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MINISTER OF FINANCE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE – MARKETING � FINAL EXAM ASSIGNMENT SECOND SEMESTER, 2022 SERVICES MARKETING Class code: 2121702052701 MARKETING PLAN FOR SERVICES OF UNICARE STARTUP BY UNILEVER Instructor: Mr Dang Huynh Phuong Ho Chi Minh City – 5, 2022 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com MINISTER OF FINANCE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE – MARKETING � FINAL EXAM ASSIGNMENT SECOND SEMESTER, 2022 SERVICES MARKETING Class code: 2121702052701 MARKETING PLAN FOR SERVICES OF UNICARE STARTUP BY UNILEVER Instructor: Mr Dang Huynh Phuong Student name: Le Dinh Phuong Khanh – 2101001520 Luong Ai Lien – 2021000052 Vo Dao Phuong Mai – 2021001711 Nguyen Nhu Ngoc – 2021001576 Lam Gia Phu – 2021000082 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Ho Chi Minh City – 5, 2022 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION SECTION 2: SITUATION, MARKET & COMPETITOR ANALYSIS 2.1 SITUATION ANALYSIS 2.1.1 Macro Environment 2.1.2 Micro Environment 2.2 MARKET ANALYSIS 2.3 COMPETITORS ANALYSIS SECTION 3: TARGET CUSTOMERS ANALYSIS & POSITIONING STRATEGY 3.1 SEGMENTATION 3.2 TARGET CUSTOMER 10 3.3 POSITIONING 11 SECTION 4: MARKETING MIX STRATEGIES (7PS) 13 4.1 PRODUCT 13 4.2 PLACE 16 4.3 PRICE 17 4.4 PROMOTION 20 4.5 PEOPLE 24 4.6 PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 26 4.7 PROCESS 28 SECTION 5: CONCLUSION 38 REFERENCES A i TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com APPENDIX 1: PROMOTION TIMELINE D APPENDIX 2: BUDGET G ii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com IMAGE LIST Image 1.1- Logo UniCare Image 3.1 - Positioning map 18 Image 4.1 - Unilever’s brands in Viet Nam – Source: Unilever 20 Image 4.2 - Illustration of Space – Source: Shereen ashraf 32 Image 4.3 - Facial treatment – Source: Shutter Stock 34 TABLE LIST Table 2.1 – Macro Environment Table 2.2 – Micro Environment Table 2.3 – Marketing Analysis Table 2.4 – Competitors Analysis 11 Table 3.1 – Segmentation 14 Table 4.1 - UniCare' Service 18 Table 4.2 - Price of Hair service 22 Table 4.3 - Price of Makeup service 23 Table 4.4 - Price of Facial service 23 Table 4.5 - Price of Body service 24 Table 4.6 - Price of Comprehensive treatment package 25 iii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Acronym Definition STP Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning GDP Gross Domestic Product COVID – 19 Coronavirus disease 2019 USD United States Dollar VND Viet Nam Dong JSC Joint Stock Company TVC Television Commercials PR Public Relations KOL Key Opinion Leader IFO IELTS Face-off SEO Search Engine Optimization SMS Marketing Short Message Service Marketing F Facial H Hair B Body M Makeup iv TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Image 1.1- Logo UniCare Category: Beauty & Personal care Service: Salon & Spa Realizing Unilever's potential in the face of a new service market, we bring a Salon and Spa service with a wide range of products from Unilever’s ecosystem through this project Unilever has also been considered a giant in the beauty & personal care industry with a series of well-known products in the market and a history of nearly 100 years Following the vision “To make sustainable living commonplace” and the mission “To add vitality to life” of Unilever, this service brings new energy to the life of those who are willing to experience, who love themselves, and want to have the honor of personal worth We target specific customers, taking advantage of opportunities by changing social living standards to improve TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com SECTION 2: SITUATION, MARKET & COMPETITOR ANALYSIS 2.1 SITUATION ANALYSIS 2.1.1 Macro Environment Table 2.1 – Macro Environment TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 2.1.2 Micro Environment Table 2.2 – Micro Environment TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Step 2: Clean the hair with a care shampoo suitable for the client's hair condition Step 3: Head massage Step 4: Add essential oils to the roots of the hair Step 5: Relax, acupressure to open blood vessels Step 6: Wrap hair neatly and incubate hair with an intensive steamer Step 7: Dry hair H3 Package: Hair restoration Step 1: Based on the condition of the customer's hair suggest the appropriate product Step 2: Wash hair for the 1st time with the selected shampoo Step 3: Rinse thoroughly with water Step 4: Wash hair the 2nd time and gently relax the scalp Step 5: Rinse again with water Step 6: Use the cream to spread evenly on each strand of hair and relax with a round brush Step 7: Wrap hair and steam Step 8: Relaxing massage for customers' neck, shoulders, nape, and hands Step 9: Turn on the steamer, wait for the hair to cool down, and relax the head Step 10: Rinse again with water Step 11: Blow-dry hair, apply conditioner and finish the process H4 Package: Curling/ Straighten/ Dyeing hair 36 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Step 1: Consulting and recommending suitable curling/straighten/dyeing hairstyles for customers Step 2: Clean hair with shampoo to cut and style hair Step 3: Haircut and styling Step 4: Carry out curling/straighten for customers according to the selected product Step 5: The curling/straightening process is over, continue to the dyeing stage if required by the customer Step 6: Dyeing hair for customers according to the requested product Step 7: Rinse hair, blow-dry, and style Step 8: Apply hair oil ê Makeup Procedure Step 1: Cleansing and facial washing Step 2: Apply a mask to make the skin glow before makeup Step 3: Apply moisturizer Step 4: Apply primer *Depending on the makeup layout that the customer chooses according to the package, the staff will make up to suit the customer's needs Step 5: Apply foundation Step 6: Apply concealer when needed Step 7: Apply powder Step 8: Use eyeliner and eyebrow pencil Step 9: Apply eyeshadow Step 10: Apply mascara 37 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Step 11: Apply blush and lipstick uDealing with customer complaints: Step 1: Complaints through channels The 1st channel: UniCare's Customer Service Department Hotline: 1800 6266 Email: support@UniCare.vn The 2nd channel: Contact the branch directly to use the service or through the agent providing the service package Step 2: Receiving complaints from customers UniCare/Agents actively contact customers to confirm and resolve complaints in order Step 3: Handling and completing complaints UniCare/Agents and the customer carries out the agreed work to resolve the complaint, then confirm the results and close the complaint form uMaintenance Procedure: In the process of using all kinds of machinery and equipment for a long time, it is inevitable that damage will occur In particular, the equipment that UniCare put into use is all new and advanced technology, so when used incorrectly, it will also damage the equipment faster and not achieve high efficiency Regular maintenance is a necessary condition to help avoid possible risks and prolong the life and operability of equipment and machinery in the process of providing the best experience for UniCare's customers 38 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com SECTION 5: CONCLUSION First of all, the report gives an overview of the UniCare brand Besides, we also analyze the market situation and the situation of competitors in order to clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing competitors Based on that, we develop the business in the direction of perfecting the weaknesses and outperforming the strengths of rival businesses Define STP strategy After that, we systematized the essential bases that made up UniCare's marketing strategy by building the 7Ps model 39 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com REFERENCES Philip, K (2012) Marketing Management (14th ed) Pearson Armstrong, G (2017) Principles of Marketing (17th ed) Pearson Wirtz, J., & Lovelock, C (2011) Services marketing Pearson Pua, M & Tushar, O (2021, February) Deloitte Khảo sát người tiêu dùng Việt Nam Kiên cường trước khó khăn (p 5) 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Bảng giá dịch vụ chăm sóc da Spa chi tiết Retrieved May 1, 2022, from https://easysalon.vn/bang-gia-dich-vu-cham-soc-da-spa.html EUPHOREA (n.d.) Bảng giá Euphorea Boutique Retrieved May 1, 2022, from https://euphorea.vn/bang-gia-euphorea-boutique.html Viet, D (2021, October 11) Tổng hợp chi phí SEO website cho doanh nghiệp từ A đến Z Brands Vietnam https://www.brandsvietnam.com/congdong/topic/320707-Tonghop-chi-phi-SEO-website-cho-doanh-nghiep-tu-A-den-Z 42 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com APPENDIX 1: PROMOTION TIMELINE PROMOTION TIMELINE 2022 Setup fanpage, landing page, website JUNE Post content about brands and services via fanpage with a frequency of posts/week Organizing opening events at branches Promote media and press articles in the first weeks of opening JULY Invite KOLs and influencers to experience the service Sales promotion for the first weeks of opening with 25% discount Build personal TikTok channels for employees Hire micro KOLs to review products Mid-Autumn Festival Promotion Event AUGUST Post on fanpage with frequency times/2 weeks, TikTok with frequency times/week Change the interface of the website, fanpage according to the mid-autumn theme Giving moon cakes to customers having membership cards On National day, hold an event experience Change the interface of the fanpage and website SEPTEMBE R Promote posting on fanpage week before and after the National Day Video TikTok of the month towards ethnic content TVC “Enhancing Vietnamese beauty” on September 2nd 43 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Hire mico KOLs to create small discussions about attentiongrabbing TVC OCTOBER Create an event experience and discount (25%) for women on October 20th Giving commissions to female customers NOVEMBER Grateful for Vietnam Teachers' Day, 20% discount for customers who are teachers Giving away fountain pens to customers on November 20th DECEMBER Year-end gratitude to customers, free some accompanying services (for example, hair cut will be steamed for free) 2023 Create a spring opening event "Thanh Lọc Tâm Hồn, Khai Xuân Như Ý" with discounts for customers who already have a membership card JANUARY New year's lucky event, giving lucky money and wishes to customers when they arrive on January 22-29 (lunar calendar) Change the interface of the website and fanpage according to the Lunar New Year theme From February 1-10 in response to World Cancer Day, UniCare deducts 10% of profits to donate to the Bright Tomorrow fund FEBRUARY Organized a charity program on February 4th - World Cancer Day Get participants' hair to be made into wigs to send to patients Giving paper cranes and gratitude to customers participating in the program On February 14th (Valentine’s Day) discounts for couples when coming to use the service In addition, we will also take souvenir photos of couples using the service (especially salon service) and post them on the fanpage 44 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com TVC "Return of Youth" on March 8th, 15% discount for all female customers MARCH Giving tulips to female customers Hire micro KOLs to comment on Unicare's gifts on major holidays, increase the meaningful value of the brand and attract users' attention APRIL MAY TVC "Changing to Wake Up" on April 2nd, discounting all salon service packages Promote fanpage and TịkTok posts focusing on the core value of TVC “Changing to Wake Up” On the occasion of May 8th - Mother's Day, launched a 7-day event with the message "Not just one day - Yêu mẹ đâu ngày”, discounts on holistic therapy services for Vietnamese mothers Promote social media posts with mother-oriented content, the meaning of Mother's day JUNE JULY 45 Create service quality reviews and votes for the most popular service or customer surveys Announces the positive reviews obtained since June on the fanpage with a commitment to always listen and develop service quality TVC's 1-year-old birthday "Awaken Sustainable Beauty", sends gratitude to customers and frees massage service package for loyal customers TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com APPENDIX 2: BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY Construction of facilities Grand Opening Press and communication Collaborate with KOLs, micro KOLs, influencers Gifts for special occasions Mini event on occasions Create TVCs Create content on social media Other costs TOTAL 46 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 47 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com GROUP MEMBER’S CONTRIBUTION Name Le Dinh Phuong Khanh Luong Ai Lien Vo Dao Phuong Mai Nguyen Nhu Ngoc Lam Gia Phu TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com CHECK PLAGIARISM TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com ...MINISTER OF FINANCE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE – MARKETING � FINAL EXAM ASSIGNMENT SECOND SEMESTER, 2022 SERVICES MARKETING Class code: 2121702052701 MARKETING PLAN FOR SERVICES OF UNICARE STARTUP. .. used in UniCare branches are embroidered or printed with the UniCare logo such as towels, gowns, slippers, etc to create uniformity and professionalism u Staff Uniform: All UniCare staff uniforms... success of UniCare We create conditions for employees to develop themselves and have a stable life is what UniCare will and always does Thereby, helping all employees understand the importance of

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2022, 10:38

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