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Giải đề ielts speaking part 1 quý 1 2022

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0 GIẢI ĐỀ IELTS SPEAKING PART QUÝ 1/ 2022 (THÁNG 01 – 04/2022) Topic: Home/ accommodation Topic: Study Topic: Work Topic: Weekend Topic: Mirrors Topic: Emails Topic: Drawing and art Topic: Taking photos Topic: Daily Routine Topic: Dreams Topic: Cinemas 11 Topic: History 11 Topic: Sweets & Cakes 12 Topic: Handwriting 13 Topic: Headphones 14 Topic: Shoes 15 Topic: Science 16 Topic: Concentration 17 Topic: Pets and Animals 18 Topic: Colours 19 Topic: Phone applications 20 Topic: Weather 20 Topic: Spending time with others 21 Topic: TV Program 22 Topic: Maths 23 Topic: New places 24 Topic: Mobile phones 25 0 Topic: Home/ accommodation Do you live in a house or an apartment? I live in a house that is located in a small alley in district with my family Because of district is considered as the heart of Ho Chi Minh city, all amenities are available within walking distance, like markets, churches, hospitals and all kinds of fashion shops and restaurants That means I can easily grab anything I need in just a few minutes So I really enjoy my life there  The heart of the city: trung tâm thành phố  Amenities (n): đồ thiết yếu Would you like to move to a different home in the future? Although my current accommodation is perfectly fine, I would love to experience living in a cottage once Since it was my childhood dream to live near a forest, a small thatched-roof and rustic house located quietly at the the edge of a jungle would be my dream house  Cottage (n): nhà chòi  Thatched-roof (n): mái lợp  Rustic (adj): mộc mạc, đơn sơ How is your apartment decorated? My home is styled in a minimal way Almost everything is painted in plain white, and a few landscape paintings and all small blue modern ornaments act as delicate touches The interior design is simple, yet convenient and very pleasant to look at  Minimal (adj): tối giản  Ornament (n): đồ trang trí Topic: Study Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? I prefer to study in the morning, that9s when I feel the most clear-headed I often study for about to hours before taking a break  Clear-headed (adj): tỉnh táo What subjects are you studying? 0 I9m a university student of Economics, currently I9m taking courses in Microeconomics, Philosophy and mandatory Physical Education Do you like your subjects? Well yes, I like my major I9ve always been fascinated by numbers and how societies work Understanding the economy is crucial to understand societies  Be fascinated by s.th: bị hấp dẫn điều Do you have anything that you don’t like about your study? Sometimes, the things that are taught in my classes seem to be outdated The data that we use to our analysis assignments are old I9d rather study the current situation than what happened decades ago  Outdated (adj): lỗi thời What technology you use when you study? I use my laptop to write my essays and also take online classes, especially during this covid pandemic It9s such a blessing in disguise as I now manage my homework entirely online and it9s much easier than it used to be  A blessing in disguise: may rủi Topic: Work Do you miss being a student? Only sometimes I miss being a carefree individual because I didn9t have to worry about the bills, the taxes, you know, adult problems Despite those problems, I have more freedom now I9m able to make money to be financially independent and even support my parents This is what I prefer  Carefree (adj): vô tư  Financially independent (adv + adj): tự chủ tài Do you like your job? Absolutely, my job as a language teacher allows me to meet people from all walks of life There are the young and talented school students and there are also people who are older and more mature than I am who seek to improve themselves and better their lives I have to admit that I admire them  From all walks of life: đến từ ngóc ngách sống 0   Mature (adj): chín chắn To better (v): cải thiện, nâng cao Why did you choose to that type of work? To be honest this job comes with a lot of perks I get to befriend new people and socialize with my students You know, teaching and learning is an intensely social experience I9m an outgoing person, so this job suits me perfectly  Befriend (v): kết bạn What technology you use at work? Laptop, cell phone, projectors, tablets… you name it Gone are the days of only using black board and white chalk I can upload my announcements to my online classrooms And it9s way easier now to manage a class than it used to be thanks to digitalisation  Digitalisation (n): số hóa Topic: Weekend What you usually on weekends? First, I like to sleep a little later than normal, just because it9s more relaxing not to have to get up early like I usually do, but I don9t like getting up too late in the day because then I feel like I9ve wasted some of the weekend I also like to have lunch or at least one meal with my parents over the weekend, depending on what I9m doing, and what their plans are Why you think many people consider the weekend to be important? People generally have more time at the weekend so they spend more time with people they love or doing things they really like rather than just studying or working And, of course, it9s an opportunity to recharge your batteries before returning to work or whatever you during the week, feeling more energized and ready to face up to the challenges again Do you like working on weekends? I don9t think I I always spend the whole weekend with my family I barely work on weekends Do you think employees should have to work on weekends? 0 If I were an employee, I would think this is a horrible idea Employees are human, we all deserve to have some off-work time Topic: Mirrors Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often? I look at myself in the mirror every day when I wake up; it9s sort of my morning ritual I work in a professional environment, so I need to make sure I don9t look like a mess before leaving for work At least I have to check if my hair is tidy, my makeup looks decent and my clothes are not wrinkled    Morning ritual (n): thói quen buổi sáng Leave for work: làm Wrinkle (v): làm nhăn Do you usually take a mirror with you? Yeah, sure As a woman, I often keep a small mirror in my purse in case I need to touch up during the day It9s like girls9 secret weapon  Touch up (v): chỉnh trang  Secret weapon (n): vũ khí bí mật Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration? I think the mirror is a very useful decorative item With a beautiful wooden frame, it can nicely complement a living room or a bedroom, adding a more vintage look to it However, with more modern design, it may serve the purpose of creating the illusion that the space is bigger than it actually is, and this technique is often used within small houses, coffee shops or restaurants  Illusion (n): ảo ảnh Topic: Emails At work or in your studies, you often write things? Yes, I write a lot of emails as part of my job I work for a company that has offices in several countries, so we use email to communicate Do you often send emails? 0 Normally it seems like a daily routine for me to write emails to my clients about how to use the system; but if they complain to me about the poor user experience, I sometimes really find myself getting stuck in explaining to comfort them How often you send e-mails? I probably write between and 10 work emails every day, and I send emails to friends or family a few times a week How often you check your email? Well, regularly Maybe on a daily basis, I would say Mails are important for me, because my work does not allow me to meet as many people for networking, so we mostly connect using mails, delaying the work does not make sense  On a daily basis: ngày Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer? It depends what I9m doing I prefer the computer for most things because it9s faster and you can save or copy things, but I still like making notes or writing ideas down by hand Do you think emails are useful? Emails are really useful and important to me I can use emails to contact people who are staying far away from me, and this really comes in handy as I have lots of foreign friends Moreover, I can receive notifications of special deals or interesting information through emails by subscribing to any online channels that appeal to me  Appeal to: làm hấp dẫn, lôi Topic: Drawing and art Do you like art? To be honest, I have a soft spot for art I cannot say that I9m a skillful painter or anything, but I draw every now and then When I was younger I didn9t really know how to define art, but it grew on me and now I can even create some oneof-a-kind artworks for house decoration  Have a soft spot for something: yêu thích  Every now and then: 0  Grow on me: (niềm u thích) dần lớn lên tơi What kind of paintings people like? From my observation, most people enjoy hanging pictures of natural landscapes on the walls of their homes Looking at the spectacular views of rocky mountains, or the breezy and sparkling river flow, can create a sense of well-being and peacefulness Others, however, are more into portraits, whether of themselves or their beloved ones  From my observation: theo thấy  Spectacular (adj): hùng vĩ  Sense of well-being (n): cảm giác hạnh phúc  Breezy (adj): mát mẻ  Sparkling (adj): lấp lánh  Peacefulness (n): bình yên What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby? I learned that there are some psychological effects colors might have on our emotions By saying this, I mean it can uplift my mood only by mixing and playing with different shades of red, yellow, green or blue And painting has been extremely useful in helping me to increase my attention span, you know, because it often takes days or even months to finish a proper drawing  Psychological effects: hiệu ứng tâm lý  Uplift one’s mood: làm vui lên  Increase one’s attention span: tăng khả tập trung Topic: Taking photos Do you like taking photos? You can call me a shutterbug, as I love snapping photos wherever I go My dad bought me a digital camera on my 15th birthday, and since then I have taken up photography as a hobby I cannot say that I9m a professional photographer, but I9ve been brushing up on my skills, hoping to become one in the future  Shutterbug (n): người đam mê chụp ảnh  Digital camera (n): máy ảnh kỹ thuật số  Brushing up on s.th: trau dồi kỹ 0 Do you like taking selfies? Well, only when I9m in the mood for one I9m not very photogenic, so the photo would turn out horrible unless I9m having some makeup on However, when I9m with a group of friends and everyone wants to take a selfie, I9m happy to join them because the composition of the photo would be so much better, you know, instead of just me  In the mood for s.th: có hứng làm  Photogenic (adj): ăn ảnh  Turn out (v): (kết quả) diễn cách khơng ngờ  Composition (n): bố cục (hình ảnh) What kind of photos you like to take? I try to experience different types of photography, ranging from portraits, still life, nature, fashion to food photos, but I have to say I9m in favor of landscape photography I find that shooting tall trees, mountains while exploring the great outdoors is like killing two birds with one stone It allows me to work at all times of day, from sunrise to sunset, and even long after dark to capture the landscape below the beautiful night sky  Kill to birds with one stone (exp.): mũi tên trúng hai đích/ cơng đơi việc  Capture (v): bắt trọn (hình ảnh) Do you prefer taking photos with the camera or by phone? As a person who is passionate about photography, I would go for a DSLR camera due to its high-definition shooting mode I wouldn9t have to worry too much about how the pictures appear to be because they are surely larger, wider, clearer, and crisper, compared to an iPhone camera But most smartphones today are also reliable imaging companions, thanks to the equipment of ultra-wide cameras which allow users to snap photos right off the bat  Be passionate about s.th: đam mê  High-definition shooting mode (n): chế độ chụp siêu nét  Ultra-wide camera (n): máy ảnh góc rộng  Right off the bat (adv): 0 Topic: Daily Routine When you wake up? Well, I9m a morning riser, and I wake up at about o9clock Getting up early not only makes me feel refreshed and productive, but it also prevents my skin from having wrinkles  Morning riser (n): người dậy sớm  Wrinkle (n): nếp nhăn What is your daily routine? Well, in the morning, I get up early to have a light breakfast and hit the gym at about a.m After one hour of workout, I leave the gym club and go to the supermarket to buy food to prepare lunch and dinner In the afternoon and evening, I go to my workplace and start working from 14.00.pm until 21.00.p.m  Hit the gym: tập gym What part of the day you like most? I enjoy late night when I come home from work, and everything is filled with dim grey light To me, it9s a great time to kick back on the bed to have a chit-chat with my roommates, surf the Internet, listen to music, or watch a favourite movie  Have a chit-chat: tám chuyện Do you think it is important to have a daily routine? Yes, it is A proper daily routine will help you arrange your activities in the most sensible way Without a daily routine, people usually things spontaneously, which could waste their time and reduce their work efficiency I think those who are disorganized can gain more benefits from creating a daily routine  Work efficiency (n): hiệu công việc  Disorganized (adj): lộn xộn Topic: Dreams Do you dream much at night? Yes, I I have quite vivid dreams about things that are going on in my life at the time and I even have nightmares sometimes  Vivid (adj): rõ ràng 0 Well, I think this question is really putting me on the spot because my recollections about historical events are pretty hazy Having said that I think the first event that springs to mind is probably Independence Day, which is the biggest milestone in Vietnamese history Because it marks the day when Vietnam has become a sovereign state I mean Vietnam is totally free from French colonization  Put s.o on the spot: khiến sững người  Hazy (adj): mơ hồ  Spring to mind: nghĩ đến  Independence Day (n): Ngày Quốc khánh  Sovereign (adj): có tồn quyền  Colonization (n): đô hộ  Milestone (n): dấu mốc, cột mốc Do you think history is important? Definitely History is the backbone of any society Because it helps instill in every citizen a sense of patriotism And we can acquire a deeper understanding formidable feats of our forefathers When Vietnam is at war with many powerful nations, we can know that against all the odds, the Vietnam army triumphed  Backbone: (nghĩa bóng) tảng  Instill in sb: khắc sâu vào, in vào tâm trí  Formidable (adj): dội  Against all odds: bất chấp điều kiện nguy hiểm  Triumph (v): dành chiến thắng Topic: Sweets & Cakes Do you like to eat sweets? Yes, sure I guess everyone enjoys a little sweetness in life, as it makes us all happy and more energetic Whenever I have the blues, eating a piece of candy or chocolate provides me an immediate surge of pleasure so I feel much better  Have the blues: buồn  A surge of pleasure (n): cảm giác vui sướng tăng lên Do you like sweets more or less now compared to when you were a child? 0 Less, of course I used to have a sweet tooth when I was young, and chocolate was my absolute favorite Now I only eat sweet foods every now and then, when I9m in need of an energy booster to uplift my mood  Have a sweet tooth: thích ăn  Every now and then (adv):  Energy booster (n): tăng cường lượng  Uplift one’s mood: cải thiện tâm trạng Is there any sweet food in your country? Well, you name it I can say that Vietnam boasts mouth-watering street foods, and desserts in particular Chè would be the one that pops into my mind This pudding-like beverage usually incorporates fruit, beans, seeds, tapioca powder and coconut milk, which is a perfect combo for scorching summer days It is favored by most people in my country  You name it: Dùng nhiều thứ, có  Mouth-watering (adj): ngon chảy nước miếng  Pop into one’s mind: nảy đầu  Scorching (adj): nóng chảy mỡ Do you eat cakes or sweets after a meal? I try not to, to be honest As much as I love it, eating a slice of cake or a cup of pudding would add to the fullness of my stomach after a hearty meal, so I prefer having some citrus fruits instead, you know, to help with digestion  Hearty meal (n): bữa ăn lớn  Citrus fruit (n): thuộc họ cam, chanh  Digestion (n): tiêu hoá Topic: Handwriting Do you often write with your hand(s)? Well, I rarely write with my hands When I was a kid, I did that on a daily basis but not anymore now; most of the time I type on my laptop I haven9t written anything up to 300 words for several years, so I reckon my handwriting is kinda spidery now  On a daily basis: ngày  Reckon (v): cho 0  Spidery (adj): vằn vện, xấu Do you prefer handwriting or typing on the computer? Typing obviously Most, if not all, of my work involves a lot of keyboard tapping I spend on average hours a day typing, and I don9t think I actually hand-write anything except for when I need to sign, scribble out a shopping list or, once in a blue moon, write love letters (laugh)  Keyboard tapping (n): gõ phím  Scribble (v): ghi nhanh  Once in a blue moon: lâu lâu, họa hoằn Would you say that having good handwriting is important? I reckon students with neat and clean cursives may have an edge over those with bad handwriting My former teachers would complain all the time that my words are illegible, some of whom even gave me bad grades (laugh) However, it9s not that important in the 21st century9s world of work – office workers not bother writing anything with their hands  Cursive (n): chữ viết (có nét nối mà học sinh tiểu học hay viết)  Have an edge over: có lợi  Illegible (adj): không đọc Do you think that computers will completely replace handwriting? Yes, I With laptops and smartphones, typing and texting have become our goto methods of word processing in the 21st century Writing has had its day, and I think it will be much less important in the next 20-30 years  Go-to: dùng thường xuyên, liên tục  Word processing: xử lý chữ viết  Have had its day: trở nên phổ biến Topic: Headphones Do you use headphones? Yes, I In fact, I have two different earphones and headphones which serves different purposes After all, I am an audiophile!  Audiophile (n): người học qua âm 0 What type of headphones you use? Like I said previously, I9m a music aficionado, and therefore I have wired, studioquality over-ear headphones to cater to the need for high-fidelity music I also have true wireless earbuds when I9m on holiday  Music aficionado (n): người đam mê âm nhạc  Wired headphones (n): tai nghe có dây In what conditions would you not use headphones? Hmm that9s an interesting question I wouldn9t want to wear headphones when I9m in the middle of an offline meeting I don9t use headphones when I commute either, as I think listening to music when I'm riding might put me at risk of unwanted accidents I9m an accident-prone person ya know Topic: Shoes Do you like buying shoes? I love buying shoes I9m not a sneaker-head or anything, but I buy new shoes on a regular basis I have a whole collection of shoes, ranging from sneakers, sandals, boots, slip-ons, loafers to high heels Shoes, in my opinion, are indispensable in completing a look, especially to someone who owns a wide variety of clothing items like I  Sneaker-head (n): người chơi giày  On a regular basis: thường xuyên Have you ever bought shoes online? Countless times, I have to say I mean I buy most of my things online and shoes are no exception Though I enjoy in-store shoe shopping, as I can try them on to see if they fit, purchasing footwear on websites is a much more convenient experience There is an accurate size chart for every kind of shoes, so all I have to is to pick up the color I love and wait for the package to be delivered  Be no exception: ngoại lệ  Fit (v): vừa vặn How much money you usually spend on shoes? I try not to splurge on shoes, because it would result in me living beyond my means However, I think a good pair of shoes is a worthy investment, as it 0 doesn9t only protect my feet, but can also support my stability as I walk If the quality of those shoes is worth the price, I am willing to spend millions of VND to own them  Splurge on s.th: tiêu nhiều tiền cho  Live beyond one’s means: tiêu tiền tay  Stability (n): cân Which you prefer, fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes? Wow, I wish I could choose both as they are equally important, I guess It9s not easy at all to decide which one outweighs the other, but as a person who is passionate about fashion, I would go for the shoes that are in vogue To be honest, I don9t walk that often, so spending 15-20 minutes per day walking in a pair of high heels should not be a big problem As long as I look good in those shoes, you know, I feel better  Be in vogue: thời thượng Topic: Science Do you like science? To be frank with you, I9m not exactly a big fan of science 8cause it9s always been a closed book to me Though I know it helps me to acquire an in-depth understanding of the world, I always find it perplexing  Be a closed book: đề tài, mơn học khó  Acquire (v): có  In-depth understanding of: hiểu biết sâu rộng  Perplexing (adj): phức tạp, rắc rối When did you start to learn about science? It was way back in the early part of my school years I got to study rudimentary maths, physics and biology I was pretty good at them back then, unlike now, when a math problem could give me a really hard time solving it  Rudimentary (a): bản, thô sơ  Have a hard time doing s.th: gặp khó khăn việc Which science subject is interesting to you? 0 Well, I have a keen interest in chemistry Back when I was in secondary school, I was infatuated with this subject 9cause I took enormous enjoyment in watching all these chemical reactions and balancing chemical equations  Have a keen interest in s.th: quan tâm đến, thích  Be infatuated with: say mê với  Take enormous enjoyment with s.th: thấy vui làm What kinds of interesting things have you done with science? If my memory serves me right, there have been a few occasions that I9ve had fun doing scientific experiments I remember there was one time when I almost burned the class down because of my clumsiness during a chemical experiment The whole class was engulfed in smoke and everybody actually burst into laughter  Engulfed (adj): chìm  Burst into laughter: bật cười Topic: Concentration you need to be focused? That is when I have to complete a tough and time-consuming assignment At that time, I have to be mentally alert and any distractor like a deafening noise can make my blood boil  Distractor (n): thứ làm phân tâm  Deafening (adj): gây điếc tai Can you concentrate on work during the noise? I simply can9t I will be on the warpath if there is any ear-piercing noise disturbing me when I am concentrating on my work I used to get a very low mark on my final exam just because of the noise of the construction work next to my school It is hard to concentrate and once being distracted, I cannot bring back the flow of ideas Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? Yes, it is very hard I need a very silent and peaceful ambience to stay focused At that time, I can work efficiently and easily come up with new ideas I hate the noise of the surroundings but a very small volume of jazz also can boost my productivity  Ambience (n): không khí, mơi trường 0 What you to help you concentrate? I think jazz or piano melodies can enable me to stay focused I think I can work more effectively when I listen to music while immersing myself in working  Melody (n): giai điệu  Immerse in (v): chìm vào Topic: Pets and Animals What’s your favourite animal? Why? That would be monkeys, especially the babies I think they9re fascinating because they behave so much like humans  fascinating (adj): thú vị  behave (v): có hành vi What is the most popular animal in your country? Internationally, I think we are known for the water buffalo It was the mascot of the Sea Games, a sports tournament for countries in Southeast Asia, when it was hosted in Vietnam  Water buffalo (n): trâu nước  Mascot (n): linh vật (trong đại hội thể thao)  Southeast Asia (n): khu vực Đông Nam Á  Host (v) tổ chức Have you ever had a pet before? Actually, I have a couple of cats at home One is a tabby and the other is British short hair They9re adorable and I play with them whenever I have time  A couple of sth: cặp, đơi, dùng vài  Tabby (n): mèo mướp Where you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors? Indoors, because they9re cats They are known to prey on wild birds which can lead to the devastating loss of wild species Besides, I want to keep them away from the roads where there are a lot of vehicles  Prey (v): săn mồi  Devastating loss (adj + n): mát to lớn 0  Keep sth/so away from sth: ngăn không cho tiếp xúc Topic: Colours What’s your favourite colour? Blue has always been my go-to color Most of my clothing items are blue and so are my bedsheets and room walls To me, all shades of blue are pleasant to the eyes as they are not as bright as red and orange yet not as dull as black or white  Go-to (adj): thường xuyên sử dụng  Shade (n): sắc  Pleasant to the eyes: vừa mắt  Dull (adj): nhàm chán What’s the colour you dislike? Why? To be honest, I9m not a big fan of vibrant colors like red, orange or yellow as they are a bit overwhelming to me Staring at these shades for too long may result in me having fatigue and irritation, so I often avoid using these colors in home decoration  Vibrant (adj): chói, rực rỡ  Overwhelming (adj): choáng ngợp  Fatigue (n): mệt mỏi  Irritation (n): khó chịu What colours people in your country like the most? The way I see it, Asian culture, and Vietnam included, show a keen interest in feng shui, in which the colors chosen for clothing items or house decoration can, in some ways, affect your success, health, and happiness In this sense, red proclaims the most favorable color in my country, as it is believed to represent joy, luck and the power to ward off evils  Feng shui (n): phong thuỷ  Represent (v): Tượng trưng  Ward off (v): xua đuổi  Evil (n): tà ma, quỷ 0 Well, I think this question is really putting me on the spot because my recollections about historical events are pretty hazy Having said that I think the first event that springs to mind is probably Independence Day, which is the biggest milestone in Vietnamese history Because it marks the day when Vietnam has become a sovereign state I mean Vietnam is totally free from French colonization  Put s.o on the spot: khiến sững người  Hazy (adj): mơ hồ  Spring to mind: nghĩ đến  Independence Day (n): Ngày Quốc khánh  Sovereign (adj): có tồn quyền  Colonization (n): đô hộ  Milestone (n): dấu mốc, cột mốc Do you think history is important? Definitely History is the backbone of any society Because it helps instill in every citizen a sense of patriotism And we can acquire a deeper understanding When Vietnam is at war with many powerful formidable feats of our forefathers nations, we can know that against all the odds, the Vietnam army triumphed      Backbone: (nghĩa bóng) tảng Instill in sb: khắc sâu vào, in vào tâm trí Formidable (adj): dội Against all odds: bất chấp điều kiện nguy hiểm Triumph (v): dành chiến thắng Topic: Sweets & Cakes Do you like to eat sweets? Yes, sure I guess everyone enjoys a little sweetness in life, as it makes us all happy and more energetic Whenever I have the blues, eating a piece of candy or chocolate provides me an immediate surge of pleasure so I feel much better  Have the blues: buồn  A surge of pleasure (n): cảm giác vui sướng tăng lên Do you like sweets more or less now compared to when you were a child? 0 Less, of course I used to have a sweet tooth when I was young, and chocolate was my absolute favorite Now I only eat sweet foods every now and then, when I9m in need of an energy booster to uplift my mood  Have a sweet tooth: thích ăn  Every now and then (adv):  Energy booster (n): tăng cường lượng  Uplift one’s mood: cải thiện tâm trạng Is there any sweet food in your country? Well, you name it I can say that Vietnam boasts mouth-watering street foods, and desserts in particular Chè would be the one that pops into my mind This pudding-like beverage usually incorporates fruit, beans, seeds, tapioca powder and coconut milk, which is a perfect combo for scorching summer days It is favored by most people in my country  You name it: Dùng q nhiều thứ, có  Mouth-watering (adj): ngon chảy nước miếng  Pop into one’s mind: nảy đầu  Scorching (adj): nóng chảy mỡ Do you eat cakes or sweets after a meal? I try not to, to be honest As much as I love it, eating a slice of cake or a cup of pudding would add to the fullness of my stomach after a hearty meal, so I prefer having some citrus fruits instead, you know, to help with digestion  Hearty meal (n): bữa ăn lớn  Citrus fruit (n): thuộc họ cam, chanh  Digestion (n): tiêu hoá Topic: Handwriting Do you often write with your hand(s)? 0 I was a kid, I did that on a daily basis but Well, I rarely write with my hands When not anymore now; most of the time I type on my laptop I haven9t written anything up to 300 words for several years, so I reckon my handwriting is kinda spidery now  On a daily basis: ngày  Reckon (v): cho  Spidery (adj): vằn vện, xấu Do you prefer handwriting or typing on the computer? Typing obviously Most, if not all, of my work involves a lot of keyboard tapping I spend on average hours a day typing, and I don9t think I actually hand-write anything except for when I need to sign, scribble out a shopping list or, once in a blue moon, write love letters (laugh)  Keyboard tapping (n): gõ phím  Scribble (v): ghi nhanh  Once in a blue moon: lâu lâu, họa hoằn Would you say that having good handwriting is important? I reckon students with neat and clean cursives may have an edge over those with bad handwriting My former teachers would complain all the time that my words are illegible, some of whom even gave me bad grades (laugh) However, it9s not that important in the 21st century9s world of work – office workers not bother writing anything with their hands  Cursive (n): chữ viết (có nét nối mà học sinh tiểu học hay viết)  Have an edge over: có lợi  Illegible (adj): khơng đọc Do you think that computers will completely replace handwriting? Yes, I With laptops and smartphones, typing and texting have become our goto methods of word processing in the 21st century Writing has had its day, and I think it will be much less important in the next 20-30 years  Go-to: dùng thường xuyên, liên tục  Word processing: xử lý chữ viết  Have had its day: trở nên phổ biến Topic: Headphones Do you use headphones? Yes, I In fact, I have two different earphones and headphones which serves different purposes After all, I am an audiophile!  Audiophile (n): người học qua âm 0 What type of headphones you use? Like I said previously, I9m a music aficionado, and therefore I have wired, studioquality over-ear headphones to cater to the need for high-fidelity music I also have true wireless earbuds when I9m on holiday  Music aficionado (n): người đam mê âm nhạc  Wired headphones (n): tai nghe có dây In what conditions would you not use headphones? Hmm that9s an interesting question I wouldn9t want to wear headphones when I9m in the middle of an offline meeting I don9t use headphones when I commute either, as I think listening to music when I'm riding might put me at risk of unwanted accidents I9m an accident-prone person ya know 0 Topic: Shoes Do you like buying shoes? I love buying shoes I9m not a sneaker-head or anything, but I buy new shoes on a regular basis I have a whole collection of shoes, ranging from sneakers, sandals, boots, slip-ons, loafers to high heels Shoes, in my opinion, are indispensable in completing a look, especially to someone who owns a wide variety of clothing items like I  Sneaker-head (n): người chơi giày  On a regular basis: thường xuyên Have you ever bought shoes online? Countless times, I have to say I mean I buy most of my things online and shoes are no exception Though I enjoy in-store shoe shopping, as I can try them on to see if they fit, purchasing footwear on websites is a much more convenient experience There is an accurate size chart for every kind of shoes, so all I have to is to pick up the color I love and wait for the package to be delivered  Be no exception: ngoại lệ  Fit (v): vừa vặn How much money you usually spend on shoes? I try not to splurge on shoes, because it would result in me living beyond my means However, I think a good pair of shoes is a worthy investment, as it 0 ...GIẢI ĐỀ IELTS SPEAKING PART QUÝ 1/ 2022 (THÁNG 01 – 04 /2022) Topic: Home/ accommodation Topic: Study ... 11 Topic: History 11 Topic: Sweets & Cakes 12 Topic: Handwriting 13 Topic: Headphones 14 Topic: Shoes 15 Topic: Science... 15 Topic: Science 16 Topic: Concentration 17 Topic: Pets and Animals 18 Topic: Colours 19 Topic: Phone applications 20

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2022, 12:26

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