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Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF) Terms of Reference for ICT based Monitoring Tool Consultant

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Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF) Terms of Reference for ICT based Monitoring Tool Consultant January – December 2018 1 Summary and Programme Background The Justice Initiatives Facilitation.

Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF) Terms of Reference for ICT-based Monitoring Tool Consultant January – December 2018 Summary and Programme Background The Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund of the EU Legal and Judicial Empowerment Programme in Viet Nam (EU JULE JIFF, or hereafter JIFF) will be implemented by Oxfam for an estimated 37-month period beginning in November 2017 The overall objective of JIFF is to contribute to strengthen the rule of law in Vietnam through a more reliable, trusted and better accessed justice system The specific objective is to increase access to justice for vulnerable groups, in particular women, children, ethnic minorities and poor people The action has four key results: 1) Increased public awareness and understanding of legal rights and how to invoke these rights; 2) Increased access to legal advice, assistance and representation in administrative, civil, and criminal matters; 3) An improved enabling environment and regulatory framework for legal empowerment and access to justice; and 4) Enhanced integrity, transparency and accountability in the justice sector The four JIFF results will be achieved through a combination of grant-making to civil society organisations (CSOs), targeted pre- and post-grant capacity development, research, networking and policy advocacy CSO grants will be made in 06 focus provinces around the country Four grant calls over the programme period will each concentrate on multiple thematic areas related to the Results As host of the JIFF Secretariat, Oxfam will administer grants, design and carry out capacity development, and facilitate networking of grantees and related stakeholders leading towards establishment of a national CSO-led justice platform During a three-month inception phase, Oxfam will complete the design of systems and procedures for implementation of JIFF, including a comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system Following the inception phase, Oxfam will design and roll out an ICT-based monitoring tool for use by JIFF grantees, linked to the programme website This consultancy requires an estimated 20 days effort during the first year of JIFF, including at least days at the Oxfam office in Hanoi and the remainder from an external location MEL in the implementation of JIFF Oxfam will employ the MEL system to track JIFF progress, evaluate programme impact, share and learn from findings with primary stakeholders, and ensure the application of learning in future work This system is informed by standard MEL practices within Oxfam and will be led by a dedicated MEL Specialist Oxfam employs a Common Approach to Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Social Accountability (CAMSA) in all of our projects worldwide JIFF grantees will monitor their own activities in the justice sector, using a tailored software based MEL system on which grantees can directly enter data about activities, targets, and outcomes This ICT-based approach will increase the reliability of MEL data, reduce travel and transaction time, and permit on-demand reporting The MEL system will ensure that all grants contribute to programmewide targets at the result level; these targets are set in the programme’s logframe In addition, Oxfam and grantees will share results of their activities using stories of change and social media platforms such as Facebook The main elements of the MEL system will include the following: Activity monitoring ICT based monitoring: JIFF will employ specific ICT-based monitoring tools to track changes over time and evaluate grantees’ contributions to the results area of the program and broader change in the justice sector and justice reform Participants will input information using their own smartphones or laptops Monitoring reviews: Periodic review meetings held by the Secretariat and partners to track the achievement of the annual work plan Quarterly reports: light touch representation of achievements against planned output and activities in the quarter The ICT system will generate these reports automatically based on partner inputs Result and Indicator tracking: Impact indicators and outcome indicators set in the logframe will be outcome tracked at appropriate frequency monitoring Qualitative monitoring: Short-term qualitative tools will be used to monitor the changes in the lives of project beneficiaries Tools used will include panel case studies, focus group discussions, interviews, and videos of community members These tools will capture changes in target communities’ access to justice systems, as well as changes in attitudes and functioning of office-bearers Monitoring information will generate critical data for independent evaluations and for learning reviews Activities of the ICT-based Monitoring Tool Consultant The Consultant will contribute to the MEL topics on Activity and Result Monitoring by designing, installing, and conducting training on web-based monitoring tools for JIFF grantees Specifically, he/she will: A Work with the JIFF program team and MEL Design Consultant to design an ICT-based monitoring tool to serve the overall MEL design of the program B Make and install the ICT-based monitoring tool for JIFF C Develop detailed (but short and user-friendly) guidelines on how to use the tool including how to update the tools, upload and extract information D Train the program team and key partners (VIJUSAP and PLD) to use the ICT-based MEL tool E Answer possible questions on the ICT-based monitoring tool and fixing its possible problems while it is in use during the first year of JIFF (2018) Deliverables  A design of the ICT-based monitoring tool  A clear, detail and user-friendly guideline on how to use the tool  An ICT-based monitoring tool is made and installed ready for use for JIFF, which is tested and approved by Oxfam in Vietnam  At least one comprehensive face-to-face training on using the ICT-based monitoring tool in JIFF is conducted to the program team The training documents (including the guideline) must be prepared and handed over to the program team in order to facilitate trainings for future sub-grantees  Timely answer possible questions on the ICT-based monitoring tool and fixing its possible problems while it is in use Timeframe The consultancy activities will be conducted as follows: Dates Activities Location # of days effort Before Background reading, review logframe, attend one meeting February 2018 with the program team and the MEL Design Consultant on overall MEL design for JIFF and discuss specific preparations for developing the ICT-based MEL tool Flexible - 28 February Design monitoring tool (with smartphone and computer 2018 interfaces) Flexible 10 March 2018 Work with Communications and IT officers at Oxfam in (dates TBD) Vietnam to install and test monitoring tool on JIFF website Hanoi Flexible Training for JIFF program team and partners on how to use the tool April – Dec 2018 Timely answer possible questions on the ICT-based monitoring tool and fixing its possible problems while it is in use during 2018 TOTAL in 2018 20 Additional days of effort may be contracted through amendment of this TOR, extending up to the close of JIFF in 2020 or later Dates of activities are subject to change depending on the program implementation schedule Oxfam will notify the Consultant at least weeks in advance of any change in timing Budget The Consultant will be paid a daily rate to be negotiated with Oxfam, based on a timesheet showing actual days worked Travel, accommodation, and per diem costs (in case the Consultant is not based in Hanoi) will be covered according to Oxfam in Vietnam policies The consultant will report to the MEL Specialist with close support from the JIFF team leader Qualifications of the consultant      At least a university degree in a relevant field; Strong knowledge and proven experience in ICT-based monitoring and evaluation; Demonstrate at least 10 years’ experience working with development projects and/or INGOs; Strong understanding of social issues in Vietnam such as gender equality, social inclusion, etc In-depth knowledge of international good practices and methodologies in ICT-based monitoring, evaluation, and learning processes;  High level of written and verbal English Communication skills in Vietnamese is a must Application Interested consultant(s) should submit their technical and financial proposal in English, including CV(s) of the consultant(s) to carry out the tasks, a detailed work plan, and an estimated budget with expected gross consultancy fee The proposal should be submitted by e-mail to HR.Vietnam@oxfam.org Deadline for submission: CoB on 12th January 2017 Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview Thank you! ... the ICT-based Monitoring Tool Consultant The Consultant will contribute to the MEL topics on Activity and Result Monitoring by designing, installing, and conducting training on web-based monitoring... activities using stories of change and social media platforms such as Facebook The main elements of the MEL system will include the following: Activity monitoring ICT based monitoring: JIFF will... monitoring tools for JIFF grantees Specifically, he/she will: A Work with the JIFF program team and MEL Design Consultant to design an ICT-based monitoring tool to serve the overall MEL design of

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2022, 22:38
