Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa SRI NATIONAL FACILITATOR Terms of Reference Background ‘Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa’ is the 3-year first phase (January 2014 – December 2016) of a regional project under the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP) to utilize the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to increase rice productivity and competitiveness throughout a 13-country Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) project area: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo The project consists of the following actors and groups of actors: Regional Level Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) i Regional Coordinator – Dr Gaoussou Traoré, CNS-Riz – Institut d’Économie Rurale, Mali ii Technical backstopping Lead – Dr Erika Styger, Director, SRI-Rice – Cornell University, USA iii Technical backstopping Specialist – Devon Jenkins, SRI-Rice – Cornell University, USA iv Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist – Dr Thomas Archibald, Consultant, SRI-Rice – Cornell University, USA National Level a WAAPP Country Coordinators – one per country b WAAPP Country Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officers – one per country c SRI National Facilitator – one per country d SRI Champions – many per country, total number is unlimited There is only one SRI National Facilitator (NF) per country The position of NF is decided by the national focal institution, which is designated through a participatory process by the SRI stakeholders of the country and after getting a “No Objection” from the National WAAPP coordinator and the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) and may be terminated or changed for poor performance, at the request of the RCU Qualities and Traits of the SRI National Facilitator The NF must possess the following qualities and traits: Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa Very good communication skills, including ICT skills (able to easily and reliably communicate across multiple platforms, including email, Skype, personal phone, etc.) Open-mindedness to attract other interested actors onto SRI Fully supportive of project goals,objectives and expect results Knowledge of WAAPP principles (safe guide, gender, youth inclusion, climate change, and technology dissemination, generation and adaptation) Good standing with public institutions, the private sector and other partner organizations and donors for lobbying Knowledge of the national rice production system Strong supervisory and facilitation skills Roles and Responsibilities of the NF The NF is responsible for coordinating all SRI activities and communications within their country As such, this person must be aware of everything that is happening with SRI in their country, and be available to initiate, receive, and dispatch communications as necessitated by the project The project itself uses both actors who are embedded in the WAAPP structure—such as the national Country M&E Officer and Country WAAPP Coordinator—and actors who are not embedded within the WAAPP structure—such as SRI Champions, and additional, unspecified actors who are engaged in SRI activities in the country The NF is responsible for ensuring effective linkages between the WAAPP embedded actors and the actors who are not embedded in the WAAPP The NF must assist in project activities that require interaction and communication between both groups of actors, such as the development of yearly national action plans and budgets, data collection, and event coordination Specific roles include the following: Role/Responsibility Notes Serve as a contact point between the RCU and national SRI activities All national SRI actors should communicate through the NF when addressing the RCU Coordinate and facilitate all SRI activities at the local and national levels, including activities outside of the WAAPP project The NF should be aware of, coordinate and facilitate all SRI activities, whether these are financed and carried out by project-related actors or not, and should aim for complimentarity between projects Make field visits to check on SRI activities The NF should visit all major SRI activities throughout the country at Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa least once during their activity life cycle, or more frequently if needed Identify new SRI Champions As new SRI advocates emerge the NF should identify potential new SRI Champions to be included in the project, and coordinate their inclusion with the RCU Organize trainings, workshops, meetings, field days, and training study tour/exchange visits Financing for these activities may come from either the national WAAPP budget or from the project budget of the RCU, depending on whether they have a national impact or a regional impact Must supervise data collection, management and reporting While the Country M&E Officer is responsible for data collection and M&E for the project on a national level, the NF is the liaison between the Country M&E Officer and the field agents—including SRI Champions— who will in most cases be collecting data The NF should ensure the quality, quantity and timeliness of all data Develop, collect and distribute training manuals and guides (knowledge products) on SRI If new training, instructional or promotional material is needed, the NF can collaborate with the RCU to identify resources and potentially develop new materials All new materials developed must be shared with SRI actors in country, with the Country M&E Officer, and with the RCU Responsible for collecting and dissemination information Non-knowledge product material that is relevant to the project must also be collected and shared Facilitate the process of developing an annual work plan and budget with SRI champions for submission to the national WAAPP structure for action The work plans are the result of collaboration with the Country M&E Officer, the SRI Champions, and any other organizations or individuals that are engaged in SRI activities in the country and have the capacity to be included Preparation of these must be coordinated with the Country WAAPP Coordinator to ensure that they are properly developed and submitted on time Must be able to interact with the regional SRI network and source improved technology for adoption Through the RCU, the NF must work with regional partners—such as NFs in other countries—to source innovations and improved technologies which can help adaptation and adoption in their own country Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa Participate in regional workshops and activities as requested Every effort will be made by the NF to participate in regional workshops, and to assist in planning regional workshops that are held in their country, as requested by the RCU If the NFNP cannot participate then a suitable substitute must be chosen Must adhere to the communications obligations and the M&E reporting obligations Refer to tables 4a, 4b, 5a and 5b for details Communications Obligations Table 3a shows communications that happen on a regularly scheduled cycle Table 3b shows communications that happen only in relation to specific activities All communications to the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) should go to Gaoussou Traoré ( 4a Communications sorted by calendar date/frequency Frequency Monthly Method/Form Email Due Once per month on the 15th of each month Quarterly Quarterly Update Form Due four times per year: Collaborators SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Send to RCU Notes This should just be a simple email to update the RCU on current activities and recent developments SRI Champions Country M&E Officer RCU As a Facilitator you are the primary liaison between all SRI activities happening in your country and the RCU The Quarterly Update Form is designed to help you keep the RCU informed of SRI progress on a regular basis, and will be sent to you once per quarter by the RCU SRI Champions Other individuals, organizations involved in SRI Researchers Country M&E Officer Country WAAPP Coordinator Country WAAPP Coordinator The annual work plan and budget should be a coordinated effort between all major players in the country working on SRI in the country Involve the Country WAAPP Coordinator early to ensure that the budget is submitted on time, and is likely to be approved Apr 15th Jul 15th Oct 15th Jan 15th Work plan and Once per year – budget check with Country WAAPP Coordinator Annual A review of the previous year’s work plan and budget will also need to be submitted each year Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa 4b Communications sorted by activity Activity Type SRI Training Field day, media event, etc Frequency of Communication Involve the Country M&E Officer and the RCU early in the planning process, and keep them updated throughout until after the training is finished Involve the Country M&E Officer and the RCU early in the planning process, and keep them updated throughout the planning process Collaborators SRI Champions Country M&E Officer SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Communication partners Country M&E Officer RCU Country M&E Officer RCU Notes It is important for the both the Country M&E Officer and the RCU to know in advance of any SRI trainings that occur in your country With advance knowledge both groups can help provide materials, ensure proper data collection, ensure that all necessary people are invited, and publicize the event Post training communication is important as well to inform both parties of how the training proceeded, and to allow successful sharing of results while they are still current Contact the RCU and the Country M&E Officer early in the planning process and keep them informed throughout As with trainings, media events or field days are important events for both the Country M&E Officers and the RCU to be informed about in advance, and after the event as well Contact the RCU and the Country M&E Officer early in the planning process and keep them informed throughout Reporting Obligations Table 4a shows M&E reporting obligations that happen on a regularly scheduled cycle Table 4b shows M&E reporting obligations that happen only in relation to specific activities All communications to the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) should go to Gaoussou Traoré ( 5a M&E reporting responsibilities sorted by calendar date/frequency Frequency Semi-annual Forms H Knowledge Product Inventory Form (KPIF) Due Due two times per year: Jul 15th Jan 15th Collaborators Send to Champions Country M&E Officer Country M&E Officer Regional Coordination Notes All knowledge products (e.g., brochures, manuals, multimedia, articles, technical fact-sheets, etc.) specific to each ecozone and rice production system that are developed in country are included Hard and/or soft copies must be collected and included with this form when reporting While this form is due semiannually, it should be filled out continuously throughout the year, Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa Annual D Annual Institutional SRI Scale Up Capacity & Network Survey E Innovation Inventory Form (IIF) Due one time per year: Jan 15th Due one time per year: SRI Champions Country M&E Officer The Country M&E Officer is responsible for this form SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Jan 15th as new knowledge products are created The form should be reviewed by the RCU before submitting to the Country M&E Officer This survey should be implemented annually in each country by the M&E Officer, with the support of the National Facilitator, SRI Champions and other project actors The baseline study will establish the first inventory of institutions Once this list is established, the National Facilitator, Champions, and M&E Officer should coordinate throughout the year (at least quarterly) to update the inventory This will make the completion of this survey more feasible at year’s end Even though this form is reported annually, it should be filled out continuously throughout the year, with consultation and input from SRI Champions The form should be reviewed by the RCU before submitting to the Country M&E Officer 5b M&E reporting responsibilities sorted by activity Activity Type SRI Training Form C Training Report Survey Due Upon completion of an SRI training SRI Trial A Yield Survey B Income Survey Upon harvest of an SRI trial Collaborators SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Other actors involved in conducting SRI trials plots SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Other actors involved in conducting SRI trials plots Send to Country M&E Officer RCU Country M&E Officer Notes This form is the ultimate responsibility of the Country M&E Officer, but requires coordination between the National Facilitator, M&E Officer, and Champions National Facilitators should collect all training materials in hard and/or soft copy, and submit them to the Country M&E Officer These surveys should be implemented one time per harvest (at the time of harvest) by the National Facilitator and/or the project actors at the local level; data should then be transferred to the country’s M&E Officer The M&E Officer coordinates with, supports, and backstops the data collection that is done at the local level by the National Facilitators and/or project actors to ensure the timeliness and quality of the data ... Survey Upon harvest of an SRI trial Collaborators SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Other actors involved in conducting SRI trials plots SRI Champions Country M&E Officer Other actors... submitting to the Country M&E Officer This survey should be implemented annually in each country by the M&E Officer, with the support of the National Facilitator, SRI Champions and other project... the RCU and national SRI activities All national SRI actors should communicate through the NF when addressing the RCU Coordinate and facilitate all SRI activities at the local and national levels,