Advanced Computer Architecture - Lecture 8: Computer hardware design. This lecture will cover the following: multi cycle datapath and control design; example of single cycle design; multi cycle design - datapath; hardware design principles; controller FSM spec; sequencer-based control unit;...
CS 704 Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture Computer Hardware Design (Multi Cycle Datapath and Control Design) Prof Dr M Ashraf Chughtai Today’s Topics Recap: Single cycle datapath and control Example of Single Cycle Design Multi Cycle Design - Datapath Summary MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture – Computer H/W Design (2) Recap: Lecture Basic building blocks of a computer: CPU, Memory and I/O sub-systems and Buses CPU sub-system: Datapath and control Phases of instruction performing: Fetch and Execute Datapath Designs: Uni-, 2- and 3-bus structures Micro-operations of Fetch and execute phases: - Fetch: MBR M[PC]; PC PC+4; IR MBR - Exe: ID, operand read; exe; mem; WB 3-bus based single cycles data path – MIPS datapath Control signals for single cycles data path – Add Instruction MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture – Computer H/W Design (2) A critical review of single cycle datapath and control signals Fetch Circuit Instruction Memory Address nPC_sel 00 Adder imm16 PC Mux Adder PC Ext MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Instruction Clk address alignment at the boundary of 4 Lecture – Computer H/W Design (2) A critical review of single cycle datapath and control signals … Cont’d Rt busA 32 32 Zero Rd MemWr Clk Imm16 MemtoReg 32 Data In 32 ALUSrc Rs WrEn Adr 32 Mux 16 Extender imm16 ALUctr ALU Rw Ra Rb 32 32bit Registers busB 32 Rt Rs Mux 32 Clk Clk Mux RegWr busW Rt RegDst Rd Instruction Fetch Unit nPC_sel Instruction Data Memory ExtOp MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture – Computer H/W Design (2) Control Signals for Add rd,rs,rt R[rd] R[rs] + R[rt] RegWr = 1 16 Extender imm16 32 Rs Rd Imm16 MemtoReg = 0 Zero MemWr = 0 32 Data In 32 Clk WrEn Adr 32 Mux busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32bit Registers busB 32 Rt Mux 32 Clk ALUctr = Add Rt ALU busW Rs Mux Clk Rt Rd Instruction Fetch Unit RegDst = 1 nPC_sel= +4 Instruction Data Memory ALUSrc = 0 MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture ExtOp = x Lecture – Computer H/W Design (2) Instruction Fetch Unit at the End of Add PC