APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Edited by Alexander Belov Applied Fracture Mechanics Edited by Alexander Belov Contributors A. Yu. Belov, Lucas Máximo Alves, Luiz Alkimin de Lacerda, Karl-Johan Söderholm, Ilya I. Kudish, Kunio Asai, Sylwester Kłysz, Andrzej Leski, Narciso Acuña-González, Jorge A. González- Sánchez, Luis R. Dzib-Pérez, Aarón Rivas-Menchi, Dino A. Araneo, Francesco D’Auria, Ľubomír Gajdoš, Martin Šperl, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Hassan Farhangi, A. Guedri, Y. Djebbar, Moe. Khaleel, A. Zeghloul, Ruslizam Daud, Ahmad Kamal Ariffin, Shahrum Abdullah, Al Emran Ismail Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Viktorija Zgela Typesetting InTech Prepress, Novi Sad Cover InTech Design Team First published December, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from Applied Fracture Mechanics, Edited by Alexander Belov p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0897-9 Contents Preface IX Section 1 Computational Methods of Fracture Mechanics 1 Chapter 1 Higher Order Weight Functions in Fracture Mechanics of Multimaterials 3 A. Yu. Belov Chapter 2 Foundations of Measurement Fractal Theory for the Fracture Mechanics 19 Lucas Máximo Alves Chapter 3 Fractal Fracture Mechanics Applied to Materials Engineering 67 Lucas Máximo Alves and Luiz Alkimin de Lacerda Section 2 Fracture of Biological Tissues 107 Chapter 4 Fracture of Dental Materials 109 Karl-Johan Söderholm Section 3 Fracture Mechanics Based Models of Fatigue 143 Chapter 5 Fracture Mechanics Based Models of Structural and Contact Fatigue 145 Ilya I. Kudish Chapter 6 Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Fretting Fatigue Considering Small Crack Effects, Mixed Mode, and Mean Stress Effect 177 Kunio Asai Chapter 7 Good Practice for Fatigue Crack Growth Curves Description 197 Sylwester Kłysz and Andrzej Leski VI Contents Chapter 8 Early Corrosion Fatigue Damage on Stainless Steels Exposed to Tropical Seawater: A Contribution from Sensitive Electrochemical Techniques 229 Narciso Acuña-González, Jorge A. González-Sánchez, Luis R. Dzib-Pérez and Aarón Rivas-Menchi Section 4 Fracture Mechanics Aspects of Power Engineering 261 Chapter 9 Methodology for Pressurized Thermal Shock Analysis in Nuclear Power Plant 263 Dino A. Araneo and Francesco D’Auria Section 5 Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering 281 Chapter 10 Evaluating the Integrity of Pressure Pipelines by Fracture Mechanics 283 Ľubomír Gajdoš and Martin Šperl Chapter 11 Fracture Analysis of Generator Fan Blades 311 Mahmood Sameezadeh and Hassan Farhangi Chapter 12 Structural Reliability Improvement Using In-Service Inspection for Intergranular Stress Corrosion of Large Stainless Steel Piping 331 A. Guedri, Y. Djebbar, Moe. Khaleel and A. Zeghloul Chapter 13 Interacting Cracks Analysis Using Finite Element Method 359 Ruslizam Daud, Ahmad Kamal Ariffin, Shahrum Abdullah and Al Emran Ismail Preface Knowledge accumulated in the science of fracture can be considered as an intellectual heritage of humanity. Already at the end of Palaeolithic Era humans made first observations on cleavage of flint and applied them to produce sharp stone axes and other tools. The coming of Industrial Era with its attributes in the form of skyscrapers, jumbo jets, giant cruise ships, or nuclear power plants increased probability of large scale accidents and made deep understanding of the laws of fracture a question of survival. In the 20th century fracture mechanics has evolved into a mature discipline of science and engineering and became an important aspect of engineering education. At present, our understanding of fracture mechanisms is developing rapidly and numerous new insights gained in this field are, to a significant degree, defining the face of contemporary engineering science. The power of modern supercomputers substantially increases the reliability of fracture mechanics based predictions, making fracture mechanics an indispensable tool in engineering design. Today fracture mechanics faces a range of new problems, which is too vast to be discussed comprehensively in a short Preface. This book is a collection of 13 chapters, divided into five sections primarily according to the field of application of the fracture mechanics methodology. Assignment of the chapters to the sections only indicates the main contents of a chapter because some chapters are interdisciplinary and cover different aspects of fracture. In section "Computational Methods" the topics comprise discussion of computational and mathematical methods, underlying fracture mechanics applications, namely, the weight function formalism of linear fracture mechanics (chapter 1) as well as the fractal geometry based formulation of the fracture mechanics laws (chapter 2). These chapters attempt to overview the complex mathematical concepts in the form intelligible to a broad audience of scientists and engineers. The fractal models of fracture are further applied (chapter 3) to analyze experimental data in terms of fractal geometry. Section "Fracture of Biological Tissues" focuses on discussion on the strength of biological tissues, in particular, on human teeth tissues such as enamel and dentin (chapter 4). On the basis of the structure-property relation analysis for the biological tissues the perspective directions for the development of artificial restorative materials for dentistry are formulated. X Preface Section "Fracture Mechanics Based Models of Fatigue" reminds that the phenomenon of fatigue still remains an important direction in fracture mechanics and attracts considerable attention of researches and engineers. The chapters presented here show efficacy of the traditional statistical approach and its improved versions in description of structural fatigue (chapter 5), fretting fatigue (chapter 6), and in fitting experimental fatigue crack growth curves (chapter 7). Even more complicated case of fatigue, namely the fatigue of steal in natural seawater at temperatures of tropical climates, is discussed with an account of the role of electrochemical processes (chapter 8). Section “Fracture Mechanics Aspects of Power Engineering” contains one chapter (chapter 9) dealing with application of fracture mechanics to the problems of safety and lifetime of nuclear reactor components, primarily reactor pressure vessels with emphasis on pressurized thermal shock events. Section “Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering” deals with fracture mechanics analysis of large scale engineering structures, including various pipelines (chapters 10 and 12), generator fan blades (chapter 11), or of some more general industrial failures (chapter 13). The topics of this book cover a wide range of directions for application of fracture mechanics analysis in materials science, medicine, and engineering (power, mechanical, and civil). In many cases the reported experience of the authors with commercial engineering software may be also of value to engineers applying such codes. The book is intended for mechanical and civil engineers, and also to material scientists from industry, research, or education. Alexander Belov Institute of Crystallography Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia . APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS Edited by Alexander Belov Applied Fracture Mechanics reliability of fracture mechanics based predictions, making fracture mechanics an indispensable tool in engineering design. Today fracture mechanics faces