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HO THI NHUNG - NGUYEN THI THUY NGUYEN THI THANH HO THINHUNG, NGUYEN THI THUY NGUYEN THI THANH KY THUAT SAN XUflT Vfl SIT DUNG CHE PHAM SINH HOC Tlf NAM 001KHANG TRICMWERMA PHONG TRlTBENH KA1 CAY TRONG NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC VINH LflU NOI DA) Tijf nhiing nam 60 cua The ky XX, cac nha khoa hoc da phat hien kha nang tieu diet dupe cac nguon benh dat gay hai cho cay va kich thfch cay sinh tructng phat trien tot hdn cua nam doi khang Trichoderma Thdi gian sau mef thdi ki nam Trichoderma dupe ung dung rong rai tren the giefi va Viet Nam, san pham thuong mai th nam doi khang Trichoderma nhu thuoc trif benh sinh hoc, phan bon vi sinh va cai tao dat da dupe suf dung cang bien Cac dang che pham giup bao ve cay trong, chong lai cac sinh vat gay benh, tang nang suat va rat than thien v6i moi truPng VPi nhiing lpi ich mang lai tit loai nam doi khang nay, nhom tac gia da trinh bay tong hpp ket qua nghien ciiu nu6c va tren the giefi vao cuon sach nho nham giup ban doc hieu va ap dung dupe cac ky thuat san xuat, bao quan va sit dung che pham sinh hoc Trichoderma mot each hieu qua nhat Cuon sach bao gom childng: Chddng Tong quan ve benh hai cay co nguon goc th dat va bien phap phong trif Chudng2 Gidi thieu ve nam doi khang Trichoderma Chifdng Ky thuat sanxuat che pham Trichoderma phong trif benh hai cay Childng Sd dung che pham Trichoderma phong trif benh hai cay Cuon sach duoc hoan bcri sd tong hdp ket qua nghien cdu va ngoai mfbc cua cac nha khoa hoc va ket qua nghien cutu tif de tai KH&CN doc lap cap Nha nubc (Ma So: DTDL.2011G/28/HD) Nhan dip nhom tac gia xin giii 15i cam dn sau sac den cac nha khoa hoc va tap the nhom de tai Chung toi hy vong cuon sach se la tai lieu tham khao hutu ich cho cac nha khoa hoc, cac ban sinh vien, cac ban dong nghiep cac nganh Bao ve thuc vat, nganh Trong trot, cac can bo co chuyen mon gan v6i khoa hoc benh cay, ba nong dan va nhung ngucfi quan tarn khac Cuon sach m6i bien soan lan dau, vay khong tranh khoi nhutng thieu sot Chung toi xin chan nhan cac y kien dong gop cua cac doc gia NHOM TAC GIA Chtfcfng TONG QUAN VE BENH HAI CAY TRONG CO NGUON GOGTflfDAT VA BIEN PHAP PHONG TRlT 1.1 Khai niem chung ve benh hai cay B e xac dinh ro nhu the nao la cay bi benh, tru6c het chung ta can co khai niem ve mot cay khoe Theo quan diem sinh thai hoc va di truyen hoc, khai niem cay khoe duoc dinh nghia nhu sau: Cay duoc trot dieu kien sinh thai hau dat dai va nguon dinh duong, che nude khong thay doi giong nhu cay bo me cua chung va luon luon bieu hien ro cac dac diem dac trung ve loai va giong cua chung thi cay duoc coi la mot cay khoe Co rat nhieu dinh nghia benh cay, dua vao dinh nghia cua cac nha khoa hoc chung ta co the dua mot dinh nghia khai quat nhu sau: Benh cay la mot HO TH| NKUN6, NGUYEN H I THUY, NGUYEN THj THANH dong thai phuc tap, dac trtfng cua mot qua trinh benh ly, nhutng ky sinh vat hay moi trucmg khong thuan ldi gay nen, dan den pha vd cac chute nang sinh ly binh thudng, lam bien doi cau tao cua te bao va mo thuc vat, lam giam nang suat va pham chat cua cay Thiet hai cua benh cay the hien ro ret d nhutng mat sau: - Benh lam giam nang suat cua cay trong: cay bi chet, mot bo phan than, canh la, cu, qua bi huy hoai; Cay bi benh sinh tracing kem, coi coc dan den nang suat giam; neu dich benh bung phat co the lam giam san luong tren dien tich rong gay thiet hai kinh te Idn - Benh lam giam pham chat nong san thu hoach va cat trut: giam gia tri dinh duong nhu giam ham lUdng dam, chat beo, dubng, cac vitamin, cac chat khoang, v.v d rau qua Che, thuoc la, ca phe bi nat vun hay mat hudng vi che bien, mia giam ham luong dubng, bong va day sqi ngan va giam ben, de dutt, sdi bong bi hoen vi khuan pha hoai Nhua cao su kem dan hoi cay bi benh Vi vay, benh lam giam pham chat cac vat lieu danh cho cong nghiep thuc pham, cong nghiep nhe KYTHUAT SX&SD CHE PHAM SINH HOC Til NAM OOI KHANG TRICHODERMA - Benh lam giam gia tri tham my cua hang hoa: benh loet cam gay nhfing vet Id, loet tren qua Benh seo chanh gay cac u loi dang chop non tren qua chanh Benh than thu xoai tao nhhng vet dom den tren mat qua cac san pham bao quan se bi thoi hong - Benh lam giam sufc song hoac gay chet horn giong, mat ghep, goc ghep, canh ghep, cac san pham nuoi cay mo te bao , nhan giong vo tinh va giam sure mam gay chet cay benh nhiem tren hat giong - Vi sinh vat gay benh cay tiet nhulng chat doc anh hudng true tiep den cay bi benh, gay doc cho ngudi va gia sue Nam moc vang (Aspergillus flavus) hai lac, dau tUOng, hat sen tiet doc to aflatoxin gay ung thu gan d ngudi va dong vat Nam gay benh than den d lua mi tiet doc to gay doc cho ngudi va gia sue Nam gay benh moc hong ngo Fusarium cung tiet doc to d lieu cao co the gay tu vong cho ngudi Nam gay benh dom vong xu hao, bap cai Alternaria brassicae tiet doc to alternarin Benh cay gay nhiem dat trot, vi sinh vat gay benh nam tan du rdi xuong dat va tuyen trnng dat da lam dat trd mot ncfi nhiem HO TH| NHUNG, NGUYEN TH| THUY, NGUYEN TH| THANH benh rat nguy hiem cho vu trot sau Hoa chat phong trti benh tich tu lai dat ufc che vi sinh vat co ich, lam nhiem moi trudng 1.2 Benh hai cay co nguon goc tit dat 1.2.1 Lich sie nghien cthi benh hai co nguon goc til dat &Viet Nam Cac benh thoi re va than tac nhan gay benh ton tai dat la nguyen nhan gay thiet hai nang suat nghiem cho cay Viet Nam Tinh chat trot quanh nam tai cac vung chau tho Viet Nam, svt lan truyen cua cac tac nhan gay benh nude ttfdi, thoat nude kem, cay giong khong sach benh va hau nhiet ddi la nhdng yeu to tao dieu kien thuan loi cho su phat trien cua cac benh Nhutng benh chet cay co nguon goc tit dat, da duoc nghien cdu d nude ta tti dau the ky XX Nam 1941-1942, Roger da phat hien thay loai nam gay benh tiem hach lua d Nam Bo so loai ong da phat hien d Dong Duong Roger phat hien thay d cac vung cay can co nam Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii va Sclerotinia sclerotiorum KY THUAT SX&SD CHE PHAM SINH HOC TO NAM OOI KHANG TRICHODERMA Nam 1955 mien Bac Viet Nam da bat dau co mot so nghien cufu ve benh cay, la ket qua nghien cdu cua cac tac gia; Dudng Hong Dat (benh tiem hach hai lua), Dang Thai Thuan, Le Lucfng Te (benh heo ru lac, benh 16 co re bong day) ve cac benh gay chet cay va heo ru phia Bac Ci mien Nam: Hoang Thi My cung da cong bo cac nghien cufu ve benh nam Rhizoctonia gay tren lua va cay can Nam 1972, Vu Trieu Man da nghien cufu dang benh chet cay khoai tay nam Fusarium oxysporum Schl, Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc, Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn va dat ten benh la: chet vang, heo ru trang goc, 16 than that goc Phat hien vi khuan Erwinia va Pseudomonas gay heo ru khoai tay Tut dat nude doi m6i da co rat nhieu cong trinh nghien cufu ve benh chet cay va heo ru co nguon goc tut dat cua nhieu tac gia: Cac cong trinh nghien cutu cua Vien Bao Ve Thuc Vat, Trudng Dai hoc Nong nghiep I Ha Noi, Vien Cay Luang Thuc va Cay Thuc Pham, Vien Khoa Hoc - Ky Thuat Nong Nghiep Viet Nam,Vien Lua Dong Bang Song Cutu Long, Vien Cay An Qua Mien Nam, Vien Khoa Hoc Ky Thuat Nong Nghiep Mien Nam, Trudng Dai hoc Can Thd, Trudng Dai hoc Nong Lam - TP Ho Chi HO TH| NHUNG, NGUYEN THj THUY, NGUYEN THj THANH Minh, Vien Nghien Ciiu cay Bong va Cay co Sdi, Trudng Dai hoc Nong Lam Hue, Truofng Dai hoc Nong Lam Thai Nguyen Co rat nhieu tac gia tham gia cac nghien ciiu nay: nhu cac tac gia Bo mon Benh cay Vien Bao ve Thuc vat Ha Minh Trung phu trach Nam 1988, cac tac gia Luang Minh Chau va Nguyen Ly d Vien lua Dong bang song Ciiu Long da cong bo ket qua nghien ciiu ve benh kho van Nam 2001, tac gia Bui Thi Ngan da nghien ciiu benh Rhizoctonia solani pha tren cay bong tai Nha Ho Pham Hoang Oanh Dai hoc can Thd nghien cutu dac diem loai nam Rhizoctonia, Le Cam Loan Vien Lua Dong Bang Song Chu Long nghien ciiu gen khang benh kho van Nhom tac gia cua Trung tam Benh Cay Nhiet ddi - DHNN I cung Burgess (Uc) nghien ciiu benh thoi tren cay bap cai nam Rhizoctonia solani Du an hop tac Benh cay Viet - Uc Cung nhom tac gia tren ket hap vcfi nhom nghien ciiu cua Vien Duac lieu da phat hien loai benh hai tren cay Bach truat - mot loai duqc lieu a Bac Viet Nam co nguyen nhan chinh la nam Fusarium, Phytophthora va Pythium Nguyen Van Vien (1997) nghien ciiu ve nam Fusarium tren ca chua Do Tan Dung (2000) tim hieu pham vi ky chu cua nam Fusarium Nam 1996, Dinh Van Ddc da dieu tra benh thoi non diia d cac 10 KY THUAT SX&SD CHE PHAM SINH HQC Til NAM 001 KHANG TRICHODERMA by biological control agents applied to seeds Phytopathology 76:60-65 (SCI) [15] Chen Z.Y., Brown R.L., Lax A.R., Guo B.Z., Cleveland T.E., Russin J.S., 1998 Resistance to Aspergillus flavus in corn kernels is associated with a 14 kDa protein Phytopathology, 1998,88(4): 276-281 [16] Chet I., Baker, 1987 rnc/ioderma-Application, mode of action and potential as biocontrol agent of soil borne plant pathogenic fungi In: Chet I., Ed., Innovaitve Approaches to Plant Disease Control, Wiley, New York, pp 137-160 [17] Christan P Kubicek and Gary E Harman, 2002, Basic biology, taxonomy and genetics, Trichoderma and Gliocladium, Volume 1, 293 tr., 2002 [18] CottyPJ., 1990 Effect of atoxigenic strains ofAspergillus flavus on aflatoxin contamination of developing cottonseed Plant Dis., 1990,74(3): 233-235 [19] Cotty P.J., 1994 Influence of field application of an atoxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus on the populations ofA flavus infecting cotton bolls and on the aflatoxin content of cottonseed Phytopathology, 1994; 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CHlTONG TONG QUAN VE BENH HAI CAY TRONG CO NGUON GOC TU* DAT VA BIEN PHAP PHONG TRlT 1.1 Khai niem chung ve benh hai cay 1.2 Benh hai cay co nguon goc tir dat .8 1.2.1 Lich sir nghien cuu benh hai co nguon g6c tir dat b Viet Nam 1.2.2 Cac loai benh hai co ngubn goc tir dat bien a Viet N am 14 1.3 Mot so bien phap phong trir benh hai cay co ngudn goc tir dat 27 1.3.1 Bien phap su dung giong chong benh 28 1.3.2 Bien phap sir dung gi6ng sach benh 29 1.3.3 Bien phap canh tac 30 1.3.4 Bien phap co hoc va vait ly hoc .33 1.3.5 Bien phap h oah oc 34 1.3.6 Bien phap sinh h o c 36 195 HO TH| NHUNG, NGUYEN TH| THUY, NGUYEN THj THANH CHUdNG G ld l THIEU VE NAM DOI KHANG T R I C H O D E R M A 39 2.1 Vi tri phan loai cua nam doi khang T r ic h o d e r m a 39 2.2 Bac diem sinh hoc, sinh thai cua nam doi khang T r ic h o d e r m a 41 2.3 Cac co che phong trtr sinh hoc cua nam doi khang T r ic h o d e r m a .43 2.3.1 Co chS canh tranh 44 2.3.2 Co che enzym e 45 2.3.3 Co che ki sinh 47 2.3.4 Co che khang sinh 52 r r \ 2.3.5 Co che kich thich sinh tnrorng doi vdi cay 59 2.4 Tinh hinh nghien cuu va sii dung che pham sinh hoc tir nam doi khang T r ic h o d e r m a 60 2.4.1 Tren the g ia i 60 2.4.2 d Viet Nam 65 r t r * 2.5 Thucmg mai hoa che pham sinh hoc tir nam doi khang T r ic h o d e r m a .77 CHU'ONG KY THUAT SAN XUAT CHE PHAM T R IC H O D E R M A PHGNG TRlTBENH H A ICAYTRdNG 83 3.1 Co sir khoa hoc cua ky thuat san xuat che pham T r ic h o d e r m a 83 3.1.1 Nhu cau dinh duong cua vi sinh vat 83 196 KY THUAT SX&SD CHE PHAM SINH HQC TL/ NAM 001 KHANG TRICHODERMA 3.1.2 Mpt so yeu cau nhan nuoi nam T r ic h o d e r m a 88 3.1.3 Bac diem sinh truong cua nam T rich oderm a 91 3.2 Phuong phap chuan bi nguon giong T r ic h o d e r m a A 3.2.1 Phuong phap thu thap 94 3.2.2 Phan lap mau nam Trichoderma 97 3.2.3 Cay chuyen lam thuan m au 100 3.2.4 Binh loai nam T r ic h o d e r m a bang hinh thai hoc 104 3.2.5 Tuyen chon nguon nam T r ic h o d e r m a 108 r f w r 3.3 Nhan giong nam T ric h o d e rm a cap va cap 109 3.3.1 Nhan giong nam T ric h o d e rm a cap 109 3.3.2 Nhan giong nam T ric h o d e rm a cap tren moi truong long 109 3.4 Nhan sinh khoi nam T r ic h o d e r m a tren moi truong ran 114 3.4.1 Xac dinh co chat len men ran de nhan sinh khoi nam T r ic h o d e r m a 114 3.4.2 Xac dinh ty le djch men nam T rich oderm a' thoc ninh nhir de san xuat che pham T r ic h o d e r m a 116 3.4.3 Xac dinh nhiet thich hop cho len men long de san xuat che pham T r ic h o d e r m a 118 3.4.4 Xac dinh muc pH thich hop cho len men long de san xuat giong nam T r ic h o d e rm a 119 197 HO THI NHUNG, NGUYEN THI THUY, NGUYEN TH| THANH 3.5 Quy trinh san xuat che pham T r ic h o d e rm a trir benh hai cay 120 3.5.1 Tuyen chon nam T r ic h o d e r m a 121 3.5.2 Nhan giong T ric h o d e rm a cap tren moi trurong PD A 124 3.5.3 Nhan giong T ric h o d e rm a cap tren moi trucmglong 125 3.5.4 Nhan sinh khoi tren moi trudng r in 127 3.5.5 Thu sinh khoi va gia cong tao che pham 128 3.5.6 Bac diem che pham T r i c h o l a c .129 CHUtJNG SIT DUNG CHE PHAM T R IC H O D E R M A PHONG TRlT BENH HAI CAY TRONG 131 4.1 Ket qua nghien cuu va ung dung che pham T rich o d erm a phong trir benh hai lac tai Nghe A n 131 4.1.1 Thanh phan benh nam hai chinh tren cay lac tai huyen Nghi Loc, tinh Nghe An (vu Xuan nam ) 131 4.1.2 Ky thuat su dung che pham T ric h o d e rm a trir benh cho cay l?tc 138 4.1.3 Hieu qua che pham T r ic h o d e rm a trir benh cho cay lac tren dong ruong 142 4.2 Nghien curu va ung dung che pham T rich o d erm a phong trir nam P h y to p h th o r a p a lm iv o r a gay benh tren cay sau rieng 149 4.2.1 Tuyenchonnguongiongnam T rich o d erm a phong trir nam P h y to p h th o r a p a lm iv o r a gay benh tren cay sau rieng 149 198 KYTHUAT SX&SD CHE PHAM SINH HOC TLi NAM OOI KHANG TRICHODERMA 4.2.2 Hieu qua phong tri benh tren la va re sau rieng nam P p a lm iv o r a gay cua mot so chung nam T r ic h o d e rm a co trien vong d dieu kien ngoai dong 153 4.2.3 Hieu qua phong tri benh nam P p a lm iv o r a tren cay sau rieng bang cac chung nam T ric h o d e rm a phoi tron ket hop phan huu c o .157 r f f 4.3 Nghien cuu va ling dung che pham T rich o d erm a phong trir nam C o lle to tr ic h u m gay benh tren cay d t 162 4.3.1 Tuyenchonnguongiongnam T ric h o d e rm a phong tru nam C o lle to tr ic h u m gay benh tren cay ot 162 4.3.2 Thu nghiem kha nang phong tri benh than thu tren cay ot 170 4.4 Mot so ket qua nghien cuu va ung dung che pham T ric h o d e rm a khac trir benh cho cay Viet Nam 171 4.4.1 Che pham sinh hoc BIMA ( T ric h o d e r m a ) 171 4.4.2 Chd phim Trico - Dai hoc CSn T h o 174 4.4.3 Chd phSm huu co vi ACHACOMIX SUN ( T r ic h o d e r m a ) cua Vien ung dung cong nghe (Bo Khoa hoc va cong nghe) 179 TAI LIEU THAM KHAO 181 199 NHA Xu At bAn DAI HOC VINH 18 L e D u a n , V in h , N g h e A n D T : 5 ( M i y le : 12 ) - F a x : 38 55 26 E m a i l : n x b d h v @ v i n h u n i e d u v n KY THUAT SAN XUAl VA SITDUNG CHE PHAM SINH HOC Til NAM DO) KHANG TRICHODERMA PHONG TRtfBENH HAI CAY TR6n G Chiu track nhiem noi dung vd xudt bdn: Giam doc kiem Tong bien tap PGS.TS DINH TRI DUNG Bien tap: NGUYEN HONG QUANG Bia, trinh bay: PHAN Q u c TRUONG Sica bdn in: tAcgi A ISBN 978-604-923-419-4 I n 0 b i n , k h o , x ,5 c m T a i C o n g ty C P In to n g h o p C a u G ia y D C : Lo A C N 1, C u m C N T T v tra v a n h T tr L ie m , P M in h K h a i, Q B ac T il L ie m , T P H i N o i D a n g k y k e h o a c h x u a t b a n so : 0 1-2 / C X B IP H / -7 / D H V Q u y e t d in h x u a t b i n so : -2 / Q D X B -D H V n g a y t h in g 1 n a m 18 I n x o n g v i n o p l u u c h ie u t h i n g n a m 18 KVTHUATSANXUATlit SODUNG CHEPHAMSINHHOCIlf HAMDOIKHANG TRICHODERMA PHONGTliifBENHHAI CAYTRONG ... cac sieu ky sinh (ky sinh bac hai), sir dung cac vi sinh vat doi khang va chat khang sinh va su dung Phytonxit - Sit dung cac sieu ky sinh Nhung vi sinh vat song ky sinh tren co the ky sinh vat... 1.3.6 Bien phap sinh hoc Bien phap sinh hoc la bien phap su dung cac sinh vat doi khang sieu ky sinh, chat khang sinh de tieu diet, han che vi sinh vat gay benh cay Bien phap sinh hoc khong gay... THUAT SX&SD CHE PHAM SINH HQC Til NAM 001KHANG TRICHODERMA Bo Hypocreales Ho Hypocreaceae Chi Trichoderma 2.2 Dac diem sinh hoc, sinh thai cua nam doi khang Trichoderma Chung nam Trichoderma dUdc