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T1 What ways do you know of finding a job? In your opinion, what is the most effective way of finding a job? Give the affective reasons With the advancement of technology, the job search is becoming increasingly diverse Searching for jobs through social media ads, newspapers, flyers, personal relationships, company websites, or job search websites, for example In my honest opinion, Internet job search websites are the best way to find work There are several amazing benefits to looking for work b.

T1: What ways you know of finding a job? In your opinion, what is the most effective way of finding a job? Give the affective reasons With the advancement of technology, the job search is becoming increasingly diverse Searching for jobs through social media ads, newspapers, flyers, personal relationships, company websites, or job search websites, for example In my honest opinion, Internet job search websites are the best way to find work There are several amazing benefits to looking for work by using this method To begin with, a large number of major employers typically use job search portals to find their desired employees The drop-down menu displays all of the available positions, and some even allow job seekers to design their resumes and then apply directly on the site The second reason is convenience At the convenient time and location, a job seeker can access thousands of job openings in the blink of an eye Last but not least, this method is good for the economy The cost of printing cover letters, resumes, and paying for postage to send applications to employers is lower Many job seekers prefer using Internet job search websites to traditional ones All things considered, it appears reasonable to assume that the Internet job search portal is the most effective tool for job hunting T2: What should candidates consider when writing a CV? Writing a good CV is critical for students at the start of their careers As a result, there are some factors that applicants should consider when writing a CV, such as content and appearance The appropriate length in terms of form is to pages Check that the alignment is correct and that each section is clearly defined Avoid using too much color — black writing on a white background is the easiest to read Also, make sure to use a professional font In terms of content, the CV should include personal information, education level, professional experience, skills, career goals, and references There are a few things that candidates should remember when writing a CV as well, such as keeping it brief, avoiding superfluous personal details such as age and religion, and don't write in the first person—start sentences with verbs The hobbies and interests section could be added, but keep it short Prepare carefully to impress the employer, as a good CV will help you access better job opportunities T3: What should you before, during and after a job interview? Preparation beforehand is critical, as is the way you perform in the interview itself and the way you follow up afterwards Prior to the interview, the candidate should research the company to gain a better understanding of the culture and working environment Candidates should also prepare for questions that may be asked by the interviewer, practice your responses, and prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer During the interview, the candidate should be confident and answer the questions logically and to the point Also, talk about more than just what's on your resume After the interview, staying in contact with the hiring manager is necessary A quick message to the hiring manager thanking them for their time goes a long way Preparation and initiative will make your job application process go more smoothly T4: What are some advantages and disadvantages to using an online jobsearch site to look for a job? To begin with, there are several amazing benefits of using an online jobsearch site to look for a job First of all, a large number of major employers typically use job search portals to find their desired employees The drop-down menu displays all of the available positions, and some even allow job seekers to design their resumes and then apply directly on the site The second is convenience At this convenient time and location, a job seeker can access thousands of job openings in the blink of an eye Last but not least, this method is good for the economy The cost of printing cover letters, resumes, and paying for postage to send applications to employers is lower However, any application method has its limitations, and so does an online job-search site The biggest drawback of this method is the lack of direct human-to-human interaction The lack of interaction can cause recruiters to miss out on good candidates or job seekers to miss out on good companies Another disadvantage is the problem of privacy and security Scammers can get users' personal information, such as phone numbers and addresses for unauthorized activities Despite both its good and bad sides, using an online job-search site is still an effective method of job hunting T5: What are some stages in the application process? Typically, the application process consists of seven stages The process starts when a recruiter posts information about a vacant position on the company's website or on social networking sites The job seekers will then apply for the position that is best suited to them In the third stage, the employer will choose the candidates who are best match the company's requirements from a large number of applicants The employer will then invite the selected candidates to a face-to-face interview After candidates have participated in the interview and answered the recruiter's questions, the hiring manager will evaluate the results of the interview and select those who are truly qualified to work for company Following the release of the results, the chosen people will have the option to accept or decline the company's offer T6: Name some methods of selling? In your opinion, what is the most effective way to promote and sell products? Advertising is a good way to reach a lot of potential customers - but there are other selling techniques as well There’s personal selling, for example This means employing sales representatives to make regular sales visits to customers and potential customers Another method of promotion is public relations This invloves of creating news and getting information about the company or its products in the press or on TV For example when a pop star launches a new album, people write it in the music magazines And this brings publicity for the company And we have sponsorship A company pays money to have its name linked to an event or a person such as a sports personality The person wears clothing with the name of the company on it But for me, sales promotions is the most effective way to promote and sell products These include special offers, for example: ‘Ten per cent reduction in price’; or ‘Buy satellite TV and get free installation’ and discounts that encourage people to buy Other examples of sales promotions include competitions and free gifts This is the traditional way, but it works quickly and directly Not only that, there are still have many more selling methods on the market today T7: What ethical reasons could people have for not buying from a particular company? The first reason a product loses my interest is when it is tested on animals We’ve all seen the horrible pictures on the internet of bunnies and monkeys undergoing animal testing for some products It’s gruesome and sad, since it’s not the first thing we think of when we're picking out our makeup, shampoo, and household products I believe that animal-tested products are inhumane The second reason for not buying from a particular company is when that brand deceives consumers With the development of the eco-friendly trend, businesses are also starting to convert their products into eco-friendly, biodegradable products However, there are firms or individuals who take advantage of this way to market their products while those products are not really environmentally friendly They release into the environment non-biodegradable plastic waste, causing the greenhouse effect, affecting the marine environment This is not only confusing for consumers, but also seriously affects the environment Such scams should be properly prevented and punished Some other reasons such as human rights violations, racism, child labor exploitation and other violations of law and morality will also be reasons for me to boycott that company T8: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using email to contact customers? Email is quick, dependable, and portable, which provides several advantages when used for business communication To begin with, email is frequently a free tool for personal or business use You can send and receive messages for free, using a data or Wi-Fi connection Email is also paperless, which saves money and also having a positive impact on the environment Second, you can reach people all over the world with just a few clicks When people use email for business, they can send and receive information at any time of day or night Third, email provides customers with a quick and easy way to provide feedback on products and services to a company Customers can even contact company representatives via email, and their concerns are frequently addressed via email Beside its many advantages, email has some flaws that you should be aware of, such as spam: Too many spam email messages can irritate readers Spam emails are junk mail messages that are typically sent for advertising purposes However, some of these emails are designed to steal your personal information, such as your bank account information There's a possibility that some people on your mailing list aren't receiving your emails Although there are still some limitations, it cannot be denied the importance of email and email is still the first choice in online communication and work processing T9: How can companies attract attention when they launch a new product? There are many ways to grab the attention of customers when a company launches a new product Traditional but still very effective ways like putting up posters in stores so people can see them when they walk in Or by handing out flyers to passersby at public places, either put one in each bag when a customer buys something Moreover, it is also possible to apply modern approaches suitable for today's technology era such as posting detailed information about new products on the company's website or running ads with promotions on the social networking sites On social media, there has recently been a trend of livestream sales or product review videos shot by famous and influential people With a large number of people accessing the network today, it has become easier for companies to reach, advertise and attract customers's attention T10: Why are students an important market in the UK? How to reach this market? The first reason students have become a significant market in the UK is that they spend money Many students are living on their own for the first time when they start going to university As a result, they are excited to be able to make their own independent choices for the first time, and they are more likely to begin choosing their favorite brands Furthermore, students frequently shop both online and in person The second most important reason is brand loyalty Today's students are tomorrow's consumers, and if they have a favorable opinion of the brand, they will most likely return as a customer several times However, reaching this potential market will be difficult It is necessary to develop marketspecific strategies, such as maximizing the value of media to influence students Traditional methods of promotion, such as discount programs and buy one get one free deal, will also capture the interest of the students with limited financial resources With clever strategies, businesses can capture this potential market and turn them into long-term customers T11: Do Vietnamese people complain alot? What about? There is one study shows that Vietnamese people complain 15% more than Thais That is considered a pretty high percentage Vietnamese people frequently express dissatisfaction with the quality of goods Because the new age of technology has resulted in an increase in online shopping, the problem of counterfeit goods and poor quality goods is also on the rise Vietnamese people complain about quality issues in a straightforward, unwavering direction, and they are less likely to trust and buy from that store again The attitude of the customer service staff is the second most common complaint Long response time, inappropriate attitudes and words when responding to customers are examples of this It also harmed the store's image Vietnamese people are frequently dissatisfied with product prices or maybe with the excessive product advertising Complaining became more common nowadays and this can have an impact on company’s reputation In short, complaining has a significant impact on those who sell goods and services T12: What are the differences between the ways to complain of British people and American people? There are some distinctions between the complaining cultures of the British and the American While Americans are fastidious and complain frequently, even for small mistake, the British rarely complain and only when there is a significant problem Another difference is that British people rarely complain directly; instead, they take a roundabout way to handle the problem And when they complain about something, they get what they want As a result, the lack of complaints costs many businesses in the UK money because they don't get customer feedback, they can't improve their products, and have to pay more for customer demand surveys This occurs less frequently in the United States For the reasons stated above, the quality of complaint handling in the United States is superior to that of the United Kingdom Companies in America frequently have fixed routines and train their employees to deal with complaints and meet the needs of their customers T13: Money and having fun at work, which one is important to you? Why? For me, money is a long-term goal, but happiness at work is something that attaches to me every day, so if I had to choose between money and happiness, I would choose the latter for the following reasons Having some fun can help you come up with new ideas and problem-solving solutions When people are happy and comfortable, they will imagine more and think more deeply, allowing employees to be more creative and productive at work The second reason is that when there is a happy working environment, employees reduce work-related stress, have positive attitudes at work, and are motivated to work harder Furthermore, a stress-free work environment will encourage personal and social communication and interaction Having fun together is a great way for your team to get to know one another better, to understand each other's characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and boundaries This knowledge will allow colleagues to collaborate and communicate more effectively With the above benefits, my work productivity will be increased and I will also be paid according to my worth T14: What are the roles of customer services? The first role of customer service is to make a good impression on customers about the company's products and services Leaving a good impression on customers is the purpose of customer care for businesses As a result, if the customer service department fails to its job properly, the company has unintentionally lost a loyal customer as well as future customers Customer service is another factor that gives businesses a competitive advantage There are more and more suppliers on the market with similar prices and goods, giving consumers more options Price and quality competition will gradually give way to customer service competition Customers will love going to the company with the best customer service policies As a result, the customer service department contributes to the company's profit and revenue growth In summary, customer service is critical to the quality of customer satisfaction and the company's development T15: What are the solution to satisfy customers? Each of the customers will have a unique perspective on what defines excellent customer service As a result, you must be aware of and comprehend their requirements Take the time to learn about the types of customer service that people expect in the industry and target market Listening to customers is an important part of understanding them Pay attention to what they say, whether positive or negative The customers' feedback contains a wealth of information that will assist you in improving the next products and services Although it may appear that being criticized is bad for business, it is actually an opportunity if you look at it a different way Inconsistency is at the top of the list of things that irritate customers If the representatives are inconsistent and frequently provide inaccurate information, customers will feel confused and frustrated Make sure the brand voice and image are consistent when communicating with the customers Consistency also distinguishes you from your competitors Customers will not be confused if you communicate consistently T16: What should customer service staff to deal with customer complaints professionally? Complaints are inevitable in businesses or companies Therefore, customer service staff need to take steps to deal with customer complaints in the most professional way First, if a customer is very angry about the mistake, customer service staff should stay calm, listen carefully, don't interrupt when the customer explains the problem Second, since often the customer just wants to express their feelings, customer service staff could empathize with customers and show that they understand how the customers feel Third, say sorry to show the sincerity to the customers It’s essential to use the right language Fourth, customer service staff need to promise to something to fix what the customer has complained about They have to try to provide the customer with what he or she wants Last but not least, the staff should notify and tell the manager about the problem so that everything is handled accurately and efficiently T17: What are some factors that motivate you to work harder? Explain more about each factor Numerous factors can motivate me to work hard To begin with, having fun at work can help me come up with new ideas and problem-solving solutions When people are happy and comfortable, they will imagine more and think more deeply, allowing me to be more creative and productive at work When there is a happy working environment, I will reduce work-related stress, have a positive attitude at work, and be motivated to work harder Second, being listened to and receiving praise can boost my self-esteem, make me proud of my work, and motivate me to work more efficiently Last but not least, having promotion opportunities will be a great motivation for me to actively contribute to the company This is also the basis for me to climb the career ladder easily and faster T18: What should companies to motivate staff? Employee motivation is the key to organizational success Without motivation, companies will experience reduced productivity and lower output levels, and it is likely that the company will not meet important goals So how to motivate employees? First, companies should have good employee benefits This not only shows concern for employees but also is one of the strategies to help employees be more motivated to work because they will feel that they are being well taken care of Second, the company should give words of encouragement to employees When receiving praise, employees will gain the confidence to work harder Finally, companies can raise wages for high-achieving employees This not only increases employees' income but also has the potential to make their lives better, thereby motivate them to work hard T19: Why are some companies trying to attract young workers? In today's digital age and fierce competition in the labor market, attracting and retaining young workers is an extremely necessary job for every company First of all, young workers are human resources capable of quickly accessing the modernity of science and technology This is a key factor to help the company catch up with the development of the technology era and not be left behind compared to other companies Second, today's young workers are often very good at their professional qualifications They always try to learn new knowledge to apply to their work Third, young workers are also considered to be the successor and develop a new generation Because they have just received the valuable experience of their predecessors, they can come up with their own creative ideas, thereby helping the company to have a breakthrough and bring many achievements to the company T20: What are some ways to create fun at work? A fun work environment is a good way to boost everyone's productivity And I have some specific suggestions for this problem The first idea is to provide opportunities for socialization outside of the workplace For example, try organize team-building activities or social events that promote creativity and collaboration, such as creative workshops It's critical to make these events optional so that people don't feel obligated to attend The second is that celebrating a milestone can frequently keep employees happy and motivated Employers should also develop award programs so that employees are more likely to work toward higher goals Finally, special days are seen as an excellent tool for increasing workplace fun You can show your team members how much you appreciate them by sending in a handwritten card; it will have a significant positive impact because you took the time to make them feel special In summary, a happy working environment is essential for the quality of employee’s work T21: What are the differences at work between the past and the present Over the years, office culture has had certain changes between the past and the present Firstly, if in the past, employees had to wear uniforms such as white shirts and black skirts or pants, now, it seems that dressing has become more comfortable, employees can wear informal clothes It seems that there are even some places where you can even wear shorts and dye your hair to work This shows the liberality in the way of thinking of modern people Secondly, in the past, senior employees were respected and promoted to high positions Now, young employees have also been promoted without regard to seniority-based hierarchies because they are human resources with skills, enthusiasm, and talent Last but not least, in the past, it was the middle-aged who ruled At work, grey hair, years of loyal service and seniority counted most Now things are changing Older workers will not disappear, but they will have to share power with the young And the change will not stop there but will continue to change to suit the times T22: What are the advantages and disadvantages of large chain stores? Start with the advantages of large chain stores First, as a large chain of stores, it will certainly be a place that provides a full range of goods and services, with a variety of products to help customers easily find the items they need The prices for customers at large stores are fixed and also cheaper than those of independent retailers, because the chain stores always have discount programs Another advantage of the large chain stores is that they open every day of the week, even on Sunday Therefore, customers who are busy on weekdays still can shop on holidays Besides the advantages, large chain stores also have some disadvantages, such as owning a chain of stores everywhere, the management at each store will be limited Managers will not be able to track the details of how operations work at each facility Second, because all the chain's employees are paid, they don't bother selling and leave customers with a lack of personalized service Finally, because of its large-scale, so it’s really hard to control and supervise, and this increases operating costs significantly T23: What are the advantages and disadvantages of small shops? Start with the advantages of small shops Small shops can be very convenient when they are close to your home Just a short walk away, there are multiple small grocery stores Another advantage is that corner store workers are generally very pleasant Most of the people that work in these local shops know their customers very well They can give you some advice on what to buy because they know what your favorite products are If you don't have enough money to purchase something, they may allow you to pay later However, no matter how large the scale, there will still be certain limitations Small shops, for example, have few advertising campaigns or discounts except on opening days They usually not spend extra money on advertising after attracting local customers because they already have a certain number of loyal customers Another disadvantage is that the selection of products is not as diverse as it is in supermarkets Finally, small shops are also sometimes closed on holidays or on days when their families are busy And closed days are unannounced T24: What factors affect the price of a product? Product pricing decisions are often vital decisions of a business and are influenced by many different factors First, let's talk about the goals of the business The goals of the business often manifest in different stages, maybe the immediate goal is profit or competition or maybe the ultimate goal is non-profit or profit All of those goals affect the selling price of the products Second, the marketing policy in the business is a factor in determining the product price Third, the production cost is a factor that has decisive properties to the formation and movement of product selling prices This is a factor for businesses to survive and develop in the market Last but not least, market demand is the most important factor for any business manager Businesses need to predict the market's demand and movement trends to make product pricing decisions at the right time to maximize profits T25: Why is food getting cheaper and cheaper? Food is getting cheaper and cheaper because of advances in food production and distribution technology We are producing more and more food with less capital Therefore, food is more plentiful and cheaper than it has ever been Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen for many years, and continues to drop Supermarkets have helped push down prices, mainly because of their scale Like any big business, they can invest in IT systems that make them more efficient And their size allows them to buy in bulk As supermarkets get bigger, the prices get lower Huge retail companies have tremendous power, and they can put pressure on producers to cut their margins As a result, some producers, have had to make cuts in their workforce These cuts help keep costs down and the price of food stays low T26: How should companies set the price for their products? Price is important to everyone Companies spend a lot of time deciding how to set prices So how should a company set the price for a product? One method is a simple ‘cost-plus’ strategy You calculate what it costs to produce an item and then you add the profit margin you’d like to have And that’s your price Another medthod is to find out what your customers are ready to spend on that product Then you set the price to match And a third way is to look at the competition You see what your competitors are asking for the same kind of product and you set your price at about the same, or lower if you want to be competitive Pricing is really difficult to get right and companies have to think carefully about the different factors Pricing should be a part of a company’s plan T27: Give examples of insurance fraud you know Insurance fraud is a crime and, sadly, it is becoming more common and sophisticated There are many types of insurance fraud Among them, misrepresenting health conditions in insurance claims is one of the most common types of insurance fraud For example, smoking is one of the most common reasons people are denied life insurance or charged very high premiums Because of this, many people will lie and say they don't smoke The second type of fraud that needs to be mentioned is that involving fake insurance policies For example, beneficiaries might try to change the compensation of the policy so that they receive more if the policyholder has an accident or dies Third, pretending to be injured to receive compensation There are also other ways of cheating such as lying about a fake accident such as a fire or theft For businesses, they can also defraud their employees' insurance premiums It can be said that today, there are still many different tricks to cheat insurance on the market and they need to be prevented T28: How is an insurance company structured? The insurance company has three main departments: life products, commercial insurance, and private insurance Each department has a manager who is in charge of the staff and takes care of general administration Each department also has clerical staff, who answer the phone and deal with online applications and claims They handle most applications and claims But when there are special cases, they bring them to the underwriters, who are experts on the products handled by that department When there is a question about an application for insurance cover, the underwriters make the decision to accept or decline the risk For example, if someone is applying for insurance and that person has made three claims or more in a four-year period, that person is considered a “high risk." Sometimes the underwriters agree to accept the risk but with special terms and conditions The company may quote a higher premium or offer only limited cover T29: What is the process of identifying insurance fraud? In the face of increasing insurance fraud, insurance companies need to check for claims The process begins when a policyholder reports a claim to the company’s automated telephone system The system informs policyholders that their calls may be monitored for fraud-prevention and detection purposes If the voice analysis readings show a claim to be suspicious, the policyholder is informed that further investigation is required A live telephone interview is then arranged If policyholders withdraw their claim during the investigation process, the company will take no action Adopting this process has helped insurance companies detect about 20% of all claims as fraudulent In summary, the process of identifying insurance fraud is really essential, as it will save insurance companies a lot of money T30: What are entities in an insurance policy? In an insurance policy, there are three main entities: the insurer, the insured and the beneficiary The insurer is the insurance company, who is responsible for compensation when the insured has an accident The insured the person who is guaranteed property, health and social welfare by the insurance company They often have to pay periodic payments to maintain insurance Depending on the health status and financial situation, each person will be suitable for different types of insurance and the premiums are also different Beneficiaries are those who will receive compensation when the insured has an accident or dies Beneficiaries are usually relatives of the insured such as parents, siblings or spouses The beneficiary is also sometimes the insured in the case of property insurance ... aren't receiving your emails Although there are still some limitations, it cannot be denied the importance of email and email is still the first choice in online communication and work processing T9:

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2022, 21:20

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Mục lục

    T2: What should candidates consider when writing a CV?

    T3: What should you do before, during and after a job interview?

    T4: What are some advantages and disadvantages to using an online job-search site to look for a job?

    T5: What are some stages in the application process?

    T6: Name some methods of selling? In your opinion, what is the most effective way to promote and sell products?

    T7: What ethical reasons could people have for not buying from a particular company?

    T8: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using email to contact customers?

    T9: How can companies attract attention when they launch a new product?

    T10: Why are students an important market in the UK? How to reach this market?

    T11: Do Vietnamese people complain alot? What about?


