about a) b) c) d) All answers are wrong Consults Tells Sells Câu 18 : Ashridge said: leadership follows styles: Tells, Sells, Consults and Joins a) True b) False Câu 19: Director’s ethic is not one of internal pressure that affect making decission process of the board a) True b) Flase Câu 20 : Proactive strategy – taking full responsibility for its actions a) True b) Flase REVIEW Câu 1: Which of the following would be classed as a 'selection' rather than a 'recruitment' activity? a) Job description b) Designing application forms c) Screening application forms Câu 2: A recruitment manager has prepared a statement of the key duties, tasks and reporting responsibilities involved in a particular job, as the basis for job interviewing What name would be given to such a statement? a) b) c) d) Job analysis Job description Job advertisement Personnel specification Câu 3: In the context of personnel specifications, the Seven Point Plan(Rodger) does not explicitly include which of the following headings? a) b) c) d) Physical make-up Interests Motivation Circumstances Câu 4: What is the current trend in human resource management? a) Centralise recruitment and selection within HR b) Devolve recruitment and selection to line managers c) Devolve recruitment and selection to the Board Câu 5: Selection tests such as IQ tests and personality tests may not be effective in getting the right person for the job for several reasons Which of the following criticisms of the tests is not justified, however? a) b) c) d) Test results can be influenced by practice and coaching rather than genuine ability Subjects are able to deliberately falsify results Tests not completely eliminate bias and subjectivity Tests are generally less accurate predictors of success than interviews Câu 6: In a selection interview, the interviewer asks: 'Surely you'd agree that objectivity is a key requirement for an auditor?' What sort of question is this? a) b) c) d) Open Closed Problem-solving Leading Câu 7: Which of the following is a disadvantage of a large panel or selection board interview compared to individual or one-to-one interviews? a) b) c) d) A number of people see the candidate at one sitting Specialists can ask a questions about technical areas of the work Questions tend to be more varied and more random There is less opportunity for personal rapport with the candidate Câu 8: In the context of selection interviews, which of the following describes the 'halo effect'? a) A tendency for people to make an initial judgement based on first impressions, and then letting this colour their later perceptions b) An effect whereby the interviewer changes the behaviour of the applicant by suggestion c) A tendency to mentally assign people to a group and then attribute to them the traits assumed to be characteristic of the group as a whole d) An effect whereby the interviewer attributes to the applicant beliefs, attitudes or feelings which he has himself Câu 9: Selection tests which focus on aptitude, intelligence and personality factors are called tests Which word correctly completes this sentence? a) b) c) d) Proficiency Psychometric Standardised Sensitive Câu 10: In the context of selection, what is an assessment centre? a) A place where candidates are taken to undergo group assessments b) A series of tests and interviews undergone by an individual candidate over several days c) A series of tests, interviews and activities undergone by a group of candidates over several days d) A technique for assessing large numbers of candidates, usually for junior positions, in a costeffective manner Câu 11: Which of the following statements about reference checking is true? a) References provide objective information about a job candidate b) Personal references are particularly valuable in assessing the qualities of a candidate c) At least two employer references are desirable Câu 12: Job descriptions have advantages for use in all but one of the following areas of human resource management Which is the exception? a) Job evaluation b) Training needs analysis c) Recruitment d) Employee flexibility Câu 13: A financial consultancy firm has a job vacancy for a junior office assistant at one of its offices Which of the following would be the most suitable external medium for the job advertisement? a) Accountancy journal b) National newspapers c) Local newspapers Câu 14: A policy of internal promotion, as opposed to external recruitment, can have positive and negative effects Which one of the following would be negatively effected by such a policy? a) Innovation b) Succession planning c) Induction times Câu 15 : Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory said about : a) b) c) d) Motivation –hygiene theory A+b+c Motivation –salary theory Hygiene and meatal theory Câu 16 : Herzberg noted that Motivation can be increased by : Job enrichment, Job rotation, Job enrichment a) True b) Flase Câu 17: EEO stands for Equal Employment Opportunities a) True b) False Câu 18: Three main stages of recruitment: defining, attracting and selecting condidate a) True b) False REVIEW Câu : Managers need to understand what motivates individuals within the groups and teams they control Key variables include a) Personality b) Perception c) A+b+c d) Attitude Câu 2: Tuckman’s stages of team development coming from 1st stage to 5th stage as seen as below a) b) c) d) Storming – performing – norming – forming – dorming Norming – forming – storming – dorming – performing All answers are wrong Forming – storming – norming – performing – dorming Câu : One of the ways to deal with role issues is : a) b) c) d) Classify characteristic clearly Doing nothings Identify positive role models All answers are wrong Câu 4: One of the Corporate govermance principies are a) Integrity b) Clarity c) A and B are correct ... following principles of classical management is challenged by matrix management? Nguyên tắc quản lý cổ điển bị quản lý theo dạng ma trận :tập trung quyền hành a) Structuring the organisation on functional

Ngày đăng: 08/09/2022, 16:31

